UnificationUnification NewsNews $2 Volume 21, No. 11 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY November 2002 IIFWP CONVOCATION 2002 GovernanceGovernance andand thethe RoleRole ofof ReligionReligion inin PeacePeace andand SecuritySecurity GRAEME CARMICHAEL by Gordon L. Anderson, Ph.D. t had been a year since the ter- rorist attack in New York that brought down the World Trade towers. I had landed on Sep- tember 20, 2002 at LaGuardia Iairport and as my cab took me across the Queensboro Bridge I could see the United Nations where US Presi- dent Bush had made his case for enforcing sanctions against Iraq the previous week. Clearly the world had changed since September 11, 2001 and religion, or at least the rhetoric of religion, had become prominent in discussions of global peace and secu- rity. Religion has no geographical bound- aries like the nation-states that make up the United Nations. After World War II, the United Nations had been established with a Security Council made up of great powers with a man- date to keep nations from fighting one another. September 11, 2001 drove home the point that in our global age wars do not have to be fought by nations. Groups of people marginal- ized by the system of nation-states that is entrusted with global peace and security could find other ways to see IIFWP on page 5 National Ministers’ Workshop in Maryland by Rev. Mary Anglin ington DC. These ministers came with The ministers are always so kind to far; so we’ll have to listen.” But this various levels of heart, curiosity, desire members, but sometimes among each comment was said in fun, though per- ho is Rev. Sun Myung to learn, sometimes a “knowing” or other they share their fears. During haps thinly hiding a little of the old Moon? This is the ques- push from the spiritual world. Many such a long bus ride, some of them fears. tion that 140 min- ministers we hoped would were joking that even if they At Hoon Dok Hae on the first isters gathered come could not cross got negative or upset full day, Monday, Father’s together to that bridge; and they couldn’t run speech from the Madison haveW answered. To discover some who came away ? they’d Square Garden of the Sep- who is this man, what surprised us, surely get lost in tember 18, 1974 rally was prompts and motivates him we didn’t real- the wilderness. read. This is such a pow- to keep going like a freight ize they were “Ah, so that’s erful and clear message. train at the age of 82. Why yet at the level why they’re squir- There were many positive have the Family Federation of desiring more. reling us away so see MINISTERS on page 11 members continued loving serving, sacrificing through so many times & trials. Many ministers don’t want to know why, are perhaps afraid of the answer. But 140 brave ministers decided to come together to discover what makes this movement tick. Gathered together at beau- tiful Ocean City, Maryland, a beautiful resort town on the Atlantic Ocean more than a 3-hour drive from Wash- Unification News IIFWP CONVOCATION 2002 FOUNDER’S ADDRESS by Rev. Sun Myung Moon This is the Founder’s Address given GOVERNANCE AND THE ROLE OF at the IIFWP conference on September 21, 2002, in NYC . n addition to the IIFWP Convoca- TOWARD AN INTERRELIGIOUS tion, another reason for your gath- ering here today, with your hearts GRAEME CARMICHAEL yearning for world peace, is to com- memorate the International Day of IPeace. On this profoundly significant occasion, as the Founder of the Interre- ligious and International Federation for World Peace, I would like to convey a message regarding God’s original ideal. The title is, “God’s Fatherland and the One World.” God has spoken of “His Kingdom and His righteousness,” but people living on the earth today have not been able to find it. It is important to know that humanity today, just as it has for many thousands of years of human history, fervently desires the establishment of God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. How is it, then, that the Kingdom and the righteousness that we have fervent- ly desired remain unfulfilled goals? The reason is that human beings committed the fall. As a result of the human fall, God and humanity, who originally could have formed the center of His Kingdom and His righteousness, found themselves in circumstances that prevented their forming a relationship with each other. Human beings did not know much about cannot accomplish His will for human the possibility to register as a citizen. enly Kingdom and long to see it. our Father, the center of His Kingdom restoration without cooperation from a For this reason, we must accomplish the We must travel the path that we truly or His righteousness. Hence, God has nation. There must be a true state that establishment of God’s Kingdom in the want to travel, and we must build the labored throughout the course of histo- is centered on true religion. Hence, in present world. We must construct the nation in which we want to live for all ry to enlighten these ignorant people and the fullness of time, God established a heavenly kingdom on the earth. We must eternity. If we possess riches, they must to teach us about Himself. In this con- particular nation and religion, the cho- live on the earth as citizens of this nation. be only those that are guaranteed to text, establishing His Kingdom and His sen people of Israel and Judaism. In that nation we lead our own families belong to the cosmos at the same time righteousness remains our fervent desire What is the character of the nation and kin, and inherit the lineage of the that they belong to us, and to belong to and goal. that fulfills our fervent desire for the true and good parents who love their the past and future at the same time There exist many nations in today’s Kingdom of God? It is not like the nations country and their nation as victorious that they belong to the present. We must world. Yet, not even one can truly receive in which you now are living. Someday, sons and daughters. Only in that way also possess the authority and knowl- love from God. For this reason, God wants we will have to leave these nations. will we enter the Kingdom of Heaven in edge such that when we weep, heaven to negate this fallen world and recreate We do not yet have God’s Kingdom. the spiritual world. This is God’s Prin- and earth will weep with us, and when His new Kingdom. God has conducted A person without a nation does not have ciple. we are joyful, heaven and earth can share His providence to establish a nation. God a permanent domicile, a nationality, or Only when there is a nation will we our joy. This is the highest desire and be able to bequeath a tradition that cherished hope that fallen humanity remains with our descendants into eter- must establish in the present age. nity. Only when there is a nation will the Everyone should be able to live in his C ALENDAR blood and sweat we shed live on. Only or her own nation. This is an absolute when there is a nation will men and right and requirement bestowed on human NOVEMBER 2002 women build a monument praising Heav- beings. Everyone without exception must 5 True Children’s Day (10/1/60) en for God’s work on this earth, and only live a life filled with a cherished desire 8 Shin Sun Nim’s Birthday (10/4/90) then will every trace of glory remain. If for God’s Kingdom and His righteous- there is no nation, it all will have been ness. This means that we must paint a 9 Hong Soon Ae Dae Mo Nim’s Ascension (1989) for nothing. This is why we must under- picture of the ideal world with our thoughts, 10 Shin Hoon Nim’s Birthday (10/6/94) stand that the establishment of God’s and in our daily life follow the path of 11 Yun Ah Nim’s Birthday (10/7/78) Kingdom is our most important task. living for the sake of His Kingdom and 18 Shin Ha Nim’s Birthday (10/14/98) We must live with the constant con- His righteousness. Shin Chool Nim’s Birthday (10/14/99) viction that “Our family is protecting the Do you have such a nation? Because nation that is qualified to receive the love you do not, you must now establish such 22 Jin Whi Nim’s Birthday (10/18/63) of the True Parents. So I must be a fil- a nation. What kind of nation did I say Shin Young Nim’s Birthday (10/18/86) ial child of the True Parents and fulfill this would be? It will be a nation of ideals, 23 Tiempos Del Mundo Established (1996) the way of the patriot for the nation.” It a nation of unity. It will be a nation that 27 Heung Jin Nim’s Birthday (10/23/66) means that we must receive the love of all people can enter. In the work to estab- God and True Parents. We cannot receive lish this nation, no one is excluded. The 28 Hye Shin Nim’s Birthday (1963) God’s love unless we have a nation.
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