Accused Persons Arrested in Kozhikodu City District from 02.04.2017 to 08.04.2017

Accused Persons Arrested in Kozhikodu City District from 02.04.2017 to 08.04.2017

Accused Persons arrested in Kozhikodu City district from 02.04.2017 to 08.04.2017 Name of Name of the Name of the Place at Date & Arresting Court at Sl. Name of the Age & Cr. No & Sec Police father of Address of Accused which Time of Officer, which No. Accused Sex of Law Station Accused Arrested Arrest Rank & accused Designation produced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Manayadath Cr. No. thazahm (House), 02/04/201 Released on Gangadhara 52/17 211/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 1 Valsan MT Eranhikkal, Eranhikkal 7 at 20:25 Elathur Bail by n Male 15© of Abkari SI Kozhikode City hrs Police Act District, Cr. No. Mattuvayal (House), 03/04/201 Released on 30/17 212/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 2 Shijith mon Sivadasan Elathur, Kozhikode Chettikulam 7 at 14:15 Elathur Bail by Male 279 IPC 185 SI City District, hrs Police MV Act Thekkemalayil Cr. No. (House), Chuloor, 03/04/201 Released on 27/17 213/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 3 Vaisak Vijayan Kunnamngalam Chettikulam 7 at 14:20 Elathur Bail by Male 118(a) of KP SI (PO), Kozhikode hrs Police Act City District, Pannikot Vayal Cr. No. (House), 06/04/201 122/17 u/s Released on 34/17 Arun Prasad, 4 Shinjith Surendran Thalakulathur, Elathur 7 at 12:50 279 IPC Elathur Bail by Male SI Kozhikode City hrs 132(i) of MV Police District, Act Chakki Purakkal Cr. No. 06/04/201 Released on Muhammed 49/17 (House), Eranhikkal, 217/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 5 Moosa Annassery 7 at 02:05 Elathur Bail by CP Male Kozhikode City 118(a) of KP SI hrs Police District, Act Velivalappil (House), Cr. No. Cheriyamangad, 07/04/201 Released on 32/17 218/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 6 Prithwiraj Dasan Koyilandy Taluk, Elathur 7 at 03:40 Elathur Bail by Male 279 IPC 185 SI Kozhikode Rural hrs Police MV Act District, Peedikathodiyil Cr. No. 08/04/201 Released on 31/17 (House), Eranhikkal, 220/17 u/s Arun Prasad, 7 Rivaras Chandran Perumthuruthi 7 at 10:20 Elathur Bail by Male Kozhikode City 117€ of KP SI hrs Police District, Act Kaippanchola (House), Cr. No. 02/04/201 Released on Ramachandr 26/17 Kattumunda, Kappil Nadakkavu 242/17 u/s KURIAKOSE. 8 K.Sreejith 7 at 11:00 Nadakkavu Bail by an Male (PO), Nilambur, PS 118(a) KP P.J SI hrs Police Malappuram Act District, Surag (House), Koonja Parambath, Cr. No. 02/04/201 Released on Krishna 52/17 Mini 299/17 u/s RAGHAVAN. 9 Unnikrishnan Malaparamba 7 at 17:15 Nadakkavu Bail by Kutty Nair Male Kunnamangalam 279 IPC & P.K, SI hrs Police (PO), Kozhikode 185 MV Act City District, Kalathil (House), Cr. No. Madathil Mukku, 02/04/201 Released on Radhakrishn 40/17 300/17 u/s RAGHAVAN. 10 Nidheesh Chevayur (PO), Malaparamba 7 at 17:30 Nadakkavu Bail by an Male 279 IPC & P.K, SI Kozhikode City hrs Police 185 MV Act District, U V villa (House), Cr. No. Chankuvetty, 02/04/201 Released on 56/17 301/17 u/s RAGHAVAN. 11 Sageer Beeran Kottakkal (PO), R P Mall 7 at 18:00 Nadakkavu Bail by Male 118 (a) KP P.K, SI Malappuram hrs Police Act District, Karuniyan thodi (House), Cr. No. 04/04/201 Released on 35/17 Puthukode, Arayidathpala 309/17 u/s 12 Shobhi Das Velayudhan 7 at 21:15 Nadakkavu Kuriakose SI Bail by Male Ramanatukara m 279 IPC & hrs Police (PO), Kozhikode 185 MV Act City District, Puttakath (House), Cr. No. 04/04/201 Released on 25/17 Nadakkavu (PO), English 310/17 u/s 13 Arun Anil Kumar 7 at 22:05 Nadakkavu Kuriakose SI Bail by Male Kozhikode City Church 118 (a) KP hrs Police District, ACT Chelakkad (House), Cr. No. 05/04/201 Released on 43/17 Pallikkal, Karimpanapal 313/17 u/s GOPAKUMA 14 Sidique Nurudheen 7 at 17:25 Nadakkavu Bail by Male Malappuram am 118 (a) KP R.G, SI hrs Police District, Act Geethu nivas Cr. No. (House), 05/04/201 Released on 47/17 314/17 u/s GOPAKUMA 15 Ratheesh Sreedharan Karaparamba (PO), Sarovaram 7 at 17:30 Nadakkavu Bail by Male 118(a) KP R.G, SI Kozhikode City hrs Police Act District, Cherikuzhithazhath (House), Cr. No. 06/04/201 SURESH Released on 23/17 Puthiyappa, 316/17 u/s 16 Sujith Suresh Westhill 7 at 00:20 Nadakkavu KUMAR UV, Bail by Male Puthiyangadi (PO), 279 IPC & hrs SI Police Kozhikode City 185 MV Act District, Koomulli Meethal Cr. No. (House), Kallodu, 07/04/201 Released on 29/17 319/17 u/s KARTHIKEYA 17 Vipin Kunhikannan Perambara (PO), Near RP Mall 7 at 18:20 Nadakkavu Bail by Male 118 (a) KP N.T.P, SI Kozhikode Rural hrs Police Act District, Sangeetha House (House), Ottilayi Cr. No. 08/04/201 SURESH Released on Krishnan 52/17 Paramba, Arayiodathpal 322/17 u/s 18 Unnikrishnan 7 at 22:00 Nadakkavu KUMAR UV, Bail by Kutty Male Eranhipalam (PO), am 279 IPC & hrs SI Police Kozhikode City 185 MV Act District, Puthanveeduparam 02.04.17 Cr.No 155/17 19 Bibin Manikandan 24/17 ba, Court Road, BG road at 21.05 U/s 27 of Vellayil P.S SI Jamsheed Bail Out Kozhikode hrs NDPS Act Cr.No 156/17 03.04.17 Marshab Manzil, Gandhi road U/s279 IPC & 20 Marshab Basheer 33/17 at 00.10 Vellayil P.S SI Jamsheed Bail Out Westhill (PO) junction 185 of MV hrs act. Cr.No 157/17 03.04.17 SI Deepak Chirakkal house, U/s279 IPC & 21 Sureshan 24/17 Gandhi road at 23.55 Vellayil P.S Somasundara Bail Out Suresh Palazhi 185 of MV hrs n act. Thumbirumbuparam 06.07.17 Cr.No 159/17 SI Produced 22 Aneesh Krishnan 40/17 ba, Bhut road, Bhut road at 17.45 U/s 118 (a) of Vellayil P.S Sreevatsaku before court. Puthiyangadi hrs KP Act mar Puttingal House, 01.04.201 196/17 U/s 20/17 Payimbra 7 Bailed by 23 Aghil. P. Madhu Pottamuri 279, 129 and Chevayur Anand. K. P. Male Parambil Bazar, at 08.50 Police 177 of IPC Kozhikode Hrs Kunnath Adukkath 01.04.201 197/17 U /s 17/17 (H) 7 Bailed by 24 Abijith. K. Hariharan Pottamuri 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. Male Payimbra (PO), at 08.55 Police Act Kozhikode Hrs Krishna priya (H) 01.04.201 198/17 U /s 18/17 Bailed by 25 Gopikrishnan Manoharan Naduvilad Meethal, Pottamuri 7 at 09.00 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. Male Police Payimbra (PO) Hrs Act 01.04.201 200/17 U/s 30/17 Kandiyil (HO), Bailed by 26 Sujeesh. K. Sadanandan Kakkodi 7 at 10.15 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. Male Morikkara (PO) Police Hrs Act 01.04.201 201/17 U/s Anilkumar. 49/17 Pilathottathil (H) Bailed by 27 Gangadaran Kakkodi 7 at 10.20 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. P. Male Morikkara (PO) Police Hrs Act 01.04.201 202/17 U/s Samikkutty. 70/17 Koramangala (H) Bailed by 28 Alakan Payimbra 7 at 10.30 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. K. M. male Payimbra (Po) Police Hrs Act V. P. House (H) Valiyaparamba, 03.04.201 207/17 U/s Muhammed 20/17 Vellimadkunn Bailed by 29 Usman Nadakkuthazhe, 7 at 14.00 118 (a) of KP Chevayur Anand. K. P. Rashid. V. P. male u Police Vadakara, Makkul Hrs Act Peedika 208/17 U/s Manayath (H), 04.04.201 31/17 279 IPC and Bailed by 30 Sudeed. M. Babu Morikkara Kakkodi Vengeri 7 at 00.30 Chevayur Babu. M. male 185 of MV Police Mob : 8606494473 Hrs Act Kalarikkaduth 209/17 U/s 04.04.201 41/17 (H)Malayamma, Malapparamb 279 IPC and Baskaran. E. Bailed by 31 Siddikh Aboobacker 7 at 11.35 Chevayur male Vennakkod Mob : a 21 (25) K. Police Hrs 9495484089 CMVR 05.04.201 41/17 Muthirakkalil (H) 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 32 Prajith Sukumaran Kuruvattoor 7 at 06.05 Chevayur Male Malapparamba 15 of KG Act K. Police Hrs Unnolikkandiyil (H) 05.04.201 51/17 Palath (PO), 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 33 Sahadevan Kuruvattor 7 at 06.10 Chevayur Male Chelannur 15 of KG Act K. Police Hrs Mob:9745497923 Eranjikkal Thazhath 05.04.201 43/17 (H) Kuruvattoor 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 34 Sathyan Krishnan Chevayur PS 7 at 06.15 Chevayur Male (PO) Mob : 15 of KG Act K. Police Hrs 9895523521 Anakkulam, Vadyarthodi, Puthan 05.04.201 49/17 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 35 Krishnan Velayudhan Veed, Near 2nd Kuruvattor 7 at 06.20 Chevayur Male 15 of KG Act K. Police Gate Hrs Mob:9995738612 Nambonathil (H) 05.04.201 Sreedharan 48/17 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 36 Raju. C. P. Kuruvattoor (PO) Kuruvattor 7 at 06.25 Chevayur Nair Male 15 of KG Act K. Police Mob:9496224950 Hrs Kunnam Kandari 05.04.201 48/17 (H), Parambil (PO), 211/17 U/s Baskaran. E. Bailed by 37 Jayan. C. Kumaran Chevayur PS 7 at 20.00 Chevayur male Cheruvatta 15 of KG Act K. Police Hrs Mob:9387211217 Korachan Kuzhiyil 212/17 U/s 06.04.17 21/17 (H) Meethal, 279 IPC and Bailed by 38 Sarath Babu Vengeri at 02.00 Chevayur Babu.

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