* t TABLE SHOWING EFFECT OF PARLIAMENTARY LEGISLATION OF,2008 PART 1 .-CENTFWL ACTS AMENDED, REPEALED OR OTHERWISE AFFECTED P Year of No of Act Short tltle of Act How affected No and sectlon of 2008 AC~by Act which affected -- t 1 2 3 4 5 - -- <% 1915 16 Banaras Hlndu Unive'rs~ty,1915 S 13 amended 25,s 2 I S 13A lnserted rbrd, S 3 1922 8 Delhl Unlvers~tyAct, 1922 S 38,39 amended rbrd, S 4,5 1940 23 Drugs and Chem~calsAct, 1940 S 17E, 26B, 32B, 33KA, 33RB, 36Al3, 26, S 2, 5, 13, 17, 20 36AC, 36AD and 36AE mserted S 18,27,27A,28,28~,29,30, 32.33,33-1, rbrd,S 3.6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 33J, 33N, 36A amended 16, 18. 19 1944 2 Central Exclse Act, 1944 S 2, 1lB, 1lD, 1IDD, 35B, 35E amended rbrd, S 78, 80, 81.82, 83.84 S 3A, 35FF lnserted rbrd, S 79, 85 1950 43 Representation of the People Act, SS 4,7, 8,9 amended 10, S 2,3,4, 6 1950 < S 8A a111ended rbrd, S 5 S 9.4 and 9B om~tted zbrd S 7 New Schedules for the first and second rbrd, S 8 schedule subst~tuted 1951 30 Pres~dent'sEmolumenrs and S 1 A, 2,3A amended 28, S 2,3,4 Pension Act, 195 1 -$ 1 S 6 inserted ~brd,S 5 3 8 1953 20 Salarles and Allowances of S 3 amended 30, S 2 9 Officers of Parliament Act, 1953 1957 27 Wealth-ta\: Act, 1957 S 17, 17A, 18,23A, 42D amended 18, S 60. 61, 62,62,64, 67 S, 18BA, 35GA, 42 ~nserted rbrd, S 63 65, 66 . 15, S 2 t 1961 53 Matern~tyBenefit Act, 1961 S 8 subst~tuted 1961 43 Income-tax Act, 1961 S 2, 10, IOA, IOB, 35,35D, 36, 40,40A, 43, 18, S 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 44AB, 47,49,80C, 80-18, 80-ID, 88E. 1 11A, 13, 14, 1 5, 1 6 1 8, 1 9, 20,21, 115AD, 115JB, 115-0, 115WB, IlSWC, 22, 23, 24, 25.26, I15WD,115WE,I15WKB,139,142,143, 27,28,3031,32, 147, 151, 153, 153A, 153B, 153C, 153D, 156, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 191, 193, 194C, 195,201,203,206C,251, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 254,271,292C, 295, Fourth Schedule 50,52,57,58,59 amended S. 80D, 199 substituted rbrd. S 17,45 SIISWKB,268A,273AA,278AB,282A, rbrd, S 29,51,53, 54,55, 292BB ~nserted 56 1962 52 Customs Act, I962 S 28B, 108, 117,129A, 129D, 141,158, rbrd, S 68.69, 70, 71.72, 74, 75, Nohficat~onlssued under ss 1 of S 25 76 amended 1962 52 S 129EE ~nserted ' rbrd, S 73 b! 1966 53 Jawaharlal Nehw Untversity Act, S 19.20 amended 25, S 6,7 1966 -'l \I ' I 1967 37 Unlawful Act~vities(Prevention) S 2,18,23,24,25,45,52,53 amended 35, S 3,7,9, 10, 11.13, 15, 16 -% Act, 1967 - Preamble, S 16A, 18A, 18B, 434 43F, 5lA, ibrd, S 2,5. 8, 12, 14, entry 33 to the Schedule lliserted 17 S 15, 17 subst~tuted rbrd, S 4,6 .- (ii) 1 2 3 4 k 5 1973 24 North-Eastern H~llUn~vers~ty S 28,29 amended 25, S 8, 9 Act, 1973 1974 39 Un~vers~tyof Hyderabad Act, S 28 amended rbrd. S 10 1974 1 1975 51 Customs Tar~ffAct, J975 S 9A subst~tuted 18, S 77 4 Sugar Development Fund Act, S 4 (1) bbbb inserted. 4,,S 2 1982 3 Sugar Cess Act. 1982 S 3 amended 4,s 3 1985 ' 32 Central Exc~seTar~ff Act, :985 F~rstSchedule amended 18, S 89 1989 24 Rallways Act, 1989 S 2 Amended 11, S. 2 New Chapter IVA lnserted rbrd, S 3 1990 25 Prasar Bbaratl (Broadcasting S 6 amended 12, S 2 Corporat~onof India) Act, 1990 1994 32 Fmance Act, 1994 S 65 amended 18, S 90 S. 66,67, 77,94 substituted rbrd S. 71,78,83, 86 95 inserted r brd. V~ce-Prestdent'sFens~on Act, S 2, 3A amended 29, S 2, 3 1997 Finance Act, 2001 Seventh Schedule, S 13 amended 18, S, 122 Del~m~tat~onAct, 2002 S 10 amended 9, S. 2 Ss. 10A and 10B mserted ihrd., S. 3 Un~tTrust of Ind~a(Transfer of S. 13 subst~tuted 18, S. 123 Undertakmg and Repeal) Act, 2002 Fmance (No 2) Act, 2004 S 98,99 substituted 2005 18 Fmance Act, 2005 S. 95 amended rbrd, S. 125 2006 34 Food Safety and Standards Act, S 3, 5,7 amended 13,s 2,3,4 2006 PART 11.-CENTRAL ORDINANCES kEPEALED J Year of No of Short title of Ordmance No and section of 2008 Act by wh~chaffected Ordinance Ordmance 2008 1 Delim~tat~on(Amendment) Ordmance, 2008 9,s 4 2008 4 Sugar Development Fund (Amendment) Ord~nance,2008 4.S 4 5 Prasar Bharatl (Broadcasting Corporation of Ind~a)Amendment Ordinance. 2008 2008 6 Food Safety and Standards (Amendment) Ordmance, 2008 13,s 5 PART 111.-CONSTITUTION OF INDIA AMENDED How affected ' No. and sectlon of 2008 Act by which affected Modlficat~on~n the 1st of Scheduled Trlbes in the State of Arunachal 14, S 2 Pradesh Part XVIII amended > w I I I I L 1 ' i \ I I I i C THE APPROP~IATION(RAILWAYS) VOTE ON ACCOUNT ACT,2008 , I 1 No. 1 OF 2008 [18th March, 2008.1 I An Act to provide for the withdrawal of certain sums from and out of the I Consolidated Fund of India for the services of a part of the financial year 2008-09 for the purposes of Railways. BE it enacted by Parliament in the FiRy-ninth year ofthe Republic of India as follows:-- - 1. This Act may be called the Appropriation (Railways) Vote on Account Act, 2008. Short title. 2. From and out of the Consolidated Fund of India thei-e may be withdrawn sums not Withdrawal of 1 exceeding those specified in column 3 of the Schedule amounting in the aggregate to the RS. 25407>013723000 from and out of sum of twenty-five thousand four hundred seven crore, one lakh and seventy-two thousand the ; rupees towards defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment during FU"~of for the financial year 2008-09, in respect ofthe services relating to Railways specified in column the financial year i 2 ofthe Schedule. 2008-09. I 3. The sums authorised to be withdrawn from and out of the Consolidated Fund of Appropr~ation I India by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes stated in the Schedule 1 in relation to the said year. i I 1 I J , 2 Appropriation (Rail~vays)Vote on Account [ACT1 OF 20081 THE SCHEDULE ii (See sections 2 and 3) 1 2 3 No. Sums not exceeding of Services and purposes Voted by Parliament Charged Total Vote on the Consolidated k Fund Rs . Rs . Rs. r I Railway Board .............................................................. 22,10,17,000 22,10,17,000 2 Miscellaneous Expenditure (General) ............................. 80,52,83,000 80,52,83,000 3 General Superintendence and Services on Railways ..... 527,67,79,000 1,41,000 527,69,20,000 4 Repairs and Maintenance of Permanent Way and Works 901,28,32,000 71,24,000 90 1,99,56,000 5 Repairs and Maintenance of Motive Power ................... 428,41,60,000 3,83,000 428,45,43,000 6 Repairs and Maintenance of Carriages and Wagons ..... 905,89,27,000 I, 17,000 905,90,44,000 7 Repairs and Maintenance of Plant and Equipment ........ 493,08,57,000 86,000 493,09,43,000 8 Operating Expenses -Rolling Stock and Equipment ... 673,37,70,000 2,35,000 673,40,05,000 9 Operating Expenses -Traffic ....................................... 2381,87,62,000 ll,18,000 2381,98,80,000 10 Operating Expenses -Fuel ........................................... 2278,31,54,000 50,17,000 2278,81,71,000 11 Staff Welfare and Amenities ........................................... 386,38,65,000 5,25,000 386,43,90,000 12 Miscellaneous Working Expenses ................................. 402,30,25,000 10,11,80,000 412,42,05,000 13 Provident Fund, Pension and Other Retirement Benefits 1617,62,48,000 . 11,06,000 1617,73,54,000 14 Appropriation to Funds ................................................. 4731,12,33,000 .. 4731,12,33,000 15 Dividend to General Revenues, Repayment of lbans taken from General Revenues and Amortization of Over-Capitalization ............................,....................... 4,28,12,000 . 4,28,12,000 16 Assets-Acquisition, Construction and Replacement- Revenue .: .................................................................. 10,00,00,000 10,00,00,000 Other Expenditure Capital ..................................................................... 4989,80,82,000 2,86,67,000 4992,67,49,000 Railway Funds. ................................................. 4339,91,67,000 I, 78,33,000 4341,70,00,000 Railway Safety Fund ......................................... 216,65,00,000 1 1.67,OOO 2 16,66,67,000 - TOTAL......... 25390,64,73,000 16,36,99,000 25407,01,72,003 THE APPROPRIATION (RAILWAYS) ACT, 2008 No. 2 OF 2008 \ [18thMarch, 2008.1 An Act to authorise payment and appropriation of certain fwther sums from and ' out of the Consolidated Fund of India for the services of the financial year 2007-08 for the purposes of Railways. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Fifly-ninth Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1.
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