tol GOVERTIMENT OF KARNATAKA No. FEE 60 FLL 2018 Karnataka Govbrnment Secretariat Multistoried Buildings, Bengaluru, Date: 07-12-2018 From: The Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Forest, Ecology and Environment Department, Bengaluru, Karnataka. To: The Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), Regional Office (Southern Zone), Kendriya Sadan, 4tl, Floor, E&F Wings, 1 7th Main, Koramangala, Bengaluru. Sir, Sub: Diversion of 1.26 hectare of forest land in Sy.No. I of Chikkamannugudde Reserved Forest, Kasaba Hobli, Channapatna ' Taluk, Ramanagara Dstrict and Division for construction of 66 KV SC line for a distance of 0.949 km from existing 66 KV Kotipura- channapatna s/c line to proposed to 661fi KV vandarguppe Substation in Channapatna 'faluk, in favour of the Executive Engineer (Electrical), Major Works Division, Karnataka Power Tramsmission corporation Limited (Kprcl-), old BM Road, Ramanagara. Ref: Letter No. A5(4).cFL.cR.09l20t6-r7, dated l r-10-201g of the Prinicipal Chief Conservator of Foresls (HoFF), Bengaluru. ***,1.* With reference to the above subject, the proposal submitted by the Prinicipal Chief Conservator of Forests (HoFF), Bengaluru vide letter referred to above and recommendation of the State Government (Part-V) are herewith enclosed. I am directed to request you to convey 'in-principte' (Stage-I) approval under Section 2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of 1.26 hectare of forest e land in Sy.No. I of Chikkamannugudde Reserved Forest, Kasaba Hobli, Channapatna Taluk, Ramanagara District and Division for construction of 66 KV SC line for a i distance of 0.949 km from existing 66 KV Kotipura-Channapatna S/C line to L proposed 66lll KV Vandarguppe Substation in Channapatna Taluk, in favour of the G- Executive Engineer (Electrical), Major Works Division, Karnataka Power Tramsmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL), old BM Road, Ramana_eara. Yours faithfully Malleshwaram, B engaluru-560003 . 2. Spare Copies/SGF. loo Part-V (To be filled in by ih. S....tary in charge of Forest Department or by iny other authorized officer of the State Government not below the rank of an Under Secretary) Recommendation of the Recommended for diversion of l.26hectare of State Government forest land in Sy.No. I of Chikkamannugudde Reserved Forest, Kasaba Hobli, Channapatna Taluk, Ramanagara District and Division for construction of 66 KV SC line for a distance of 0.949 km from existing 66 KV Kotipura- Channapatna S/C line to proposed to 66111 KV Vandarguppe Substation in Channapatna Taluk, in favour of the Executive Engineer (Electrical), Major Works Division, Karnataka Power Tramsmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL), Old BM Road, Ramanagara. File No: FEE 60 FLL 2018 Date: 07-12-2018 Signature: Name & Designation: Forest, Ecology and Environment Department (Forest-C t Forest rtment Official Seal: <- s.c\ . \T \>_g duosad daasd * GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA €oor rs),rd rcdroo Bod$6De6-co erdro, 4ldd, l8de eq d{, d:sedodo (udro, .C d)$dio:) ooo rd:cr zSorl$,odc-560 003. Office ol' Aranya Bhavan, l gth Cross, Principal Chief Conservator o1' Iiorests Malleshwaram, Bengaluru-5 60 (l{ead ofForest Force) 003 Telephone :080 2334 6472 No: Al.4 ).GFL.CR .Og/2016-17 q=s5,s<^L To, R S Znc-l.er.,I ) v-f{, Additional Chief Secretary to Governm Forest, Environment and Ecology Departme M.S. Building, Bengaluru_560 001. Sub: Diversion of 1.26 hectare of forest land in ,rffim-i[ , of chikkamannLrgude Reserved Forest, Kasaba Hobri, channapatna l-alLlk, Rarrtanagara District & Dir,,ision for construction of 66 KV sc li,e- f.r a distance of 0.949 km from existing 66 KV Kotipura-channapatna s/c rine to proposed to 66lilKV Vandarguppe Substation in Chann apatna Taluk, in f'avour of the Executive fingineer (Electrical), Major works Division, power Karnataka Transmission corporation Limited (Kprcl), Old BM ftoad. Rantanagara. rl- j [Proposal o. I]p/KA/TRAN S I 97 I gl2} I 6) I{ef: I online Proposal ) dated 20-06-2017 (resubmittecr) of the Execurive ISngineer (Erectrical), Major works Division, KPTCI.. Old BM Road, Ramanagara. 'l'his 2) ol'llce onli.e com,u.ication datecr 24-og-2017 [online link transl'er to DCF]. 3) online submission pART-II of on r2-or-20rg and repry dated 03-10-2018 to the latest EDS query of circre office No. \A [I-etter A5/L]'ID/FC/cR-46/2017-r}l2oo5 dated 24_ot_ 20 I B read with 06-08_201 81. 4) online submission part-lll of on 02-03-2org and online reply clated 03-10-2019 to EDS query of Nodar officer fchiel- c]onservat.r of Forests, Bengaluru circle, Bengaluru lette. N.. ASILND/FclcR-46120r7-rg12233 ,,\..x dated zo_02_ 20 I 8 read with 20-08-201 Bl ,fi(rft(* The Executive Engineer (Electrical), Major Works Division, Karnataka Power Transmission corporation Limited (KprcL), old BM Road, Ramanagara vide reference (l) has submitted an online proposal [pART-l] through FC Web Portal seeking prior approval for diversion of 1.26 hectare of forest land in survey number I of Chikkamannugude Reserved Forest, Kasaba Hobli, Channapatna Taluk, Ramanagara District & Division for construction of 66 KV SC line for a distance of 0.949 km from existing 66 Kv Kotipura- channapatna S/c line proposed to to 66lllKV Vandarguppe Substation in Channapatna Taluk under Section 2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 19g0. After uploading gf acknowledgement online for having delivered the hard copy of the proposal to Deputy Conservator of Forests, Ramanagara Division and Deputy commissioner, Ramanagar District by User Agency on 14-0g- 2017, an online communication was made by Nodal officer vide reference (2) to the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Ramanagara Division for further processing of the proposal under FC Act. The details of the forest land required for the project are as under: District, Taluk, Village Name of Project Hobli &Sy.No Components Ramanagara District, Chikkamannugudde Transmission line Channapatna Taluk, Sy No.l [Length 0.700 Km x Kasaba Hobli Width 0.018 KMI 1.26 ha 1' DCF, Ramanagara Division Report: The Deputy Conservator ol'Forests, Ramanagara Division has inspected the site on lo-lo-2017 and has submitted his report in PART-II to chief conservator of Forests, Bengaluru circle vide reference (3), which is summarised below. a' The requirement of forest land proposed by the User Agency is bare minimum and unavoidable for the project. b' The project area has a 0.25 densityof forest vegetation and is in Eco Class-IV. - c' As per Item 4(ii) of PART-II, there are 137 trees of species like Eucalypt;Lt,r sps, Azadirachta indica, Acacia leucophloea, Holoptelea Integrifolia, Albizzia lebbeck, etc., in 3l _60 cm and above girth classes. 6,J d. There are no rare I endangered / unique species of flora and fauna in the proposed area. However, wild animals like leopard and wild boar are sighted. e. There are no protected / archaeological I heritage sites or defence establishments or important monuments in the area. f. The proposed forest area does not form part of any Wildlife Sanctuary, National Park, Biosphere Reserve, Tiger Reserve or Elephant Corridor, etc. g' There is no violation under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. 2. CCF, Bengaluru Circle Report: The Chief Conservator of Forests, Bengaluru Circle has inspected the site on 26-02-2018 and agreeing with the recolrlmendations of the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Ramanagara Division has recommended the proposal while submitting his report in PAR'I-III vide reference (4). 3. compensatory Afforestation (cA): As per para 3.2 (vi)(c) of the Govemment of INdia FC Guidelines read with GOI FC Guidelines vide F.No. 1l-6812014-FC(pt.) Dated ll-07-2014, compensatory afforestation may be raised over a degraded forest land twice the extent of the forest area being diverted in respect of laying of transmission lines. Accordingly, the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Ramanagara Division has identified 2.52 hectare of degraded forest land in survey nrimber I of Tenginakallu State Forest, Kailancha Hobli, Channapatna Taluk, Ramanagara District for raising CA. The field officers have submitted Topo Mup, Georeferenced Mup along with GpS readings of all corners, CA Suitability Certificate & CA Scheme. 4. Net Present Value (NPV):The User Agency is required to pay the Net Present Value (NPV) for 1.26 hectare of forest land being diverted under this proposal as per orders dated 28-3-2008 and 9-5-200g of the Hon,ble Supreme court of India in I.A.No.826 in I.A.566 in wp(c) No.20211995 and Government of India FC Guidelines vide F.No . 5-312OO7-FC Dated 05- 02-2009. The User Agency has given an Undertaking to pay the Net Present Value. 'fhe 5. ROtR Certificate: User Agency has submitted the attested copy of the Certificate of compliance under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 and Rules 200g issued by the jurisdictional Deputy Commissioner in FORM-I (l.inear projects) as per the Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forest & Climate Change, New Delhi guidelines vide F.No. ll-911 198-FC (pt) dated 3 -8-2009 105 -7 -2013 . Under the above circumstances and agreeing with the recommendation of the field officers, it is requested to move the proposal to Governttlent of India for seeking Stage-l (in-principle) approval under Section 2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of 1.26 hectare of forest Iand in survey number I of Chikkamannugude Reserved F-orest, Kasaba I lobli, Channapatna Taluk, Ramanagara District & Division for construction of 66 KV SC line for a distance of 0.949 km from existing 66 KV Kotipura-Channapatna S/C line to proposed to 66lllKV Vandarguppe Substation in Channapatna Taluk, in favour of the Executive Engineer (Electrical), Major Works Division, Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL), Old BM Road, Ramanag ara for a period of 30 years subject to the conditions appended in Annexure'At.
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