Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1983 The ommeC nt, April 14, 1983 Bridgewater State College Volume 57 Number 9 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1983). The Comment, April 14, 1983. 57(9). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/481 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. THE COMMENT Vol. LVII No. 9 Bridgewater State College April 14, 1983 Vonnegut Addresses Sellout Crowd By Robert Flynn ten years ago to live in New arts." and Brett Peruzzi York City, citing the fact that The author holds _no illu­ after living on the Cape sions about his profession, The highly acclaimed wri­ twenty years the only friends and freely admitted that he 1 ter Kurt Vonnegut spoke last he. had made were his own ' became a writer to get night before a full house in children. enough money to live on." He the Student Union Ballroom. Vonnegut also spoke on likened writing to· cabinet­ Vonnegut, famous for such the macho image of hard making, in that both are a popular and award winning drinkers that American wri­ craft that must be developed novels as SlaughterHouse­ ters have tried to project if you want to do it well. Five and Brea ktast of Cham­ because of their fear of being "You've got to learn your pions, spoke for an hour to a labeled "feminine" because craft if you want to make captive audence of nearly of their involvement of the money," he emphasized. 1000 on subjects ranging arts. He doesn't believe wri­ Vonnegut also tossed out a from nuclear disarmament to ters have to prove their man­ few humorous barbs about farting tap dancers. hood. Uirough drinking. and some contemporary authors, He introduced himself as a jokingly said that "if you suggesting that Truman former resident of Southeast­ really want to upset your par­ Capote, Gore Vidal and Nor­ ern Massachusetts, Barnsta­ ents and you're afraid to ten man Mailer ~re well known them you're homosexual, tell writers because they appear Photo: Brett Peruzzi ble on Cape Cod to be exact, Kurt Vonnegut but admitted he left the Cape them you're going into the See LECTURE page 10 Vonnegut: An Interview With The Author COMMENT: What do you By Robert Flynn writers. the premise before yo'u ca.n starving to death. and Brett Peruzzi answer. think of the censorship, and sometimes burning, of your COMMENT: Why did you COMMENT: Do you identify Prior to his lecture, The come to Bridgewater? COMMENT: Do you think at all with the current anti­ books? Co_mment was granted an today's college students are nuclear or peace movement? VONNEGUT: It interview with author Kurt VONNEGUT: I was invited. apathetic and less involved always Vonnegut. In person, Vonne- I'm making a tour. with society and more VONNEGUT: Oh sure. I've happens in rura\ areas. When ii. happens ..people have .110 .·· fl,Ut~«;JY:&e!:· ··tD:)<.. l'NJf;.~"~t~ .__ ... 11~4 -~.'''f~~-~~·":~,r~>:''t;~ :~r~;•:,~·-,1~-.t~,,,~. ·:·~: .: · ..,;J•.:tv<*•~.. ~tA$ms~~, · -~:tlw~;ys :b~en ..in ... the ... peace . earthy and humorous man COMMENT: You were once thing. I'm a notoriQUS paci­ idea ·how the Constitution that comes through in his accused at a lecture you were VONNEGUT: Well, they have fist. The world renews itself works. It's perhaps the first books. He spoke informally, giving of making America's reason to be. When there's a all the time with old poops Constitutional issue they've laughing frequently while he youth cynical and pessimis­ depression going ·on and dying and ·young people ever been involved in. They're flabbergasted. chain smoked Pall Malls, the tic. Is this a vali~ charge? there aren't many. jobs coming to power. Reagan is only. brand he has smoked around you have a survival very much at peace with his since 1936. The following are VONNEGUT: It was an problem. I think they are vety · generation, which is disap­ COMMENT: You've rated excerpts from a two hour absurd premise. lfsomebody wise to learn computer tech­ pearing now. Reagan can't your books in the· past. How conversation with the 60 year -starts with an angry accusa­ nology, or be an x-ray techni­ conceive of these things as would you rate. your latest old self-proclaimed "hack tion that has an absurd pre­ cian or anything in any area anything more than a hopped book, Deadeye Dick? writer" who is considered mise, it's going to take you a where. there's jobs. This up Colt .44. See INTERVIEW page 10 one of the world's leading couple of weeks to get rid of society-won't keep you from WBIM, Phi PtDe.Ita/To Host Forum Former Boston Bruin Derek Sanderson spoke By .Brett Peruzzi tee an opportunity.to present candidates. The forum will be their views on various cam­ broadcast live on WBIM, 91.5 In the Student Union BSC radi'o station WBIM pus issues to the student on the FM dial. Ballroom on Aprll 5 to and Phi Pi Delta will sp6nsor population before the elec­ Featured will be Bill Brassil over 150 people on how a "Meet The Candidates tion is held next Wednesday and Paul Dobson, candidates Night'' on Tuesday, April 19 and Thursday.. for SGA President, and Chris alcohol affected his at 7:00 p.m. in the Student Comment Co-News Editor Harwood and Matt Regan, career. The lecture was Union Demonstration Room. Robert Flynn and Laurel candidates for Student sponsored by Project P.­ The event is t:>eing held to Bowman, co-host of WBIM Trustee. A.R.T.Y. · See story on give candidates for SGA talk show The News Stand, President and Student Trus- will direct questions to the page 10. On Data· Base Library Computerizing Holdings By Brett Peruzzi , ing on how long they have Leung. been in the system. Operation of the terminal is The next time you're look­ The Maxwell library, which relatively simple, according . ing for a book or trying to joined the system in 1980, to Leung. 11 You just type in research a topic in the Max­ has a listing for every periodi~ .the author's nanie, c;>r the title --well library, the information cal, book, manuscript, and of the book, or both; accord- you need may be right at. your record that the library has ing to the directions on the fingertips. acquired slnce 1980; Anyone' table next to the terminal.'' It's because of the recent looking for material that the she said. ·The system,'· she installation of a video compu­ library had priorto 1980 will added; hasn't got much use ter terminal that gives the still have to r.ely on the card except by the library staff in library access to the Online catalog, although the library the month since it was Union Catalog, a nation-wide . eventually hopes to have all installed, although it is open computerized data base, that . o.f its holdings on the compu­ to anyone. "A lot of students Periodical libr~rian Mary Myers uses new Online Union lists some of the holdings of ter~s data base, which is aren't aware. it's for public Catalog. 3,000 participating libraries Photo: Ed Donahue loc~ted in Ohio, according to See LIBRARY· page 4 .across ·the country,.depend- . Reference Librarian Joyce 2 The Comment Thursday, April 14, 1983 The Comment Endorses Thank' Why Vote? BILL BRASSIL a commentary Election time is here at Bill Brassil, candidate for You by David A. Kutcher how your student fees will be Bridgewater State College SGA President. Bill Brassil is spent. Secondly, it is your once again. Every year currently 2nd Vice President Dear Stuart and all members Student Government Elec­ civic responsibility to vote in 8.S.C.'s students must to Rob Berger. He is actively of the Comment staff, tions will be held on Wednes­ these deserving individuals choose their leaders. As a involved on the Program This is just a little note to day and Thursday the 20th whom you feel wou Id dis­ service to our readers we Committee, the Board of say keep up the good work. I and 21st of April. As students charge the duties effectively. allowed all the candidates to Governors and the Heritage was especially impressed by at Bridgewater State College We are becoming educated submit letters explaining why Week Committee Coordina- the quality of the paper this we have an obligation to vote. in a society that advocates they should be elected. tor. With Bill's experience we week. It was done in a very Why vote? Because of two liberties, freedom, and jus­ These letters are on page 3. feel that there is no choice. pro!essional manner and significant reasons. Fore­ tice. I believe that a strong The entire staff of The Vote Bill Brassil for SGA ~ch1eved a measure of qual- most, the fees you pay at the and healthy student govern­ Comment strongly endorses President. 1ty ~hat our students deserve. beginning of each semester ment promotes the general 1 are pooled in an account that' welfare of the students here :;tmiw=mrni':tWWMtlrnitn:=mmnttt:titt::=iw::I ~~ ~~~:~i?fF ~~~~~~~h;~ is spent according to how the at BSC. I believe in the demo­ student senate votes. When cratic process which has :::::::: ::::::::: On behalf.of myself and all you vote these people into maintained our nation, and I ~:~:~:~: :i~fi: the students I represent, I office, they will directly affect encourage you to vote.
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