Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 188 / Wednesday, September 29, 2004 / Notices 58125 collected by CSREES contains sensitive on Tuesday, September 28, 2004, to organization facilitating fair information of an individual nature. provide information and receive public international trade in food and Estimate of Burden: Each year, the comments on agenda items that will be protecting the health and economic State 4–H office aggregates all electronic discussed at the Fifteenth Session of the interests of consumers. Through County 4–H enrollment reports into the Codex Committee on Residues in adoption of food standards, codes of State 4–H enrollment report, and Veterinary Drugs in Foods, which will practice, and other guidelines transmits it electronically to CSREES. be held in Alexandria, VA, October 26– developed by its committees, and by The applicable Territories similarly 29, 2004. The Under Secretary and CVM promoting their adoption and transmit aggregated information. This recognize the importance of providing implementation by governments, Codex requirement constitutes the Federal interested parties with information seeks to ensure that the world’s food burden CSREES imposes on the States about the Codex Committee on Residues supply is sound, wholesome, free from and Territories and is the only burden of Veterinary Drugs in Foods of the adulteration, and correctly labeled. In measured and accounted for in this Codex Alimentarius Commission and to the United States, USDA, FDA, and the estimate. CSREES estimates that it takes address items on the Agenda for the Environmental Protection Agency one State or Territory 31 hours to 15th Session of the Committee. manage and carry out U.S. Codex aggregate the local level information and DATES: The public meeting is scheduled activities. transmit the summary information to for Tuesday, September 28 from 10 a.m. The Codex Committee on Residues of CSREES. There are a total of 57 to 1 p.m. Veterinary Drugs in Foods was responses annually, thus constituting a ADDRESSES: The public meeting will be established in 1985 by the 16th Session total annual estimated burden of 1,767 held at the Best Western Washington of the Codex Alimentarius Commission hours for this information collection. to determine priorities for the Comments: Comments are invited on: Gateway Hotel, 1251 West Montgomery Avenue, Rockville, MD., 20850 (Main consideration of residues of veterinary (a) Whether the proposed collection of drugs in foods and to recommend information is necessary for the proper Ballroom). (The Hotel will provide shuttle service from the Rockville Metro maximum levels of such substances; to performance of the functions of the develop codes of practice as may be Agency, including whether the Stop to the Hotel at 9:30 a.m.) FSIS invites interested persons to required; and to consider methods of information will have practical utility; submit comments on this notice. sampling and analysis for the (b) the accuracy of the Agency’s Comments may be submitted by any of determination of veterinary drug estimate of the burden of the proposed the following methods: residues in foods. The Committee is collection of information; (c) ways to Mail, including floppy disks or CD– chaired by the United States. enhance the quality, utility and clarity ROM’s, and hand- or courier-delivered of the information to be collected; and Issues To Be Discussed at the Public items: Send to Docket Clerk, USDA, (d) ways to minimize the burden of the Meeting FSIS, 300 12th Street, SW., Room 102 collection of information on those who Cotton Annex, Washington, DC, 20250. Provisional agenda items: 1. Draft Maximum Residue Limits are to respond, including through the All submissions received must (MRLs) for Veterinary Drugs use of appropriate automated, include the Agency name and docket (Flumequine, neomycin, dicyclanil, electronic, mechanical, or other number 04–030N. technological collection techniques or All comments submitted in response carbodox, melengestrol acetate and other forms of information technology. to this notice, as well as research and trichlorforn (metrifonate), phoxim, Done in Washington, DC, this 1st day of background information used by FSIS in cyalothrin, and cefuroxime). 2. Proposed Draft Maximum Residue September, 2004. developing this document, will be Limits for Veterinary Drugs Joseph J. Jen, available for public inspection in the (Cypermethrin, alpha-cypermethrin, Under Secretary, Research, Education, and FSIS Docket Room at the address listed imidocarb, flumequine, pirlimycin, Economics. above between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., cypermethrin/alpha cypermethrin, [FR Doc. 04–21754 Filed 9–28–04; 8:45 am] Monday through Friday. The comments doramectin, and ractopamine). BILLING CODE 3410–22–P also will be posted on the Agency’s Web 3. Proposed Draft Code of Practice to site at http://www.fsis.usda.gov/OPPDE/ Minimize and Contain Antimicrobial rdad/FRDockets.htm. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Resistance. Research and background information 4. Proposed Draft Revised Guidelines will also be accessible via the World Food Safety and Inspection Service for the Establishment of a Regulatory Wide Web at the following address: Program for the Control of Veterinary [Docket No. 04–030N] http://www.codexalimentarius.net. Drug Residues in Foods. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 5. Proposed Draft Revised Part II Codex Alimentarius: Meeting of the Edith E. Kennard, Staff Officer, U.S. ‘‘General Consideration on Analytical Codex Committee on Residues of Codex Office, FSIS, Room 4861, South Methods for Residue Control’’ of the Veterinary Drugs in Foods Building, 1400 Independence Avenue Codex Guidelines for the Establishment AGENCY: Food Safety and Inspection SW., Washington, DC, 20250, Phone: of a Regulatory Program for the Control Service, USDA. (202) 720–5261, Fax: (202) 720–3157, E- of Veterinary Drug Residues in Foods. ACTION: Notice of public meeting and mail: [email protected]. 6. Discussion Paper on Risk request for comments. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Management Methodologies, Including Risk Assessment Policies, in the Codex Background SUMMARY: This notice informs the public Committee of Veterinary Drugs in that the Office of the Under Secretary The Codex Alimentarius Commission Foods. for Food Safety, United States was established in 1962 by two United 7. Review of Performance-based Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Nations organizations, the Food and Criteria for Methods of Analysis. the Center for Veterinary Medicine Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the 8. Consideration of the Priority List of (CVM), Food and Drug Administration World Health Organization (WHO). Veterinary Drugs Requiring Evaluation (FDA), are sponsoring a public meeting Codex is the major international or Re-evaluation. VerDate jul<14>2003 15:56 Sep 28, 2004 Jkt 203001 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\29SEN1.SGM 29SEN1 58126 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 188 / Wednesday, September 29, 2004 / Notices 9. Discussion Paper on Rounding of SUMMARY: In accordance with the receive a follow-up contact. Acceptable Daily Intakes for Veterinary Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. Summarization of findings will be Drugs prior to Setting of MRLs. L. 104–13) and Office of Management presented to the Advisory Committee on and Budget regulations at 5 CFR part Agricultural Statistics. Public Meeting 1320 (60 FR 44978, August 29, 1995), Estimate of Burden: Public reporting At the September 28th public this notice announces the intention of burden for this information collection is meeting, the agenda items will be the National Agricultural Statistics estimated to average 60 minutes per described and discussed, and the U.S. Service (NASS) to seek reinstatement of positive response, 10 minutes per draft positions will be presented. an information collection, the Census of screen-out, and 2 minutes per refusal. Attendees will have the opportunity to Agriculture Content Test. Respondents: Farm and ranch pose questions and offer comments. DATES: Comments on this notice must be operators. Comments may be sent to the FSIS received by December 3, 2004, to be Estimated Number of Respondents: Docket Room (see ADDRESSES). Written assured of consideration. 30,000. comments should state that they relate Estimated Total Annual Burden on ADDRESSES: to activities of the Codex Committee on Comments may be sent to Ginny McBride, NASS Clearance Respondents: 30,000 hours. Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods Copies of this information collection Officer, U.S. Department of Agriculture, (CCRVDF) (#04–030N). and related instructions can be obtained Room 5336 South Building, 1400 without charge from Ginny McBride, Additional Public Notification Independence Avenue SW., NASS Clearance Officer, at (202) 720– Washington, DC 20250–2024, or Public awareness of all segments of 5778. [email protected] or faxed to rulemaking and policy development is Comments: Comments are invited on: (202) 720–6396. important. Consequently, in an effort to (a) Whether the proposed collection of ensure that the public and in particular FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR COMMENTS information is necessary for the proper minorities, women, and persons with CONTACT: Carol House, Associate performance of the functions of the disabilities, are aware of this notice, Administrator, National Agricultural agency, including whether the FSIS will announce it on-line through Statistics Service, U.S. Department of information will have practical utility; the FSIS Web page located at http:// Agriculture,
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