SAVINCS-INSUIIAIICE Ice LECLERC Premier Papagqs Dies; National Hero Eisenfigwer Aga,In Has 9 O States 'Get Worse X

SAVINCS-INSUIIAIICE Ice LECLERC Premier Papagqs Dies; National Hero Eisenfigwer Aga,In Has 9 O States 'Get Worse X

•'v; -‘rr-v-j.V;- tr!-^ K I •* ^ j?-', >' ,v‘ : - r . f ' h h '■“V -f ' : , ' ^ -s. ■• >, •■■ V > i r •:■.. - .■ I-.;. -.: - l;J ' ■; I ' ; ■ ' " V. •-:.^v • '. ?r V X V ' .y .’.i-; 1 '' ■ .'V _ -• a,-" • .'-w.- x v iv -r,i . • ' ■ - c ~%T' //-I, ^TUESpAY, OCTOBl$!f^W58;i PAGBEIGBPraEN , 1 ■ • •» i,.'' ’ -■ * '*-y: ■J. ¥ «gd Daily Nfl Pnss R ub w ' --/i } ' >>r Rw Week Ended X ; The R^eathcr. I'" : ■r 'I")! we . - ''‘•■■.voct.r.'ifds, rwneeBl ad V. fl. WaaRiH RapMi' JJha first "Open hou**" of the a. staff m ^ .w tll be trotned: to as­ in aru.and skilled wock ore heed^ x^Fair, Molei* toaiglit. Lew 'akeel new akasoB for tite HolUster FT^. KC Um ^Seeks ii' sist In/Red Cross ofrices hud blood as ’ assistsnU to trained 'teachen X- ' 1 1 , 8 0 5 - Heads DeMolay In tnatruction of drawing, pointing/ tSK nurs^, niR quits os wam^ A b o a t T o w n will be held fomortttw at 8 > * . centers, in hospitals and -ejihics, X ’XvV^X--’": M*mbar of the! Audit 7- Home room regietraiion and -V oluntecPA foir iind''other health and wslfare'kgcn' tieramin, sculpture, weaving, fly- toarM ef drentotloa . /- ■*/ rainXOsveloplnf / in ' Out* Udy 'KWima M^Uitrs teacher discussions ..wlfl be. the e»<b / ■ tylnt. JesfeiiT-maklng, and leath- / High 4 ^ 9 ; ' /: \ Ctrch will m««t W ean tsd a/« l 8 Those'who have apecial'>talehth erwork to conyalesccnt veterans. X Z H ancheUcr-^A C i^ o f VUlago Charm :/ ^ .m . with V n . lUlpK ArtHsrton, principal events'of the evening. No .. S ervice jG roup^ wim OohimlMik St., Mr*. N u n c J p busifiess will be transacted. X<Dp*ecliino wtn co-ho*t*»». VOL. LXXV, NO. S irW EN^-EIGHT PA g ES t-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDA'Y^ OCTORER A •ftw more registrations can be The Mancbeatcr Red CpMa it :CE nV B GjiNTB " Th* *H-gK»up meettnj of the accepted in ‘the YWCA class "Un­ calling for vplunteers in'Mveral 8«b«tid Oo«irr*S*tlon»l Woniena derstanding Yoitr Car,'* which ty|>ea of service, Mpe. Francis ’■startsj-tomorrow evenutg a t 7:30 bMgue will be the church Watts',Watts, chairman'ofchairman of sepvicaserytea groups, , tom prtw ’ evening a t .^ P-ni. *£*■■• at the Community y. This if a simplified coursa In Cap mechanic* announced today. Thet», la a need Eisenfigwer )-4v,’ 4 M . Mildredwife of Maj. for canteeX worbers, ghiy ladles, John Pldwp; commanding rrfncer for ^ ’onieft driveta. Anyone ;lnter- esled may regiatef for. this claaa. staff aides: ,motor, o q i^ and of the SpmOon Amy. »1H tell of t'raipad'nurseXmdes. ' x, ': tit* flooded areas of by Calling the YWCA offlea. be-j» tween 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. - Anyone willing to give eomc Aga,in H as cUmit following tha^flood dls> tfnSs to one. of thMw ceryicee may _ of Aug. 19. The Lucy Spen- call M ra W atts, 88 ArVina H/Vol- 9 Oroop will be in charge'Of^de- The.£a8t Side Circle of the Com unteerA will be traltibd tor their I and refreshmenta All mOhity .)^y.Ust Church will- meet ice work wJto the exception^of the < X ’ of the church are cordially the home of Mra. Stanley Dick’ nurses aides. ‘ . x ‘ fnvUedX " S31 Lodall B t, at 8 ^'clock "Workers are ncedcM'llor danteen \ 'X ’ New'taatleyInd., Oct. 5 {JP) Aomorrow night. Membeta'ahould , y~ESght Xersops'were shot Denver, Oct 5 (IP)—Presi­ bring^ bbaaaar a i ^ r work. The c6-hoatees service St the biood-^centtrax^s- dent Eisenhower’s doctors re- The Aft^Bpon Circle of the will be MTs. John Shpftock. New pltal* or other community inetito- / today in a'Pitched battle 'Ibk Community Bi^tlst Church Avill members .will -b# wSloome. tions. T^e Nmvlitgton veteranV / vdving' ap estiipated 5,O0u ,p6rted early today that he meet at JO 4^>domor«>w at the Hospital and ..blood canters ~haed had '“an excellent nijfht" .jft X' dnirph to make candy for the more gray/ladies. provide Sympathy dem oii^atora out­ hMhar. Mr*. Richai^Terks will be The.Dorcaa.OroiipM the Soi^th friendly services for the aim, con­ side the little strik'e..plagued his fight for.recovery from jir{. \ Methodist Chureh.*irilr*o»et Thura- FSUotriKAo. heart attack, ■' y ask* 9 the hoateaa. hfethbeiaare asked day a t 9:30 a ^ . a t the Church for- valescent and the agefii.aadM'lh Z,_,PerOert Circle Corp,. fobridry. ’ to bring aaikifvlches. Coffee and Robert W. Meiendy recreation aeUvitleS; • gtve.^e9^ M work on th* rug. Membeha. may PolieX received an uncfBbfiFmed ’Fltuim ons Army Hosoitll*^ came flltssert wllj^be. fumished-. \ tutoHng; w.rite IsttSrs io r patients Uftt’one person Ibad bebn. call Mr*/ - Lydia Wlgren, 13 Robert W. Meiendy of Vernon and serve as ratepHohlsts. “ alt of captious optlmbm Stephen/fit..'«r Mrs. Haul Cook) nmllnued to prevail States ' M nt. Certnide Raynor an<H|*rg. as installed as master counseler / ’ Eirlvers areXabded for the motor- X _/Sr^of'ihV vlcUma who were 0 (o u ^ the ------- ~ the_Mtin-. 119 I ^ Uiejr S^. ftr^ pickup for the of johnTdather Chapter, teder bjt, '^rorps in .bospitals. clinics, or or­ “Fir«sld* runmage'runmage sile to he hfid rHday at wounded by brilleU, one seriously, TOe latest Public Health, Nursing, DeMelay, in a semi-public cere* phanage* . and blood X centara. were nenStrikierXiniilde the will be iiitervlewed on the Ih*. churchi mony last avinlng In the M ^itlc ■/.'■Ths Pri i s k s t e F s ^ o Trained nurses aides are nsaded ■''' Five d e ms) ri s \ r a t o r s night, [ yankee Pedlar program on Ch>n-, Temple,, in charge of State pnlccfa to ahslat prbfeiMtPnal ragiatsred Wounded as city police fired net 8 tomotyow^tonting,'10:30 to' The H artfo rd Archdeaconry pf the organisation. nurses. The Red Crose eleo ts look­ •He._ . t soundly from 9:irp.m. branch of iha Women'! Auxiliary Inside the plant. X to ro a.m.’. /• 11:80. to the NattonaHCounciI>w1U hold OSlcers are. tho^followlngiy ing .for volunteers to make aewed The interior of a house near Uit Robert Newell, sbiilor cdUnielor, end knitted gerinenta, aurgicel It X ’Hls condition continues to ‘Get Worse X a maeting Friday, Oct. 7, IpUrace p la n t' used by police 04^ head­ progress satisfactorily with-out Jay McSpadepiV^nldr, couhaelo^r; dressings, layettes and other jm*: quarters was broken ijno and all ■’ ' . ."K Church, Windaof, The. Rav. Wil­ StTmuel. bhMop,Vsenjor deacon; del entlclea -for hoapitala Xpd in­ compilcaHona." • ' . ■ Mexico City, .^ct. 5 </P)— liam Shocmakar wUl ba celebrant fumishtnga dsatroyad/ Harvey O’Connor, eqnter, UtUa Compton,. R. t , author, Theitowas no let-vm whatever in Russell Ahdrrsiim,. Jtmion dwicon; stitutions. Rocks and botUea vbroke all with bis counsel. Leonard Bpn<Ra;of New York, left,'imd Gerha A U.S. Navy relief mjaaien '* pf cprporate CbnuBunlon a t ‘10:30. Robert McOotmell, senior steward; Anyone 'Wtlling-td''give tiifle as the ,phy«clan’a arouhd-the-qiorit R U i U M A G E T he bi^slnaaa -matting a t. l i ‘Am. windows In the gudnl/hOuM at the Van Arkel of Washington, before bts ,)V.afhlngto1n's vigtlahce, because the crucial two- iwinted , 4 .black pictui^ tof David McCohneJl. JunloJ Steward; . plant's main ga' court, OcL- 4; M a contempt dh4trga. His case Is a will b* fbUowed by noonday pfay- Harvey Walmqulst Jr., orttpr. week danger, period After‘ a heart ravaged Tampico today, 'pre* t .:' ' , ers and luncheon at-12:lB, reser' Call BtHe Troo]^ power of CongrtosioriartoveaUgat'Ors. ( a )» Wirephoti attack won’t b* up until Saturday. SALE Also Charles Kramer, treasurer; dieting a mounting death toil vatlona for which ahbuld .be made Cfiarles Stolles, 'sentinel: Martin ^^he ptrftti Iv^bl Chip- Gov. O eo m N... Craig's off led Any complications, the doctors and even more aerioua floods -at onca through Mr*. Richard L Brea^eft, chaplain; Robert 'An­ F o r S a t o - ptbof — ruit-ptoof *— <■. - ordered IM-Xtata -police trover* have warned repeatedly, ate likely in the wake of Hurri^a' " 7^ M a i n S f. Murdock, 24 ■ Rlgga ^TAve., ■ V Weet drew, marshal; David Janssen, SEVERAL TONS OF Into the. kraa immediately, 'ftiey to occur during those first 14 day*. Hartford. Rotmd table group sitfldard bearer; Stephen Hummel, -proof! .1. ..w ere' tX Join -elty police ' before “ Janete ^ ^ >.■-/' The situation is going to gat meetings a t.l:^ , roll call''uifi' almoner. , Gives ifiovi|^into'the'iroubie area. .ButXh* Eisenhower family and; j 1 i u k * y VEk:hoes From Hawaii" a ^ l cbm- f U N P K I N S Hbrraw post*. Cralg's’"execuUve relations are beginning to relax a lot worse befora it gats batter," O e i r i The ‘following were seated a* lifetiiS toKof-tpa»- sigid a* Marine officer who flaw > .K wi.-. ■ / - \ ^ , 9 AAL plata tha prop^m. preoeptoraV D o n a ld Muisener, An d Mary, , said , "We're hopeful a bit; The terrible tension or the iing smoothb^. W ash^ \ , confident the disturbhnce can first few days—and of last Sunday to Mexico City from tha Ftriokan Stephen Hubbard, Elwood Ander­ Gulf Coast Ml port of 110,000 . ; A - :•;/ Sponanred by Mr. a n d ^ r s . Albert L. Conlon, son, Guy Gartside, Wayna New­ up |o 7 loads pgr bouf.; FOR FALL P L piN G .

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