1 I U — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wedncgday. Aug. 19. 1987 Rampage: No motive in British murders / page 7 LowQxygen: Tens * ★ TAG SALE!!! ★ ★ of thousands of Relief: Yanks’ Hudson blanks Mariners / page 9 dead fish / page 5 4 Days for the Price of 3! ^^7, ‘ PLACE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOU’RE ALL SET FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOR TRACEY OR IRENE IN CLASSIFIED. ROOMS APARTMENTS m m m m rn CARS CARS FOR RENT FOR RENT RNI8ALE FOR SALE UJaurli^Htrr HrralJi I ) Manchester — A City of Village ROOMS, Male or Female. PRIVATE townhouse In 4V,' .V C h a r m Centrally located. Kit­ wooded setting, large DmECTW FAIRMONT woffon 7i. MERCURY Lynx 1981. 4 chen privlleoes. Reaso­ deck, 2 bedrooms, IVb V-8, automatic. Very door wagon, 38,000 ffood condition. 82000/ mligs. stgrgo. $2200. nable. Apply at 39 Cot­ baths, lots of closets. Thursday, Aug. 20,1987 tage Street, between Fully equipped kit­ best offer. 646-3590 af­ 646-3094.____________ 9-4.______________ chen, basement, wa- ter 4. VW Doshgr 1970. A-1 con­ 30 Cents ROOM tor non smoking sher/drver hookups •*» A Y . ID totes, trweldnE. CHRYSLER Newport dition. $1500. 647-0741. gentleman preferred. $800. Includes heat/hot schoRl^^hfi Horn* rw iri. Yoii VINYL IS FINAL custom 1967. 73k origi­ PLYMOUTH 1 9 il water. 647-7411 after 5. i jUM HIBJKn m iV I Q u nal miles. Must be Air conditioned, kit­ Sfwhy^l^nghMthewl. Chomp. Good condi­ chen privlleoes, wa- MANCHESTER. Central, ‘ OftmpMe home iM tini end re­ seen. 649-0543. tion. Now rutebor. Ask­ modeling, wespedeSs m beth- vamtMfB. firWR Enimatet. CbII sher/dryer, parking. large 1 bedroom, 2nd loonw end kMehene. SmeH seele ing $1500 or host offor. Majority directors ijack vote on maii bonds Available August 29. floor. $495 Including iio T dov cor* eemmeraieiwwk.Realsieied,ln- tRuaiNdsychostbom SIDING PLUS .1 07M337 oftor 5pm. 643-5600. heat and appliances. Wlttli EteBAiiis tor a vt- CLYDE By Andrew Yurkovsky 646-3253.____________ ,ftil, wood, stoM, trash 6 4 3 -1 1 9 8 CHEVROLET-BUICK. INC. bonds for the project. ors jiNAiO^. '______M M l i l etc. Roy Hardy town Herald Reporter dum. The GOP statement came issue had been approved last year Besides Penny, Directors Peter TAKE A LOOK While supporting a referendum, before the town’s attorneys had they understand bow the bonds are APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM apartment and siiidis or< Cor«.S4S-7m. ROUTE 83, VERNON by the Board of Directors. P. DiRosa Jr. and Kenneth N. paid off. on Mansfleld/Wllllng- Raforonels. oeoboeogoboea some members of the Board of determined the effect of a referen­ Maloney’s decision was made in FOR RENT ton line, route 44. $385, TM E i 79 Ford Orenede 3 dr. *2806 05 Pont. Grand Am Democratic town directors this Directors had said that the court Tedford were present during the DiRosa said that if voters reject . truoktei 79 Couger XR7 *3496 UMitar. *6885 dum on the town’s appeal of the response to a lawsuit brought by 1 '/2 months security. DELIVERIN morning came out in favor of a decision could limit the board’s case. news conference. The announce­ the bond issue in a referendum, the i ROOMS, 118 Main R ich fo rm loom. , .$ . JEhimpramoval. 1 _ SSBulekReses*. *6486 members of the Manchester Prop­ ment of Democratic support for the Adults preferred. 86 Toyota Collca .v—- referendum to allow voters to ability to make future financial Two weeks ago, the town an­ directors would feel obligated to Street. No pets. Secur­ Country privacy. No 53 BonnevHle 4 dr. *6898 MSAO approve or reject bonding for decisons. erty Owners Association, who have referendum was made in a written drop the Idea of financing improve­ ity and deposlt.S480. 54 Celebrity « *. we *7496 nounced plans to appeal the July charged that the mall and town- dogs. 429-7894. onddacoronvaatom. ^ end handloeppSCj improvements around the proposed "We confirmed our original in­ statement including the names of ments around the mall site, even If Heat and hot water . , neoes S4 Skyliewk 4 er. Wg *59W 85 Mazda RX7 QSL'SE' Mall at Buckland Hills. decision of Hartford Superior Court financed road improvements would all six Democratic directors. Included. 646-2436, 9-5 MANCHESTER. Newly »E8gn8gd,firMelde||i| U i;u e do your Hardwood 643-9S04 tent, as most of the Democratic Judge John P. Maloney, who ruled an appeal proved successful. But, if renovated bedroom, ‘ ■ 'Of two. r 847.7SS3 SeoidsClereser. *7405 Loadad *11,900 In announcing their support fora mean higher taxes for residents. A joint public hearing by the weekdoys.__________ 2 Wg wlH remove the 88Mere.Me,eye4*. *7696 directors had affirmed, to go to a that the Board of Directors could an appeal is successful, any future 3rd floor oportment. re from die working 81 Mazda RX7 *4495 referendum, the Democratic direc­ Penny said the referendum would Board of Directors and the Eco­ decisions to Issue tax-increment ! BEDROOMS, heat, ^gPLA< modati^'* 88 Chev. Ceprloe 4 er. *8496 referendum in November.” Direc­ not issue $13 million in tax- $525 per month, plus Lno extra ehergo. Fioe tors said that attorneys represent­ tor Stephen T. Penny said during a be advisory and would not legally nomic Development Commission bonds should be made by the Board stove, references, heat and utilities. No w - p i l i w id i • v T tn 88 Ponllo SunMid *6505 70 Zaphry Sadan increment bonds to pay for road bind the directors to act for or lease, security, no pets. 85 Cemero mm *9105 ing the town have determined that news conference this morning in has been scheduled Aug. 27 to of Directors, not the electorate, he appliances. 2 month tidt s T h 0 n 80 Line. Town Car and utilities improvements around against the bond issue. The direc­ consider putting a referendum said. $510. 649-3340._______ security deposit. No Patfra itteini .Bfldt^ mmin 88 Dodge Deytone *11,405 such a referendum would not Lincoln Center. the mall. Maloney ruled that the HysrdeelHeedhH 2 to Chooaa SAVE tors, however, would follow the will question on the ballot for the Nov. 3 MANCHESTER. 4 room pets. References re­ I WOtkil; 86 Century 4 *. *10,206 compromise an appeal of last Last week. Republican candi­ “ I think subsequent boards, if iMPVnMDr tor mnk t question of approving the bond of the people, whatever the out­ municipal election. apartment. 1st floor. quired. Best for work­ 88Ce«eller4 4,. *5306 84 Marcury Marquis month’s court decision barring the dates for the Board of Directors issue would have to be made by the they had the opportunity, would ing couple or small teimavediit . Board of Directors from issuing come of the referendum. Penny ’Tedford said he is confident Adults preferred. No 87 Spectrum 4 er. *8405 Brougham *4995 came out in support of a referen­ voters in a referendum. The bond said. pets, no appliances, 1 family. 643-2121. f i S 87Cheveltetw. *5406 voters will approve the bond issue if Please turn to page 8 car. Security. 649-1265. 87 Chevy Nove 4 dr. *7005 00 Mustang [ a S S 3 ROOM apartment. Inal 6 room apartment with Heat, hot water, stove MASTER Rlumbor, no; 85 Gran Morq Brh. *6895 1 ; tote to biff. S pa clatlia d | appliances. $700 refrigerator. Responsi­ repot rs 872-9111 monthly. months se- ble adult. Security dep­ Hn rooldantiol. Quality 86 Town Car *17,900 2 Vic Is main concern. Fully | dnoont sT CMI It looks like pilots curltv. 646-0256. osit. $425. Available September 5. 649-0061. 4^ ’ * • * Insurad. Free esti-1 sy. , 85 Cougar me *6800 U ROOMS. Portly fur­ '^motot. Senior citlian! holD« nished. Heat. Working MANCHESTER. Clean 2 • « ^ discount. C o ll 647-3838. idf^ SCRANTON 84 Mazda Pickup *4595 bedroom duplex, pri­ single male preferred. 83 Lynx Wg., At. ac *3995 No pets. Lease. 643- vate driveway. Wa- AND aeiicT uaep CAne.. didn’t set the flaps 2880._______________ sher/dryer hook-up. eoMt s.eti nNANctNO on Lia« 86 Mazda SE5 FAi *5495 No pets. Call evenings. STUDIO type. Partly fur­ 82 Buick Skylark nished. Working single 649-4222. 87 FIFTH AVE. m •14,495 By Jim Irwin HOMES 17 7 JLAWNAND MRCELLANE0U8 CARS 87 LeBARON Whita *5195 during takeoff and are retracted when male preferred. No FOR RENT FOR SALE oraTiMke The Associated Press cruising. pets. Leose. 643-2880. CONDOMINIUMS ■ ' ' I darden FOR SALE •12,295 87 RAIDER 4x4 •12.795 aSMarkurxiMri *11,495 The setting of the flaps prior to takeoff MANCHESTER- 5 room, FOR RENT ROCKVILLE/VERNON MOVING. Carrier air 87 PLY VOYAGER •15,595 ROMULUS, Mich. — The pilots of bedroom apartment. FORD Fairmont 1980. 4 86 Buick Regal *7495 is fundamental to flying and considered 2 house for rent. Older Toff Soil Screened Loam conditioner 7900 units. door, 6 cylinder. Excel­ 87 RAMCHARQER Northwest Flight 255 did not lower the by pilots as one of three “ killer Items” ■'’it ■ 'O' Includes carpeting, MANCHESTER, luxury 3 Colonial, living room, Perfect working order •17.595 86 Olda Calala *8395 wing flaps and there is no indication a basement storage, dis­ bedroom, all applian­ Any emount delivered. Alto. till, lent condition. $980. 57 ARIES *. kM •6.995 for which the consequences can easily dining room, 3 bed­ gnvel. Hone and bark, mulch. $100. Rock maple full 643-9044. 4 84 Gran. Morq. LS *8895 cockpit siren sounded to warn them that hwasher, appliances ces, next to golf club, size bed with king koll 57 DODGE RAM be catastrophic.
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