www.ukrweekly.com Address: The Ukrainian Weekly "WE INTEND TO BURY 81-83 Grand Street NO ONE AND WE DO Jersey City, N.J. 07303 NOT INTEND TO BE Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 SVOBODA New York's Telephone: BURlED." УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN DAILS BArclay 7-4125 Lyndon B. Johnson Ukrainian Natioanal Ass'r. , Щ? Ukrainian ieritfjj 6?rtum Tel. HEnderson 5-8740 РПС ЬХХП 4. 183 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1965 15 ЦЕНТІВ - 15 CENTS NO. 183 VOL. LXXJJ UKRAINIANS STAGE BIGGEST WOULD CONGRESS OF FREE MlLLlONS ТО WELCOME UKRAINIAN UNIVERSITY CHAIR NATLUNAUTY DAY AT WORLD'S UKRAINIANS DISCUSSED POPE PAUL vi ON HISTORIC FUND HOPES TO TOP GOAL FAIR AT UCCA MEETiNG VISIT TO NEW YORK TH1S YEAR WORLD'S PA1R. N. Y. - lytsia" or Snowstorm Dance, NEW YORK. N. Y. - it is the Pope will meet with Pres- By ANDY v. SZUL ' The 1965 edition of Ukrainian followed by a group of young NEW YORK. N. Y. - On nist League, held early in estimated that close to 5 mil- ident Johnson. NEW YORK. N. Y. - An no permanent endowment Nationality Day, rained out men and women who present- Friday, September 24. 1965 September in Manila, Philip lion people will line the streets UN Secretary General U- event that may well become basis. They are, therefore, earlier this summer, was held ed the popular circle dance the executive board of the pines. of this metropolis on Mon- Thant will mount the steps a reality by the time that to- subject to cancellation or sus- here at the Singer Bowl last "Kolomyika." The children's Ukrainian Congress Commit- Dr. Padoch presented a day. October 4 to welcome of the papal plane, then will day's college juniors receive pension at any time. tee of America held its first Sunday afternoon before an dance was arranged by Elaine plan for the financial cam- Pope Paul vi on his historic follow the white-clad Pontiff their Baccalaureate degrees The professorship, which autumn monthly meeting, at audience of close to 6.000 per- Oprysko, the circle dance by paign which is now being visit to this hemisphere. down the steps to meet the will also signal the start of a will be established at one of which a number of reports sons. Sunny skies and pleas- Ted Carpluk. opened by the UCCA. Some Hundreds of high officials welcoming committee which new era in the study of the the major American univer- were presented by executive ant temperatures graced the Citing Mr. Avramenko's 30.000 individual campaign of the United Nations and the will include Secretary of Ukrainian language, history sities will augment the Slavic officers. two-hour long concert of tra- pioneer work in organizing U- letters are being sent out, and United States, and every ma- State Dean Rusk, Gov. Nel- and culture in the United area curriculum by providing ditional Ukrainian folk dances krainian folk dance schools in Reporting on various mat- special financial commit- jor official of New York State son Rockefeller, Mayor Ro- States. proper training for future and music. the United States and Cana- ters concerning the UCCA tees are being established on arid New York City will be bert Wagner and Francis "if all goes according to scholars in Ukrainian subject Gordon Graham, the Fair's da. Mrs. Smindak said that were: Dr. Matthew Stachiw. the local levels which will on hand at Kennedy Airport Cardinal Spellman. The Pope plans." Mr. Stephan Chemych areas. who dwelt on the activities of take upon themselves collec- at 9.30 A.M. to greet the director of Nationality Day the tribute was intended as a will then be escorted to an of New York City recently "After all," Chemych adds, the Coirunittee on lnforma- tions for the Ukrainian Na- Catholic Church's Supreme programs, said that the U- token of appreciation to a open limousine which will told us. "we may have a re- "it is only fair that our fu- kralnian show brought out man who has given most of tion and Publications; Dr. tional Fund. Pontiff as he steps of the ke him along throng-filled gular professorship in U- Jaroslaw Padoch on the fi- Dr. Stachiw reported that ture experts on the USSR the largest audience seen at his life to teaching and pre- plane thus becoming the first! streets of Queens, Brooklyn krainian area studies within know the truth about the any of the Nationality Days. serving the Ukrainian folk nancial problems of the the Committee on lnforma- reigning Pope ever to set foot j and Manhattan to St. Pat- the next two years." UCCA; vasyl Mudry on the tion and Publications review- largest non-Russian nation Gusts of wind ruffled col- dance. She pointed, out that ott American soil. rick's Cathedral. He will ad- The Ukrainian S t u d і es within the USSR, the Ukrain- orful Ukrainian-motif ban- at least two Avramenko stu- negotiations between the ed one of the UCCA publica Though the primary pur- j dress the United Nations Ав- Chair Fund, incorporated, a UCCA and the Ukrainian tion, "The Ukrainian Bui ian nation, its potentialities ners and 'the American and dents who had performed at poee of his visit here is to j sembly at 1:30 P.M. The Mass non-profit organization with and aspirations. the New York World's Fair Canadian Committee regard- letin," which is now in its address the United Nations, at Yankee Stadium is sched- headquarters in New York Ukrainian flags on the stage To make use of such an op- of 1939. Mr. Carpluk and his ing the World Congress of і 18th year, to determine whe- the Pope will also meet with J led for 8:30 P.M. City and headed by Chemych, as some 150 costumed danc- u portunity the students will be wife Sophia Marko Carpluk, Free Ukrainians, and Dr. Lev j ther it should continue to be President Johnson shortly has been working for seven ers marched onto the field for A. special altar has been required to take a general were taking part in the 1965 E. Dobriansky. who present" published as how or be merg- affcer his appearance at the years toward the fulfillment the opening ceremonies. Mem- survey course in Ukrainian .concert, and that the children ed an over-all report on the: ed with "The Ukrainian UN and then, following a. erecte, d ..a t Yanke„ .,-e Stadiu„, m of this goal. bers of the Prometheus Male history just ач they are now of other Avramenko students plans and projections of the j Quarterly." The decision of brief respite at Cardinal ;uhere tne Pont,ff У?" ,8ay Chorus, in white dress jack- T f "This may well be one of required to attend courses in ets and dark trousers, assem- were also contributing to the UCCA for the next year. J the committee was to con- Spellman's residence, he irtlJ^Jbf^'JSSK-tmen, will offer prayers in the the most significant accom- all the major fields of Rus- bled on stage, flanked by afternoon's program. in his report Dr. Dobrian-1 tinue the publication for the be driven to Yankee Stadium five official languages of the plishments of the Ukrainian sian studies. eight young ladies of the The United Ukrainian Folk sky outlined what the UCCA time being in its present for- Where he will celebrate Mass UN. community in the United dance group bearing ceremo- Dancing Groups of the Metro- had done nationally for the;mat. A special sub-committee for 90,000 persons. States in the past two dec- National Symposiums nial embroidered towels on politan Area, a troupe com- past few months. Specifically, was designated to study the The largest contingent of Concluding his one-day ades." the USCF spokesman Planned outstretched arms. bining members of several he underscored the participa- matter and present a detailed police ever assigned to a sin-jstay in New York. Pope Paul continued. in addition, the plans of dance groups from New York tion of the UCCA in the'an- report as to possible changes gle day's event in the history, vi will visit the World's Fair Addresses of welcome were the Chair to be established and New Jersey, presented nual observance of the 1965 and modifications at the next of New York City will be on before his departure from 350,000 Minimum Goal spoken by John O. Flis and include the sponsorship of an- colorful dance numbers pre- "Captive Nations Week"; his meeting. duty, with at least 20.000 of Kennedy Airport at 11:00 ivan Bazarko on behalf of the Established in 1958. the U- nual National Symposiums. pared by Nina Sulima, prin- testimony on the East-West Regarding the matter of the 26,000 men in the depart- P.M. He will be greeted at Ukrainian Congress Commit- krainian Studies Chair Fund These scholarly conferences cipal choreographer of the U- trade and the Consular Con- the World Congress of Free ment assigned to the visit. the vatican Pavilion by Ro- tee of America, sponsor of was born out of the earnest will include lectures and ex- krainian Day program. vention with the USSR. Also Ukrainians, Mr. Mudry re- About 10.000 policemen will bert Moses, the Fair's presi- the program. concern of several prominent hibits presented by noted au- Helen P. Smindak, social The dances included "Ha- a delegate of the UCCA, Tho- ported that a special commit- be- stationed along the 24- dent. During the Pope's 20- Ukrainian civic leaders and mas W.
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