69 Declaration of Peter Thompson I, Peter Thompson, do hereby declare: I. I am the Producer and Host of the locally.produced program, "Bluegrass Signal," which has been broadcast from October, J995, to the present by noncommercial station KALW(FM), 91.7 MHz, San Francisco, California ("KALW") licensed to the San Francisco Unified School District ("SFUSD"). 2. "Bluegrass Signal" is a program presenting bluegrass ... a unique synthesis of blues and old· time country music, with elements of Celtic, jazz, and a variety of folk musics --- and related music. The programs are thematic, with considerable background and contextual infonnation. and sometimes feature live musical perfonnances and/or interviews with musicians. There is always an extensive calendar of upcoming bluegrass and related events in the listening area, and often musical previews of some of these events. I have been producing bluegrass (and many other types of) radio programs since )975; since February, 2004, the first hour of "Bluegrass Signal" is rebroadcast on www.BlueGrassCountry.org.aninternet radio station. 3. As Producer and Host of "Bluegrass Signal," my duties include: coordinating with KALW management, editorial determinations as to the topics and guests presented on the program, overseeing the booking of guests on the program, interfacing with technical staff, managing co-hosts, keeping abreast of issues of importance to the listening community, researching topics and educating hosts, notification to KALW of upcoming topics, preparing playlists of the music presented on the program for KALW, bluegrass record companies, and independent producers, and operating KALW equipment for live or recorded presentation of "Bluegrass Signal." 4. During the period from November 3, 1996, to November 3, 1997, "Bluegrass Signal" regularly aired on KALW on Saturdays between 6:00 and 7:00 pm. During the period from July 16, 2003, to JUly 16,2004, "Bluegrass Signal" regularly aired on KALW on Saturdays between 6:30 and 8:00 pm. 5. Program lists for "Bluegrass Signal" which I prepared for programs produced during November 3, 1996, to November 3, 1997, and July 16, 2003, to July 16,2004, are attached at Attachmeut A. These lists were printed in the KALW program guides during the relevant time periods, as attached at Exhibit A. I hereby confirm that these lists accurateJy describe the "Bluegrass Signal" programs delivered to KALW during these time periods, and, based on my personal knowledge, such programs were broadcast by KA LW on the listed dates and times. I understand that this declaration may be submitted by SFUSD to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") in connection with the proceeding to detennine whether SRJSD's ~CC.liccnsc to operate KALW should be r neWelt-tpdcclme HRt:Jer penalt~ gf.~dury that ... the foregomg IS true and correct. ecleTal CommUnIcatIons Com~iss~ - j !/~ Docket No, (j '(~ ("I I Exhibit ,'; No. <0.'1..:.__ Signature: /'p:~mpson-~~'L! 2-Y~ Presented by S F O~ D Printed Name: Identified Sf). o/?..r Disposition Received _&-'42f.:::a..;:o/<",c>s::;::-__ { Executed on April IS, 2005 Rejected _ Reporter ~t.l'1 .st..J." 17 Date • fil. c./O J' Page I om - BLUEGRASS SIGNAL "Right at the top ofmy IIst"- S.F. WeeIrIy StlfllRDA'fS h pr" '~ lMy's not Ioomtmyptopk tlwrt am mrflyplfty thtcl4tilMaay. YOU'tIf golfofrr1 tllroW limt-y foplay it. 1think ,""t &I~. ifiJ'sSWlg right md dont' rigid ad flw P'f'P"ftdmg p'lf to il, is 1M ItIrnfm mJISic ill 1M world 10 ",... ,I Oct. 5 Comb,! Atb'adiona Album release celebratiOM, II rouplr of fe8livals.;md ill trw grNt mnc:erts make this a bluegras:sy fall; musOl previews loday from the N.uhviJ}e BluegTass Band. lou Rftd.-: CarQIina. MoUir O'Brien. Scott Nygaard, Kenny Baker. Edctie Adcock, and James King. Oct. 12 An mkml!W with mel 1M new IIIDlIe of Kathy Kalliek. l'V'hose aboul-to-be-reIeafiied album, CaD Me ill Taxi, includes coUabontions With Lynn Morris. Suzanne Thomas, Alitn CYBryanI,. SIuut Duncan. run O'Brien. and Keith little - • wdI as hrr Good or Per.lons colleagues.. Oct. 19 A Can: m HanI Tunes Fundraising special. this time honoring Ralph SbnIqr. who celebrates his SOlh year in bluegrass with an amazing number - ",en hJf" him! ~ 01 album releases. Guest ho6t Ed Grimcle. Oct. 26 True Life Blun We got'~ hereal KAlW. but_'U celebrate •...m with a new Sugar Hill tributl:' to Bill Monroe, as part of another Fall FuOOraising Special. Gue5I host: Mary Tilson- Nov_ 2 Live a1 t.tThe Imt of three progr.tm6 presoenting b1uegr.tl'i6 music made outside the sometimes-reslrkti~confines of ;II n.-cording studio. today featuring the Dry Bromch Fire Squad. (ffi~. I} Sh.adowaoftlw rut Livecoocert raurdings.l't"CeIltly made available.by Reno 6: Smiley. the lilly Brothers. the Stanq­ B~.and.. ,. ~ with authof" Arwre lamoct Sedp wkft roots musician ~1I" Taj f1atgf Nov.16 Shadows of the P~tThe 1996 fBMA Awanh Show Nov.23 Spotlisht on1M 5 The firsl in a 8E'rle5 of features on Live shows all' November undll"f"-heraJdftt IJ1aShoB of the bluegrass banjo; with co-ho6c Sandy ROlhmao_ and December and into '97 Nov.3O 1M Roundt:r Roundup 1be first of thret- shows presenting Saturdays IO:OOam to Noon new rel~-jU5t in Illne for ~asonal gift-giving! Today. new 0f"I('S from Jeff White. Det M<.Coury. Wyatt Rice &. Santa Cowell Theater at Fort Mas·on Cna. and more okl-timey Rounder.;. Foot of Buchanan at the Bay Dec_ 7 S.~r Hill hmble The latest from tilt" ~ldom Scene (now with Dudley CormdI). Pt:tf:T Rowan (the retum of 1M Parking is free & easy for cars, Bluegrass Boy), and Barbara Lamb (with a T~ areenl). bicycles. and some boars among ~al othe1s. Cafe opens ar 9: 15 in the lobby with Dec. 14 Rt:bel Romn' Reissues froJn the Country Gmtlemen and ~ ~ Dave- Evans.. plus ntW"'~from larry Sparb. Larry Rn. its beautiful view of the bay Ralph Stanley. dIE' Fomes Family - and. maybe. dW" kmg-awaited Rebel anniversary boll 6E'l Tickets $1 0 aJv/$12at door t.;...~•.•~••) o.;.c. 21 King .he- 8f:1I~ at Midnight B1uegr.us Chrisbnas songs_ group rates/gift certificates available IhfcCl for birthdays, holidays & first dates IJec. 28 Som~ay Yo.'. Call My Name-TIle annual survey of bluegra$ troatmmts of Hank Williams songs. For yourcomfy reserved seats (415)664-9500 91) Col, S<.S". 124 • SF 94117 e-mail: [email protected] or www.wd.org Coast·to-eo~n broadcan sponsored by: ~It's natural & refreshing. jun like Wf!St. Coast Uve~ ~ r P:.Jgc2ofJI BLUEGRASS SIGNAL SATURDAYS 6 PM Although blutgTlI$5 has ,rwditional tmfffrdnrl$lInd tw grvdWlfly crrutfil its QUI7f tnJJitions. it hm brm" proftssiorwJl"nd commnriol muskfrom its btprning. 0n:vsi0nIl1ly Il5ft1ft1r IUntdrJX. i' is mos' fmru~"t'y prr[Qrmrrl in etmN'Tt-lih sttti"gs••nrlsounJ mnJi.f-nufio, 1"(C(Jrds, 'nlVisio/l- hav/> brn, import/lIf' 1IJl'll'1lS fur dissmsil1Qjion of 'he music. - Nnl RosatbrrX,Blurgrass: A History Jan. 4 Bluegrass Signal has a new theme, entitled - what ebe?­ "".22 An introduction 10 onl' of bluq;rass' most innul'ntial Bluegrass Signal It's been written especially for the show by musicians, guitarist Clarcntt Whilil'; with co-host Stl!Ye mandolinist John ReiKh-. whosE- music is featured today. PoUll'r J.m.11 Music,,1 Pn-views of upcoming concerts, including ones Mar. 1 What's I"\I'W on PiYl{'("i1~tll' Reo>rds? Thll' O,bornll' Brothlll'n, fl'aturing the' ~I McCoury Ibnd ~lftd the W;llJrior Kiva' Boys, Eddi~ Ackock,. Sp«ial COnSlI'nllUS, and th.. instrumental plus, lastl;' of Wintngrass. hotshols of Bluegnl5:> '96. Jan. 18/ Turn Yow Radio On._..and hear blurgrasa.11 usrd to happen Mar.S A cetroration of Worn..n in Blue-grass in honor of today's 25 daily. ;md we and we sampko SOUN." vintage bluegrass radio 'nremationaJ Woman's Day ob~rvations,with a special shows from lhr likes 01 H.110 BrolIm,. Clurli, Menroe, the' emphasis on fowmothns liKI' MayHilli' Cartll'r,lhll' Coon Carftr FamUy,C"r1y Ser~r 6: Tommy Scott.. 'I'M Bailn Crffk Girls, Molly O"Day, Wilma lee Cooper, and othrn. BrothmI. Rnto '" Smiley. and. ofcourse. the Stanley Bruthf'B- Mar. 15 Let's Live for Tonight: Till\l' for another introductory overview, this timl' with Don Reno, Red Smiley, lhe "".1 That Old Time Music just kftp-on coming on Rounder TlII'nnesne Cut-Ups.. R~rd.... Today we can evalua~ Ron Thomason's 3$ertion thai ~thtof("s a very fine line betw«n being able to play Mar. 22 Spot Lil;hl on1llt' Five: Co-host Sandy Rothman rontinue; his old-time musif: and nol ~g able to play at aIL" survey 04 undl'rheraldro blupgrass banjoists; today, the spotlighl'son Allen She'lon,lon!;-time membt:-r of Jim &< "".8 61ue in !fll" Blue RidgE':"Jlwo great lost solo recording 01 OirM:h Jt'SS("s Virginia Boys_ Mountain Boy Jamn Alan Shll'lton, plus a new tribute to the S\OInllI')' Brothers from Tim A"lOti .... Dan Tyminillki.,. Crail; Mar. 29 Cry from the Cross; East..r W....k..nd seems like an "'ppropriate Smith, Aubrey Haynill', and others. timl' fo t"Xplorl' a bit of bluegrass gospel. Fro. 15 long Journey Home; performance raped from a fll'W oJ the many finl' unl1."CUrdt>d &y AfTa blut>gr3ss band.., including (I hope!) Ilw SUMd Boys. Avoado Brothnll, Dark Hollow, n1d tbll' Rhytbm JUse,1~n;. MARIAN MCPARTLAND'S PIANO JAZZ SATURDAYS 10 PM Jan.
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