Accused Persons arrested in Kozhikodu City district from 02.04.2017 to 08.04.2017 Name of Name of the Name of the Place at Date & Arresting Court at Sl. Name of the Age & Cr. No & Sec Police father of Address of Accused which Time of Officer, which No. Accused Sex of Law Station Accused Arrested Arrest Rank & accused Designation produced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Manayadath Cr. No. thazahm (House), 02/04/201 Released on Gangadhara 52/17 211/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 1 Valsan MT Eranhikkal, Eranhikkal 7 at 20:25 Elathur Bail by n Male 15© of Abkari SI Kozhikode City hrs Police Act District, Cr. No. Mattuvayal (House), 03/04/201 Released on 30/17 212/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 2 Shijith mon Sivadasan Elathur, Kozhikode Chettikulam 7 at 14:15 Elathur Bail by Male 279 IPC 185 SI City District, hrs Police MV Act Thekkemalayil Cr. No. (House), Chuloor, 03/04/201 Released on 27/17 213/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 3 Vaisak Vijayan Kunnamngalam Chettikulam 7 at 14:20 Elathur Bail by Male 118(a) of KP SI (PO), Kozhikode hrs Police Act City District, Pannikot Vayal Cr. No. (House), 06/04/201 122/17 u/s Released on 34/17 Arun Prasad, 4 Shinjith Surendran Thalakulathur, Elathur 7 at 12:50 279 IPC Elathur Bail by Male SI Kozhikode City hrs 132(i) of MV Police District, Act Chakki Purakkal Cr. No. 06/04/201 Released on Muhammed 49/17 (House), Eranhikkal, 217/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 5 Moosa Annassery 7 at 02:05 Elathur Bail by CP Male Kozhikode City 118(a) of KP SI hrs Police District, Act Velivalappil (House), Cr. No. Cheriyamangad, 07/04/201 Released on 32/17 218/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 6 Prithwiraj Dasan Koyilandy Taluk, Elathur 7 at 03:40 Elathur Bail by Male 279 IPC 185 SI Kozhikode Rural hrs Police MV Act District, Peedikathodiyil Cr. No. 08/04/201 Released on 31/17 (House), Eranhikkal, 220/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 7 Rivaras Chandran Perumthuruthi 7 at 10:20 Elathur Bail by Male Kozhikode City 117€ of KP SI hrs Police District, Act Kaippanchola (House), Cr. No. 02/04/201 Released on Ramachandr 26/17 Kattumunda, Kappil Nadakkavu 242/17 u/s KURIAKOSE. 8 K.Sreejith 7 at 11:00 Nadakkavu Bail by an Male (PO), Nilambur, PS 118(a) KP P.J SI hrs Police Malappuram Act District, Surag (House), Koonja Parambath, Cr. No. 02/04/201 Released on Krishna 52/17 Mini 299/17 u/s RAGHAVAN. 9 Unnikrishnan Malaparamba 7 at 17:15 Nadakkavu Bail by Kutty Nair Male Kunnamangalam 279 IPC & P.K, SI hrs Police (PO), Kozhikode 185 MV Act City District, Kalathil (House), Cr. No. Madathil Mukku, 02/04/201 Released on Radhakrishn 40/17 300/17 u/s RAGHAVAN. 10 Nidheesh Chevayur (PO), Malaparamba 7 at 17:30 Nadakkavu Bail by an Male 279 IPC & P.K, SI Kozhikode City hrs Police 185 MV Act District, U V villa (House), Cr. No. Chankuvetty, 02/04/201 Released on 56/17 301/17 u/s RAGHAVAN. 11 Sageer Beeran Kottakkal (PO), R P Mall 7 at 18:00 Nadakkavu Bail by Male 118 (a) KP P.K, SI Malappuram hrs Police Act District, Karuniyan thodi (House), Cr. No. 04/04/201 Released on 35/17 Puthukode, Arayidathpala 309/17 u/s 12 Shobhi Das Velayudhan 7 at 21:15 Nadakkavu Kuriakose SI Bail by Male Ramanatukara m 279 IPC & hrs Police (PO), Kozhikode 185 MV Act City District, Puttakath (House), Cr. No. 04/04/201 Released on 25/17 Nadakkavu (PO), English 310/17 u/s 13 Arun Anil Kumar 7 at 22:05 Nadakkavu Kuriakose SI Bail by Male Kozhikode City Church 118 (a) KP hrs Police District, ACT Chelakkad (House), Cr. No. 05/04/201 Released on 43/17 Pallikkal, Karimpanapal 313/17 u/s GOPAKUMA 14 Sidique Nurudheen 7 at 17:25 Nadakkavu Bail by Male Malappuram am 118 (a) KP R.G, SI hrs Police District, Act Geethu nivas Cr. No. (House), 05/04/201 Released on 47/17 314/17 u/s GOPAKUMA 15 Ratheesh Sreedharan Karaparamba (PO), Sarovaram 7 at 17:30 Nadakkavu Bail by Male 118(a) KP R.G, SI Kozhikode City hrs Police Act District, Cherikuzhithazhath (House), Cr. No. 06/04/201 SURESH Released on 23/17 Puthiyappa, 316/17 u/s 16 Sujith Suresh Westhill 7 at 00:20 Nadakkavu KUMAR UV, Bail by Male Puthiyangadi (PO), 279 IPC & hrs SI Police Kozhikode City 185 MV Act District, Koomulli Meethal Cr. No. (House), Kallodu, 07/04/201 Released on 29/17 319/17 u/s KARTHIKEYA 17 Vipin Kunhikannan Perambara (PO), Near RP Mall 7 at 18:20 Nadakkavu Bail by Male 118 (a) KP N.T.P, SI Kozhikode Rural hrs Police Act District, Sangeetha House (House), Ottilayi Cr. No. 08/04/201 SURESH Released on Krishnan 52/17 Paramba, Arayiodathpal 322/17 u/s 18 Unnikrishnan 7 at 22:00 Nadakkavu KUMAR UV, Bail by Kutty Male Eranhipalam (PO), am 279 IPC & hrs SI Police Kozhikode City 185 MV Act District, Puthanveeduparam 02.04.17 Cr.No 155/17 19 Bibin Manikandan 24/17 ba, Court Road, BG road at 21.05 U/s 27 of Vellayil P.S SI Jamsheed Bail Out Kozhikode hrs NDPS Act Cr.No 156/17 03.04.17 Marshab Manzil, Gandhi road U/s279 IPC & 20 Marshab Basheer 33/17 at 00.10 Vellayil P.S SI Jamsheed Bail Out Westhill (PO) junction 185 of MV hrs act. Cr.No 157/17 03.04.17 SI Deepak Chirakkal house, U/s279 IPC & 21 Sureshan 24/17 Gandhi road at 23.55 Vellayil P.S Somasundara Bail Out Suresh Palazhi 185 of MV hrs n act. Thumbirumbuparam 06.07.17 Cr.No 159/17 SI Produced 22 Aneesh Krishnan 40/17 ba, Bhut road, Bhut road at 17.45 U/s 118 (a) of Vellayil P.S Sreevatsaku before court. Puthiyangadi hrs KP Act mar Puttingal House, 01.04.201 196/17 U/s 20/17 Payimbra 7 Bailed by 23 Aghil. P. Madhu Pottamuri 279, 129 and Chevayur Anand. K. P. Male Parambil Bazar, at 08.50 Police 177 of IPC Kozhikode Hrs Kunnath Adukkath 01.04.201 197/17 U /s 17/17 (H) 7 Bailed by 24 Abijith. K. Hariharan Pottamuri 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. Male Payimbra (PO), at 08.55 Police Act Kozhikode Hrs Krishna priya (H) 01.04.201 198/17 U /s 18/17 Bailed by 25 Gopikrishnan Manoharan Naduvilad Meethal, Pottamuri 7 at 09.00 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. Male Police Payimbra (PO) Hrs Act 01.04.201 200/17 U/s 30/17 Kandiyil (HO), Bailed by 26 Sujeesh. K. Sadanandan Kakkodi 7 at 10.15 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. Male Morikkara (PO) Police Hrs Act 01.04.201 201/17 U/s Anilkumar. 49/17 Pilathottathil (H) Bailed by 27 Gangadaran Kakkodi 7 at 10.20 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. P. Male Morikkara (PO) Police Hrs Act 01.04.201 202/17 U/s Samikkutty. 70/17 Koramangala (H) Bailed by 28 Alakan Payimbra 7 at 10.30 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. K. M. male Payimbra (Po) Police Hrs Act V. P. House (H) Valiyaparamba, 03.04.201 207/17 U/s Muhammed 20/17 Vellimadkunn Bailed by 29 Usman Nadakkuthazhe, 7 at 14.00 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. Rashid. V. P. male u Police Vadakara, Makkul Hrs Act Peedika 208/17 U/s Manayath (H), 04.04.201 31/17 279 IPC and Bailed by 30 Sudeed. M. Babu Morikkara Kakkodi Vengeri 7 at 00.30 Chevayur Babu. M. male 185 of MV Police Mob : 8606494473 Hrs Act Kalarikkaduth 209/17 U/s 04.04.201 41/17 (H)Malayamma, Malapparamb 279 IPC and Baskaran. E. Bailed by 31 Siddikh Aboobacker 7 at 11.35 Chevayur male Vennakkod Mob : a 21 (25) K. Police Hrs 9495484089 CMVR 05.04.201 41/17 Muthirakkalil (H) 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 32 Prajith Sukumaran Kuruvattoor 7 at 06.05 Chevayur Male Malapparamba 15 of KG Act K. Police Hrs Unnolikkandiyil (H) 05.04.201 51/17 Palath (PO), 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 33 Sahadevan Kuruvattor 7 at 06.10 Chevayur Male Chelannur 15 of KG Act K. Police Hrs Mob:9745497923 Eranjikkal Thazhath 05.04.201 43/17 (H) Kuruvattoor 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 34 Sathyan Krishnan Chevayur PS 7 at 06.15 Chevayur Male (PO) Mob : 15 of KG Act K. Police Hrs 9895523521 Anakkulam, Vadyarthodi, Puthan 05.04.201 49/17 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 35 Krishnan Velayudhan Veed, Near 2nd Kuruvattor 7 at 06.20 Chevayur Male 15 of KG Act K. Police Gate Hrs Mob:9995738612 Nambonathil (H) 05.04.201 Sreedharan 48/17 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 36 Raju. C. P. Kuruvattoor (PO) Kuruvattor 7 at 06.25 Chevayur Nair Male 15 of KG Act K. Police Mob:9496224950 Hrs Kunnam Kandari 05.04.201 48/17 (H), Parambil (PO), 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 37 Jayan. C. Kumaran Chevayur PS 7 at 20.00 Chevayur male Cheruvatta 15 of KG Act K. Police Hrs Mob:9387211217 Korachan Kuzhiyil 212/17 U/s 06.04.17 21/17 (H) Meethal, 279 IPC and Bailed by 38 Sarath Babu Vengeri at 02.00 Chevayur Babu.
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