Article citation info: 27 Kozak M. Ethyl alcohol as a fuel for contemporary internal combustion engines. Diagnostyka. 2019;20(2):27-32. https://doi.org/10.29354/diag/109173 ISSN 1641-6414 DIAGNOSTYKA, 2019, Vol. 20, No. 2 e-ISSN 2449-5220 DOI: 10.29354/diag/109173 ETHYL ALCOHOL AS A FUEL FOR CONTEMPORARY INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Miłosław KOZAK Institute of Combustion Engines and Transport at Poznan University of Technology, ul. Piotrowo 3, 60-965 Poznań, email: [email protected] Abstract The article presents the conditions for the use of ethyl alcohol as a component and a sole fuel for internal combustion engines. Methods of ethanol production, its properties and the benefits and risks associated with using it as engine fuel have been described. The variants of commercial ethanol fuels allowed by law have also been presented. Ecological aspects of the use of ethanol fuels for modern internal combustion engines were presented. The opinion was expressed that although ethanol is used in bulk as a component of gasolines, its use as a self-contained fuel is and probably will continue to be small in the near future. Keywords: ethyl alcohol, combustion engines, motor fuels ALKOHOL ETYLOWY JAKO PALIWO DO WSPÓŁCZESNYCH SILNIKÓW SPALINOWYCH Streszczenie W artykule przedstawiono uwarunkowania stosowania alkoholu etylowego jako składnika oraz samodzielnego paliwa do silników spalinowych. Opisano metody produkcji etanolu, jego właściwości oraz korzyści i zagrożenia związane ze stosowaniem go jako paliwa silnikowego. Zaprezentowano dopuszczalne prawem warianty handlowych paliw etanolowych. Przedstawiono ekologiczne aspekty stosowania paliw etanolowych do współczesnych silników spalinowych. Wyrażono opinię, iż mimo, że etanol stosowany jest masowo jako komponent benzyn silnikowych, to jego zastosowanie jako samodzielnego paliwa jest i prawdopodobnie w najbliższej przyszłości będzie niewielkie. Słowa kluczowe: alkohol etylowy, silniki spalinowe, paliwa silnikowe 1. INTRODUCTION by the addition of ethanol were also noted, namely the reduction of CO emission by about 20% in the The concept of using ethanol as a motor fuel ECE cycle [4]. appeared as early as at the beginning of the Currently, when fuel injection systems and automotive development. Henry Ford built his first catalytic aftertreatment systems are commonly used vehicles and fuelled them with ethanol in the eighties in spark-ignition (SI) engines, the importance of of the nineteenth century. Early Ford T models had a ethanol as a gasoline additive that reduces exhaust carburetor that could be adjusted for either gasoline toxicity has decreased. Ethanol still plays an or ethanol. In the interwar period and during World important role as a mean to increase the octane War II pure ethyl alcohol was occasionally used to number of gasolines, especially due to restrictions power spark ignition engines. In 1928 started first on the content of aromatic hydrocarbons in fuel. It ethanol based Polish fuel production which was is used in its pure form and serves as a substrate for blend of 30% ethanol and 70% gasoline [2]. the production of high octane ethyl-tert-butyl ether Alcohols were used as components of fuel mixtures: (ETBE). However, the most important reason for gasoline-alcohol and gasoline-alcohol-benzene for the growing use of ethanol as an engine fuel today many years after the war. In these mixtures, alcohol is the fact that it can be mass produced from served primarily as a component increasing the fuel biomass (bioethanol), i.e. as an environmentally octane number, and its role as an energy carrier was friendly renewable fuel [7]. Ethyl alcohol can also secondary. In the nineties of the twentieth century, an be produced on industrial scale from ethylene, additive of 5% ethanol for motor gasolines began to methanol or from synthesis gas [8, 19]. However, be used in Poland. The main purpose of using taking into account the previously mentioned ethanol was to reduce the content of tetraethyl lead environmental aspects, and partly also social, which was used at the time to increase the octane economic and political factors, the most beneficial number of gasolines. However, some favorable is the production of ethanol through biomass changes in the composition of exhaust gases caused fermentation. 28 DIAGNOSTYKA, Vol. 20, No. 2 (2019) Kozak M.: Ethyl alcohol as a fuel for contemporary internal combustion engines 2. ETHYL ALCOHOL PRODUCTION Bioethanol from the raw materials of the last group is a 2nd generation biofuel. Industrial production of ethanol by fermentation is a multi-stage process and includes: initial raw 3. PROPERTIES OF ETHANOL AS FUEL material preparation, hydrolysis and saccha- rification, detoxification (in the case of The physicochemical properties of ethanol lignocellulosic biomass), fermentation, distillation (Table 1), in particular the high octane number, low and rectification, ethanol dehydration/drying, as viscosity and low boiling point, predispose it well as the management of by-products and waste primarily as fuel for SI engines. The use of ethanol (Figure 1). as a fuel brings both benefits and risks (Table 2), The enzymes produced by yeast in the process the latter being largely related to its impact on some of alcoholic fermentation facilitate the construction materials of vehicles not adapted to be decomposition of carbohydrates into ethyl alcohol powered by ethanol. It is assumed that the and carbon dioxide. For example, the alcoholic maximum safe ethanol content in gasoline intended fermentation of glucose proceeds according to the for conventional automotive SI engines is 10-15%. reaction: The latest edition of the Worldwide Fuel Charter C6H12O6 → 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2. (2013) [20] recommends not exceeding the level of A mash with alcohol concentration of up to 18% 10%. Fuels with higher ethanol content can be used is obtained in the fermentation process (the yeast for the so-called FFV (Flexible Fuel Vehicles), i.e. perishes at higher concentration). The concentration vehicles that are factory-adapted for the use of this of alcohol is modified by distillation, the product of type of fuel. These vehicles are equipped with a which is 90% ethanol is referred to as raw spirit, fuel composition sensor and can be fuelled with an which is then rectified to obtain an azeotropic ethanol-gasoline mixture with any range of changes mixture of water and ethanol, with about 96% between the content of these two components. ethanol concentration. Ethanol used as a fuel Several European car manufacturers offer FFV component should not contain more than 0.3% of versions of their passenger cars (Table 3). water, however, due to the formation of an azeotropic mixture, it is not possible to obtain Table 1. Properties of ethanol as engine fuel [5] anhydrous alcohol by conventional distillation. Gasoline Parameter Ethanol Removal of water from the azeotropic mixture is 95 carried out using adsorption methods on molecular Density at 20C kg/m3 789 750 sieves and by pervaporation. The water content in Research – 109 > 95 dehydrated ethanol is 50 to 2000 ppm, depending octane number on the process conditions. Motor octane – 90 > 85 In domestic conditions, ethanol is the most often number Heat of produced from grains and potatoes. In the USA, kJ/kg 841 330 Canada and China, the primary raw material is evaporation corn. The largest amount of ethanol production in MJ/kg 26.8 43.5 Heating value 3 the world (about 60%) comes, however, from the MJ/dm 21.2 31.8 processing of sugar cane. This raw material is used Stoichiometric kg /kg 9,0 14,3 for example in Brazil. Raw materials for the air-fuel mixture air fuel production of bioethanol can generally be divided Distillation C 78 40 – 215 into three groups [1]: Flash-point C 13 – 43 - containing sucrose: sugar cane, beetroots and Kinematic mm2/s 1.2 0.5 sugar sorghum and certain fruits, viscosity at 40oC - containing starch: wheat, rye, barley, potatoes, Elementary maize, rice, cassava, composition % m/m - lignocellulosic biomass: energy crops, by- C 52.2 84.8 products from agriculture and the wood H 13.0 13.3 industry, paper and cardboard being a fraction O 34.8 2.4 of municipal waste. Fig. 1. Step by step processes and operations of ethanol production [6] DIAGNOSTYKA, Vol. 20, No. 2 (2019) 29 Kozak M.: Ethyl alcohol as a fuel for contemporary internal combustion engines Table. 2. Technical and operational advantages and risks Table. 3. Selected FFV models commercially available associated with the use of ethanol as motor fuel [9] on the European market [11] Advantages Risks FFV Vehicle Brand Country high octane number high emission through Audi A3 1.6e e-power (E85) allowing the increase evaporation, Sweden of compression ratio smaller particle sizes Audi A4 2.0 TFSI Citroën C3 Flex engine efficiency created in the combu- Sweden, Benelux, Citroën C4 1.6/2.0 BioFlex increase, stion process (more France, Switzerland CO, HC and PM harmful particles), Citroën C5 2.0 BioFlex emissions reduced or lower calorific value Dacia Duster 1.6 16v (E85) maintained at the increased fuel consu- Dacia Logan MCV 1.6 16v Hi- current level, mption, Flex (E85) Sweden Dacia Sandero 1.6 16v Hi-Flex reduction of CO2 difficult engine start at (E85) emissions (partial or low temperatures, due to complete closure of low vapor pressure and Ford Focus Austria, Denmark, Ford C-Max France, Germany, the CO2 cycle chain), high latent heat of Ford Mondeo Ireland, Holland, reduction of benzene ethanol evaporation, Ford S-Max Poland, Spain, and
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