Cije Babtbstontan ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS DAVIDSONCOLLEGE TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER3,1996 VOLUME88,NUMBER2 US Military decides to suspend DavidsonROTC By AnnCulp dred colleges and universities for an average of 12 graduating NorthCarolina-Charlotte(UNCC) fortwoyears,saidheis verydisap- Writer Staff across the U.S in the next three officers each year. The Armyis whilecontinuingtheireducationat pointedwiththeendingofthepro- years were announced by the closing schools with less than 15 Davidson or to leave the ROTC gram."Iwish peaked The ROTC more resultofadecisionhanded United States Military in May, officers graduatingeach year. program. Ifaparticipant attends students' interests," said Cantey. down by Mili- the United States 1995. According to Lt.. Kevin "The quality ofROTCcadets UNCC,theirROTCscholarshipto "The military offers so much to tary, no Davidson will longerhost Colcord,ProfessorofMilitary Sci- producedby Davidsonis remark- Davidson wouldnotbeindanger. people— as travel the such and train- Army's Reserved Officer ence for the ROTC program at able,but essentially our numbers Inaddition, ten $20,000 scholar- ingfor thebusiness world." TrainingCorps.(ROTC) program Davidson.thedecisionstemsfrom make the Army consider us for shipsareofferedeachyearthrough Sophomore Josh Glazer is nextyear. yearhistory the After a77 Military's lowerrequirement closure,"saidColcord. a government program that will also dissapointed in the turn of at school, the DavidsonROTCpro- forofficersdue totheendingofthe The45Davidson studentsdi- continueatDavidsonevenwithout events. gram end May. " will this Cold War. rectlyaffectedbytheROTC'sclos- anROTCprogaramoncampus. ROTC alsooffers achance Plans to shut-down ROTC Inthepast12years,144offic- ing face adecision toattendmili- Sophomore Daniel Cantey, toenterthemilitaryatofficerlevel," programs atapproximately ahun- ershavegraduatedfromDavidson tary classes at the University of whohasbeeninvolvedwithROTC hesaid. New court? Under thetable and dreaming Presidential ... search continues Students express By Randy Hartwell mixedfeelings after AssociateNewsEditor party weekend * first 1^1 ,■<«"■* With President Kuykendall roundingout hislastterminoffice By Ann Hatfield this year, the Presidential Search StaffWriter Committeehasbeenhardat work. TrusteeLarry Dagenhart,chair of Afterfierce debatelastsemes- thecommittee,says thatactivere- Davidson trustees enacted a cruitmentbeganinMay. kegpolicy thatmany students HenotesthatDavidson'spres- I tige feel jeopardizes the cohesion of has "elicited manydirect in- the Court. This weekend, that quiries," which should ensure a wastested forthe firsttime. competitiveapplicantpool.OnAu- Due to matters of liability, gust21stthesearchcommittee met E:yidson'sself-study arguedtwo to discuss interviews inSeptem- years ago that the new "no com- mon container" policy was long Dagenhart anticipates meet- overdue and pointedout that na- ings withthemostqualifiedappli- tional fraternities bannedthe use cantsinOctoberandmayask"out- kegsovertenyears ago. BillGiduz standing" candidates for campus of you escape The new policy approvedby If can't beat'em... Tworunners thelate summer sunby hidingunderneath the visitsinNovember. Thecommit- cakes by community for the 1996 cake racelast Tuesday. The the trustees last spring mandates tableof baked the Davidson tee wantstofinditspresident-elect male winner WilliamIsenhour;thefemale winner was Mary ShellBrosche. Menand thattherebenomorethan25cases was asearly aspossible toallowample women camein cakes. , at any organizationsup- who firstreceived timefor acclimation toDavidson. tbeeredevent,andallbeer must bein theform ofcans. At combination The fallofBack Street: restaurant to become "Jasper's" (those sponsoredby mul- tntsesocial organizations),"theor- Back Street bosses go back to basics; boisterous bistro bets onbigger budgets ganizationmaysupply a quantity By Randy Hartwell inthe Davidsonarea. When their beaniceplaceforadate,andthere Chad. Jasper's is even "trying to based ninebeerspermember upon AssociateNews Editor friends at the Davidson Inn in- will stillbe abar." workoutadeal sostudentscanuse of legal drinking ageor 15 cases, formed themof theBryants' wish Therestaurantandbar,which their Cat Cards there,"he said. less."Non-members whicheveris On June 22, 1996, the Char- to sell,theMetzlersgave theman is to be named "Jasper's" after StudentswillmissBackStreet, may to bring op nine beers per lotteObserverpaid tribute to the offer. "They wanted tosellit,and Chad'sgreat-grandfather, will be however. "I had been aregular person. passing of 19 individuals in its he was looking for a place," said run byhis uncle, Dahl Metzler,a sinceIwasafreshman,"saysEddie past Connor This Fridaynight, "Death Notices" section. But it Chadof his father. restaurant manager. Gordon '96, whotendedbarthere and PhiDelta Theta held the first didn'tnotice the death of one of RickBryantsays thatwiththe The restaurant is slated to for overayear. "I'mjustgladlgot BYOBparty. Davidson's most cherishedland- Metzlers' track record, they have openinSeptemberorOctober.The toenjoy itwhileIcould." with at Guests checked IDers marksthepreviousday:BackStreet reasontobe confident. "But they interior has been "gutted, and "Davidson'sbeen goodtous," year-olds front door'and 21 Cafe died onJune 21. need to know that this is North they're re-doing the brick work says Rick Bryant. "We'll really 21 old Iivedwristbands. year Owners Rick and Kathy Carolina,and things don'thappen and putting on new doors," says missit." guestscould thentake theirbeerto Bryant say that six years of run- so fast here," he cautions. "We thebasement whereit wasplaced ning theneighborhoodbarandres- wishthemall theluck inthe world in alabelledbin. tauranthadtakentheirtoll."We've ... butit won't be your local tav- Each21year-oldwhobrought got a little girl, and it was just ern." j^ajflj beer was given a card indicating taking alotof time awayfromour Inkeepingwitha trendinthe theamountofbeer broughtandthe family," saysRick Bryant. other few blocks of theDavidson it wasdeposited. TheBryants put Back Street downtownarea,theMetzlersplan Rusk'spartyonSaturdaynight onthemarket inthespring,andby acleaner, spruced-up incarnation seemedmorefamiliartomost Junehadenteredintonegotiations of the property on Depot Street. s'rclassmen.Cans werepoored with Robert and Diana Metzler, "It*11benice,butnotreallyfancy," cups, and party policy was parentsof Chad Metzler '98. In- said Chad. "They'llhave steaks ness as usual. vestors from Cleveland, the andpastaatdinner,andsandwiches Evhere Metzlershadbeenlookingatprop- at lunchtime. It won't cost any BernMUsa SeeNew policy onpage3 erties for restaurant development morethanLoneStarorKobe.It'll When the boardsarcremoved,DavidsonwillhaveJasper's. INSIDE THIS WEEK |MM|f)o y0U know||_IN^EXjgg^^;;;;;;;;;^ ■w-jtj y I■ INEWSBRIEFS 2 Didthey women s iwtiere elsewhere 6 Fmt aassMau soccer Ihe works. opinions............."........8 #»«mi»#; reallyJ °jump? ARTS&LIVING :„10 Davidson,NC 28036 A«Ts»l.iviNr, m Sports 3 I W —3 News 4 ||crossword 2 THEDAVIDSONIAN NEWS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1996 Infocus...NEW PROFESSORS DaveRobb: Philosophy ismore than you expect By Jennifer Starr Robb said he likes "the smaller Robb earnedhisundergradu- SGAChancellor Adam Hickeyresigns Staff Writer school atmosphere. A big school ate degree in Philosophy from AdamHickey,whoservedas SGAChancellorforone semester canbeimpersonal... Hereit'smore StanfordandhisPhDfromCornell one that last year,submitted aletter ofresignationtoSGA President Warren Dr.DaveRobbisaDavidson's likely whenyousee some whereheservedasateacherassis- Bufordin August. Hickey,whowouldbea sophomore atDavidson new VisitingProfessorofPhiloso- you willknow them." tant. many students, this year, saidhe willnot return toDavidson this falland is instead phy on a one year appointment. Like Robb Robb offeredthese wordsof attending HarvardUniversity. modified his major plans several wisdom for current studentscon- Hickey's resignation from the Chancellor position half-way times whilehe wasincollege. He sideringaphilosophycourse:"For to most students, not through his term has leftBuford in search of a replacement. Said entered Stanford planning be- it's what they " andsoonbecame Buford, We areactivelyseekingthoseinterestedin theposition — comeanengineer expect. Philosophy, as usually and we'reconfident wewillfindasuitablereplacement." interested incomputer technology taught in the United States, in- SGA Chancellor is theonly paid positioninDavidson's SGA, the country. and artificial intelligence.He then volves lots of logic. It is much andincludes a$800salary for a full year — thenewchancellorwill decided to major insymbolic sys- closer tomathand sciencethan to receivearound $400. tanooga na- tems. At thatpoint,heplanned to Englishandtheotherhumanities." Thechancellor distributes minutes,handlesfinances, and serves tive and a become acomputerprogrammer. "Philosophyishard,"he said, However, as an adviserto thepresidentand vice president. graduate of TheMcCallie School as part ofhismajor, "Idon'tmeanthat tobeintimidat- says,"IwasraisedintheSouth so he was required to take "Mind, ing, but when you come into a Matter, Computer Services tooffer student Web Pages it is nice tobe downhere for an- and Meaning," an intro- philosophy courseyoushouldex- ductoryPhilosophy course. Inhis pect to thinkhardabout things." Thisfall,Davidson will jointhe Impressed by Davidson's ownwords,Robb "fellinlove with When heis not teachingphiloso- - it.The teacherwasreallygood;he ,■■■,»
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