Gr oup 15: Inhibitors of chitin biosynthe si s, type 0 (Only m ajor r epr esentatives of the gr oup ar e shown) Gr oup 1: Acetylcholi ne st er a se (AChE) inhibitors (Only major representatives of the groups are shown) Mode of Action Classification Flufenoxuron No v a l u ro n Triflumuron Ac ephate Me t h a mi d o p h o s Aldic arb Ox a my l Di fl u b e n z u ron Lufenuron Teflubenzuron 15 Benz oy lur eas Me t h i o c a r b Fenitrothion Gr oup 16: Inhibitors of Gr oup 17: Moulting Gr oup 18: Ecdysone r eceptor agonists Thiodicarb Ch l o rp y ri fo s Ca rb a ry l Profenofos chitin biosynthesis, disr uptor , D ipter an type 1 Me t h o my l Ma l a t h i o n Insecticide Resistance Action Committee Pirimic arb Di meth o a te Ch ro mafe n o z i d e Ca rb o fu ra n Triazophos Me t h o x y f e n o z id e 1A Carbamates 1B Organophosphates The Key to Resistance Management Buprofez in Cy ro maz i n e 18 Diacyl- Ha l o fe n o z i d e Tebufenozide Ø Successive generations of a pest should not be treated with compounds from the same MoA Gr oup. 16 Buprofezin 17 Cyromazine hydrazines Gr oup 2: GABA-gated chlor ide channel antagonis ts Ø Not all of the cur r ent gr oupings ar e based on knowledg e of a shar ed tar get pr otein. For fur ther infor m ation, please refer to the IRAC Mode of Action Classificati o n document. Gr oup 19: Octopam ine Gr oup 20: Mitochondri al complex III electr on 2B Phenylpyrazoles Ø The color schem e used her e associates m odes of action into br oad categor ies based on the physiologi ca l receptor agonists tr anspor t inhibitor s functions affected, as an aid to under stan di n g sym ptom olog y, speed of action and other pr oper ties of the (Fiproles) Fipronil insecticide s, and not for any r esistance m anagem ent purpose. Rotations for r esistance m anagem ent should Hy d ra meth y l n o n Ch l o rd a n e CF3 O F3C be based only on the num ber ed m ode of action gr oups. HN O O N O N O O N N Ethiprole H 2A Cyclodiene O N O O Endos ulfan Organochlorines Gr oup 8: Miscellane ou s non-speci fi c (m ulti-site) inhibitor s Amitraz Ac equinoc yl Fluacrypyrim CF3 19 Amitraz 20A Hydramethylnon 20B Acequinocyl 20C Fluacrypyrim Gr oup 3: Sodium channel m odulators (Only major representatives of group 3A are shown) Na2B4O7·10H 2O Me t a m 8F Methy l isothiocyanate Gr oup 21: Mitochondri al complex I electr on tr ansport inhibitors Ch l o ro p i c ri n Borax generators Me t h y l Sulfury l Tartar emetic bromide 8B Chloropicrin fluoride 8D Bor ates Es fenv alerate Bifenthrin Permethrin 8A Alkyl halides 8C Sulfuryl fluoride 8E Tartar emetic Da z o met DDT Py ridaben Fenazaquin Tebufenpyrad Lambda- De l ta meth ri n cyhalothrin Gr oup 9: Modulator s of Me t h o x y c h l o r 10B Etoxazole Ro te n o n e 3A Chordotonal Or gans Fenpyroximate Py rimidifen Tolfenpyrad Alpha- 3B DDT, cypermethrin Etofenprox Py r ethr oids Tefluthrin Methox y c hlor 21A METI acaricides and insecticides 21B Rotenone Py r ethr ins 10A Cl o fe n te z i n e Di fl o v i d a z in Gr oup 22: Voltage-dep e nd e nt Gr oup 23: Inhibitors of acetyl CoA carboxylase Gr oup 4: Nicotinic acetylchol in e r eceptor (nA C hR ) com petitive m odulator s Clofentezine, Etox az ole Py metroz ine Flonicamid sodium channel blocker s Hexythiazox, He x y th i a z o x Gr oup 10: Mite gr owth 9B Py metr oz ine 9C Flonicamid inhibitors Diflovidazin Indoxacarb Di n o te furan Includes transgenic crops expressing Ba c illus thuringiensis toxins (however, specific guidance Gr oup 11: Micr obial disr uptor s 23 Tetronic & Spiromes ifen for resistance management of transgenic crops is not based on rotation of modes of action) Ni c o ti n e 4B Sulfox aflor 4C of insect midgut Me t a f l u mi z o n e Tetramic Ac etamiprid Nicotine Sulfox aflor acid derivatives Ni te n p y ram Bac illus thuringiensisand the insecticidal proteins produced Spirotetramat Di ffe re n t B.t. products that target different insect orders may be used 22A Indoxacarb 22B Metaflumizone Spirodic lofen together without compromising their resistance management. B.t. israelensis, B.t. ai t za w a i, B.t. ku r st a ki , B.t. tenebrionis Bac illus sphaericus Rotation between certain specific B.t. microbial products may Bt c rop proteins * Cry 1 Ab , Cry 1 Ac , Cry 1Fa , Cry1A.105 , Cry 2 Ab, Vi p3A, Imidacloprid Thiamethoxam provide resistance management benefits for some pests. Consult Gr oup 25: Mitochondrial complex mCry3A, Cry3Ab, Cry 3Bb, Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 Gr oup 24: Mitochondri al product specific recommendations. II electr on tr ansport inhibitors * Where there are differences among the specific receptors within the Al P com plex IV electr on tr anspor t N 11B Bac illus CN N 4A 4D mi d g u t s of target insects, transgenic crops containing certain combinations Cl o th i a nidin Thiacloprid Flupyradifurone 11A Bacillus thuringiensis inhibitors of these proteins provide resistance management benefits. sphaericus Neonicotinoids Flupyradifurone Aluminium O O F3C Phos phide Zn3P2 O CN- NC Gr oup 12: Inhibitors of m itochondria l ATP synthase Cy e n o p y ra fe n O Gr oup 5: Nicotinic acetylchol in e Zinc Gr oup 6: Glutam ate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) Phos phide O Ca3P2 PH3 Cy a n i d e O receptor (nA C hR ) alloster ic m odulator s O alloster ic m odulator s O O O S Cy fl u meto fe n O O S Cl Py flubumide S Sn O Ca l c i u m Sn Sn O Spinetoram Abamec tin R1 = m ajor com ponent R2 = Ethyl H Phos phine Spinosad m inor com ponent R2 = Met hyl O N N N Phos phide m ajor com ponent R = H, 5,6 single H H m ajor com ponent R = H O Lepimectin O R N Cl Cl Cl 24A m inor com ponent R = CH3, 5, 6 double H H 25A beta-Ketonitr ile m inor com ponent R = CH3 HO O O O R O N 2 N 24B Cyanide O H O O 25B Carboxanilides H O O O Fenbutatin Phos phine R derivatives 1 O R OH H Di a fe n th i u ro n Az oc y c lotin Propargite Tetradifon O O H O O O Mi l b e me c t i n oxide Sn OH H O O O O OH H H H OH N OH Emamec tin O 12A 12D O H m ajor com ponent R = Ethyl 12B Organotin 12C Gr oup 28: Ryanodine OH H benzoate R1 = O O OH m inor com ponent R = Met hyl Cy h e x a ti n O O Bromopropy late O Diafenthiuron Tetradifon receptor modulators OH mitic ides Pr opar gite OH O O O 5 Spinosyns 6 Avermectins, Milbemycins O O O H H O OH O Gr oup 13: Uncoupler s of oxidative phos- Gr oup 14: Nicotinic acetylcholi ne O O Py rifluquinazon Cry o l i te Gr oup 7: Juvenile horm one m im ics phor ylatio n via disr uption of pr oton gr adient receptor (nAChR) channel blockers Az adirac htin O O Cl Br Ch l o ra n tra n i l ipro le R=Cl HN NH Gr oup UN: O O CN Cl O S Cy a n tra n i l i p role R= CN N S O S Compounds of unknown Cl O Cl CF3 Hy d ro p re n e R1 = e thyl , R2 = H F3C O N S S Me t h o p r e n e R1 = iso pro pyl , R2 –OCH3 O O or uncer tain m ode of N S OH I HN S O SO3Na Bifenaz ate O Cl N S NH2 action Py ridaly l O O2N O O S Sulfluramid S O O Ch l o rfe n a p y r Bens ultap Thiocyclam O N O Cl Cl S S HN N S Fenoxycarb S NH2 Cl Py riprox y fen N N OH Kinoprene R1 = propargyl, R2 = H SO3Na O O NO2 CF3 H Cl O CaSX 13 Py r r oles , F S CF N 3 28 O CCl3 (Lime sulfur) DNOC 14 Nereistoxin Thiosultap- Dinitrophenols, Ca rta p Flubendiamide 7A Juvenile hormone analogues 7B Fenoxycarb 7C Pyriproxyfen sodium Diamides Di c o fo l Sulfurs Sulflur amid analogues hydrochloride Benz ox imate Ch i n o meth i o n a t Tar geted P hysiology Use of Gr oups and Sub-Gr oups: • Sub-gro ups p rovide differ entiatio n betw een co mpo unds thatmaybind at th e sam e ta rget sit e but are s truct urally dif fere nt en ough tha t Poster Notes: • Alternations, sequences or rotations of compounds between MoA groups reduces selection for target site resistance.
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