' --!....:. F 0 0 T B A L L R E l' .J E lV 0 [1, 1921 ·Contents The Varsity Squad The Schedule Coach Rockne Assistant Coach Halas Captain "Eddie" Anderson Review of the Games Varsity Gridiron men of 1921 The Reserves The Varsity in action · The Frosh Gridders Head Coach Holton Assistant Coach Hodler Interhall Football Brownson Interhall Champs The Cheer-Leaders Ideals The 1920 Chmi1ps Captains 1921-22 The Team and its fighting sp1nt Notre Dame on the gridiron Press Comment . The men we may thank J... awrance "Buck" Shaw Homecoming Student Manager Cheer· King Slaggert George Gipp .\Vest Point Our first Homecoming Stars of Yesterday Notre Dame's many victories­ Between Halves Gridiron Geneaology -.. ~ I. I I i 1 F 0 0 T B-A L·L 1~ E l' 1 E lV U 1 ' l!J41 I . I _I I --I i [? 0 0 T B A L L R E VIE 11' 0 F 1921 A··· r-;~\..., ·.~~~· F 0 0 T B A L L 1~ E 1' 1 E lV 0 F 1921 A Record ThatSpeaks for Itself THE SCHEDULE Septerp.ber 24 · Notre Dame 58 Kalam·azoo 0 October 1 Notre Dame 57 Depauw 10 October 8 · Iowa· 10 Notre· Dame . 7 October 15 '! Notre Dame 33 Purdue 0 · i October 22 .! :! Notre Dame 7 Nebraska 0 October 29 Notre Dame 28 Indiana 7 November 5 Notre Dame 28 Army 0 November 8 Notre Dame 48 Rutgers 0 ·November :12 Notre Dame 42 Haskell 7 . I 'November 19 . !: Notre Dame 21 Marquette 7 November 24. Notre Dame 48 lVlichigan Aggies 0 1919 SCHEOULE 1920 SCHEDULE N.D. N. D; - 14 Kalama~oo · 0 39 Kalamazoo 0 60 Mount. Union -0 41 Western State 0 14 Nebraska. 9 16 Nebraska 7 53 Western State ·g 28 Valparaiso '3 16 Indiana "U" · 3 ·27 Army 17 r 12 West Point 28 [i 9 Purdue 0 13 Michigan Aggies 0 13 Indiana 10 33 Purdue 6 33 Northwestern· '7 II I. ,-.- 25 Michigan J\ggies 0· 11 229 49. I! I' 250 I' 44 !I Il· r I ·I i I! 0 0 T B A L L R E 1' IE HT 0 F 1921 ! i 1 I f.- .. ~ I I I i t· i. I l l \ I r I k.: F 0 0 T 13 A·L L REF IE H' 0 F 1921 ; 7 \\'ALTER HALAS ASSISTANT COACH For two years \Valter Halas has done much long until the Freshman team was making the to help "Rock" develop championshijJ football Varsity battle for. every inch in scrimmage prac- teams at Notre Dame. He came here from Dav­ . Lice. Last spring Mr. Halas could not devote enport in 1920 to coach basketb3ll and baseball, much time to helping along the Spring practice, but his experience with football has made him a as he was a very busy man developing a baseball valuable assistant to Rockne. He knows the team. At present he may be found in the gym game ·from goal to goal, has tl~e ability of show­ every afternoon picking material for a basketball ing p_layers how a thing ought to be done, and team which he claims is going to be the best. has no trouble deciphering strange plays.. This ever atNotre Dame. In all forms of sport, Mr. la!:t .was put to good use when Mr. Halas made Halas is an e·nthusiastic coach; his enthusiasm trips into enemy camps. When he returned and · is of the contagious kind, and that is why he can compared notes with Barry Holton, it was not train successful teams. THIS IS HOW THEY DID IT F 0 0 T B A L L R E l' IE 1¥ 0 F 1921 CAPTAIN "EDDIE" ANDERSON 0 As leader of the great team of 1921, Captain '20 were practically insurmountable. Despite the "Eddie" Anderson has earned every conceivable high precedent set by former leaders and their word of eulogy; he was the ideal leader-a real crews, Anderson displayed a brand of gridiron Notre Dame man in every sense of the -\vord. generalship that earned for him laudatory com­ Possessed of tact, good sense and an inspiring ment by the column from the pens of critics far spirit, Anderson led his mates through a season and wide; a generalship that made him unani­ the results of which have set the football world mous choice for the All-State, All~Western ·and agog with wonder~ That "Eddie" had a big job All-America honors-that placed him high in the · on his himds when. he was elected to . the cap­ esteem of the coaches, the faculty, the almm1i taincy· goes without s~1ying for the records of nnd the student body. those marvelous machines of 1912, '13, '19 and l I l' I 4 i I I THE INDIAN AFFAIR I I.I I ~1~,. F 0 0 T B A I_J L R E l' IE rv 0 F 1921 cA. Review of the ~ames WHAT THE MEN DID IN THE OPENER· NoTRE DAME 58;KALAMAzoo 0 shown in this game for on the most part the The valiant sons of Kalamazoo were the first playing was extremely raggec~ b~t the~e '~ere many bricrht stars who shown for the first time visitors on the Notre Dame gridiron this fall 0 in varsity competition. Among these were Lieb, and altho they put up a little fight the first part Berrrman and Thomas. Numerous substitutions of the -game, it soon became the question as the score and the playing and if the big how high the score would be run. However, afTe~ted team were left in to finish the game, a different the smaller eleven fought a wonderful battle tale would be told. Touchdowns were made by against· great odds and· tho outclassed in e~e:ry_ \Vynne (2), Thomas (2), lVIohardt (2), Desch department, they managed to throw a scare mto ·and Reass. Buck Shaw did his duty by kicking Rockne's camp every now and then. · 7 0rroals after touchdown·. and Lieb complemented None of Notre Dame's strength could he hy l. ·-THE DEPAUW AFFAIR NoTRE DAME 57; DEfAUW 10 and their plays showed more haste in prepara.­ tion than quality. After Notre Dame accumu­ _. When thi~ "1\tlystery eleven" came to Notre lated a few touchdowns, Depauw assumed a. Dame, there certainly was quite a stir, for every­ laissez faire attitude and never. actually threat­ one knew that Walker was· out to beat Rockne ened the game. However, they corraled a touch­ and said Rockne was not to be beaten. Conse­ down in the final quarter when Lauer made a quent! y the evening_ practices were more numer­ pretty run after a blocked kick. Bloodgood ous and constant drilling put Notre Dame on the made a field goal. also in this period from the fighting edge. Then the information that they t13 yard line. · _were pointing for this game added zest to the · Shaw played his brilliant occasion and those who saw the game had noth­ usually·con~ervative rrame and Hector Garvey at tackle and Castner ing but pity for the highly touted ":Mystery fullback did their share of good playing. eleven" which went down to defeat after five ~t Wynne and Mohardt each got 2 touchdowns and minutes of playing. Desch, Thomas,· Kiley and Seifrit each annexed Their playing was of a very inferior brand one. SOME .DRIVE J? 0 0 T B A L L R .E l' I li HT 0 J? 1921 THE HAWKEYE ENCOUNTER IowA 10; NoTnE DAME 7 completely outclassed, outplayed and· outfought Jow~ making 21 first downs to Iowa's 13, com­ In years to cqn:ie, when dopesters will gather pleted 15 out of 21 passes against 1 completed and relate experiences, there will be in the by Iowa. Then, too, Notre Dame made 398 minds of the -football enthusiasts, the fall of yards _from line of scrimmage and Iowa was I Notre Dame to Iowa. Thruout the entire game second best with 24.5 yards. Facts such as the big Blue team had the best of the contest these cannot be scoffed as immaterial for they T and were it not for the psychological ':bre:tks" are essentially thoEe which win g<imes. I of the game, the score would have been a dif­ i ferent story. However, Notre Dame and her score of stars who fought valiantly against luck h~ve no alibis _Notre Dame's superiority was unquestioned to offer except th.at they were beaten; . but they· and the mere fact that Iowa b)r sheer luck ob­ do reserve the right ·to kno'y that they were the I tained three more points than did· the better team, better te:~m. Kiley made the lone touchdown does not show even in tl.1e remotest instance and Buck Shaw did his usual bit. lVIohardt, I that this scant mRrgin would determine Iowa Kiley, ·coughlin were the shining Hghts of the i l the conqueror. On the contrary, Notre Dame contest. t I THE PURDUE MEETING NoTRE DAi\IE 33; PuRDUE 0 Paul Castner, the south-paw dropkicker was · t' After the defeat by Io\\'a, the Boilermakers a marvel in this contest making 2 field goals. loomed as possible formidable opponents of the The first came in the initial few minutes of play Iri~h. Instead of going into the "dumps," they and the eaf:e and dispatch with which he did it I re::ponded with their traditional fight and taught took some of the pep out· of the Boilermakers.
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