Wandsworth Local Plan Consultation Report Employment and Industry Review publication stage (proposed submission consultation) October 2017 Wandsworth Local Plan: Consultation Report Employment and Industry Review - publication stage (proposed submission consultation) October 2017 Local Plan: employment and industry consultation report 1 Introduction 2 2 Consultation statement 5 3 Summary of comments 9 3.1 EI1 - Encouraging sustainable economic growth 10 3.2 EI2 - Locations for new employment floorspace 10 3.3 EI3 - Protected Employment and Land Premises 11 3.4 EI4 -Affordable, Flexible and Managed Workspaces 12 3.5 EI5 - Requirements for new employment development 13 3.6 EI6 - Managing Land for Industry and distribution 13 3.7 EI7 - Redundancy of employment premises 14 3.8 EI8 - Waste 14 3.9 EI9 - Wharves 14 3.10 Site allocation comments 15 3.11 Integrated Impact Assessment 15 Appendix Appendix 1: List of people consulted 16 Appendix 2 : Consultation Letters 22 Appendix 3 : Consultation Webpages Screenshots 28 Appendix 4 :Schedule of representations received and Council response 30 Wandsworth Local Plan: Consultation Report Employment and Industry Review - publication stage (proposed submission consultation) October 2017 1 Introduction 1.1 The Council adopted its Local Plan; Core Strategy, Development Management Policies Document (DMPD) and Site Specific Allocations Document (SSAD) in 2016. 1.2 Wandsworth Council is producing a new Local Plan document covering employment premises and industrial land. The new document will form part of the Local Plan for Wandsworth, setting out relevant planning policies and allocating sites. It will replace the employment and industrial land policies in the existing Local Plan documents. 1.3 The production of the new Local Plan Employment and Industry document goes through a number of stages, set out below. The first part of stage 1 was a public consultation, carried out in December 2015/January 2016, for which a consultation report has already been published. The first consultation covered the reasons for the review, how the review was proposed to be carried out and the timetable for this work, the existing Local Plan policies that are intended to be replaced and the proposed areas for the review. It was carried out in accordance with Regulation 18 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and generated 31 responses. 1.4 This was followed by a Policy options consultation between 7 October and 4 November 2016. This second consultation set out a broad set of policy options and asked 67 specific questions about the policies and has been carried out in accordance with the council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement. This was a non-statutory consultation, to complement the earlier Regulation 18 consultation and explore the issues in further detail and generated 45 responses which are set out in the Policy Options Consultation Report. 1.5 The Council published and consulted on the Regulation 19 stage of the proposed submission version of the Employment and Industry Local Plan for 7 weeks between 10 March and 28 April 2017. The consultation sought comments on the proposed policies and policies map changes and the associated Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) which included Sustainability Appraisal (SA) (incorporating the requirements for a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)), Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) and Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the policies. In addition the consultation was supported by the Council’s Employment Land and Premises Study (July 2016), the scoping report for the IIA and a Flood Risk Sequential Test Report. 1.6 Representations were received from 45 organisations, groups and individuals who responded with a total of 119 comments, the details of which are set out in Appendix 4 which also includes an analysis of the responses and how the issues raised have been considered. At this stage it is assumed that the proposed submission version of the Local Plan is ‘sound’ and that there will be minimal further change. In addition to the consultation, specific engagement activities were undertaken with the Duty to Cooperate bodies such as neighbouring boroughs,the Environment Agency and the GLA and additionally with developers of specific sites subject to the emerging proposals. The Council further contacted the GLA 2 Wandsworth Local Plan: Consultation Report Employment and Industry Review - publication stage (proposed submission consultation) October 2017 following the publication of new evidence in the London Industrial Land Demand Study (June 2017) and the London Office Policy Review (June 2017) seeking any further comments following the publication of these documents. 1.7 The Employment and Industry Local Plan Review was reported to Committee in September 2017 for approval by the Executive for submission to the Secretary of State for Examination in accordance with the timetable set out in the Council's Local Development Scheme. 1.8 This report describes the consultation that was undertaken, provides a summary of responses received, and the Council’s responses to these comments. 1.9 The full text of each response is available online at www.wandsworth.gov.uk/employmentlandreview. 3 Wandsworth Local Plan: Consultation Report Employment and Industry Review - publication stage (proposed submission consultation) October 2017 Stage Exercise Timeframe Stage 1: Regulation 18 preparation stage Dec 2015 - Jan 2016 Preparation consultation Employment Land Study (AECOM) Apr 2016 - Jul 2016 Call for sites Jun 2016 - Sep 2016 Policy options consultation Oct 2016 Stage 2: Publish submission version Mar 2017 Publication Regulation 19 submission version Mar - Apr 2017 consultation Stage 3: Submission to Secretary of State Oct 2017 Examination Examination Dec 2017 - Apr 2018 Stage 4: Adoption Jul 2018/Dec 2018 Adoption 4 Wandsworth Local Plan: Consultation Report Employment and Industry Review - publication stage (proposed submission consultation) October 2017 2 Consultation statement 2.1 For both the previous preparation stage consultations - the initial Regulation 18 consultation in December 2015-January 2016 and the policy options consultation in October-November 2016 - invitations to make representations were sent to every person and organisation contained in the Council's local plan consultation database, these invitations were also sent out for consultation on the proposed submission version, March 2017. The invitations were sent to the following: The relevant 'specific consultation bodies', such as the Mayor of London, neighbouring boroughs, the Environment Agency, Historic England, and more; The relevant 'general consultation bodies', such as business organisations, amenity societies and residents' groups; Individual residents and businesses in Wandsworth. 2.2 In addition, there are various land owners, developers and their agents contained in the consultation database. The full list of bodies and persons invited to make representations for both stages are available on the Council's website at www.wandsworth.gov.uk/employmentlandreview. All bodies and persons were invited to make representation either by email or letter. 2.3 The Planning Service maintains a database of statutory (specific consultation bodies and duty to co-operate bodies) and non-statutory consultees (Appendix 1 'List of people consulted'). Over 1,000 consultation letters/e-mails were sent to individual and organisations to notify them of the consultation period and to let them know where to find further information and how to make representations (Appendix 2 'Consultation letters'). The Local Plan web page and planning consultation web page provided details of the consultation (Appendix 3 'Consultation webpages'). Letters were also sent to neighbouring authorities and other relevant bodies in accordance with the Duty to Cooperate set out in the Localism Act to ensure strategic issues were raised at the earliest opportunity. In accordance with the Regulations, the Council made a copy of documents available on its website (www.wandsworth.gov.uk/planningpolicy), at Balham, Battersea, Putney, Tooting and Wandsworth libraries and at the Town Hall Customer Services Centre. 2.4 Representation were received from 45 organisations, group and individuals, including the Mayor's Statement of General Conformity from the Greater London Authority. Respondents are listed in alphabetical order (by surname where submitted by an individual). Consultee Agent Site 38 Havelock Terrace Mandip Sahota (Nicholas 38 Havelock Terrace Taylor Associates) AMEC Staff Pensions Trustee Guy Bransby (Jones Lang 37 Lombard Road Limited (c/o LaSalle Investment LaSalle Ltd) Management) 5 Wandsworth Local Plan: Consultation Report Employment and Industry Review - publication stage (proposed submission consultation) October 2017 Consultee Agent Site Anthony Maxwell Jaggard Way BAF Graphics LTD 25 Lydden Road Battersea Project Land Company Jonathan Smith (DP9) 100 Garratt Lane/The York Limited (BPLCL) Road Business Centre/ 120-170 Stewart's Road Big Yellow Self Storage Company Sam Scurlock (Quod) Limited Callington Estates Limited and The Vanessa Clipstone 53 Lydden Grove Callington Trust (Simply Planning) Charterhouse Property Group Kieran Wheeler (Savills) Point Pleasant Works site (HSS Hire) Clinton Bell Jaggard Way Dietmar Kuchemann Jaggard Way Environment Agency Gary Collins Jaggard Way Greater London Authority Health and Safety Executive Highways England Historic England Hollybrook Ltd Analeise Smith
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