LOCAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE EDITION SEPTEMBER 2013 Native Plants Repurposing Leftovers Washington County ROOTING AROUND What you might miss on game day if you focus only on football MUELLER METAL ROOFING PROTECT THINGS THAT MATTER A Mueller metal roof is a smart addition to your home for many reasons, such as weather resistance. Mueller roofs offer superior protection from wind, hail and fire. Stop by one of our 30 locations or go online and learn more about the benefits of Mueller metal roofing. Visit our online color selector tool to choose your color and panel style. www.muellerinc.com • 877-2-MUELLER September Since 1944 2013 FAVORITES 33 Texas History The First State Fair By Clay Coppedge 35 Recipes Let’s See What’s in the Fridge 39 Focus on Texas Portraits 40 Around Texas List of Local Events 42 Hit the Road Washington County By Eileen Mattei ONLINE TexasCoopPower.com Observations Terminal Disconnection FEATURES By Camille Wheeler Texas USA More Than a Game A day in the life of a football stadium Nourishment for Body and Soul involves a colorful, emotional pilgrimage that turns a By Carolyn Banks college campus into a mecca Story and Photos by Neal Hinkle 8 Right at Home Native plants have advantages over imports that make them better for the pocketbook and the environment By Gail Folkins 12 Around Texas: If you want to compare apples to apples, head to the Apple Butter Festival at Apple Country Orchards in Idalou for family fun September 14-15. 40 35 12 39 42 COVER PHOTO Texas Tech cheerleader Allison Rodarte, a freshman from El Paso, fires up the Red Raider faithful. By Neal Hinkle TEXAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Darryl Schriver, Chair, Merkel; Jerry B. Boze, Vice Chair, Kaufman; David Marricle, Secretary-Treasurer, Muleshoe; Debra A. Cole, Itasca; Kyle J. Kuntz, Livingston; Robert A. Loth III, Fredericksburg; Mark Rollans, Hondo PRESIDENT/CEO: Mike Williams, Austin COMMUNICATIONS & MEMBER SERVICES COMMITTEE: Kelly Lankford, San Angelo; Bryan Lightfoot, Bartlett; Billy Marricle, Bellville; Stan McClendon, Wellington; Blaine Warzecha, Victoria; Jerry Williams, Paris; Kathy Wood, Marshall COMMUNICATIONS STAFF: Martin Bevins, Vice President, Communications & Member Services; Jeff Joiner, Editor; Tom Widlowski, Associate Editor; Suzi Sands, Art Director; Karen Nejtek, Production Manager; Ashley Clary-Carpenter, Field Editor; Andy Doughty, Production Designer/Web Content Manager; Sandra Forston, Communications Assistant; Suzanne Haberman, Staff Writer; Kevin Hargis, Copy Editor; Ellen Stader, Proofreader APPLES: YASTREMSKA | BIGSTOCK.COM TexasCoopPower.com September 2013 Texas Co-op Power 3 SHARINGS H A R I N G SUCCESSS U C C E S S #"!) #")360 COMMUNITIES ) #TION ) L’L’S! !!#"' #"'COUNT' 'MILMI'' !!!!" "CENTE )!") C !" #!)# ! ! INCIN ) " T !" !" 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