PAGE TWENTY-EIGftT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., April 5, 1973 Bolton Dog Track Bid Pinehurst The Weather Passes Hurdle Winners' Listed Q ear tonight, low in upper 30s. Partly SOL R. COHEN reason for seeking a zone BUDGET HELPERS sunny Saturday with high 55-60. Precipita­ " .......)IUHjll|IIIWHIII| Jll, tion probability Saturday 10 per cent. (Herald Reporter) regulation amendment instead t -A. In Science Fair of an outright zone change. He lo tr the nm weak In April iHanrbratrr E Three Manchester men have said, in the event the state com­ DONNA HOLLAND cranberry sauce, buttered rice, passed the first hurdle in their To Start off with, please note that here at PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS mission turns down a request buttered spinach, fruit cocktail. Manchester—A City of Village Charm plan to construct a $5 million Correspondent Pinehurst we sell the freshest eggs TWENTY-TWO PAGES for a license, the parcel’s Wednesday: Juice, meatball MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1973 - VOL. XCU, No. 158 dog-racing facility in Tel. 646-0375 and that our Large White Eggs are Grade AA... one zoning status will remain un­ grinder, garden salad, chilled Colchester. About 500 parents and friends changed — Residence- peaches. grade better than most stores offer. The nine-member Colchester of students at Bolton Elemen­ Agricultural — and would not be 1; Thursday: Spaghetti, Planning and Zoning Board last tary and Center School attended oMned to commercial use. buttered green beans, jello with night unanimously approved an the recent science fair spon­ Mfe fMVR ffte /our prfce on Biffler. No L/mit. t M N n g miyes, Cavagnaro and topping. amendment to the town’s U' v' Mmi. sored by the Parent-Teachers to Buy/ Damato plan a facility to in­ Friday: Fish, French fries, zoning laws, to include dog­ Organization. clude a track, a grandstand, 4-, cole slaw, white cake. UNO O’ LAKES \ racing facilities as a permitM Winners were announced by clubhouse, dining rooms, use in any Residentiai- grade. Speciai awards were Dollars for Scholars orSTATE kennels for boarding dogs, .Ki , Nixon Seeking New FBI Chief Agricultural Zone, providing at given by the Junior Woman’s ’The Bolton Scholarship Fund living-recreation quarters for >x. x3 < ^*r)f ieast 20 acres are involved. # ' .X mr> Ciub for the best project on has announced its second an­ personnel, maintenance Hoar BUTTER Proposing to build the facility ecology. nual “ Dollars for Scholars” r - buildings, and other related Winners in Grades 7-8 were; drive will be this weekend, Gray’s Nomination on a 44-acre site are; Richard buildings and structures. Nicolas Minutillo, fiist; Debbie during high school students will News P. Hayes, real estate broker t>M*v itiij. w ......... f In addition to constructing a IW and land developer; Stephen J. Gilnack, second; and Christa be making a door-to-door can­ Here at Pfnafiurat iva /wva tfw low prfca on complete dog-racing facility, Cavagnaro, owner of Iv e y ’s Siebert, third. vass to collect donations. Withdrawn In Face they plan a year-round skating I F I P State of Mrina Capsules Restaurant; and Raymond F. Grhdes 5-6: Kathy Nielsen Area businessmen -will also I rink. The $5 million proposal Damato, building contractor and Cathy Terry, first; Adam be contacted by scholarship would beon property belonging and developer. Teller, second; Peter Johnson, committee members. Anyone Of Opposition to David Levine — at Old Rt. 2 Thieu Meetings About 350 persons reportedly third. who is not contacted by Sunday POTATOES and O’Brien Rd. WASHINGTON (AP)-South attended a public bearing last Heather Hanford won first evening and who would like to The semi-enclosed grands­ WASHINGTON (AP) — A Justice Department official, a Wednesday on the request by piace for Grades 3-4, Beth make a contribution may call Vietnamese President Nguyen tand would accommodate 3,000 1 0 h .h n former Illinois governor and a Los Angeles judge are the Manchester men. Reaction Roberts, second; and Michele Mrs. Enrico Fiano, Tangiewood Van Thieu arranged a series of persons, and the parking lot among those being rumored as possible successor to L. appeared at least evenly Charboneau, third. Lane. meetings today on post-war aid would accommodate 2,700 cars. divided, possibly even on the Winners in Grades K-2 were: Last year the Scholarship for his country. Patrick Gray III as director of the FBI. Atty. Goldberg told the enthusiastic side, among those David Murdock, first; Timothy Fund offered $2,975 in financial CELERY He planned to see Pierre- President Nixon concluded Thursday night that the Colchester Planning and Zoning IDAHO 9AKING persons favoring the track, ac­ Putnam, second; and Daniel aid to Bolton students, and the Jumbo Hoarts Paul Schweitzer, director of the Board that timing could be an POTATOES Senate would not accept Gray, his first choice, who ap­ cording to published reports. Troisi, third. group is hoping to exceed this International Monetary Fund; important factor, on the basis parently fell victim to the Watergate bugging case. The next step for the Ecology awards were amount this year. Deputy Secretary of State that only two such facilities are presented to Lindsey An- Officers of the organization Bunch 4 4 ^ Kenneth Rush, and Defense Nixon announced from the developers is to make applica­ Bolton 5 lbs. 6 9 ^ FBI, a great and unique likely to be licensed by the state dralouis. Grades 7-8; Steven are Robert Murdock, presi­ Secretary Elliot Richardson. Western White House that he tion to the same Colchester American institution of vital for ail of Connecticut. Holcombe, Grades M ; Seth dent; Maude Carpenter, vice acceded to a request by Gray board for the dog-track facility, service to the president and the He said projected revenue Teller, Grades 3-4; and David president; Joan Fiano, and withdrew his name because based on formal plans. If that Lottery Number American people, is entitled to from the facility to the town They Will Replace Murdock, Grades 1-2. treasurer; and Ernest Man­ “ it is obvious that Mr. Gray’s t, permission is granted, the next MdNTOSH APPLES 3 t.b M 4 9 ^ By THE ASSOCIATED permanent leadership at the would be $200,000 from real es­ A special award was given to ning, secretary. nomination will not be con­ step would be to apply for a PRESS earliest possible time.” tate alone and that, in addition, kindergarten student Edward Those on the board of direc­ firmed by the Senate.” license from the State Commis­ Wooden Vet Plaque And If you want roally luley awoot Here are the winning The 5^year-old former sub­ some sort of profit-sharing Schuster for his project on uses tors are Norman Shaw, John White House Press Secretary sion on Special Revenue. listing of all veterans can be ob­ Indian RIvar Pink Saadlaaa numbers drawn this week in marine commander has held from pari-mutual funds is DONNA HOLLAND for recycled paper. Flek, J. Frederick Audette, Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon Atty. Joseph Goldberg of tained. northeastern state lotteries. the title of acting director since planned for Colchester by the Correspondent Judging for the JWC ecology Marjorie Anderson, Sylvia has not decided on a successor Norwich, counsel for the This includes going to the NEW YO RK 703364 J. Edgar Hoover died last May. principals. Tel. 646-0375 awards were Donald Summers, Patrick, the Rev. Robert and that the preliminary applicants, explained the State Library in Hartford to GRAPEFRUIT PENNSYLVANIA 422521 He was in deep trouble almost district conservationist for Cronin, Joseph Licitra, William screening of possible nominees After learning that a con­ check rolls of microfilm so no CONNECTICUT 74524 from the beginning in seeking Tolland County; and Timothy Vogel and Siddiq Sattar. Try Thaaa has not even begun. cerned resideqt had inquired as veteran will be omitted. MASSACHUSETTS 499487 confirmation before the Dodge, biologist for Tolland Members at-large are Harvey Atty. Gen. Richard G. to the whereatouts of a wooden In the meanwhile, the NEW JERSEY 524110 Judiciary Committee because County. Harpin and Lorraine Mans. Kleidienst, who expressed deep plaque, formerly on the green, selectmen have decided to start - < . <: of his actions in heading the Police Report The PTO awards were 3 45 6 89 disappointment that Gray was honoring the World War II proceedings for a general Jobert Picked FBI’s investigation of the presented by Mrs. Sharon Past graduates of Bolton not confirmed, was quoted as veterans, the selectmen dis­ memorial bronze plaque to bugging and burglary of Donovan. High School are also eligible to PARIS (AP) - Michel saying that the administration Mann said he could not iden­ honor these veterans. Chaek our afia/vaa lor tho boat valuaa In Democratic headquarters last A Manchester man, the vic­ covered that it had deteriorated M enu apply for scholarships to con­ Jobert, a longtime associate has no names lined up as alter­ tify the trio because it happen They have also authorized the year. tim of an alleged assault, was and was discarded. Monday: Porkburger on roll, tinue their educations. TUNA and SALMON Wounded Knee Siege Ends and confidant o f President native choices. to fast. The incident is under in­ Junior Woman’s Club, under L. Patrick Gray Steps Aside He ignited the wrath of admitted to the special care At the present time there is a applesauce, buttered carrots, Applications are available at BUY THESE SPECIALS: Georges Pompidou, is France’s But during Gray’s month-long vestigation by the detective the direction of Pat Noren, to Democratic senators when he unit of Manchester Memorial bronze plaque embedded in a lemon jello.
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