E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018 No. 11 Senate The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was ator from the State of Arkansas, to perform TAX REFORM the duties of the Chair. called to order by the Honorable JOHN Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on BOOZMAN, a Senator from the State of ORRIN G. HATCH, President pro tempore. another matter, Saturday will mark 1 Arkansas. year since President Trump’s inaugura- Mr. BOOZMAN thereupon assumed tion—a year spent working with Re- f the Chair as Acting President pro tem- publicans to roll back runaway regula- pore. PRAYER tions, stand up for veterans, fund our The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- f troops, strengthen national security, fered the following prayer: and pass once-in-a-generation tax re- Let us pray. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY form. Creator and Redeemer, cleanse us LEADER Today, unemployment is at its low- est level in over a decade. According to from anything that hinders the know- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ing and doing of Your will. Give our Gallup, the American people are more pore. The majority leader is recog- optimistic about their job prospects lawmakers clean hands and pure hearts nized. which will fit them to serve You and than they have been in 17 years. And just yesterday, the Dow Jones closed all people. Liberate them from forces f that keep them from moving toward above 26,000 for the first time in his- consensus. As they seek to bring unity FISA tory. The engine of American free enter- to our Nation and world, teach them Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, in prise is the American people, and when how to best serve the common welfare, just a short while, the Senate will vote government gets out of the way and to assure personal freedoms, and to ful- to reauthorize important provisions of helps provide the conditions for fill the purposes of Your Kingdom. the FISA Amendments Act. As we all growth, good things happen. Lord, bless them beyond their expecta- know, section 702 remains one of the Just yesterday, Apple—the highest tions. most important tools that our national valued public company in the world— We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen. security professionals use to combat announced a plan to create more than f terrorism and to keep Americans safe. 20,000 new jobs and invest $30 billion in Let’s be very clear about what sec- new capital right here in our country. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tion 702 does. It enables our intel- As a direct result of tax reform, Apple The Presiding Officer led the Pledge ligence community to collect commu- will pay special bonuses worth $2,500 to of Allegiance, as follows: nications from foreign terrorists on employees and begin to repatriate the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the foreign soil who threaten America and $250 billion in cash it has been holding United States of America, and to the Repub- our allies. That is what it does. Make overseas. Let me repeat that. Billions lic for which it stands, one nation under God, no mistake—section 702 does not allow and billions of dollars are coming back indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the targeting of American citizens, nor to America because Republicans passed does it permit the targeting of anyone, historic tax reform and gave us a 21st- f no matter their nationality, who is century tax code. This will have an im- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING known to be located here in the United pact not just in Silicon Valley but all PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE States. across the country. In Harrodsburg, The men and women we trust to pro- KY, Corning employs hundreds of peo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tect this country say that this capa- ple in a high-tech facility. It partners clerk will please read a communication bility is essential to their missions. with Apple to manufacture the special to the Senate from the President pro They tell us that it has saved Amer- glass used in iPhones and iPads. This tempore (Mr. HATCH). ican lives. That is why we cannot let glass is made in Kentucky. The legislative clerk read the fol- this capability lapse. The world re- Republicans in the House and Senate lowing letter: mains dangerous. We need our Armed passed tax reform without a single U.S. SENATE, Forces and intelligence community to Democratic vote, although I certainly PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, protect us, and they need us to give hope our folks across the aisle will cel- Washington, DC, January 18, 2018. To the Senate: them the tools to do it. ebrate the new jobs in their States and Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, I look forward to renewing this im- the new opportunities that are already of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby portant provision on a bipartisan basis being created for their constituents. appoint the Honorable JOHN BOOZMAN, a Sen- in a short while. We know that when Washington gets ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S265 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:36 Jan 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JA6.000 S18JAPT1 S266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 18, 2018 out of the way, American workers and Will he help us put a stop to the polit- The legislative clerk proceeded to job creators can do what they do best. ical games? call the roll. The results are speaking for them- The senior Senator from Ohio said: Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask selves. ‘‘Healthcare for our kids shouldn’t be unanimous consent that the order for f controversial . it shouldn’t be par- the quorum call be rescinded. tisan. It should be easy.’’ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- FUNDING THE GOVERNMENT The junior Senator from Maine pore. Without objection, it is so or- Mr. MCCONNELL. Now, Mr. Presi- called a potential lapse in SCHIP ‘‘an dered. dent, on an urgent matter, Congress is abdication of our responsibility.’’ f fast approaching our Friday deadline The junior Senator from Oregon said: to fund the government. The choice be- ‘‘Struggling families would like to RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY fore us is quite simple: We can pass a have some stability, not have their LEADER noncontroversial, bipartisan bill to children be a bargaining chip in some The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- keep the government open, or Demo- broader vision.’’ pore. The Democratic leader is recog- crats in Congress can manufacture a All of these Democratic Senators rep- nized. crisis and force a government shut- resent tens of thousands of children down over the entirely unrelated issue who depend on SCHIP. I am more than f of illegal immigration, which we have puzzled why they would threaten to CHIP until March, at the very least, to re- turn their backs on those children— Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, before solve. and shut down the government while I move to the bulk of my remarks, let Leaders in both parties have engaged they are at it—over the entirely unre- me respond to the majority leader’s in constructive talks on the best solu- lated issue of illegal immigration. Why comments on CHIP. tion for those who fall under the would anyone suggest it is a good idea First, let me say I am a good friend Obama administration’s illegally es- to not fund SCHIP for 6 years and to of Leader MCCONNELL. We are getting tablished DACA Program, along with not fund the government because they along quite nicely. I know what a dif- other important immigration issues. are upset over illegal immigration, ficult job he has, but sometimes he The President has made it clear that which is an issue we have until March says things that are just way over the any immigration bill must not only to address? treat the symptoms of illegal immigra- Last year, the Senate Finance Com- top, and I have to respond, as this tion but also address the conditions mittee unanimously agreed on a pro- morning, to his remarks on CHIP. that cause it. His four pillars for re- posal to extend SCHIP by 5 years. The Of course, Democrats support CHIP, form are increasing border security, re- continuing resolution we expect to Leader MCCONNELL. You know that forming chain migration, resolving the take up will extend it for 6, with no darn well. If we were in charge of this DACA issue, and addressing the visa partisan attachments. It shouldn’t be a Chamber, we would have never let it lottery. Those are the four pillars. difficult vote. expire, but your majority did, Leader My position is straightforward. When There is nothing—nothing—in such a MCCONNELL. Your majority let health negotiators produce a compromise that continuing resolution that my Demo- insurance for 9 million children expire, the President supports, it will receive a cratic friends actually oppose. Surely even though there were bipartisan ma- vote here in the Senate. No such solu- they do not oppose continuing to fund jorities in both Houses of Congress that tion yet exists, so the negotiations programs for opioid treatment and pre- would have extended it. continue. The DACA issue does not vention, even as negotiations continue Now it is placed on the CR. That is a face urgent deadlines until March at on additional funding.
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