Wnt Satlg (Eattuma Serving the Storrs Community Since 1896 VoL LXXXVIIINo. 104 The University of Connecticut Tuesday, April 9. 1985 For failings of UConn: By Derek Gray Lack of initiative blamed Staff Writer By Susan Childs problem solving session, but Norman Klein, professor of instead they tend to tell stu- animal genetics, added to this High pH levels were discovered in the water systems ol Campus Correspondent some dorms on campus between 10:30 pm and 8 am, UConn is failing due to lack dents what they think students theme saying "Professors should know in order to get now consider their yachts and Frktay. of initiative on the part of From the area of Buckley Hall in East Campus to New Lon- students, administration and along in society. Professors families more than their teach- lecture rather than help stu- ing" He said it is the pro- don Hall in North Campus, students complained of a "slip- especially faculty in creating pery" feel to the water and a "funny" taste Three students an intellectual environment, a dents to apply knowledge he fessor's responsibility to do said Sazama said that pro- more than reflect, that they were treated for minor bums and irritations from the water at panel discussion of faculty the infirmary. members and students has fessors should promote crea- should "point out and change" tive thinking by encouraging the problems facing UConn's University officials said the water is now safe for drinking concluded anu cashing, Members of the panel spoke discussion in and outside of students. "Faculty are the the classroom The faculty long term people here,—they "The pH of the water went up to8.8," said Robert Clawson, to a group of about 15 Mon- director of facilities management He said that the normal pH day night in the Bishop Cen- isolates itself in an "ivory have the responsibility to tower" without thinking about change things" levels should be at 6.9. ter. The problem was caused by too much sodium hydroxide in Jerry Sazama, economics where the students are com- Gary Bent, assistant de- ing from "We shouldn't ex- partment head of physics, the water system, according to Walter McGowan, director of professor, started the discus- the office of public information sion by saying that professors pect the students to always brought up the problem of provide the environment" McGowan said that sodium hydroxide is a neutralizing should treat education as a See page 3 agent that is automatically fed into the system to keep the water at the proper pH level "Too much went in," Mc« Gowansaid DiBiaggio comments on racism See page 4 By Colin Poitras McMahon Hall and a protest last week by a cam- News Editor pus political action group over the hiring prac- Administration rejects Saying that he found the" great majority of the tices of the university's Co-op bookstore have criticism fair". President John DiBiaggio made been "very thoroughly addressed" DiBiaggio his first public statements on recent charges of said Soviet arms proposal racism at UConn during a meeting of the Univer- While the number of people involved in the racism charges was not large he said "the sity Senate Monday. WASHINGTON (AP)-The Soviet nuclear missiles aimed DiBiaggio said that the university has not suc- importance of the issue is so huge and the impact upon the integrity of this special com- Reagan administration has at Western Europe, U.S. offi- ceeded in efforts of minority employment and in notified the Soviet Union that cials said Monday. Robert C. the recruitment and retention of minority stu- munity is so wide-ranging" that it initiated comment it rejects as "one-sided' a pro- McFarlane, the White House dents "to a degree with which we (UConn) The president said that UConn's problem of posal by Mikhail S. Gorbachev national security adviser, said ought to claim satisfaction" to halt the deployment of the administration had told A recent report of alleged racist graffiti in See page 3 Moscow "this is no basis for a balanced outcome" The presidential adviser told NBC News that in res- ponding to the Soviet leader's announced moratorium "we have pointed out the pro- blems that we find with this kind of one-sided proposal." Specifically, McFarlane said the Soviet Union has 1.200 nuclear warheads already installed on intermediate- range SS-20 missiles, an ad- vantage of more than 8-to-l over the NATO allies. As a result he said "we're trying to point out that this is no basis for a balanced out- come" McFarlane and other administration officials dis- missed the moratorium as a propaganda ploy aimed at Western Europe The State Department called it a "dis- credited proposal" and noted it was raised initially by the Soviets three years ago. At the same time though, the administration took a mor • oositive stance than it had on Sunday to Gor- bachev's statement that he was prepared to hold a sum- THREE'S A CROWD— Yvonne Hens. John Gagas and Stan from Towers (Andy Shaffer photo). mit meeting with President Smith enjoy the cool spring weather while walking to class Reagan. Inside Today: Weather Forecast: • The World Nationalist Association at UConn dissolves Cold, with variable amounts of clouds itself after NYC trip. See page 3. 'oday. highs between 35-40. Same • Life on the farm is hard work See page 5. tonight Mostly sunny Wednesday. ■l■^^^!■!■!^"^!■^■■.l.|.'■l■l■■■■■■■■'■|.|.■.■.■.■.■■']'■:^:::;::j > Morning Comment News Digest Andy Rooney Sexuality courses approved Leave the memories HARTFORD (AP)-The Gen- commendations of the state's eral Assembly s Education Com- Task Force on Education to Pre- mittee overwhelmingly approved vent Adolescent Pregnancy. to Kodak DWI testing a bill Monday that would require Its chief sponsor, Rep. Mary M. Because so many of the major victories of World War II came 40 sex education or "family life" Mushinsky, D-Wallingford called years ago, this is a big year for anniversaries. The emphasis on the courses for all grades in public the committee's action "coura- 40th makes me a little nervous. I suspect they're celebrating it bill heard schools geous" because they don't Ihink many of us who were there will make it to Parents who don't want their "They recognized the high rate the 50th in 1995. * children to take the course could of teen-age pregnancy and the My interest in anniversaries is limited By the time you get to be 60, HARTFORD (AP)—A bill that have them excused need to go beyond voluntary pro- you've accumulated enough memories, good and bad to last a would allow the state to convict a The course would include in- grams," she said lifetime The way lifetimes are going these days, you still have quite a drunken driver using only a blood struction on human sexuality, "The bill protects both the long way to go, though and it's my feeling that those of us who have breath or urine test received the family planning, parenting and majority who want the course reached that age pught to push on to acquire new memories instead support of numerous witnesses nutrition and the minority who don't," said of sitting back to consider the old ones. No one should spend too who testified Monday at a legisla- The bill, approved 21 -5 by the Rep. Jonathan Pelto, D-Mansfield much time on memories. Some people start doing that when they re tive public hearing committee, was one of the re- 20 and never get over living in the past The most interesting people I A conviction under the "per know don't spend much time reminiscing People who were in WWII se" driving legislation would be and talk about it all the time are a pain in the neck. based on tests given at the time a Pie case uncovers affair The trouble with most memories is that too many of them are sad driver is stopped by police They involve friends or events that are gone. The bill's goal is to reduce plea BRIDGEPORT (AP)—A busi- Fuller's story that a Fairfield cou- Someone asked the other day what year my father died and I bargains and the need for jury ness partner testified Monday ple theatened him and offered couldn't remember. The date never seemed like one to commit to trials. that he is also the lover of a man him a bribe to keep secret their memory and I don't think of him any less often for having put it out of "If so many entities are con- who dressed as a clown and involvement in the pie-throwing smashed a pie in a school official's my mind firming its per se legislation's pro- incident It's easy to overdo the celebration of anniversaries and birthdays. priety and realizing its benefits I face last year. Bello and Fuller own the Fun If Td had my last birthday party when my mother invited six see absolutely no justification or But the partner, Donald Bello, Factory, a Fairfield novelty store neighborhood kids in for cake and ice cream when I was9, it would be defense, in denying its adoption said his close relationship with that sells greeting cards and OK with me. I am no longer pleased to be reminded that I'm a year in 1985," said R.L Pfann presi- Robert B. Fuller had nothing to do balloons and offers services older. I like someone having a birthday party for me about as much as dent of the Connecticut chapter with his earlier testimony.
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