BAGP THE IPE 1955 2012 C O E V E E G N A N T C O L L THEThursday, October 11, 2012 - Vol. 59.7 14049 Scenic Highway, LookoutBAGPIPE Mountain, Georgia, 30750 bagpipeonline.com Grad rates Exploring by Garrison Dale non-fiction The new faces from freshmen orientation week have a way of by Molly Kitts dwindling over the years. “As far as I know, there is Be genuine, pursue truth, do hard only one person that has stayed things. at Covenant from my entire The class contract that Writer- O-team besides myself,” said in-Residence Leslie Leyland Fields Senior Margaret Cross. “Some gave her Creative Writing: Non- left because of money, others Fiction class was this seven-word because of Covenant’s work- challenge. load.” Fields’ Creative Writing: Non- In 2008 and 2009, Covenant’s Fiction class will officially meet rate of freshmen returning for three nights this week and another their second year was slightly three nights in November, supple- lower than the national average Annie Huntington menting the gap between classes for four-year private non-profit with reading, writing assignments, colleges, leaving significant gaps and weekly group essay workshops. in the sophomore, junior, and Students will also give a public read- senior classes. Inauguration success ing of their final essays on Nov. 17. But last year’s student reten- Professor Sarah Huffines, Associ- tion rates were higher than they by Ellen Davis hours planning the week’s fes- not have been done without the ate Professor of English, described have been in four years. In 2011, tivities and the ceremony. She, entire campus being mobi- the writing genre of Creative Non- 81.4 percent of the freshmen Friday was a historic day for along with Rachel Verville and lized.” Fiction as a way of interpreting life class returned to Covenant, Covenant College, as Dr. J. Joan Stanton, began preparing “It was beautiful,” said Ver- experience for both the writer and placing Covenant above the Derek Halvorson was inau- for the event in March when ville, “It was great to see the the reader. national average for four-year gurated as the college’s sixth Dr. Halvorson was first an- whole body of Christ working “There’s something about Non- private schools. president. The event was sur- nounced as president. together. Everyone was so will- Fiction that makes you look at your The goal for this year’s rounded by a week of fes- However, nearly everyone on ing to help.” world in a particular way, with fresh freshman retention rate was tivities, including a “Halvorson campus played a part in prepar- The planning committee eyes. Its appeal is in its ability to al- 82 percent. 2012’s unofficial family favorites” student dinner ing for this event; from hand- made sure every detail was con- low us to see the worlds around us,” projections show an even higher on Tuesday, a Fernando Ortega addressing invitations for 700 sidered, rain or shine. Because she said. retention rate, continuing the concert on Thursday, and guests to setting up a circus the Chapel is not large enough Fields expanded on this descrip- steady rise of Covenant’s num- various receptions for incoming tent on the Chapel lawn. to contain the expected number tion, saying that while “someone ber of returning freshmen. guests. “No contribution was too of guests, the committee had a may have a fascinating life, we “Covenant’s retention rates Inauguration Coordinator small,” said Collier. “Logistical- circus tent set up on the Chapel choose to read about that life, not Continued on page 2News Continued on page 2News Continued on page 3News Carol Collier spent countless ly it was a challenge, and could Arts Opinions Sports Macklemore Response to PCA Covenant & Lewis Inaugural Remarks wins the HighlandCup News: 2 The Bagpipe Vol. 59.7 Grad Rates Covenant’s retention rates. “If students Continued from front page Hulsey’s chief concern is help- want to go to a 82 ing students who are consider- big state school 81 compare quite favorably to ing leaving because of problems where they can other schools,” said Director with grades, residence life, or tailgate before 80 of Institutional Research Dr. finances. a football game, 79 Karen Nelson. “Admissions gets people in there’s nothing 78 In 2010, Covenant’s freshman the door, retention tries to keep I can do. But if retention was higher than peer them here,” said Hulsey. “It’s students come 77 Retention Rates institutions Dordt College, Ge- a campus wide effort. Classes, wanting to study 76 neva College, Trinity Christian food, social life, all aspects of architecture, I College, and Berry College. campus life are important for will talk to the 75 Improvements in retention keeping students satisfied.” right people 74 rates are partially due to the ef- Hulsey meets with students to make that 73 forts of Student Development’s who are considering leaving. happen,” said Director of Academic Support, “Financial burdens and pressing Hulsey. “If there Berry College Trinity Geneva Dordt College Covenant Christian College College Janet Hulsey. family issues are unavoidable is not a major College “Student retention is a key problems,” said Hulsey. “My offered that way to measure the effective- role is not be a salesman, but to they want to Data from US News & World Report ness of your institution and the encourage them to make wise pursue, we will satisfaction of your students,” decisions.” talk about possible alternatives is an important part of what “Being at college is a new said Hulsey. “It’s like a store. Hulsey has an exit interview in IDS.” the Resident Life staff does,” skill. My freshman year at Wake If students like your stuff, they with each student who decides Residence life also plays a said Resident Director (RD) of Forest, I was unprepared and will continue to come back.” to leave Covenant. The infor- large role in retention rates. Carter Hall Adam Porcella. If I floundered. Students have to In 2006, Student Develop- mation gathered from these “While spiritual growth is a student is struggling, Hulsey learn how to learn in order to ment created the Academic interviews informs the college’s the most important goal for refers the student to the RD for succeed,” said Hulsey. Support position to boost decisions in the future. Student Development, retention additional help. Inauguration board members, pastors, and All five former presidents who attended the ceremony Christian scholarship ,” said Continued from front page 34 delegates from Christian were present or represented as on Friday. “One of the girls Dixon. “The lecture was a good institutions across the country, witnesses for the ceremony. on my hall said that she felt reminder that the validity of lawn to hold overflow seating all of whom are part of the “Seeing all of Covenant’s like her heart grew three sizes my faith is proved by the Lord’s for the ceremony. The commit- Council for Christian Colleges past presidents on stage made larger during the inauguration truth and faithfulness, not tee made sure the people in the and Universities. me feel like I was witnessing with joy and pride; I’d have to mine. Therefore, we can study tent felt as recognized as those The ceremony was formal history. And now a Covenant agree.” and research without fear.” in the Chapel. and academic, but also main- alumnus is our sixth president. Four faculty lectures were The week of festivities ad- “We wanted to guarantee a tained the unique flavor of That could be one of us some- given on Friday afternoon to equately displayed the purpose live stream that was flawless,” Covenant. Bagpipes opened day!” said sophomore Essie demonstrate the strengths and behind Covenant, and each part said Collier. “The second thing and closed the ceremony and Horn. the goals of academics at Cov- of the Covenant community we wanted was for the proces- everyone sang the college hymn The ceremony was a vis- enant; the lectures were from was represented as a beautiful sional to go through the tent “All for Jesus.” ible reminder of the purpose the English, Education, His- whole. so that people actually got to Charges to the president were of Covenant College and the tory, and Biology departments. “Everyone rose to the occa- experience something that’s given by Dr. Hans Halvorson, legacy that it maintains. Dixon attended Dr. Jay sion and worked toward the important to our community, ’95 alumnus and brother of the “I was impressed with how Green’s lecture on Christian common goal of making this and then there was the surprise president; Susanna Griffith, the ceremony, while obviously scholarship. a wonderful celebratory day,” of food, so those who were in the student body president; about President Halvorson, was “I am glad I attended (Dr. said Collier. “It was a rare op- the tent would know they were Dr. Cliff Foreman, professor of more pointedly about striving Green’s talk) as it put into one portunity for the campus to all noticed.” English; and Dr. Michael Ross, towards the college’s purpose, cohesive lecture what I have be moving toward the common Distinguished guests includ- moderator of the General As- “In all things...Christ preemi- been hearing throughout my goal, and it was incredible.” ed Halvorson family and guests, sembly of the PCA. nent,” said junior Callie Dixon, time at Covenant about true Faculty Quote of the Week “I’m not about Marriage Mill on the Hill, but I am all about taking the initiative to take a girl on a FREE DATE! I mean, it’s music about Jesus.
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