ACTA PHYTOGEOGRAPHICA SUECICA EDIDIT SVENSKA VAXTGEOGRAFISKA SA.LLSKAPET 47 ARAUCANIAN LAI(ES PLANKTON STUDIES IN NORTH PATAGONIA, WITH NOTES ON TERRESTRIAL VEGETATION BY K UNO THOMASSON UPPSALA 1963 ALMQVIST & WIKSELLS BOKTRYCKERI AB SVENSKA VAXTGEOGRAFISKA SALLSKAPET (SOCIETAS PHYTOGEOGRAPHICA SUECANA) Adress: Uppsala Universitet8 Vaxtbiologiska lnatitution, Villavagen 14, Uppsala 8, Sverige Styrelse: Ordj. Pro£. G. EINAR Du RmTz, v. ordf. Pro£. HuGo OsvALD, sekr. Fil.lie. BENGT M. P. LARSSON, skattm. Fil. kand. FoLKE BJOR:KBAOK, red. Doe. MATS WlERN, klubbm. Fil. lie. GUNNAR WASSEN, O'IJr.: Pro£. ERm: .ALMQUIST, Lab. MAGNUS FRIES, · Prof. JoHN AXEL NANNFELDT, Doe. Nn.s QUENNERSTEDT, Prof. HuGo SJoRs, Prof. SVEN THuNMAR.x. 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Die Acta Phytogeographica Suecica konnen Les publications peuvent aussi etre obtenues nach Obereinkommen mit dem <<Bibliotekarien, en echange par convention avec << Bibliotekarien, Uppsala Universitets Vaxtbiologiska Institu­ Uppsala Universitets Vaxtbiologiska Institu­ tion, Uppsala>> auch im Austauschswege er­ tion, Uppsala >>. halten werden. ACTA PHYTOGEOGRAPHICA SUECICA 47 ARAUCANIAN LAI(ES PLANKTON STUDIES IN NORTH PATAGONIA WITH NOTES ON TERRESTRIAL VEGETATION BY KUNO THOMASSON UPPSALA 1963 Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri AB The present paper constitutes no. 5 of the Studies on South American Fresh-Water Plankton by the author, and no. 6 of the Reports of the Swedish Limnological Expedition to South America in 1953-54. Illustrations printed with contribution from Langmanska Kulturfonden CONTENTS I. PREFACE 5 7. Ranco 61 8. Puyehue . 62 Il. INTRODUCTION 7 9. Rupanco . 62 10. Bonita . 62 Ill. LANDFORMS AND SCENERY 9 11. Llanquihue 62 Coastal range 9 12. Todos los Santos 64 Longitudinal valley 9 13. Chica 71 Andean chain 9 14. Lanalhue 72 Lakes 10 Concluding remarks 72 IV. CLIMATE 12 VJI. LAKES LOCATED EAST OF THE ANDES 74 Precjpitation . 12 L Quillen 74 Diurnal variation of temperature 13 2. Lacar 75 Wind 1 4 3. Traful 76 Snow line and glaciers 15 4. Espejo . 76 5. Correntoso 77 V. FLORA AND VEGETATION 15 6. Cantaros . 77 l. General remarks . 15 7. Baguales . 77 2. Villarrica area . 16 8. N ahuel Huapi 80 Primary forest 16 9. Frias 84 Forest - shore ecotone 21 10. Cauquenes 85 Shore vegetation 23 11. Frey . 85 Aquatic macro-vegetation and water- 12. Morales 85 fowl 23 13. Perito Moreno Este 85 Stream life 24 14. Gutierrez 85 Lake Pichilafquen 25 15. Mascardi . 86 Lake Huilipilun . 25 16. Guillelmo 86 Semi-cultural vegetation . 25 17. Hess 86 Lake Pellaifa 28 18. Menendez 93 Macro-vegetation of ponds 29 19. Futalaufquen 94 Altitudinal belts . 29 20. Verde 94 3. Coastal Cordillera 32 21. Krugger 94 4. Llanquihue area . 34 22. Cisne 95 Lake Llanquihue and vicinity 37 Concluding remarks 98 Lake Todos Ios Santos and vicinity 39 5. Phytogeographical relations 40 VIII. POOLS AND PONDS 101 l. Inundation pool 101 VI. LAKES LOCATED WEST OF THE ANDES 41 2. Lake-side pools . 102 Methodical remarks 41 3. Ponds 102 l. Villarrica 43 Qualitative results 43 IX. TAXONOMIC COMMENTS 104 Some quantitative aspects 48 l. Microphyta 104 2. Pichilafquen 55 2. Microzoa 126 3. Huilipihin 58 4. Quillehue 59 X. BIOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES 128 5. Calafquen 59 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 132 6. Pellaifa 59 REFERENCES . 133 Acta Phytog_eogr. Suec. 47 ARAUCANIAN LAKES 10 20 30 40 50 km A eta Phytogeogr. Suec. 47 I. PREFACE The story of the Swedish Limnological Expedition to the shallow Lake Pichilafquen which was fre­ to South America goes back to 1950. It was then quently visited. During our stay on the shores of that I began planning an expedition to the tropical Lake Villarrica we also made trips to some other parts of South America. Simultaneously Prof. Lars lakes in the vicinity, viz. Lake Huilipilun, and Lake Brundin became interested in the bottom fa una Quillehue. of temperate lakes of the southern hemisphere. At the beginning of December we spent several His idea was to investigate some lakes in New days in the country-cottage of Mr. C. Weber on Zealand or in the temperate part of South America. the shores of Lake Pellaifa. On the same occasion During a field trip to Jotunheimen in 1952, we Lake Calafquen was also studied. had the opportunity to discuss and co-ordinate our On the 20th of December 1953 we left our head­ plans. For the destination of our journey we chose quarters at Lake Villarrica and a few days later the Chilean lake district, which extends between established our new headquarters on the shores 39° 00' and 41 o 30' south latitude, and 71o 30' and of Lake Llanquihue. Here a house of Estacion 73° 30' west longitude. Experimental "Centinela" was placed at our dis­ We also realized the importance of having some­ posal. This station lies on the peninsula of Centinela, body well acquainted with limnographical methods close to the small town of Puerto Octay. The director among us, so the expedition was completed by a of this station Mr. C. Conchas did everything pos­ third member, Dr. Heinz Loffler, then working in sible to assist our investigations. During our stay Sweden. Besides limnography (Loffler, 1960) the zoo­ short trips were made to Lake Ranco, Lake plankton (Loffler, 1962) became his responsibility. Rupanco, Lake Todos Ios Santos, and a 10-days We arrived at the shores of Lake Villarrica on trip to Nahuel Huapi National Park in Argentina October 15, 1953, and established our headquarters (Thomasson, 1959). in Mr. Roth's summer residence which lies on the In the middle of February we left the shores of northern shore of the lake. It is situated only a few Lake Llanquihue and once more established our­ kilometers from the small town of Villarrica, one of selves at Lake Villarrica for a while. At the end of the oldest towns in Chile, founded in 1555 by February 1954 our field-work in the Chilean lake Ger6nimo de Alderete, who was one of the com­ district was concluded and we left the Araucanian panions of the conqueror, Pedro de Valdivia. Due lakes. Then, in April, our work was continued in to the kindness of Mr. K. Roth, we had good space Peru where we studied high mountain lakes. They for laboratory work, and opportunity to use his will be treated in a subsequent paper. boats for sampling in the lake. The surroundings The aim of our journey was to get some informa­ of the lake are greatly influenced by the activities tion about the lenitic freshwater biota in the tem­ of man, but on our side of the lake one could still perate parts of South America. There are only very find large patches of virgin rainforest giving an sparse records on the freshwater fauna and flora impression of the ancient landscape which once in the temperate parts of South America available surrounded the lake. in the literature. They are quite insufficient for From our headquarters it was only a short walk forming a clear conception of the nature of these lakes and their inhabitants. Therefore, more infor­ mation was necessary for comparison between Fig. I. Map of the Chilean lake district. temperate lakes in the northern and southern hemi- Acta Phytogeogr. Suec. 47 6 Preface spheres, and also for the elucidation of some some other samples of freshwater algae left for biogeographical problems.
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