Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:298 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes SUNDAY . MAY 29. 2016 -Jawza 09, 1395 HS Pakistan will be added to ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ list: Sayyaf “It has been more than one year basic reforms in the electoral com- A prominent political figure and from inauguration of the NUG, but missions and laws. “Jamiat-e Isla- former Jihadi leader Abdul Rab still no determination has been seen mi party seriously demands the Rasool Sayyaf has warned that in the government to hold the na- NUG to take practical measures Pakistan will be added to the list tional consensus for amendment of for Constitutional Loy Jirga and of State Sponsors of Terrorism if the constitution,” Rabbani said. resolve the political formation of it does not refrain from wrongdo- According to the political agree- the current government as soon as ings. Sayyaf was apparently point- ment, the NUG was obligated to passable,” he reckoned. Jamiat-e ing towards Pakistan’s support to hold the Constitutional Loya Jirga Islami party shows reaction the anti-government armed mili- within next two years to specify against postponement of the Con- tant groups fighting in Afghanistan, the prime minister position. stitutional Loy Jirga when govern- joining the Afghan officials to slam Bringing reforms and adjustments ment inked a peace agreement with the country for providing shelter in electoral commissions and laws Hezb-e Islami led by Gulbuddin to terror groups. He was speaking were another important issue em- Hekmatyar. during a gathering in capital Kabul phasized by both political leaders So far, Jamiat-e Islami has played to remember 117 people belong- in the agreement. significant role in the NUG and ing to Nahzat Islami killed 37 years “Unfortunately in the last one and Abdullah is one of the important ago. Sayyaf said the world has rec- half year, the NUG did not hpld members of this party. ognized Pakistan and there will be long been criticizing Pakistan for loya jirga, and failed to bring re- Some political analysts said that one day that the name of Pakistan providing shelter to anti-govern- forms in the electoral commissions finalizing peace talks and singing will be included in the list of State ment armed militant groups, spe- and laws to ensure the transpar- political agreement with Hezb-e Sponsors of Terrorism. He also cifically the Taliban group and the ency of the parliamentary and dis- Islami creates concerns for Jami- called on the Taliban group to join notorious Haqqani terrorist net- to bring amendments in the Con- ing to the political agreement in the trict council elections in the coun- at-e Islami party. peace process by renouncing vio- work. The Afghan President Mo- By Akhtar M. Nikzad stitution to regulate the political NUG, the most fundamental ten- try,” he asserted. He asked And they believed joining Hek- lence, warning that the Taliban hammad Ashraf Ghani earlier asked formation of the government. ure of both leaders was to hold President Ashraf Ghani and chief matyar with NUG in the current militants will be killed as their lead- Pakistan to take actions against the KABUL: Head of Hezb-e Jamiat- Salahuddin Rabbani, Head of Jami- Loya Jirga to bring amendments in executive Abdullah Abdullah to occasion would influence the po- ers if they chose to pursue vio- leadership councils of the groups e Islami asked the government to at-e Islami party in a press confer- the constitutional and specify the apply their vows for holding the litical agreement of the national lence. The remarks by Sayyaf based in Peshawar and Quetta cit- hold the Constitutional Loya Jirga ence on Saturday said that accord- prime minister position. Constitutional Loy Jirga and bring unity government. comes as the Afghan officials have ies of Pakistan. (KP) 71 insurgents killed AGO RESHUFFLES in raids: MoD Promoting Children’s Accesses AT News Report KABUL: Seventy-one 40 KEYPOSTS militants were killed and 39 others were received injuries in different crackdowns within past 24 to Education in Village hours across the country, security officials said on Saturday. In a press release issued here, the The considerable achievement made by the MRRD/NSP in Oqab Village is the construction of a school Ministry of Defense said that Afghanistan Na- building where hundreds of boys and girls are currently learning in different sessions in proper classrooms. tional Army (ANA) in collaboration with the Af- ghan National police (ANP) and National Direc- Considering the lack of a proper educational center in the community, the MRRD/NSP constructed a well- torate of Security (NDS) personnel conducted op- equipped building for village children in consultation with the existing CDC in its second round of Block erations against insurgents in different areas of Grants Disbursement. Benefitting 300 families, the school building project was completed in an area of Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan, Kunar, Herat, three jirabs at a sum of AFN 2,467,000 funded by MRRD/NSP including 10% community contribution Badghis, Paktia, and Nangarhar provinces, in which (financial, labor or in-kind). The construction of the school building has helped 700 female and 600 male 71 militants were killed and 39 others wounded. Unfortunately, six army soldiers were killed dur- students learn in a serene atmosphere within the village. Most of the community-related problems, espe- ing operation by enemy firing, the statement said. cially those plagued the women, were solved following the construction of the school building. In an unprecedented move, the and it represents the AGO's com- The statement added that the Afghan National Attorney General of Afghanistan mitments and firmness for reforms Recounted Farah NazKarimi, a school student and a resident of Oqab Village: “In the past, the parents Army forces are prepared for all kinds of devo- were obliged to pay the monthly transportation cost of their children that were attending schools in other (AGO) has reshuffled at least key and fighting corruption. "We must tion and with all force to maintain security and 40 posts in Kabul and its provin- evaluate a new decision from a dif- comfort for the people of Afghanistan. neighboring communities. Furthermore, covering long distances -especially for girls-, inaccessibility to cial headquarters, appointing qual- ferent perspective, we must ap- proper transportation means, low economic condition of community and security were major challenges ified attorneys and professional preciate the changes which have we encountered. Certain hurdles indeed caused a huge number of children to remain out of school.” people in an effort to provide sat- been considered in the AGO," sen- isfactory services to the people. ator Fazel Hadi Muslimyar said. Pakistan claims As observed, the improvement of rural living standard from the viewpoints of economic, social and cultural Speaking to TOLOnews, Ba- "We hope that the Attorney development is the core objective of the National Solidarity Programme of the Ministry of Rural Rehabil- sir Azizi spokeman to the AGO, General of Afghanistan will prior- foiling cross-border itation and Development (MRRD/NSP) that it has been working hard to achieve this goal since the begin- said on Saturday that the reshuf- itize other necessary programs as ning of its constructive operations in mid-2003. Indeed, the MRRD had considerable progresses in this fling is aimed at designating quali- well and complete them soon," MP fied people and the process will Mohammad Abdoh said. militant attack regard having executed thousands of infrastructure projects in the past few years. Through implementa- tion of countless public utility projects in various sectors including transport, water and sanitation, irrigation, continue. "The appointments are This comes at a time that pre- ESHAWAR : Pakistan has claimed thwart aimed to boost transparency and viously the European Union (EU) ing a cross-border attack by Afghanistan- power, livelihoods, education, etc the MRRD/NSP could manage to bring significantly positive changes in develop the legal expertise in the in a survey said that the majority based militants on a security checkpoint in rural lives across all 34 provinces of Afghanistan. attorney general's office and to of Afghans still do not trust gov- P a tribal area by killing four suspected militants. Hundreds of communities in several districts of Herat province have benefitted from MRRD/NSP accom- highlight our gains and demon- ernment institutions. The Frontier Corps said the insurgents, who plishments as did other provinces across the country simultaneously. The Oqab Village, located south of strate our commitment to the faith- The survey said that the ma- crossed the border into Pakistan from Afghani- ful people of Afghanistan," he said. jority of Afghans are prepared to stan on Friday to storm the check-post in the Enjil district center could be a prominent example of communities that have enjoyed basic services, deliv- Saturday's development was an fight corruption, but they do not Khwezai Baizai subdivision in Mohmand Agen- ered by the MRRD/NSP so far. Soon after this community came under the coverage of the MRRD/NSP, unprecedented move since the new know how to start the campaign cy, were killed by security personnel. (Pajhwok) the villagers gathered together and elected a Community Development Council (CDC), consisted like attorney general assumed office against the trend. (ToloNews) others of both male and female representatives. The CDC members decided to give top priority to the construction of a much-needed health clinic, an irrigation canal and a bridge in close consultation with the villagers. After putting a lot of effort into executing the Community Development Plan (CDP) accordingly, the projects were finally completed and handed over to the community.
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