Hemipiliopsis, a New Genus of Orchidaceae Yibo Luo and Singchi Chen (Xinqi Chen) Laboratory of Systematic & Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanxincun 20, Xiangshan, Beijing, 100093, People's Republic of China. [email protected] ABSTRACT. Hemipiliopsis, a monotypic new genus Hoc genus novum Hemipiliae et Habenariae simile, sed of Orchidaceae, is described based on H. purpureo- ab ambobus forma calcaris, a priore viscidiis plus minusve expositis, stigmatis lobulis duobus elongato-pulvinatis, a punctata (K. Y. Lang) Y. B. Luo & S. C. Chen (Ha- posteriore planta (cum caule, folio, pedunculis, rachidi, benaria purpureopunctata K. Y. Lang) from south- bracteis, pedicellis, ovariis, sepalis et petalis) purpureo- eastern Xizang (Tibet). Its possible relationships to punctata, stigmatis lobulis parieti postico cavitatis af®xis, Brachycorythis, Hemipilia, and Habenaria are dis- atque rostello magno differt. cussed. Terrestrial herb; tubers ellipsoid or subellipsoid, Key words: China, Hemipiliopsis, Orchidaceae. ¯eshy. Stem erect, usually with one leaf near the base. Leaf elliptic to ovate-oblong, acuminate or While the senior author worked on the genus acute, amplexicaul at base. In¯orescence loosely Hemipilia Lindley, he felt it dif®cult to treat a spe- several- to many-¯owered, spotted with purple on cies that is very similar in habit to Hemipilia but rachis and peduncle; bracts ovate-lanceolate, with was described by Lang (Lang & Tsi, 1978) as Ha- evident purple spots dorsally; pedicel and ovary benaria purpureopunctata K. Y. Lang. Moreover, with purple spots. Flowers spotted with purple ex- Lang mentioned that this generic placement was cept the lip; dorsal sepal erect, oblong, concave, based on the presence of a small rostellum, naked forming a hood together with petals; lateral sepals viscidia, and two protruding clavate stigmas (Lang obliquely ovate-elliptic, usually 6 re¯exed; petals & Tsi, 1978). Based on these ¯oral features, this ovate-orbicular; lip subobovate or 6 fan-shaped, 3- species appeared to be allied with Habenaria lobed at apex, the lobes nearly oblong, the lateral Willdenow, while its purple-spotted stem, leaf, and lobes broader than the central one, spur abruptly other parts, as well as a large-mouthed spur with a contracted in basal part and then strongly expanded globular-swelled tip indicate its close relationships to form a globose apex; anthers sessile, erect, with to Hemipilia. Two years later, Lang (1980) stated two parallel thecae; lateral gynostemium append- that Habenaria purpureopunctata is intermediate ages obvious and positioned next to anther; rostel- between Habenaria and Hemipilia. lum three-lobed, with two separate lateral lobes During a trip of the senior author to southeastern bearing naked viscidia at apex, the lateral lobes Xizang (Tibet) in 1996, several plants of this spe- extending forward, but not along walls of cavity and cies were collected and later transplanted to our their apices completely separate, the viscidia po- greenhouse. They ¯owered the next year, so we had sitioned directly above spur mouth; the extended, the opportunity to investigate its ¯oral morphology two-folded central lobe approximately half as long and ontogeny. As a result, Habenaria purpureo- as anther; fertile stigma situated in a cavity and punctata was tentatively proposed as a new genus consisting of two elongated pads adnate to its pos- of Orchidiinae s. str. (sensu Dressler, 1993) rather terior wall, positioned below rostellum and directly than a member of Habernariinae (sensu Dressler, above spur mouth; pollinia sectile, fragile, each 1993; Luo et al., in prep.). Moreover, the nuclear proximally attenuated into a caudicle attached to ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) viscidium. data supported the placement of Habenaria pur- pureopunctata in the subtribe Orchidiinae s. str. (sensu Dressler, 1993; Bateman et al., 2001). It is Hemipiliopsis purpureopunctata (K. Y. Lang) Y. treated here as a separate new genus differing from B. Luo & S. C. Chen, comb. nov. Basionym: both Habenaria and Hemipilia. Habenaria purpureopunctata K. Y. Lang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 16(4): 127, ®g. 2. 1978. TYPE: Hemipiliopsis Y. B. Luo & S. C. Chen, gen. nov. China. SE Xizang (Tibet): Bomi, 2500 m, 19 TYPE: Hemipiliopsis purpureopunctata (K. Y. July 1965, Y. T. Chang & K. Y. Lang 384 (ho- Lang) Y. B. Luo & S. C. Chen. lotype, PE). Figure 1. NOVON 13: 450±453. 2003. Volume 13, Number 4 Luo & Chen 451 2003 New Genus of Orchidaceae Figure 1. Hemipiliopsis purpureopunctata (K. Y. Lang) Y. B. Luo & S. C. Chen. ÐA. Plant. ÐB. Plant with two leaves. ÐC. Flower, front view. ÐD. Flower, lateral view. ÐE. Column, front view. ÐF. Column, lateral view. ÐG. Longitudinal section of column. ÐH. Pollinium with viscidium, vertical view. ÐI. Pollinium with viscidium, lateral view. Scale bar: A±C 5 1 cm; E 5 0.5 mm; D, F, G 5 1 mm; H, I 5 0.25 mm. Drawn from specimen of Y. B. Luo 14 in cultivation. 452 Novon Plant covered with purple spots throughout, 20± lobes extend straight forward but not along the 50 cm tall; tubers 2±4 3 1.5±2.0 cm; stem, usually walls of the cavity, and the viscidia are positioned with 2 to 5 sterile bracts above the leaf. Leaf slant- directly above the spur mouth (Luo et al., in prep.). ing upward, 5±15 3 2±5 cm, green with purple The rostellum structure of Hemipiliopsis is simi- spots above, light purple beneath. In¯orescence 8± lar to that of Brachycorythis Lindley (Kurzweil & 20 cm long, loosely 2- to 20-¯owered; bracts usu- Weber, 1991), especially that of B. tanganyikensis ally shorter than ovary; pedicel and ovary 13±15 Summerhayes (Cribb, 2001). The lateral rostellum mm long, with purple spots. Flowers light purple or lobes of Brachycorythis are adjacent at their apexes white purple; dorsal sepal ca. 5 3 2 mm, rounded as illustrated by Kurzweil and Weber (1991, ®gs. or obtuse, 3-nerved; lateral sepals, ca. 6 3 4 mm, 1, 2) except in B. tanganyikensis, where they are obtuse, 3-nerved; petals ca. 5 3 4 mm, obtuse, 3- obviously separated at their apexes as shown by nerved; lip 10±11 mm long, 9±10 mm wide in up- Cribb (2001, ®g. 65.1). However, the lateral rostel- per part, 3-lobed at apex, the lobes irregularly un- lum lobes of Hemipiliopsis are completely separated dulate along apical margins; spur 9±10 mm long, at their apexes. In addition, Brachycorythis has 2±3 mm thick, contracted at a distance of ca. 1.5 many cauline leaves, foliaceous bracts, and a bi- mm from spur mouth, the globose apex ca. 2±3 mm partite lip, by which it is clearly differentiated from diam. Capsule ellipsoid, with purple spots, 15 mm Hemipiliopsis. long, 2±3 mm diam. Flowering: June to July; fruit- As demonstrated above, this entity has so many ing: August to September. distinct features, both in vegetative and ¯oral char- acters, as compared with other members of the tribe This species is distributed in Nyingch, LhuÈnze, Orchideae (sensu Dressler, 1993) that it is reason- Mainling, Bomi, and Zayu, southeastern Xizang, able to treat it as a new genus. Based on its ¯oral China, between 2100 and 3400 m, growing in morphology, especially the rostellum structure, it broad-leaved evergreen forest, alpine oak forest, seems more closely related to Brachycorythis than grassy places, and sandy soil along rivers. It also to Hemipilia. occurs in Assam. In habit Hemipiliopsis is similar to Hemipilia Specimens examined. CHINA. Xizang: Ma Gu Dong, hillside, P. C. Tsoong 6685 (PE); Bomi, grassy slope, Y. T. (Lang & Tsi, 1978; Lang, 1980; Lang, 1999), but Chang & K. Y. Lang 828 (PE); forested valley, 2050 m, differs from the latter by being covered with purple collector unknown 1522 (KUN, PE), Wu Chen-Yih 5638 spots throughout (Chen et al., 1999). (KUN); 2100 m, Xiao Pei-Gen et al. 2256 (KUN); 2300 As to its ¯oral morphology, Hemipiliopsis has m, conifer & oak forest, F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & H. H. pad-like stigmas adnate to the walls of the cavity, Ellitot 13194 (BM), F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & H. H. Ellitot 15814 (BM); Nyingch, grassy place in forest, 2300±2700 a typical feature in the subtribe Orchidinae (Kur- m, Medicinal Plant Collecting Team (Xizang) 3422 (PE); zweil, 1987; Kurzweil & Weber, 1991; Luo & Chen, forested slope, 2700±2800 m, Medicinal Plant Collecting 2000). It also lacks some typical features of Ha- Team (Xizang) 3539 (PE); under shrubs on sandy banks benaria, such as obvious anther canals and strongly of a river, 2550 m, Y. B. Luo 14 (MO, PE); 3000 m, H. N. Qing et al. 533 (PE); Mainling, alpine oak forest, convex or stalked stigmas (Kurzweil & Weber, 3300±3400 m, collector unknown 4145 (PE); Additional 1992; Luo et al., in prep.). Therefore, the ¯oral Collecting Expedition to Qinghai-Xizang 750836 (KUN, morphological evidence does not support a close PE); LhuÈnze, 2740 m, Additional Collecting Expedition to relationship between Hemipiliopsis and Habenaria. Qinghai-Xizang 750564 (KUN, PE); Lung, Chanyul Chu, open dry hillside, 3000±3300 m, F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff On the other hand, this species is quite different 2324 (K). from Hemipilia in many ¯oral features. For exam- ple, the genus Hemipilia is characterized by (1) a Acknowledgments. This study was supported by well-developed three-lobed rostellum with the cen- the National Natural Science Foundation of China tral lobe conspicuously projecting upward as high (NSFC) (30270104). Henrik Pedersen and other re- as or higher than the anther; (2) lateral lobes of the viewers are thanked for their positive suggestions. rostellum being completely separate and extending Thanks to Yingbao Sun for kindly preparing the along the walls of the cavity, forming a shallow line drawing. channel together with the prominently extended basal parts of the lateral gynostemium appendages Literature Cited in which the anther caudicle is positioned; and (3) Bateman, R.
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