S6234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 26, 2008 President Bush was going to veto a this supplemental. It comes to us from hind a $300 bill due the Veterans’ Ad- bill. the House with a vote, I recall, of 416 to ministration for education benefits— I will be happy to yield for a ques- 12. The President asked for most of the that they were not able to finish be- tion. provisions in this bill. The one provi- cause they gave their life in the war— Mr. MCCONNELL. When the Presi- sion I would like to speak very briefly would then get a bill from the Vet- dent of the United States vetoes a bill, about tonight is the GI bill provision erans’ Administration for that $385? In it doesn’t become law, right, unless it that is in this supplemental. This is fact, Mr. President, that is what has is overridden? not an expansion of veterans’ benefits. been happening since we went into the Mr. REID. Absolute truth. This is a new program. This is the first war on terror. Mr. MCCONNELL. So if the President wartime GI bill benefit since Vietnam. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs vetoes this bill, it is not likely that the I wish to thank very much people on asked me to introduce a bill so he fix will be prevented at the end of the both sides of the aisle for all the work would not have to do that because he week; is that right? we have been able to do. There were 11 knew it was wrong and that we Mr. REID. I say to my friend and I Republicans who cosponsored this pro- wouldn’t want it being done. This bill say I don’t know how many people are vision, in addition to others who voted we are voting on tonight will go retro- up here for reelection, but I am watch- for it the first time around. There were active to 9/11, 2001, and it will assure ing a few of them pretty closely, I say more than 300 sponsors in the House. that every family who has been sent a to all these people who are up for re- Those sponsors in the House included bill and paid that bill, after their loved election: If you think you can go home 90 Republicans. one has died in service to their coun- and say, I voted no because this weak I especially express my appreciation try, will be reimbursed, and no bill will President, the weakest political stand- to Senator HAGEL and Senator WAR- ever go out again. That is in this bill, ing since they have done polling, I NER, as well as Senator LAUTENBERG, and I am very proud we finally passed voted because I was afraid to override for being the principal cosponsors it. his veto—come on. along with me on this measure, also Also in this bill is the Merida Initia- tive, as part of the supplemental. In The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Re- Chairman AKAKA of the Veterans’ Af- publican leader. fairs Committee and the majority lead- my home State, and all the border States with Mexico, we are seeing vio- Mr. MCCONNELL. We probably don’t er, who was with us early on. lence with drug cartels that are now need to prolong it much further, but in There are people on my staff who targeting our law enforcement officers spite of the political observations of were working on this every day for 18 on our side of the border as well as my good friend, the fact is, the Presi- months, it is a very complex bill: Paul those in Mexico. They are dying trying dent, as a matter of principle, will not Reagan, my chief of staff; Michael to stop the drug cartels that are im- sign this bill. At the end of the week, Sozan, my legislative director; William porting drugs into our country. The the doctors’ reduction in reimburse- Edwards, my legislative assistant for Merida Initiative that President Bush ment will go into effect. There is a way veterans’ affairs; Jacki Ball; Jessica and President Calderon have put to- to prevent that, and that is to do a Smith and Kimberly Hunter, who are on our communications staff; Phillip gether is a part of this supplemental. I short-term extension to give us an op- had hoped that we could also help our portunity to do what we have done in Thompson and Mac McGarvey, both former Marines, who worked hard early local law enforcement officials who do the past on these measures, and that is not have the equipment they need to on. And those from the staff of the negotiate a settlement. That has been deal with these more violent, more so- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Bill prevented by my good friend. phisticated drug cartels, but I am tell- Brew, staff director, and Babette I think we have discussed this issue ing you right now I am going to pursue Polzer. long enough. We have others waiting to that in the next bill we pass that is an This is a landmark piece of legisla- debate the supplemental. appropriations bill because our local tion that will be in this provision. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under law enforcement officials are certainly There are going to be a lot of veterans the previous order, the motion to pro- in need of our help. ceed to H.R. 6331 is withdrawn, and the in the United States who are going to We didn’t get that in this bill, and I bill is returned to the calendar. be very happy with the Senate tonight. am disappointed, but there will be an- I yield the floor. other day. We have to do this together. f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who We have to stop the drug infusion into yields time? The Senator from Texas is SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS our country and stop these heinous recognized. ACT, 2008 crimes that are being committed by Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the drug cartels in Mexico. Chair lays before the Senate a message know the time is late. This is a very So I support this bill. I hope we will from the House. important bill. It is one that has many all support it. It is a supplemental. The legislative clerk read as follows: good features, and the good features Most of it is what the President asked certainly outweigh the bad features. I for. We didn’t all get what we wanted, Resolved, That the House agree to the know we never get everything we want amendments of the Senate to the amend- but it is a worthy bill to support. ments of the House to the amendment of the in Congress. We certainly heard a lot Mr. President, I yield the floor. Senate to the bill (H.R. 2642) entitled ‘‘An about that a few minutes ago. I wish to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Act making appropriations for military con- talk about a couple of very important ator from Oklahoma is recognized. struction, the Department of Veterans Af- parts of this bill. Mr. COBURN. Mr. President, I plan fairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year Also in the GI bill is something I to raise a point of order in a moment, ending September 30, 2008, and for other pur- worked very hard to put in that bill, but first I wish to make a statement. poses,’’ with amendments. which is the transferability of the edu- The emergency spending bill being The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under cation benefits that a person in the considered by the Senate would provide the previous order, the motion to con- military now is able to transfer to a $210 million for the 2010 Census. No cur in the House amendments to the spouse or children. strings are attached to the funding, Senate amendment to the House There are many people who don’t giving the Census Bureau freedom to amendment to the Senate amendment want to leave the military to take that spend the money in any way it chooses. to the bill is considered made. education opportunity, but they would While the mission of the Census Bureau The Senator from Virginia is recog- love to give their spouse or their child is vitally important because of its role nized. that opportunity. It is now in this bill. in apportioning the House of Rep- Mr. WEBB. Are we in order to pro- Very important. resentatives and the distribution of bil- ceed on the supplemental? It also incorporates a bill that I in- lions of dollars in federal grants, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- troduced early this year, again, for vet- agency has proved to be notoriously ator is recognized for up to 5 minutes. erans. Who would have thought, Mr. bad at spending taxpayer money—and Mr. WEBB. Mr. President, I don’t ex- President, that someone who dies serv- the last thing Congress should do is pect very many people to vote against ing our country in Iraq and leaves be- provide more. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:25 Jun 27, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G26JN6.123 S26JNPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC60 with SENATE June 26, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6235 Emergency spending bills should be online according to the Pew Internet It is not permanent—the need is tem- reserved only for true emergencies, and and American Life Project, 75 percent porary in nature.
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