12 PAGES 2A \ THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NO.,48, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 20, "1920, TNLVn IXHJAKS TOR THK 153 Added to County Population 1%. Severe Hectrfil jtrsT \i{ri< u; <>> TIIF JU: I- urc- Chance SliilJlxilts, U\ I 01' >AT10>>.. Gernes to An End__llli_VJ^tnl^Jl«U-L'Ci j mi TTntnn nnvrnty'a- i-and Aftei - popiil.itioii, obtained by the'EIilalieth In ouVi fh.it .m opportunity may" Daily Journal from Washington, Indi­ September 1st, 1920 lie gnen lo the public to express leather Has Been a Handi­ cate fl chance to place the fmnify in lhoni-.<]\< on ih< urn lion oi The Steeples on M, E, Churcfft — The Subscription Price of uw oi~\alniiis, ,i pn/e JidOiPoiT cap bqt Results Have Been the 200,000 class. rcoil i red ot tventj dolLus loi the Struck Twice—High Wind With 158 names added to the orig­ best essay either for or against the Satisfactory—'Prize Win= inal count of 199,832 so far, only fif­ The Summit Herald j Wilson League, and Heavy Rains Cause: teen more arev needed to attain the ners in Field Day Events Will Be $2,50 a Year %' The essay must not be more than goal. The Census Bureau has seven 2,000 words in length. Wash»outs, Gardens Suffer names which are in doubt. If these The names of those entering the Party .Held This 'Afternoon are found not to be duplications and contest must be handed In at the Lightning Unusually ' Vivid: are added it will bring the total to All subscribers who wish to renew their sub­ HERALD office by August 31st. 199,992, or only eight shy. The essays must be In typewritten This week marks the close of the A list of- more than 800 names, It is scriptions, irrespective o£ the date of expiration, may This summer has been marked by- Summit Playground at Park avenue do so at the present rate of, $2.00, if cash accom­ form and handed 40 the judges by claimed, was compiled recently by September 80th, " 4 many severe electrical storms,—far Courthouse' attaches, of persons supr and Maple street for the season. The panies the order before September 1st next. The judges will be the editors of more than the, average for many sea­ rainy weather has greatly handicap­ posed to have been overlooked by the This step is made necessary by the steadily census enumerators last January. A the HERALD and the Record and sons past—but no atorm in many a ped the efficiency of the playground preliminary check showed , some of mounting costs in all departments of newspaper Mr? B, M. Bagdoyan, of West Sum­ day has exceeded the amount of wind •this year, but the, children and the these names had been counted, but production^ particularly white paper stock. mit who offers the prize. and rainfall and the severity of the- supervisor. Miss Henrietta Hedrick, 228 were forwarded to Washington for The winning essay will be pub­ lished In the HERALD, thunder and lightning as this city ex­ of Brooklyn, an,d her, assistant, Miss, a further checking. Sixty-six are re­ perienced on Tuesday evening. ported from Washington as proved The judges will decide whether Christine Rehack, of JSIew JEoxk City, or not to eliminate all contestants Fortunately no great damage was 1 duplications; 158 haye been added to have made the best of the situation." the original returns and, the remain­ i if a Sufficient number do not par- done but several buildings and trees I ticlpate. '-' " The 'closing party is being held ing seven are being rechecked as were struck-by lightning and there this afternoon. Besldst- the folk doubtful. were several wash-outs,, - " dances, races and Ice cream coneSj Efforts are being continued to lo­ the, prizes for those .who made the cate any other persona who believe . LCtlfltf-fet;^ The ^storm seemed to break" right highest number of points In the var­ they were missed by the enumerators, Award Contract to over this mountain about seven ious field days were awarded as fol­ In order that their names can be hur- o'clock, with the black clouds gath­ lows: •** rled to Washington while the oppor­ ering there was a steadily increasing tunity is open to have them checked in-local fifties Stock J Girls- Gertrude Felbush, 36; Marie wind. When the rain began to fall Merlghi, 28,; Frances MacTernan, 27. and counted.' - ' ' *Stoauhteii Road For scoring, Anna Martin, Katharine the wind blew It in sheets, so that -it Blackert, Dorothy Banner, J.enny Co].. Grant -to. be Candidate Over $6.0,000 of $100,000 the long expected improvement by was Impossible to see a few* -feet, Congemi, Dorothy Maguire, and Ruth „ lor Councilman—Murphy ISSUe Taken MOIiey tO be the Freeholders in eliminating the away. The - lightning played all Fleming received honorable mention Estimate Boa p nrve he f00t v lae across the sky in every direction,, and Ice cream cones. and Maxson Not to Run—. "Used for Important Plarit-j J" ° ;V °l f/ some times in sheets and, then in vivid Boys: Mannix, S0;_ Sllverstem, 27; J -'-"«. ~ i JJ.J. - Hill, hpringfield, avenue, West Sum-- streaks,-while the thunder roared and, Stein, 18. Juniors: Cummlngs, 20; E, Kentz Petitions Out" ' and Service AuditiOriS ;mit, has been contracted lor and the escinds rumbled near and far. Williams, 15; S, Verdaraml, 11. — | work -must be started within three During the brief-dry weather, en­ The Methodist Episcopal ~Churcbs joyed on the playground Tuesday, the The Board of School Estimate" orT FreeholdersrWould Return Cooperation With Customers! weeks and completed by November was struck for the second time with­ 15. The road committee of which in a few days. On Tuesday night sev­ final field events were run off and re­ Monday night rescinded the resolu­ Politics in Summit this ,year will It was stated at the office of the sulted for the girls as follows: tion certifying to the-€ommon Coun­ Freeholders McMane is a member, eral hundred pieces of slate were- largely he devoted to the presidential Commonwealth Water and Light Coin- awarded ,the contracts for the work ripped off the steeple of the Parish, 50-yard dash: 1st, Gertrude Fel­ cil the raising of $80,000 for the pur­ bush; 2nd, Marie Merlghi; 3rd, Anna campaign although there are several pany to-day that about $80,000 of the; as' follows: Villa Bros, of Westfield, House. On Friday night of last week Martin, chase of the Mathews property "on local offices of. importance to be filled. 7 per cent, 2nd preferred stock has| grading, sidewalks and removal, of the steeple on the main church build­ ing was struck, also ripping off part: Running broad jump: 1st,'Frances Norwood avenue as a site for'the pro­ The Republicans are planning a been sold. This speaks well for the j trees, $6,121; roadway work, C. H. Mac Ternan; 2nd, Katharine Black­ posed new high school. The Com­ of the slate covering. Small pleceei thorough campaign for Harding and way in which this issue of stock has, Winans Co., $4,490. of the slate were scattered againsft ert; 3rd, Gertrude Feihush, mon Council meeting of Tuesday Hop, step and jump: 1st, Gertrude Coolldge. been received by the public, houses nearby. The members of the Felbush; 2nd, Frances McTernan; night was postponed on account of The terms of two members of the This stock is being Issued to the ex­ WAR TROPHIES FOR CITY, household of Mr. and Mrs. Van R. H, Greene on DeForest avenue were 3rd, Katharine Blackert. the stern? to next Tuesday when It is Common Council expire December tent of $100,000 and as explained by Running high: 1st, Frances Mc­ believed that the ordinance providing Iiiterestliig Articles Secured Through stunned by these flashes in both Ternan; 2nd, Dorothy Banner; Srd, 31st: Robert J. Murphy, Republican, one of the officers of the company CoL Charles H, Grant, storms, for the purchase win he withdrawn. from the first ward, and Edward Max- the money received from the sale of Gertrude Feibush, - Through Col. Charles H. Grant, the ^ The worst of the other damage m Standing broad: 1st,, Gertrude Fel­ This action was made necessary by son, Democrat, second ward.. Both of stock is to be used entirely for Im­ Summit was in washouts. Many, bush; 2nd, Marie Merlghi; 8pd, Dor­ the request from A. H. Mathews, own­ City of Summit has been presented driveways were damaged in this way, these men feel that they have com­ provements to the eIectrlo*and iwattfr with a number of French and German othy Banner. I er of the tract, that it be withdrawn N including that on the property of H. pleted their duty, each having served systems, .•.••••*•' "*»_=s. war religfi which were brought to this L. Long on the lower side of Moun­ Giant stride: 1st, Gertrude, Fel­ ^from consideration. bush; 2nd, Dorothy Maguire; v-3rji# a term of three years, and they have Thee Water Company la building a country for use In the Victory Loan tain avenue. Anna Martin Mayor Oliver B. Merrill, who re­ announced that they will not seek resevolr and pumping station to su-p- Drive. Col. Grant secured them from The brook-that runs down'througli; The senior boys* results were: turned home last, Friday from re-election. ply West Orange. A news three mill­ the Direction Generale Des Services West Summit was quite—a—roaring Rochester, Minn., where he was op­ stream and loosened a rustic bridge 100-yard dash- 1st, Mannix; 2nd, To succeed Mr."Murphy, petitions ion gallon pump Is to be installed at Francals, aux Etats Unis in New York erated upon, presided at the meeting City.
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