Inside WEST RIVER Seven Priests Leaving Diocese, page 2 Diocesan/Jesuit Priest Assignments, page 4 Fishing Tournament, page 5 Catholic Medical Association Guild, page 6 Tourist’s Mass Guide, page 7 New Catholics/Holy Week, pages 12-13 Informing Catholics in Western South Dakota since May 1973 Religious Liberty & Health Care, page 19 Diocese of Rapid City Mayatholic 2017 South Dakota Volume 46 Number 1 www.rapidcitydiocese.org CJesuits return 525 acres to Rosebud Sioux Tribe ST. FRANCIS — In 1881, lies. As the Native population just be used for agricultural pur- Chief Spotted Tail formally in- moved off the prairie and into poses like it is now, for grazing. It vited Jesuit priests, known as cluster housing, the churches might be used for community de- “Black Robes,” to educate the closed, while the Mission retained velopment. It might continue to Lakota people. The federal gov- possession of the land. be used for religious purposes,” ernment, and in some cases, the “Saint Francis Mission should said Harold Compton, deputy ex- Rosebud Sioux Tribe granted to not continue to hold land that it is ecutive director of Tribal Land Saint Francis Mission land to sup- no longer using for church pur- Enterprises, the Rosebud Sioux’s port a school, and to build poses,” said Father John Hatcher, land management corporation. churches and cemeteries through- SJ, president of St. Francis Mis- “It’s because they’re so scattered, I out the reservation. These arrange- sion. “The Mission is not in the think each one will eventually ments were to remain in place as property business. I am grateful to evolve due to their own location.” long as the Mission used the land the Rosebud Sioux Tribe for the There are about 25,000 people for such purposes. use of this land and happy that we enrolled with the Rosebud Sioux Eventually, 23 mission stations can return it for the use of the Tribe, 15,000 of whom live on the were built with some stations en- Lakota people. We will never reservation. compassing as much as 40-80 again put churches on those little Compton told CNS, “It’s the acres of land in order to support parcels of land.” symbolism of returning. This land Native Catechists and their fami- The property, totaling about was categorically reserved by the 525 acres, is dotted throughout government for the church’s use. 900,000 acres on a Rosebud reser- So, the church returning this to vation in the south-central portion the tribe is a plus for everybody.” of the state, bordering both the He added, “The symbolism far state of Nebraska and the Mis- outweighs” but then caught him- souri River. self. “Land is valuable. Land Rodney Bordeaux, chief oper- everywhere is valuable. Land ating officer of St. Francis Mis- around here is worth $1,000, This postcard, released by the Vatican May 4, marks the 100th anniver- sion, said that when he started $2,000 or more an acre.” sary of the apparitions of Mary to the three shepherd children in Fatima May 13, 1917. (CNS photo/courtesy of Vatican Philatelic and work there five years ago, the land Through the proactive efforts Numismatic Office) transfer, having been initiated by of the St. Francis Mission — in Father Hatcher, was “stalled.” He cooperation with the Rosebud 100th Anniversary — New Saints attributed it to finding the right Sioux Tribe and the Bureau of In- VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis declared the sainthood of office within the federal Bureau of dian Affairs — all unused land Blessed Jacinta Marto and Blessed Francisco Marto, two of the shep- Indian Affairs to follow through. will now be returned, except for Mailing Label Mailing herd children who saw Mary in Fatima, Portugal, during his visit to the “It was just a matter of some- where the Mission has active op- site of the apparitions May 13. The pope presided over the canonization one doing it,” Bordeaux told erations. Bordeaux said, “These ceremonies of the Fatima visionaries during his visit to Fatima May Catholic News Service during a lands were used in an honorable 12-13. May 4 telephone interview. “We way, but now that they are no The pilgrimage marked the 100th anniversary of the Marian appari- did it on our end, but finding the longer needed, this is the appro- tions, which began May 13, 1917, when 9-year-old Francisco and 7- right office to carry it out — it’s priate thing to do.” year-old Jacinta, along with their cousin Lucia dos Santos, reported just a cumbersome process.” (Story combines Mark Pattison’s seeing the Virgin Mary. The apparitions continued once a month until With the land back in the Catholic New Service article and St. Oct. 13, 1917, and later were declared worthy of belief by the Catholic Rosebud Sioux’s hands, “it might Francis Mission Press Release) Church. 2 WRC No Greater Love May 2017 Bidding farewell to priests departing for new assignments The Easter season is a very busy time for farewell to Fr. Andrea Benso, our priest joice in the return of Fr. me as I travel the highways and byways to from Italy. After serving in the diocese for ‘I offer my deepest Brian Christensen, who many different parishes to administer the the past three years on the Standing Rock will complete his as- Sacrament of Confirmation to our young and Cheyenne River thanks for signment at the North people. This is one of the things I enjoy Reservations and com- the priests who have so American College, and most about being the bishop — the chance pleting his Native the arrival of several to interact with our confirmation students, American Ministry ex- generously served...’ priests to serve in the Bishop their families and parishioners in each perience, he will return diocese for the first Robert Gruss parish. to Italy to continue his the Jesuit communities here in the diocese time. (The assignment Late April and early May is also a time priesthood in his own and for all that they have been doing to changes are listed on page Diocese of for finalizing priest assignments for the fol- diocese. We wish him serve the Native American communities for 4 in this paper.) Rapid City lowing fiscal year. The departure of a num- well and thank him for these many, many years. Fr. DeSmet first ar- Although it has been ber of priests from the diocese has made his service among us. rived in the Dakota Territory with the challenging to program this process a real challenge this year. While Despite his short time “Black Robes” in 1838 — 179 years ago. the placement of priests this year, I will the challenges are real, I have so much for FR. ANDREA BENSO with us, he, too, has left Many wonderful Jesuit men have served always trust that God will provide for the which to be grateful. his mark. here sharing their gifts, talents, and their Diocese of Rapid City. However, I also It all began with Bishop-elect Steve It will also be hard love for the Native American people. They know that we all MUST do our part by Biegler being named the ninth bishop of to say goodbye to some have taken on the most challenging min- praying for vocations every day, by inviting the Diocese of of our Jesuit priests istry in the diocese and truly made a differ- your sons or other young men in your Cheyenne. What a gift who will be leaving the ence in the lives of many people. As I have parishes to consider a vocation to the the people of diocese over the course traveled around the diocese, the names of priesthood, and by helping to create a Cheyenne are getting! of the next few many Jesuits who have served here have culture of vocations in your parishes. There I am deeply grateful months. Fr. John come up in the conversation with parish- is no reason why the Diocese of Rapid City for his ministry in the Hatcher, SJ, will be ioners who have described how their lives should be facing a priest shortage. There is Diocese of Rapid City departing later in the have been touched by the ministry of these an abundance of priests in our diocese! for the past twenty- summer after serving fine men. The Jesuits who will be leaving us As I wrote in Through Him, With Him four years. But I am FR. JOHN the Native American are among the finest. Fr. John, Fr. Rick and and In Him: grateful that I will still HATCHER, SJ people for the past 45 Fr. Peter, I cannot thank you enough for “Families and local parish communities see him at least twice a years. He will be taking your ministry. You have each left a lasting should be the seed beds for priestly and re- year at the U.S. Bish- a well-deserved sab- mark on the church in western South ligious vocations. There are no shortages of BISHOP-ELECT ops’ Conference meet- batical over the next Dakota and all of you will be deeply missed. vocations to the priesthood. They are in STEVE BIEGLER ings. year. Fr. Rick Abert, In the face of these departures, the Lord your families and parish communities. You I am saddened SJ, who has been a has assisted us in meeting the challenges of have not called them forth. The only short- that Frs. Godfrey dedicated servant to assigning priests to provide necessary cov- age is that of vocational discernment. If Muwanga and John the people on the Pine erage for our parishes this year.
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