MOSCOW GUIDE 莫斯科游览指南 Tourist Attractions and Shopping 游览景点于购物 Supplement to Perfect Flight Magazine 完美飞行杂志的补充 PERFECT FLIGHT PERFECT FLIGHT Fall–Winter 2017/2018 • 秋冬2017/2018 MOSCOW GUIDE • 莫斯科游览指南 реклама Moscow is one of the largest 莫斯科是国际大都市之一。对大部 megalopolises in the world. It is not 分游客来说,在莫斯科辨别方向或 easy for foreign visitors to navigate 选择行进路线是一件很难的事情。 the city. “SK Press”出版社在出版地图和 SK Press Publishing in an expert publisher of easy-touse Moscow 地铁线路图方面很有经验。地图和 city and metro maps. We suggest 线路图都很方便,很好用。 that you take a walking tour of the 建议您游览一下莫斯科最有名的道 streets of Moscow; we show you the 路,参观莫斯科的名胜古迹,坐一 historic buildings and major tourist 下莫斯科的地铁,逛逛莫斯科高级 attractions; we invite you to take a ride on the Moscow Metro and to go 的专卖店。 luxury shopping. For your convenience the Guide is in 为了您方便,我们把游览指南翻译 English and Chinese. 成英语和汉语了。 俄羅斯,莫斯科,斯摩棱斯克廣場購物中心,商场一层 +7 495 937.80.89; [email protected] 2 Fall–Winter 2017/2018 • 秋冬2017/2018 SUPPLEMENT TO PERFECT FLIGHT MAGAZINE 完美飞行杂志的补充 Founder and Publisher 创立者和出版者 SK PRESS “SK Press” 股份公司 Publishing Director 出版经理 Eugene Adlerov Eugene Adlerov General Director 总经理 Leonid Teplitsky Leonid Teplitsky Project Director 项目总监 Anatoly Eides Anatoly Eides Publisher 出版者 Grigory Shushurin Grigory Shushurin Editor 编辑 Dmitry Lipkin Dmitry Lipkin Managing Editor 负责的秘书 Olga Ojegova Olga Ojegova Chief Designer 主任设计师 Viacheslav Komlev Viacheslav Komlev English Editor 英语的编辑 Judith Philips Judith Philips Advertising Sales Director 广告经理 Ivan Ivonyak Ivan Ivonyak Corporate Sales Director 销售经理 Michael Shebukov Michael Shebukov AO SK PRESS “SK Press” 股份公司 Address: 109147, Moscow, Marksistskaya str., 34, 出版社地址:109147,莫斯科,马克思主义者 corp. 10. 路,34号,10楼 Tel./Fax: +7 (495) 974-2260 / 2263. 电话/传真号码:(495) 974-2260 / 2263. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] All right reserved. The editorial board is not 版权所有,翻印联系出版社。 responsible for the content of advertisements. 为广告内容出版社无负责。 “SK Press” 股份公司是本指南的出版者,为指 Printed in OOO «Dominiko». 南装潢和内容的责任由出版社承担。 Russia, Moscow, Ul. Plekhanova, 7, corp. 25. Tel.: + 7(495) 380-3451. 印刷厂: 多米尼克 有限责任公司 莫斯科,广播路,17号。25楼 Press run: 30 000 册数;30000 The Guide is distributed in business class of Beijing- Moscow Hainan Airlines flights and in leading 散发在海南航空公司商务舱(北京-莫斯科航班)和 Moscow hotels. 莫斯科顶级酒店。 Translation Company: SKTS Translators: Altunina Olga and 王直 (Wang Zhi) ƶDŽƾƼƹdžNjdžLJNJNjǕǃƹǃNJNjǁDŽǕƿǁǀdžǁƩƾǃDŽƹDžƹ 海南航空股份有限公司(以下简称海南航空)于 省首届政府质量奖,并再次一举揽下备受全球瞩目的世 1993年1月成立,起步于中国最大的经济特区海南省, 界旅游大奖(World Travel Awards):世界最佳商务 致力于为旅客提供全方位无缝隙的航空服务。 舱、世界最佳机上娱乐、世界最佳空服人员、世界最佳 1993年至今,在以海口为主基地的基础上,先后建 客舱服务等荣誉,并被《财富》杂志评选为“最受赞赏 立了北京、西安、太原、乌鲁木齐、广州、大连、深圳 的中国公司”明星榜交通行业第1名。 七个航空营运基地/分公司。航线网络遍布中国,覆盖 海南航空传承“东方待客之道”,倡导“以客为 亚洲,辐射欧洲、北美洲、大洋洲,开通了国内外航线 尊”的服务精神,遵循“SMILE”服务准则,传递“不 700余条,通航城市近100个。自开航以来,连续安全运 期而遇,相伴相惜”品牌理念,彰显“东方之美”的国 营23年,累计安全运行超过500万小时,保持了良好安 际化新品牌形象,立志成为中华民族的世界级卓越航空 全记录,在德国航空事故数据评估中心(JACDEC)公布 企业和航空品牌。 的2016年全球最安全航空公司榜单中,海南航空名列第 近几年中俄关系不断升温。自2007年起,海南航空 三,位列于中国内地航空公司之首。海航拥有波音737 分别开通了北京至圣彼得堡、莫斯科、伊尔库茨克的客 、787系列和空客330系列为主的年轻豪华机队,截至 运往返航线。其中莫斯科、圣彼得堡航线由空客A330豪 2015年12月31日,共运营飞机超过202架,适用于客运 华宽体机执飞。全新公务舱180度平躺、公务舱机场车 和货运飞行,为旅客打造拥有独立空间的宽敞舒适的全 接送服务等让您的公务旅途舒适无缝隙。全客舱多语言 新商务舱。自2011年起,海南航空凭借高品质的服务水 个人娱乐影音系统,让长途飞行更加有趣。万里云端多 平及持续多年的服务创新,连续六次荣膺SKYTRAX全球 种美食、酒水供您选择。 五星级航空公司。2016年更是屡获殊荣,不仅斩获海南 不期而遇,相伴相惜。 Longines Boutiques Moscow 3HWURYNDVWUWHO 更多优惠详见海外官网:www.hainanairlines.com 莫斯科办事处地址:Moscow, Novoslobodckaja street 4, Shopping 6PROHQVND\DVTXDUH7%&´6PROHQVN\SDVVDJHµ centre Friendship, 3rd floor WHO 电话:+74956600555,邮箱:[email protected] 圣彼得堡办事处地址:St. Petersburg, Nevsky prospekt 19 电话:+78123398888,邮箱:[email protected] INFORMATION 有效信息 莫斯科市内公共交通 出租车 Wheely, Yandex.Taxi 和GetTaxi类似于Uber。您可以叫一辆出 公共交通票价格 租车,按照路线执行您的在线订单,订单会传递给出租车公司 的数以千计的司机,您可以通过他们的网站或Android、iOS应 Ediny(多合一票)价格:55卢布 用程序使用。软件的用户只需动动手指即可订车、评价服务。 可以乘坐任何公共交通工具,可在售票处买到。多次的票可以 市内平均价格为400卢布(5.82欧元)。出租车公司通常有固 重复使用。 定的价格,比如去机场或火车站——大约1200卢布(17.45欧 TRANSPORT IN MOSCOW Taxi 元)。节假日和夜间运行价格较高。 Wheely, Yandex.Taxi and GetTaxi are services similar to “90分钟”票 价格:65-2650卢布 请注意,本指南的汇率是发文时利率。 Public transport prices Uber. They allow you to order a taxi and follow the execution 这种票90分钟内可搭乘地铁一次,地上交通无限制次数。 of your order at the map. Orders are transmitted to the 财产和安全 Ediny (All-in-One) ticket services’ partners – thousands of taxi companies and drivers. One ride by any means of public transport. All the other kinds of tickets You can connect to these services through their sites or through Android Troika票 现金 are available in the ticket offices. Tickets for bigger amount of trips are or iOS apps. With these applications, the user can order a taxi with just 一种电子交通卡,可以一次充值,多次使用,乘坐市内各种公 俄罗斯的官方货币是卢布,但是不排除在一些阿尔巴特古董 more profitable. 55 P one touch of the display on the mobile device, follow the route of the 共交通。 店,老板会愉快地接受你的美元或欧元(如果数额足够大的 ordered cars and share your opinion about the quality of service. The 话),然而,一般来说,在莫斯科用任何外国现金无法进行购 90 minutes ticket average price within the city is 400 rub. Taxi companies usually have fixed 乘行票 买。莫斯科到处都有货币兑换亭和ATM机(至少在市中心), For one ride by metro and unlimited number of connections by land prices for getting to the airports or train stations – about 1200 rub. There transport during 90 minutes (1-60 rides). 65-2650 P are also higher fares on holidays and at night. Please note that euro prices 单次或两次的车票只可以在售票处购买,售票处位于市内巴士 这些地方很安全(不过,以防万一,最好在银行兑换现金,那 next to rouble ones in our guide are always based on today’s rates. 站旁边。票价是55或110卢布,售票处买多次的票更方便 。在 里的汇率很吸引人)。货币兑换亭、银行分行和自动柜员机在 Troika ticket 公共汽车、无轨电车或有轨电车上,您也可以买到票,但是只 机场的每一个航站楼都有,在那里您可以收发汇款、购买货币 An electronic transportation card that allows you to top-up the MONEY, SAFETY AND CONDUCT 有单次票,价格55卢布。您还可以使用“Troika”交通卡,充 或提取现金。 balance, add tickets for all means of city transport and a season pass 值一次后,可以乘坐各种公共交通–地铁、公共汽车、无轨电 for commuting trains Money The official currency of Russia is rouble and this has long been no 车、有轨电车、轻轨和绿色专线小巴。 银行卡 Tickets formality. By all means, it cannot be ruled out that, in some antique 莫斯科地铁运行时间是早上5:30到翌日凌晨1:00, 由于首 据莫斯科官方称, VISA 和 MasterCard 卡几乎在任何地方都 You can buy tickets for 1 or 2 trips only in ticket offices. They are shop in the Arbat, they will happily accept your dollars or euros (if the 班列车到达每个站台的时间不同,每个地铁站的开放时间也会 会被接受,而且很快就不会有不接受银行卡的商店或咖啡馆。 located at some bus stops throughout the city. Tickets cost 55 and 110 amount is big enough); however, generally, you will not be able to buy 不同,但其关闭时间都是晚上1点。在早晚高峰时段,列车的 目前,莫斯科的开放市场是唯一只接受现金的地方。 rubles respectively. Ticket offices sell all kind of tickets; ones for bigger anything in Moscow with foreign cash. Currency exchange kiosks and 最短间隔是90秒。每一条线根据字母数字索引(通常包括一 官方汇率 amount of trips are more profitable. You can buy a single ticket at a ATM machines are located at every turn (in the city centre, at least) driver when you enter a bus, trolleybus or tram. Drivers sell only single and it is safe to use them (however, just in case, you better change 个数字)、名称或颜色来标示。地铁站的俄语名也会用英文读 您可以在俄罗斯中央银行网站上查到官方货币兑换率。 tickets, they cost 55 rubles. You can also use a card called «Troyka» your money in a bank even if the exchange rate there isles appealing). 出,男声代表地铁正驶向城市中心或以顺时针行驶,女声表示 官网:www.cbr.ru – refillable card to pay for travelling on all kinds of public transport Currency exchange kiosks, bank branches and ATMs are located in 地铁驶离城市中心或正以逆时针方向行驶。每个地铁线都有各 – metro, buses, trolley-buses, trams, monorail and green minibuses. every terminal of the airport, where you can send and receive money 自的颜色标识。 安全 Every trip becomes much cheaper with it. All metro tickets can be used transfers, buy currency or withdraw cash. 一般来说,莫斯科是一个非常安全的城市,莫斯科的警察工作 at the surface transport, and vise versa. Bank card 公共交通(公共汽车,电车,有轨电车和marshrutka(小巴) 得很好,街头犯罪率也很少。但无论如何,在每个大都市你都 Metro VISA and MasterCard cards are accepted virtually everywhere and 运行时间为早上5:30到翌日凌晨1:00。公共汽车站有一 应该注意扒手,远离如卖淫和吸毒的区域。与其他世界首都不 The Moscow Metro is open from about 5:30 am until 1:00 am. The soon, according to the Moscow authorities, there will be no shop or 个“A”标牌,无轨电车站有“T”标牌,电车站有“TP”标 同的是,莫斯科没有红灯区。然而,一个不会说俄语的外国人 precise opening time varies at different stations according to the arrival cafe where you would not be able to pay by card. Moscow open markets 牌,在这些车站也可以上小巴(marshrutka)。Yandex拥有公共 在莫斯科夜间散步,或多或少会有危险,但话说回来,一般如 of the first train, but all stations simultaneously close their entrances and are the only places where they accept cash only. 交通软件(iOS、Android)显示公共汽车、无轨电车和有轨电 果某个游客是清醒而友好的,他应该会没问题。 transitions to other lines at 01:00 am for maintenance. The minimum interval between trains is 90 seconds during the morning and evening rush Official currency rates 车的站点位置,也显示其实时到站时间。公共汽车是地铁之后 在任何紧急情况下拨打112 hours. Each line is identified according to an alphanumeric index (usually You can check the official currency rates at the website of the Russian 最受欢迎和最常用的交通工具,第一辆公共汽车出现在1917 consisting of a number), a name and a color. Voice announcements in Central Bank. www.cbr.ru 革命之前;现在有18辆巴士车队在一千多条线路上运行, 乘 如何不得罪别人 Russian refer to the lines by name and by numbers in English. A male 坐公共汽车可以游览市内和郊区的莫斯科。 莫斯科是欧洲的一个现代化世俗城市,没有严格的公共行为规 voice announces the next station when traveling towards the center of Safety 莫斯科拥有世界上最大的电车体系。现在,新的高速列车取代 则。然而,俄国人在公共有些保守,尽量不要展示狂热的政 the city or the clockwise direction on the circle line, and a female voice In general, Moscow is perfectly safe city, where the police work well – when going away from the center or the counter-clockwise direction at and street crimes are on a quite low level. By all means, same as in any 了旧的黄色列车。Marshrutka小巴是小型客车,它的路线跟公 治、宗教信仰或性别取向。在莫斯科,禁止在公共场合饮酒, the circle. The lines are also assigned specific colors for maps and signs. other metropolitan city, you should be aware of pickpockets and stay 共交通的路线相同,但速度更快。到达目的地时,你只要要求 包装纸和瓶子不要乱扔。警方严厉打击虐待行为。 away from prohibited entertainments such as prostitution or drugs. 司机停车。单程的费用大约是50卢布(0.73欧元),车费上 除了自己的公寓,地铁站、学校、医院、体育馆以及其他公共 Public transport (Buses, trolleys, trams and marshrutkas (minibuses)) Unlike other world capitals, there are no particularly ill-famed locality 车即付。晚上,所有的日间交通和地铁停止工作,只有夜间巴 场所内禁止吸烟,咖啡馆和餐馆也禁止吸烟。 Working hours are from 5:30 AM to 1:00 AM. The bus-stop is a plate in Moscow. However, a foreigner, who does not speak Russian, would 士,无轨电车和有轨电车在开放,运行时间是凌晨1点到5点 with A sign, trolleybus-stop with a T and tram-stops are marked with be, for sure, running a greater risk at night somewhere in the outskirts Tp.
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