WEDNESDAY,MARCH 8, 2017 €1 LIMERICK AND PROUD facebook.com/limerickleader @limerick_leader www.limerickleader.ie TWOTRIBES Pro-choice and pro-lifesupporters face off in the citycentre Page 6 INSIDE TAKING ALOOKBACKAT ALL OUR LIMERICK THROUGH THE DECADES YESTERDAYS FUNDING CUT SEES HOSPITAL BEDS CLOSE St John’s in an ‘impossible’ position over €2m shortfall NICK RABBITTS &ALAN OWENS floor arenow outofservice, e-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @limerick_leader withchief executive Fear- ghal Grimes saying they have been left in an “im- Pay It Forwardour ‘kind’ of festival THE entireground floor possible position”bythe wardatStJohn’s Hospital HSE. The thirdannual PayItForward Kindness Festival will takeplace in Limerick from March 11 to has been closedinthe latest The move has prompted 17 with anumber of free eventsand activitiesdesigned to highlightthe kindness in everypart round of health cutbacks. anger,withfears theclosure of the city. Pictured at the launch, from left, were John Cleary, EBS Limerick on William Street, will have anegative impact Roisin Meaney, Limerickauthor and Liam Toland, PIF Ambassador.Details of the festival were Managementatthe volun- announced at alaunch eventinChezleFab,Arthur’sQuaythis TuesdaywhereMayor of Lim- tary hospital have con- on theUniversityHospital in Dooradoyle,which wasagain erick Cllr Kieran Hanlon and other supportersofthe festival from the world of business and firmed that duetoa€2m the arts were in attendance.See storyonpage3formore funding shortfall from the ▲ SenatorPaulGavan: ‘Scandal’ PICTURE: OISIN MCHUGH HSE, 20 beds on theground TURN TO PAGE 2 SET YOURSELF A GOAL WWW.GREATLIMERICKRUN.COM 2LIMERICK LEADER www.limerickleader.ie Wedne sday, M a rc h 8, 20 1 7 TALK TO US @LIMERICKLEADER YOUR LEADER FAC E B O O K .C O M / L I M E R I C K L E A D E R CONTACT US W E AT H E R Check updates on YO U T H : CALLS FOR LOCAL INVOLVEMENT AT DECISION LEVEL l i m e r i c k l ead e r. i e 54 O’Connell Street, Limerick w w w. l i m e r i c k l ead e r. i e ‘Put community on E D I TO R Eugene Phelan TO DAY 0 6 1 -2 1 45 0 3 CLOUDY AT TIMES e u g e n e. p h e l a n @ l i m e r i c k l ead e r. i e BUT SOME SUN BREAKING youth service board’ COMMERICAL DIRECTOR THROUGH - 13°C Fergal Deegan 0 6 1 -2 1 4525 fe r g a l .d eeg a n @ l i m e r i c k l e ad e r. i e NICK RA B B I T TS e-mail: n i c k @ l i m e r i c k l ead e r. i e Twitter: @ n i c k 4 68 o f f i c i a l ● Main switchboard for our office at SINN Fein TD Maurice 54 O’Connell Street, Limerick Call us on Quinlivan has called on Lim- 0 6 1 -2 1 45 0 0 TO M O R ROW erick Youth Service to ap- CLOUDY AGAIN point members of the ● Tell us your story E-mail us at BUT THIS TIME Ballynanty community to its news@limerickle ader.ie S H OW E RS boa rd . EXPECTED - 13°C ● Place an advert Finance Minister Michael E-mail us at Noonan cut the ribbon at adver [email protected] the service’s newcentrein the shadow of Thomond ● Photographic sales Copies of pictures taken by our photo- Park this week – but the ap- graphers as well as the archive photo- plication hadbeen contro- graphs in all our editions can be ordered versial withmembers of from our office at 54 O’Connell Street, Lim- the local community, with erick. They can also be ordered online from F R I DAY Mr Quinlivan saying it was pictur eor ders@limerickle ader.ie or OV E RCAST through our website “one of the most divisive w w w.limerickleader.ie W E AT H E R th i n g s” to come beforehim CONTINUES. HIGH in his time as a councillor. OF 14°C As Limerick’s leading newspaper Prior to a majorityof group, we have been serving gener- members of the old City ations of readers throughout the The policy of the Limerick Council giving the develop- ‘Connect Four’ the community: Finance Minister Michael Noonan, pictured here with Evan city and county since 1889. We are Leader is to provide our mentthe green light,resid- Madigan, Brian Humphries and Priscilla Sheehan believes the new Limerick Youth Service facility readers with a news and immensely proud of the Limerick at Ballynanty will benefit the entire northside. See pages 14-15 for pictures PICTURE: KEITH WISEMAN information service that ents had expressed fears Lead e r ’ s heritage and tradition - is fair, accurate and bal- over an increase in anti-so- and that of its sister paper the Lim- anced. This newspaper cial behaviour and a de- bate is over.Limerick Youth been successful.” get on with it. But we don’t erick Chronicle - in reporting local adheres to the Code of crease in thevalue oftheir Service still needs to engage Local resident Anne- want to see it impactina life. Both in print and online, we Practice set out by the a bit with the local residents. negative way on our com- contine to be the market leaders for Press Council of Ireland p ro p e r t ie s . MarieStacke, wholed the news, sport and much more - so if and is committed to the A number of councillors We wouldn’t have hadthe opposition, said therehas mu n i ty,” Ms Stacke said. yo u ’ve got something to say or a highest standards of re- whovoted against thedis- confusion or disagreements already been anti-social be- She added that in the business to promote there is no porting. If we make a posal of land in 2013 were ab- which happened at the time, haviour around the evening-time when Mayor- mistake, we will en- if there wasproper con- stone Garda Station is bigger audience in any medium in deavour to correct it at sentfrom theopening building, as they feared. Limerick than our newspapers. And the earliest opportunity. – including the current met- su l tat io n ,”he said. “Youthsgathered on the closed, it can be difficult to t h at ’ s a fact. We have more In such instances, please ropolitan mayor Cllr Mi- Cllr Gilligan added: “I still steps, as we said would get members of the force up readers than everyone else. write to the editor at 54 chael Hourigan. think the method of happen,drinking. We were from Henry Street to attend O’Connell Street, Lim- choosing this particular incidents. Asked about his erick, or email ed- But Mr Quinlivan, and In- promised no anti-social be- i to r@ l i m e r i c k l e ad e r. i e dependent councillor John spot was wrong. Therewere haviour would occur by a party colleagueCllr Alternatively you may Gilligan were present at the at least three other sites in community guard. How can H ou r i ga n’s opposition, Mr YOUR CITY YOUR PAPER contact the Press Council opening. this area available. One of they makethat kind of Noonan said: “Thereare dif- of Ireland at 1-3 Westmo- these should have been ferent views always in local reland Street, Dublin 2. “Thereprobably wasa promise? The centre is there Tel: (01) 648 9130. Email: better location. But that de- chosen – either would have now, we will accept it, and gove r n m e nt .” i n fo @ p res s c o u n c i l . i e Concern at impact St John’s Hospital bed closures will have on UHL ▲ FROM PAGE 1 Health Minister Simon possible position,”he said. s ea m s ,” he added. providing sufficientfunding Harris to intervene and have Former Siptu officialMr MaryFogarty of theIrish to keep beds and wards open. thehighest in thecountry for these beds reopened. Gavan said: “This is an ex- Nurses and Midwives Organ- The University Hospitalis overcrowding nationally yes- In a statement, Mr Grimes tremely serious develop- isation (INMO) added: “I t ’s bursting at the seams. We’ve te rd a y. said thehospital has its ment. It contradicts the disappointing more beds are seen ambulances queuing up This is because St John’s “lowest expenditure” bud get constant stream of of prom- closing when we have this there as A&E is full.” Hospital is a ‘s t e p - d ow n’ fa - since 2004. ises from governmentpoliti- crisis in the city”. There were 39 patients cility, providing bed support ”We have clearly outlined cians aboutadditional And Mayor O’Hanlon, who being treated on trolleys yes- to the main centre. Patients to the HSE, the negative im- i nve s tm e n t . represents the St John’s area terday, according to figures already at St John’s have been pactthis levelof funding will “Iunderstand thebudget on the council, said: “It beg- released by the INMO. moved to the upper floors of have on services, but as of yet, for this year is below that of gars belief we have a situation Although the daily figures the 100-bed hospital. no additional funding has 2004, which puts the lie to the in theonly hospital in the have dropped inrecent Sinn Fein Senator Paul been provided. various governmentprom- inner cityand thereare 20 weeks for theDooradoyle fa- Gavan said it’s a“scandal” “We very much regret we ises to tackle this issue.
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