T\velve Ttveive Pages THE ST.JOHNS NEWS Pages VOLUME XXVII—NO. *47 ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY AFTERNOON—JUNE 22. 1916. OHE DOLLAR A { I.M'AL mrn EBLIliT. WlhM L.ANT WAVE. Ltout. RmIIo aad two moo frtMo Ht. Juhaa High woa taal gaaia of Bom. Wadaasday, June 14. to Mr. ItLTOUGffilD Itottdry II.. l.An«Uic. ware In thin city PIGEIIIIT PLEISES aon Saturday, aewre li*l. Ovidli waak^AMEEIfiKT aad Mra. IJoyd Hbarniaii af Bingham, GNEsniTiyn TiMaday ai^latlac racrulU to jolii Umi nasa at third haaa aad abort-atop wos< a aaughtar. Dorothy tola. omantiatton. Wktia hare thay aa- arcoaatable for aavaral of ojr ruaa. | A daughter. Varaa Adaltoa. araa curad Kohart Mmar aad M. T. Brown. l^ae of Ht Johaa pit rbad a shut-out bam Haturday, Jgge 17. to Mr. and Mmsim A numbar of otbara are raportad to gaiua. Ovid'a loae *eore tatag laada ou II miY SmUfllMT Mr*, lialmar Hakgr. anal of Ht Johns. IS. IHUIIHIES hatra coaa to Lanalnc to aailat. Tkc UmOEIIIIIBEE an error. Score • »- Nawa baa made arransamaou with IZ34547H9 R.II.K. Tl'ITieH APTI.If .ATIH.%. llurrMga. tha photovraphar. to take Ht J. High o .1 0 0 fl 2 0 •> r> 7 <> Tha Htaiuta i»rotrlde* that tha par- «iV M*STI «l> .AND KMIHERXi 444N4D ATTK.MM.Xf'E PMKftKNT AT TIIKV HOStT. rUlTHIMJ the picture of any oae who may anliat (»rtd High 0 n u o n 0 1 A 0 1 I 4 . ant. la order to have his child s tui­ I'HI'KI'H lA.tH I'RtllYDFII T« FriX* i>i|» PBOVIHIONH. for aarrlce All they have to do ia WAKE Hf'EXt IlKAITIKI'l.. flattene* fur Hi Jtthn*. I.ae aad AKTEKNIMIX <4EHH|I»X. tion paid to a high school, or graded to au to tha at.idto for a anting. They Pouch; for Ovid. Dowuiaa and Crane. school, must make wrlltau .•(.plica­ fHT f.AHAI ITT. will be givan oae plctnra frae If tion. and Ills same with tha director rotj enlist don't fail to taka advaatac- TH A RED F.AB1IM. of bis home district, on or bat*>re the at thia oiler John .Matteaon has tradid his farm SHE OFFin R'EIECTEB fourth Momlay of June. Henea ;;axt ATTEtlO m. miss MEEIHKi SCENES FROM PUTS CIVFN Bccllcui II. Htngham, for u house, Monday, June 2ith la the last day for e. W. R. KEDZIE. SPEiER W REt*\IK .XTHEKT*. lot and blacksmith shop tn Ovid. Tha filing same That application Is gooti At a iiieetlna of the city council wlIXMw AMI D.V.’AI wHiKE^- house on Innslng straat. now occu* AIRW. Af. H. FERRY HE l.tXMlMi only for tha following yaar; and ap- T!!!** ruMMIMTV !»• » \Ll.i;nAlunday evening. It wa* decided to r-.o.| by Mr. Maiti*»on.'will be for sale pll«-aUon bns to be made for '^very •MIHTOKV HKPEAT h ithelf; MIVEh AHIIHE hh. I fox TO IIKI.I* \T o\< i:. repair all of the '-onrrete utraeta aiel 1*11 HE A A riHf-. or tent .vaar that the child attends the higti. n»PH HE .AIIRREHW. cover them with a hituuiinoua pre- or graded school. paratlot- Uitrlng the next weak the AiipHratlon blanks will *•« vatir up­ Haelety To He Itusy t ••llerting I uNtr Tn tllr < wlirt Hotter ro'incll coinmttiee will i.'.ake dafinlie Hunter*, i'lfebe*., 4e*ler*. f.:’rte* on request, from this office pU';.' for the 'l•*<l!lnlnK of the new Has pect fully. •Apr Hirpping late Eparh AAbafO ueil .Afuni wnicain .la*! Her.’ 'U- rwO TRAINS TO BE ADDED Rt-eord** For Hook af l*|o- I «rain*. NiSa, Pmiaivti (<• -• It- road* TIIW). H. TMAV.NaE.VD. There AAill He llnij Arlstaeracj I har.icfer- Kluure on I'nurmin. Be*T iHiy *. Comnir of Hchoois \ll V»»u I Mil. TO S!1,TND TROKK SCHEDULE •*f fharaner." If it ira't an Eastman. It Isn't a •"r;'.aLl> \ p»f *p ‘ r* tllcc the ••a*t The t2nd ann-al noetmg of the kodak. Alllson'o. 42tf 'til: I t'l •il»c*n*I til*' ar !i oui.t .u ork till .tiid reheareinu rAHWEM.ERH AAII.I. HE MHI.ATI.A ( Itntnn fountv Pi*-:o-er Society 'History Repeats Itself," waa the • at thf I'o.ir tio.im- repurej ••• .'•eseni *0 the piiblli sue.; IIEXEFITEIA HY TlllH. wa* held Het irday. J to- 7. at the •ubject of the splendid Dacr-alaureata .It Till* eiii.-rrainiiient th- Hliake*i«-ar court house In Ht John* Tf?- society, -<>ldr»*- g^ven to the graduating ciaM • Hill'd for fhi« piirpoM' of ratvinr. •ran Hast an: w hich w j so ably given which was organize*! tn 71. viith 2'H* of the .St. Johns high school Hunday II for till* war iift.rfr" tn for PiEIDIO LAST MEEIG OF evening by Rev. \V|i|la:n Uoscoe Ked- .1... ini'iitrieft Tlipr.- will ■ la*l week Kriilay on th* Central chool Tram service on tin- Crand Tr nk memLers. has rapidly grown Ihrourh ami \ ' it ‘ partlr'-juitml Ibe year* snd now ha* a membership 7le ■>( Ihe Congregational ch’irrh The ii . n anil plpr.i u: h’ipp. ; -v a ba- b *«-ji ' rathe r Ursa* ifart .ry *hi‘ pag» .ti.t Tb.e .>-• mes wor. all Ihr •ugh Ht Johns f-r Ih i»a**l vegr of alinitt 1,*»IK». However, the old pio ­ text was taken from Ecceleslastes. iii:"ibrr of our p|fl: • im III l.ll A I THE MtX.HEli.ATIti.X AI. flrai ' bapter. ninth verse At the be­ Tha followlna. artiir; v Mi.,= Kd- of .Shak-sp-.ir<-an time a* was the or '•/, blit liegitining H 'gday. June 2i>. neer* are rapidiv dm|>ptng out, the POMONA IS HELD mnwtc .1110 speak tn. Har:unnl/it:g there will he a < hatige tn tram* and report of the obituaty cono'ltitse ginning of the service the members of VI' IHmoniJ, nhoiild ha r»a<l hy all niriH II Ai EMM wit AY EVE. (he - las-- marched from the back of .1 II atvaa mtlP*i im'if ;I tnfomia*ion colo; it < «'stlimes amt dowers nia«lc an ivddliton of al lean* 'wo new iral:?.- showing that twenty have passed 'he iiiclure one of . e.; ty. AHhii gh th«* IM hednle has not lieen away during the past year. *hc - hurch to the seats in the front jiiout the ooiiilUton of Hi. (eople In tiiTIIEK AT AAAIIH’HTA (»X' THIS reserve*! for them Tlie choir sang lb*' fnrrtm conntr «*■ 'ni' enp.isi.**! ir. The comlri;: of the ri. ••s«lonal •••a ov..ctly dccideil. the time of train* will The morning session wa* attende-I .’nnoinc'il i>v a l> s; mil. Two by prol*: 4l»1y b** a* follow**: Trains east II ostly b> old pioneer*!. The meeting two number* preceding the sermon. war AVEEK AAEIIXE.SIMY. "’Event* move In cycles and In some Many are u'^ktUK for infnrn .itton NUaiBERS 6J^ BY CUSS two came th* hunter >. the fairies, the lo-al, v‘1ii a. ni.; f-.i-*!. 9:42 a. m.: lo ­ was called to order sf ten thirty by cal, 12'o«t noon; fast. .'r.M p. m: loial the presidenl. T H Town»enil, fol ­ •enses.' said Rev. Kedzte. ' that which reaardtnp the V'nr Hellcf Work and witches the three n erry men. Julius hath been is that which shalt ba A the foUowInB fa* ta inay be Iniere titiir JIMilK KE4 El'TiMX TENHEHEII Ceasar. lit ill us. Mark Antony, :.nd 7 p lu. Train* west, lo* *1. s;igi a. lowed by the singing of "America.'' III.; fast, 11 |.*i a. m ; local, 2 lu p m.; student of history may be able to hex- and aiaii ^how ua the needa of th" peo- many of tbos*- who appear in the The minutes nf the last meeting were OVER 100 ABE IN ATTENBANCE ard a guess as to what will be from AETEK riHN.KAAI. fast. 7 ;5u p III.. lo<al. h-uo p ni. read and approve*! and the report of jile and awaV;*'n na to a aenae of oiir ".Merchant of Venl**e' and "As Von hU knowledge of past events. tJke It." to say ncthing of the lM*'l.v J..*t which of these train:- will run the treasurer gtven. showing that the rMponaihilliy * KI'HIXES*! MKETIXfi HE l.ll AM* “MMie progress of hlatorv has lio: The lomnillfeea are not luirtuan. court Jaslerw. the hobby horse, the on Hiinday ha* not l>een reported, but .-oclety has $21..'ll In the treawiiry HaM*aK«t .Attraelhel) Deewrdled in been steadily upward, but sometimes aef tarlan. politiral. nr dennniinatior.al stilt man The iniiRtr was fumUbetl so'i'.e arrangement will be maile for Mrs. A. K. Dills of Dewitt then read Ft.XE PHIM4RAN lilVEX. upward and sometlmeH downward, aa They are cotnposeil of iren of affatrp the 4 idar* wf the Hapartlav by the laidtes' Mrchestr.i, ’ more convenience a short obituary sketch of those mem­ one climbs the foot-hills toward tha and wealth who are Kivinii their time Following the procesMonal, those in ber* who have died since the last summit of the mountain. Whether anl meana and berominic reaponalble the pageant were arranged tn three meeting. The names were as follows - Founty llraage To tio To H. A. f. we are optimists or |>esslmists Is de ­ for the earrylnif on of thia creat work croup*, one on a largo stage construct ­ Phoebe Ann Gardner, bom In Wayne termined by whether we ^ee the leaser Men.
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