EKONOMICZNE PROBLEMY TURYSTYKI NR 4/2018 (44) (dawne Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki) ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF TOURISM VOL. 4/2018 (44) Uniwersytet Szczeciński Rada Naukowa | Scientific board Francisco Dias, School of Tourism and Maritime Technology, Portugalia Bartolomé Deyá Tortella, University of Balearic Islands, Hiszpania Francisco Flores, University of La Laguna, Canary Islands, Hiszpania Barbara Marciszewska, Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Polska Vesna Mrdalj, University of Banja Luka, Bośnia i Hercegowina, Polska Aleksander Panasiuk, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Polska Genka Rafailova, College of Tourism, Bułgaria Andrzej Rapacz, UE Wrocław, Polska Józef Sala, UE Kraków, Polska Ralf Scheibe, Universität Greifswald, Niemcy Muzaffer Uysal, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA Bogdan Włodarczyk, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska Lista recenzentów znajduje się na stronie internetowej czasopisma www.wnus.edu.pl/ept List of reviewers is available on the journal’s website www.wnus.edu.pl/ept Redaktor naukowy | Scientific editor Beata Meyer Redaktor tematyczny | Subject editor Anna Tokarz-Kocik Sekretarz redakcji | Editorial secretary Anna Tokarz-Kocik Redaktor statystyczny | Statistical editor Rafał Czyżycki Korekta językowa | Proofreading Natalia Panuś-Domiter Redakcja techniczna i skład | Technical editorial and text design Michał Dykas Projekt okładki | Cover design Tomasz Mańkowski Wersja papierowa zeszytu jest wersją pierwotną | Paper version of the journal is an original version Czasopismo indeksowane jest w BazEkon, CABI, Index Copernicus oraz BazHum Economic Problems of Tourism is indexed in BazEkon database Abstracts of all articles are available at: http://kangur.uek.krakow.pl/bazy_ae/bazekon/nowy/index.php Economic Problems of Tourism are included in CABI database © Uniwersytet Szczeciński 2018 ISSN 1644-0501 (ISSN 1640-6818) WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU SZCZECIŃSKIEGO Wydanie I. Ark. wyd. 14,5. Ark. druk. 13,3. Format B5. Nakład 65 egz. Spis treści | Table of contents Introduction 5 Functioning of Tourism Market Joanna Kowalczyk-Anioł, Marek Nowacki Tourist consumption of a contemporary city – a transgenerational analysis 7–15 Janusz Olearnik, Katarzyna Barwicka Ecotourism as a factor influencing behaviour of tourism market participants 17–24 Grażyna Rosa Railway transport as a determinant of improving the availability of area tourism products (and attractions) 25–34 Adam R. Szromek, Krzysztof Herman Business models analysis in the context of health resorts enterprises activity – literature review 35–46 Andrzej Mateusz Wajda, Simone Puorto The impact of reviews on the Internet on the financial results of a hotel company 47–56 Regional Aspects of Tourism Teresa Brzezińska-Wójcik “Roztocze – Witalność z natury” brand as an indicator of abiotic assets in marketing slogans and tourism products 57–67 Krzysztof Celuch Impact of the events sector on the economy – case study of Poland 69–81 Mirosława Czerny, Ciro Alfonso Serna Mendoza, Andrzej Czerny, Diana Sofía Serna Giraldo Cultural heritage and the development of sustainable tourism in the Eje Cafetero region of Colombia 83–99 Ewa Dziedzic, Teresa Skalska, Robert Vincze The use of tourism consumption estimations to assess the economic effects of tourism in metropolitan cities as exemplified by Warsaw 101–111 Wojciech Fedyk, Mieczysław Morawski, Urszula Bąkowska-Morawska, František Langer, Soňa Jandová Model of cooperation in the network of non-enterprise organizations on the example of Regional Tourism Organizations in Poland 113–137 Grzegorz Iwanicki, Anna Dłużewska Party space in Cracow and Warsaw: partying and conflicts 139–145 Mikołaj Jalinik, Bolesław Hryniewicki Assessment of the possibility of tourism development in Białowieża Forest after the spruce bark beetle outbreak 147–155 Ewa Kruszyńska, Ľudmila Jančoková, Elżbieta Sieńko-Awierianów Functioning of sport and recreation facilities of the city of Poznań in the opinion of service providers 157–167 Karolina Machczyńska, Czesław Adamiak, Vuk Tvrtko Opačić Selection of accommodation by Polish tourists in Croatia 169–180 Hanna Michniewicz-Ankiersztajn, Alicja Gonia, Anna Dłużewska The role of local communities in sustainable tourism development – Noteć River Valley case study 181–191 Tomasz Studzieniecki, Corina Tatar Websites as a Euroregional marketing tool in Poland 193–203 Krzysztof Szpara, Liudmyla Prochko, Marcin Kozak Responsiveness of hotel websites: an example from Rzeszów and its surroundings 205–213 EPT 4/2018 (44) | ISSN: 1644-0501 | www.wnus.edu.pl/ept | 5–6 INTRODUCTION The significance of tourism in the modern world is continuously increasing, mainly due to the changes in the preferred style of living of the developed societies. The transformations promoting a healthy and pro-ecological style of living result both in the changes in ways of spending free time (spending free time actively instead of passive leisure) and an increase of expectations concerning the quality of the natural environment in a tourism region. Simultaneously, tourism activities have become a standard element of a style of living and happen several times a year. The tourism development is still progressing despite many changes in global economy (frequently negatively, it seems, affecting tourism); a fact which confirms tourism’s great significance for the functioning of both societies and modern economy. Yet another issue is the relation between tourism and the natural and cultural environment of tourism reception areas whose sustainable nature makes tourism develop further. The complexity of tourism and its interdisciplinary nature are the reasons behind the steady rise in the research interest of various fields of science, especially economic sciences, in problems of tourism. Such a rise is owed to an increasing impact of the tourism sector on the level and nature of the economic development, both on the local and regional as well as global levels. The “Economic Problems of Tourism” is a platform for exchanging scholarly views and presenting research findings and achievements of scientists for whom tourism, especially in terms of economy, is the main subject of scientific interest. However, multiplicity and diversity of aspects of human tourism activity, its reasons and effects make it remain a field of interest of the researchers representing diversified fields of science, including economy, law, geography, or physical culture. The “Economic Problems of Tourism” present the research findings and achievements of scientists from Polish and foreign academic centres. The current issue of the journal presents tourism in terms of the two areas: functioning of the tourism service market; and regional problems of tourism development. The articles can also be found at www.wnus.edu.pl/ept. In the assessment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the “Economic Problems of Tourism” have achieved the score of 13 points (part B of the scientific journal list, announcement from July 1, 2016). Beata Meyer Economic Problems of Tourism 4/2018 (44) 5 #0# EPT 4/2018 (44) | ISSN: 1644-0501 | www.wnus.edu.pl/ept | DOI: 10.18276/ept.2018.4.44-01 | 7–15 TOURIST CONSUMPTION OF A CONTEMPOR ARY CITY – A TR ANSGENER ATIONAL ANALYSIS Joanna Kowalczyk-Anioł,1 Marek Nowacki2 1 University of Łódź Faculty of Geographical Sciences Institute of Urban Geography and Tourism Studies; CiTUR Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation, Portugal e-mail: [email protected] 2 WSB University in Poznań Institute of Social and Economic Sciences e-mail: [email protected] JEL codes I31, J11, R12, Z32, Z38 Keywords generational cohort segmentation, urban tourism, post-industrial city Abstract Reflection on the contemporary character of tourist traffic in the city, in particular on the goals of visits and ways of spending time by visitors, shows new, currently emerging patterns of urban tourism. At the same time, many works on tourist demand, especially from the perspective of socio- demographic changes, stress differences between generations in their preferences and behaviour. Current research on urban tourism clearly lacks a transgenerational perspective, which would take into empirical consideration generational cohorts. The aim of the article is to establish the differences between generations of Poles engaging in urban tourism (in the context of a post-industrial city). Source material for the work comes from studies on tourist traffic in the city of Łódź conducted in 2009 and 2016; further generational segmentation has been based on these data. Introduction Urban tourism is nowadays considered to be one of the rapidly developing types of tourism, both in terms of the growth of the phenomenon, transformations of the tourist demand, and the broadly understood city offer. Academic reflection on the contemporary character of tourist traffic in the city, in particular on the goals of visits and ways of spending time, shows development of new patterns of tourist consumption of the city (Spirou, 2011). These changes are a part of a broader Economic Problems of Tourism 4/2018 (44) 7 Joanna Kowalczyk-Anioł, Marek Nowacki post-modernist socio-cultural transformation, in which tourism is a constitutive element insepa- rably connected with globalisation and development of the mass consumption industry. They are also related to post-industrial transformations of modern cities and, in particular, their inner cit- ies, which are increasingly – in economic and social terms
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