MAY/JUNE 1980 VOLUME 31 No.5 TABlEOf CON' FENlirican Editors Notes ..... ," FOR THOSE by Emily B. johnso (ISSN 002-8436) Letters to the Editor .. , WHO DEMAND Official publication of the From the President ,." Amateur Fencers League of America. Inc. by Irwin Bernstein ©1978 Amateur Fencers League of America. Inc THE BEST! 1980 Senior Olymics .. , Dedicated to the memory of JOSE R. deCAPRILES. 1912-1969 Views on Venice - tr Second Class Postage U-20s ................ paid at Berkeley, CA 94704 and at additional mailing offices by Mary Huddlesor Editor: Emily B. Johnson Engravings in Steel .... Associate Editor: Harriet King by Giorgio Sante/! Art Director: Diane King ward Lucia Business Manager: Eleanor Turney • TOP QUALITY Policy Board: Irwin F. Bernstein. Chairman Harnet Maestro Menyher1 Kade King. Ralph Goldstein (Editor Ementus). by Alan Rubin Howard Goodman. Eleanor Turney Send all contributions and correspondence to Guidelines for Fenc American Fencing ficials ............... - RAPID SERVICE 1250 Ellis #11 San Francisco, CA 94109 Technical Talks ....... President: IrWin F Bernstein by joe Byrnes Secretary: Eleanor Turney. 601 Curtis St -OUTSTANDING AI bany CA 94706 Results ........ .... Send all returns and changes of address to: Fencing Olympic Team SELECTION AFLA, 601 Curtis St., Albany, CA 94706 Club Roster Additions ~~e Staged Combats ...... avalia- by julius Pa/ffy-Alp, - COMPETITIVE 300;\J Zeeb Rd A"-,n Arbor PRICES ABOUT THE COVER Pictured on the cover ar -FULLY Santelli and Edward LL have coached many of ou DEADLINE FOR 1980 ISSUES ILLUSTRATED champions and membE Issue Date Closing Date Mailing Date Olypmic Team. The f CATALOG For Copy number of extracts from PRICE $3.00 ings in Steel" which t JULAUG JUNE 10 JULY I jointly written appears I sue. On behalf of the er SEPT·OCT AUG 10 OCT ing community, the staff NOV'DEC OCT 10 NOV can Fencing salutes then , 4\u~~~S2-:!11An s::nl <::;nu C::TQCCT <:::1\"-1 co"""rIC("("I ("'/\ OA-1("\':> _ A"C' IOC .... ...,. ......... LETTERS TO THE EDITOR a factor in the popularization c are now doing annual broad Drum Corps International Char Dear Editor These are areas that the AFLI Random thoughts. By the time you receive this you will have In the November/December issue a letter lion should pursue and the At the Unde' 20 WOlld voted (or not) in the contested election for urging fencers to write NBC in support of support with a vigerous letter v In Ve'l- positions at the National Level. The votes wiil coverage was printed This was an With television interest Ice three women f,)ii be counted on the first day of the Nationals excellent idea and I did so immediately see the grass roots growth finalists and 1'hO men f)iI Whoever is elected 1"111 need your helD. We However, the olympic situation has changeo now only haDes fOI. finalists were le't-handed must work together for Most of dramaticly since that time and a new As a left hander I wOLid have some ideas and on for television publicity IS needed. like to lay it to our natu' 31 should be done for the betterment of the Two can be taken, both dealing John but I fear that is not the answer League For example, you may feel that we with this years nationals. First. NBC is the answer? need lots more coaches. Everyone to have a lot of unscheduled air time Dear Editor, It seem(cJ to make no difference in deter­ we need lots more fenCing coaches sports advertisements this summer. They Aaron Bell of the Tanner Citv F mining right of way whether the attack was real question is how do we get them. should be encouraaed by a letter cordially invites all fencers made with a bent arm or a straight arm This is where you can heip Tell us during some through i~ew Enl Coupes were in. Tantrums were out. Total how An unimplemented idea a gossamar _ ics would be ideal as in concentration was in was out as ineffective as a bird vvith one wing (I the competition is being held in the same city ting) at his What a fantastic trip If I were Under 20 I think I have the quotation quite cor- as NBC's centra! studios and national head­ Marblehead, Mass, wuuiJ be practicing every day to rect) implementing most ideas re- quarters evening from 7 30 to 10 30 make the team next year. '/Vllat a ;1:1 ,g money and b) work. So the ques- The second direciion, and probably the to Seotember 10th inclUSive expellence to the United States in tion is. where a) (the nitty) is from is to approach PBS with the electnc stnp fo' those the Under 20 iJ Championships in a and who is going to do b) (the Dont piO. the United States with the swimming poo for after foreign country. It,vould make all the wave this question aSide with a regal gesture substitute of the National Fencing freshments and no fees 8f any k vvo~th-wh;;e ... There is a lot of druJgery - a and b are where the probler'ls lie. Think The Public Broadcasting for a fantastic evening and a I endless practicing that makes vou a about it Service and before them the National Edu­ had by all char'lpion Free fencing is fun and After you have the problem clearly out­ cational Television Network have a history of b,,; :.:' ,ning in the result of hard, tough train­ lined your Illind and your solution all ready provicJil1g minor sports coverage. They were Ing suggest that you write it up - preferably on a typewriter If you write it out by hand please fa : 2 When did you get your March-April issue? don't use an old envelope or a laundry list regular copy arrived April 18th, more and scrav'vl. If y00 don"t 'v'8:J8 yGJ: :deas two weeks after it was mailed about er1uugh to plesent therrl v'v8i; shGuiJ yOU miles from my home. It does no expect an/one else to place a value on them? Your national officers are amateur to the Post Office. I occa­ fencers Just like you are -- The only reward a letter poil ,[" 'g out that the writer was unable to 3ttend a for beina an officer in the for that competition because the is the late. Alii ca, I do is it to the Post Office on that you are doing your time. We cant it out before the first help a sport you love, it is reward but please dont expect to be because of logistical problems with the witll gratitude if your idea involves a lot of printer It would make our deadline for copy even more unrealistic. I sugqest that non-existent ane extra work those who spend most free on check last yeals American League affairs. competitions that interest you and drop a I cant imagine why people sometimes note to the person rar'led to receive entries remark that I tend to be a bit on the blunt asking for inforr'lation this years side, can you? n. Or write to or of the division. (Names ad- dresses are in the Nov-Dec issue) My only other suqqestion is to help us increase the in the League. If we had a lot more members (particularly adult members) we might have enough money to alleviate this problem From the President Score with New Tiger Fencing II by Irwin Bernstein It was a to participate in the his~ of the National Olympic Com~ The improved all white Tiger shoes tory making of the United States western EurojJean cOulltries, ;npic Con 1IIIittee cO not send a team to the we learned that public opir:;un polls in those lightest fencing shoes available. Th, Sunl1Ti8r Olympics in Moscow unless countries found about 65% to 85% against ripple wrap-around sole provide the ult President Carter chanaed Ilis evaluation of the boycott, except in West Germanv where traction on all surfaces. the i;,(ernational situat ~ it was 50%. ~,1ear"Ar,ile in the very painful decision. the public was 70% in favor of a bovcott Please specify size and sex, Price p several weeks 01 discussions. hastily called When you think about how the ' $32.45 including shipping charges. meetings, letters and mallgrams from gov~ sports. this result is not ernmt!1 Ii of[;ciois and the general public. in~ European countries. there is terviews by reporters, and personal soul sional sport. The puLlic. therefore, (Calif residents add 6% sales tax) searching. Although many people formed greater of and respect for theil OVJi; opiniOl"lS early on, I found few who amateur sports and can better ap~ could not see considerable merit in the op~ preclate the need to upi lold the Joseph Vince ( posing position It was a terribly complex tradition and attempt to keep it free and emotional Issue and once we. as cal interference. 15316 S. CRENSHAW BLVD. amateur sports administrators. were drag~ In the more tanaible area of financial sup­ GARDENA, CALIF. 90249 ged illto the liliar arena of world affairs lack of understanding and defense and Liip:0;Tiatlc policy, we rct. During the first few TEL: (213) 323-2370, 321-6568 ullcomfortable months of 1980. as we hosted the Winter thrust on us. OlympICS and prepared to send teams to now. I that most of the facts Moscow, we shuuld have reached new in 1985. Small vvonder then that the USOC i v i8j.'~u;r::s been su7f:c er heights in our fund raiSing.
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