FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 34 • NUM BER 189 Thursday, October 2,1969 • Washington, D.C. Pages 15331-15405 Agencies in this issue— The President Agency for International Development Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Consumer and Marketing Service Customs Bureau Emergency Preparedness Office Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Home Loälh Bank Board Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration General Services Administration Indian Aifairs Bureau Internal Revenue Service Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau Public Health Service Securities and Exchange Commission _ _ Small Business Administration Treasury Department Detailed list of Contents appears inside. MICROFILM EDITION FEDERAL REGISTER 35mm MICROFILM Complete Set 19 3 6 -6 7,16 7 Rolls $1,162 \ Vol. Year Price Vol. Year Price Vol. Year Price 1 1936 $8 12 1947 $26 23 1958 $36 2 1937 10 13 1948 27 24 1959 40 3 1938 9 14 1949 22 25 1960 49 4 1939 14 15 1950 26 26 1961 46 5 1940 15 16 1951 43 27 1962 50 6 1941 20 17 1952 35 28 1963 49 7 1942 35 18 1953 32 29 1964 57 8 1943 52 19 1954 39 30 1965 58 9 1944 42 20 1955 36 31 1966 61 10 1945 43 21 1956 38 32 1967 64 11 1946 42 22 1957 38 Order Microfilm Edition from Publications Sales Branch National Archives and Records Service Washington, D.C. 20408 rr<nr<n ■ w n m C T m Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays» rrllrll/ll jMllFd1 K r III NI I* K on the day aiter an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, Na ■ ArchivesA«.Msa> nnrtand RaanrHsRecords Service.Service, General Services Administration.Administration, Washington, D.C. » g35’ Phone 962-8026 Area Code 202 V,c bkiiTco '»3« “¿y pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 2^ __ (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the FederalRegisw , ^ proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. 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Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first F ederal Register issue of each month. __oNS There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the Code of F ederal Regulati Contents Pears, fresh Bartlett, grown in Notices THE PRESIDENT Oregon and Washington; ex­ Common carrier services informa­ penses, rate of assessment, and EXECUTIVE ORDER carryover of unexpended funds. 15362 tion; domestic public radio Designating the United Interna­ services applications accepted tional Bureaux for the Protec­ for filing____ ____ :_________ 15393 tion of Intellectual Property CUSTOMS BUREAU Rochester Radio Co. et al.; hear­ ing, etc____________________ 15391 (BIRPI) as a public interna­ Proposed Rule Making tional organization entitled to Country of origin marking; ex­ enjoy certain privileges, exemp­ FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK tions, and immunities------------ 15337 ception for imported articles when marking will reasonably BOARD EXECUTIVE AGENCIES indicate origin____ __________ 15360 Notices Applications to acquire control of AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS certain savings and loan as­ DEVELOPMENT OFFICE sociations: Golden West Financial Corp__ 15397 Notices Notices Imperial Corporation of Amer- Authority delegations: Major disasters; amendments: ic a -------------------------------- 15397- Assistant Administrator f o r Nortek, Inc__ ______________ 15397 Technical Assistance (2 docu­ V irginia___________________ 15398 ments) _________ 15385 West Virginia_______________ 15398 Coordinator, Pood for Peace_ 15385 FEDERAL MARITIME Regional Assistant Administra­ tors and Assistant Adminis­ FEDERAL AVIATION COMMISSION trator for Technical Assist­ ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations ance ________ 15385 Rules and Regulations Fees for services and license fee; AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Airworthiness directives: correction _______________ 15345 See Consumer and Marketing Boeing airplanes_____________ 15340 Notices Service. Fairchild Hiller aircraft______ 15340 Alterations: Royal Caribbean Cruise Line A/S ,- ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Control zone________________ 15341 application for performance Notices Transition area_____________ 15341 certificate____ _______ 15397 Southern California Lumber General Electric Co.; authoriza­ Proposed Rule Making Handlers’ Bureau; termination tion of dismantling of facility_ 15390 Rochester Gas and Electric Corp.; Control zones: of agreement_______________ 15398 issuance of provisional operating A lteration_________________ 15363 license _________________ 15391 Designation________________ 15364 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Federal airways, jet routes, and Rules and Regulations associated control areas; altera­ Notices tions, extension, and designation Natural gas companies; termina­ Hearings, etc.: (2 documents) _________ 15364, 15365 tion of certain annual reporting Frontier Airlines, Inc_______ 15391 Transition areas: requirement_____ ;__________ 15344 Trans Meridian (London), Ltd- 15391 A lteration_________________ 15363 Notices CONSUMER AND MARKETING Designation___________ 15364 Hearings, etc.: SERVICE Cities Service Oil Co__________ 15398 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Community Public Service Co__ 15399 Rules and Regulations COMMISSION El Paso Natural Gas Co______ 15399 Olives grown in California; han­ Florida Gas Transmission Co. dling; amendment and exten­ Rules and Regulations (2 documents)_______ 15400 sion of time________________ 15339 Amateur radio service; reserved Houston Oil & Minerals Corp__ 15400 Oranges, Valencia, grown in Ari­ frequency bands for extra and Iowa Electric Light and Power zona and California; handling advanced class operators____15343 Co ....---------------------------- 15401 limitation ___________ 15339 Montana-Dakota Utilities Co_ 15401 Raisins produced from grapes Industrial radio services; waiver Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. (2 grown in California; desirable or amendment of certain busi­ documents)__________ 15401,15402 free tonnage, 1969—70 crop year. ness radio service requirements. 15342 15340 Interconnected or coordinated Virginia Electric and Power Proposed Rule Making electric utility systems com­ C o ----------------------- 15402 Meat inspection; extension of mand control networks-____... 15341 time _ 15362 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION handling in Massachusetts - Proposed Rule Making Rhode Island-New Hampshire Radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, Rules and Regulations a h d Connecticut marketing etc.; establishment of sched­ Prohibited trade practices; certain areas; rescheduling of hearing. 15362 ule of dates, technical stand­ anges and grapefruit grbwn in ards, frequencies and other individuals and/or companies Texas: requirements ; extensions of (14 documents)________ 15345-15353 Expenses, rate of assessment, time: Proposed Rule Making and carrryover of unexpended Alaska maritime services and Camera film; labeling_________ 15366 funds _ 15361 public fixed stations_______ 15366 Use of identifying marks. 15361 Great Lakes maritime services. 15366 (Continued on next page) 15333 15334 CONTENTS FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE INDIAN AFFAIRS BUREAU PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Rules and Regulations Proposed Rule Making Proposed Rule Making Hunting: Operation and m aintenance Metropolitan Dayton intrastate Havasu National Wildlife Ref­ charges: air quality control region; desig­ uge, Arizona and California, Colorado River Indian Irriga­ nation and consultation with e t c _____________________ 15356 tion Project, Ariz_________ 15360 authorities _________________ 15362 Iroquois National Wildlife Ref­ Tribal.and trust patent Indian uge, N.Y________________ 15358 lands of San Carlos Irrigation Project, Ariz___ ___ _______ : 15361 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE Notices COMMISSION Gordon A. Isaacson; loan applica­ tion ______________________ 15389 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Notices See Fish and Wildlife Service; In­ Hearings, etc.: FOOD AND DRUG dian Affairs Bureau; Land Man­ Commercial Finance Corpora­ agement Bureau. tion of New Jersey________ 15402 ADMINISTRATION Continental Vending Machine Rules and Regulations INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE C o rp ____ — _________ .. 15403 Pair Packaging and Labeling Act Notices Federal Oil Co______________ 15403 'Liquid Optics Corp__________ 15403 regulations; exemption of cer­ Widmer Walter Smith; grant of tain confectionery__________ 15354 New England Electric System relief regarding firearms acqui­ et al_______________ 15403 Food additives; emulsifiers and/or sition, shipment, etc—________ 15386 surface-active agents and poly- Pacific Fidelity Corp___ 1—__ 15403 hydric alcohol diesters of oxida­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE tively refined (Gersthoffen proc­ COMMISSION SMALL BUSINESS ess)
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