Build a Labor Party Now ! WHAT LIES AHEAD FOR I.S . EGOHOMT? (See Page 2) NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1954 PRICE: 10 Cents McCarthy Gets Govt. Witch Hunters Share Hard Blow, But GOP Rift Widens Guilt in Remington’s Murder By Daniel Roberts DEC. 2 — The United States Senate voted to censure Tangle over aCo-existence” Sen. Joseph McCarthy today. This is a sharp rebuke decreed Parochial by the dominant sections of Big Capital' who want the His Blood Is on Hands 'McCarthyite fascist movement curbed for the time being. A ll Schools Give Democratic Senators and the Of 2 Administrations Ringside View Eisenhower Republicans (a party majority) voted for the action. McCarthy Aid President Eisenhower himself Of McCarthyites* “ urgently wanted censure to be NEW YORK, Nov. 29. — Re­ That Framed Him Up accomplished,” according to the ports in local newspapers re­ New York Rally Dec. 2 N. Y. Times. veal that Catholic parochial By Art Preis However, the censure vote school children in this area are William W. Remington, a framed-up victim of the gov­ By Dick Richards deepened the r if t in the Repub­ being mobilized to get signa­ NEW YORK, Nov. 30 — There lican Party. Fully twenty Sen­ tures for the anti-censure peti­ ernment anti-“Communist” witch-hunt, was brutally beaten was no crowd around Madison ators — or almost half of the tions of fascist Sen. Joseph Mc­ under mysterious circumstances in the Northeastern Square Garden last night where Republicans who voted on the Carthy. Robert. L. McCaffery of Federal Penitentiary at Lewis- the rally protesting the censure issue — supported McCarthy. Tuckahoe, N. Y., has charged burg, Pa., on Nov. 23 and died move against Senator McCarthy They included the Senate Repub­ that his two children in one the next day of a crushed skull. was being held. There were quite lican floor leader, Sen. Knowland Westchester County parochial The 36 - year - old ex - govern­ a few cops though not more than (Calif.), and several others who, school were being subjected to ment economist had been ra il­ you would expect at a large like Knowland, are not McCar­ “ brain washing.” roaded to prison after a num­ political rally. thyites but are determined op- ■McCaffery protested in a let­ ber of loyalty board hearings I saw a man giving out tickets ponets of the new Eisenhower ter to Cardinal Spellman that and jury trials growing out of so I stood around and asked how foreign policy of slowing down “ on Nov. 23 a new low level allegations hy the sinister Eliz­ I could get in without paying. In the cold war. was reached when each of my abeth Bentley that Remington less than a minute some fellow Although the issue was not children (in the elementary had turned over government walked over with a whole bunch explicitly raised during the school) was requested by the secrets to her when she was, of tickets in his hand and of­ debates, McCarthy was censured nun to sign one of the petitions according to her claim, a cour­ fered me one. because the dominant sections of being circulated to obtain 10,- ier for a Soviet espionage ring. Inside, the meeting was not Big Capital are opposed to his 000,000 names. In other words, Conflict between Republican factions over foreign policy FBI and federal prison au­ packed and there w^re prac­ attacks on the traditional institu­ the proponents of Senator Mc­ has come to a head with Eisenhower’s shift toward a reducing thorities are trying to make the tically no people in the third tions and parties of capitalist Carthy are using Catholic of cold war tensions through a “ modus vivendi" with the Soviet (rilling out a case of attempted tier. The m ajority of the rule. schools to obtain what amounts bloc and China. The President, shown left, is sharply opposed robbery and murder by other audience appeared to be well- But so bitter is the present to forgery.” He added that an­ by Senate M ajority Leader William Knowland (R-Cal.), shown prisoners. They are attempting dressed people over th irty years conflict in the Republican party other daughter was attending p above left, who has called for a blockade of China which Eisen­ to deny any political implica­ of age though there were many that Knowland and his support­ parochial high school where the hower says would be a “ warlike act.” Knowland is shown con­ tions in Remington’s death. young people. Women appeared ers, such as Sen. Kuchel (Calif.), versing with Senate Minority Leader Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex.) civics class was “ used to teach WHERE THE GUILT LIES to make up about one-half the lined up with the outright Mc­ McCarthyism.” after they had joined forces recently in announcing opposition audience. It was a “ respectable” Carthyites because of the for­ The Nov. 18 N.Y. Times had to admitting China to the United Nations. See story on “co­ But whatever the immediate looking audience in the main — eign policy disagreement. This previously reported that St. existence” developments in first column of this page. circumstances of Remington’s only a handful of work jackets adds significantly to McCarthy’s Rosalia’s Parochial School in death, the fact remains that he should never have been in pris­ were visible. strength in the rear guard strug­ Brooklyn gave upper grade pu­ on in the firs t place. He was gle he has been waging since the pils 110 petition forms to take SOME OF THE TYPES the victim of a coldly-calculated Watkins Committee recommended home to parents. The school The hall was set up like a poli­ frame-up by government witch- WILLIAM REMINGTON censure. It also helps to entrench principal said more would be tical convention with the names hunters who hounded him ruth­ the McCarthyites and gives them distributed as soon as they could o f states all around. I was seated School Integration Fight lessly for six years until they sional committees that have room for maneuvering in a now be obtained. in a New Jersey section. Sitting got a ju ry that would convict whipped up the smear campaign sizable wing of the Republican On Nov. 28, the Times re­ on my left was the fellow who him — not on a spy charge — and anti-“communist” hysteria. Party. ported another complaint that a had given me the ticket. He kept but on trumped-up charges of It reddens the hands of Eisen­ saying “ that’s rig ht” when speak­ parochial school was being used Knifed by Administration MCCARTHY’S CAMPAIGN ■perjury in a previous federal hower and his Attorney General by nuns as a base for distribu­ ers lambasted past and present The censure motion was brought trial. Brownell who have continued tion of the pro-McCarthy peti­ By Jean Blake into consideration. He reiterated all laws requiring or permitting administrations in Washington. to a vote with the cooperation of Remington’s blood is on the and expanded Truman’s govern­ tions. The charge was made by that ‘segregation w ill not he it are invalid. Towards the end of the rally he McCarthy himself. Right after The Eisenhower Administration hands of everyone connected ment purge and persecution of a public employee whose job ended in Georgia at any time.’ ” (2) Return of the test cases remarked: “Eisenhower won’t the Senate reconvened on Nov. added another “giveaway” to its with the government purge and political dissenters. brings her in contact with pu­ from Virginia, South Carolina, like this, but that's just too bad.” BACKED BY EISENHOWER the anti-“ red” drive. It stains “This is not a tragedy of 29, he agreed to close debate and pils of the school. She requested record in its brief on public Delaware, Kansas and the Dis­ proceed to the decision. The ten- Truman’s hands — he initiated mine alone — but also of the On my right sat a drunk who that her name not be made pub­ school desegregation tiled with That Brownell’s brief has the trict of Columbia to the lower day “ elbow filibuster” (during the government purge and the country,” said Remington’s be­ yelled and applauded but wasn’t, lic. Perhaps she read that on the Supreme Court last week. full support of the Administra­ courts where t hey were first which the Senate recessed be­ witch-hunt campaign. It drips reaved wife, Jane, on learning of very coherent. Two seats over on the day McCaffery’s letter was tion was made clear at the Presi­ heard for further action in line cause McCarthy went to the hos- The Justice Department recom­ from the hands of the Congres- my left sat another drunk — a published he received four tel­ dent’s press conference Nov. 23, with the Supreme Court’s de­ (Continued on page 4) mendation, signed by Attorney (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 2) ephone threats to kill him, and when Eisenhower said the matter cision. asked for police protection. General Herbert Brownell Jr., of “decentralizing desegregation” (3) Entry of orders in the Further evidence that Cath­ would nullify the effect of the was being explored. lower courts directing the school olic clerics are helping to or­ Supreme Court decision of last “ Decentralizing desegregation” boards involved to submit within WORLD SCIENTISTS WARN ganize the McCarthy forces was May 17 declaring segregation in is, of course, entirely consistent 90 days a plan for ending China Incidents Test revealed when a unit of the public schools unconstitutional. with the Eisenhower Republican segregation in their districts “ as Holy Name Society received The brief proposes: policies of decentralization in soon as feasible.” tickets to the McCarthy rally, other fields: in labor legislation (4) Unless a satisfactory de­ ON H-BOMB RADIATIONS (1) To turn control and en­ and enforcement of standards, to segregation program is sub­ at Madison Square Garden to­ forcement of desegregation back Scientists both here and abroad agree that H-bomb Shift in Foreign Policy night.- An accompanying form turn control back to the most mitted to and approved by the to the local districts, and letter said the tickets were sent reactionary local authorities; in lower court, the entry of an radiations and radioactive fallouts of wind-borne dust By Joseph Keller at the suggestion of the Rt.
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