Sixty Out-of-Hours Courses Sa~a Corporation Offered at Sandia Laboratory Enrollments are now open in of the educational program. the 60 courses offered by San­ A new series of courses at the dia's Out-of-Hours Educational technical institute level is des­ Program. The program is admin­ cribed elsewhere in this issue of EWS istered by Technical and Trades the Lab News. Training Division 3132 for em­ Fifteen courses are offered in ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX• L lYE RMORE I CALl F. ployees at Sandia Laboratory. the trades area, four clerical This is the largest selection of courses are offered, and three in Published every other Friday •for the employees of Sandia the general course area. VOL. 12, NO. 18 Corporation, contractor to the Atomic Energy Commission SEPTEMBER 2, 1960 courses ever offered by the pro­ gram, according to Mel Mc­ All Out-of-Hours courses are of­ Cutchan (3132-1), and a record fered free to employees. No charge To My Fellow Employees of Sandia Corporation: enrollment is expected. for textbooks is made for em­ It is with a sad heart that I leave Sandia after my short A complete schedule of classes ployees who successfully complete the course. stay of 23 months. I shall always remember with pleasure the in the program is available in a booklet now in Laboratory booklet Some 2200 employees enrolled time I spent with you, and I hope that the many friendships I racks. in the Out-of-Hours Educational made among you will continue throughout my life. As you may Classes will be starting the Program last year. The program know, I expect to maintain a connection wit.h the Corporation, week of Sept. 19. Enrollment is designed to provide job-related so this is not a good-bye, but only an auf w1edersehen. I hope cards should be urned in to 3132 courses for Corporation employees. to be back periodically in the future and to follow with interest by Sept. 12. Through cooperation W!ith Al­ your further activities. Among the new courses that buquerque educational institu­ I have become very proud of my association with Sandia. will be taught for the first time tions, the Sandia program aug­ During the last two years, Sandia has continued to live up to are four university level Staff ments community offerings with its past reputation for making important contributions to our Technical Courses. These are courses not available elsewhere­ nation's defense. It has today and will continue to have in the Electrical Data Processing Ma­ and are specifically designed for the special interests of Sandia future a great or even greater responsibility !o our co~ntry. chines, Survey of Plastics-Part Under the leadership of Mr. Schwartz, I am conf1dent that 1t wrll 1, Design of Springs for Drafts­ employees. fulfill its vital role in the nuclear weapons field and, in addition, men, and Thermodynamics. This Counseling for Out-of-Hours embark on other new and challenging tasks . brings the total to 24 university courses is available from 3132, ext. During the past several months there have been rumors level courses offered in this area 47255. about impending major cuts in personnel at Sandia. We have denied such rumors, but somehow they have persisted. It is • true that we have made changes in organization and in composi­ Nine Articles by Sandians tion of staff, but these have been caused not by an attempt to make a major cut in the size of Sandia. Rather we have been Published in Tech Journals adjusting our force composition to better meet the changing J.P. Molnar tasks of the Corporation, these being of a generally more tech­ Nine articles by Sandia Cor­ "On the Applicability of Pasch­ nical nature than in the past. poration authors have appeared en's Law to Discharge in H and See You Tuesday 2 Our technical organizations increased during the past year in national technical publications D2 below the Critical Pressure,'' by 138 people, about 60% of this at Livermore and 40% at since Jan. 1, 1960, according to Journal of Electronics and Con­ Albuquerque. Organizations supporting this technical work in­ This Labor Day week­ end lure of the highway a report by Technical Information trol, June 1960, G. W. McClure creased by 66 people. We have decreased by 247 in three Department 3420. (5152); is great. Cool waters of areas- in production assembly, in inspection, and at the stor­ The articles and publications "Orientation and Scope of the age sites. Thus the number of permanent employees in the o c e a n s, I a k e s, a n d are as follows: Nondestructive Testing Field,'' Corporation, which was 7881 on July 31, 1959, totaled 7838 streams beckon, and the "A Brief Description of Struc­ Journal of the Society for Non­ on July 31, 1960. call to action for the do­ tural Adhesives for Metal," 1959 destructive Testing, May-June We were able to absorb all but 29 of the surplus em­ Welding Handbook, June 1960, 1960, D. W. Ballard (2541 ); it-yourself fan is almost N. J. DeLollis (1125); ployees from the three areas of reduced activity. Ten of them "Programming Fisher's Exact irresistible. "Hot Bolts Best for Imp-act Lo­ were laid off at the sites a.nd 19 just this past week at Albu­ Method of Comparing Two Per­ querque, mainly from the inspection organization. The remain­ Wherever you go, cation,'' Missiles and Rockets, April 11, 1960, B. E. Dieruf (3431); centages,'' Technometrics, Febru­ der were reassigned, sometimes after retraining, into other whatever you do this ary 1960, W. H. Robertson 0442); organizations. We have no present plans for further lay-offs. "Invariant Imbedding and Neu­ I mention these specific details in an attempt to give you a weekend, have c a r e. tron Transport in a Rod of "Square-Wave Generator forth Study of Exploding Wires," Re­ true perspective of our personnel situation. I hope you will un­ There are no simpler Changing Length,'' Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. view of Scientific Instruments, derstand that it was necessary to reduce our normal hiring rate words than: Be Safe. January 1960, G. M. Wing (San­ February 1960, T. J . Tucker of some types of non-technical employees as we worked out the And we'll see you Tues­ dia consultant) ; (5131) ; reassignment of surplus employees. In the clerical area we are, day. "A Novel Pulse Integrating Cir­ "Tube Saver Squelch Circuit," in fact, once again recruiting new employees. cuit,'' Electronic Industries, April Radio Electronics, June 1960, R. L. As you know, we have placed special emphasis on hiring 13, 1960, W. F. Nielsen 0424); Shaum (7222 ) . Staff Assistants with Technical Institute training and Staff Mem­ bers with graduate training. For Staff Members-Technical with bachelor's degrees we instituted the Technical Development Program. Quite naturally some of you have wondered how this Sandia Corp. Will Co-Sponsor emphasis on more training in our new recruits would affect your own careers at Sandia, especially if you had not had such opportunities for schooling in your youth. I would like to an­ swer that question this way. To begin with, I need hardly tell National Security Seminar you that formal training in itself does not make the man. It can help, and it can often serve as a weeding-out process. But it is Sandia C o r p o r a t i o n will not an automatic route to competence. There are other roads to co-sponsor a National Security Seminar-one of the most unusual competence- experience on the job, self-education, and innate educational opportunities avail­ ability. Moreover, I should point out that most of our new re­ able to civilian leaders and reserve cruits are very young men. I believe, therefore, that the oppor­ officers of the Armed Forces. tunities for growth and advancement of older employees will • R. B. Powell, Vice President, be as good in the future as in the past. If recruiting the best possible young engineering and scientific talent will strengthen Personnel, met recently with rep­ Sandia Corporation, that can only serve to benefit all employees resentatives of .the Industrial Col- of the Corporation. lege of the Armed Forces, Wash- Let me also make clear that Sandia Corporation needs em- ington, D. C., which conducts the ployees of many talents and skills. It needs support organiza- Seminar, to discuss Sandia's part tions such as purchasing, model shops, drafting, personnel, and in this national event to be held many others. Research, development, and engineering for manu- Oct. 31-Nov. 11 on Sandia Base. facture may be our reasons for existence, but that work cannot co-sponsors will be the Albuquer­ go o.n without the support of these other groups. They are que Military Advisory Committee essential parts of the whole. During my time at Sandia it has been my pleasure to ob­ Mld the Greater Albuquerque serve the growing and maturing of the Livermore Laboratory. Chamber of Commerce. Its accomplishments this past year have been most gratifying. Physical arrangements for the I regret that I had less opportunity to get personally acquainted seminar are being handled by Sandia Base Headquarters in co­ with our Livermore people. I would like, however, in leaving operation with Field Command to make a special point of expressing my fond farewell to them. Headquarters, DASA. Besides those who work i.n Livermore and Albuquerque, Col. J. M. Christensen, Jr., ad- ADVANCE PLANS for National Secnrity Seminar to be held on Sandia has some 234 people working in outlying locations, in Sandia Base Oct.
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