T he D ayie R ecord OLUMK V. MOCKSVILLE, ST. C., THURSDAY JU H E 2, 1904. NO. 49, Viffht WUl Be Bitter. T H E OLD SOLDIERS IN COUNCIL. Historian, whose duty it shall be DAVIE RECORD K I L L t h e to get up at the earliest practical Those who will persist in closing COUGH PVHUSBED EVEBV THURSDAY. TbeCIement Camp M etat MoetMTlUe on their ears against the continual re­ AMP t h e Stay IOth 1904—A Good Attendance and moment, all historical facts and CURE LUNQSl commendation of Dr. King’s New WATCH OUT! FOR Great Iatoreete la The Camp Wae jj.U. MORRIS, - - EDITOR, reminiscenses in which the company i! Shown by all Preeent A Vand Wae Started Discovery for Consumption, will to ISrect a Monument to The Dead Con­ took a part, so far as these facts have a long and bitter fight with "nDr. King’s term s op subscription • federate SoIdlera In Davle Coaaty. may now be ascertained, to the end their troubles, if not ended earlier Onecopy 1 O neY ear, - - 50 cen t Pursuant to a published call, that ample data may be accumula­ by fatal termination. Read what New Discovery One copy, S is Months, 25 T. R, Beall of Beall, Miss, has to MB IffiiM M l made by Col. W. H . HobsonjCoiu- ted for the future publication of _ _ _ /CONSUMPTION Price say, “Last fall my wifehad every FQR I OUGHSand 60c & $1.00 New Ad. InThisis Spa| HErriIUICAN STATE TICKET; mader of "Clement Camp,” the The Deeds aud Achievements of symptom of consumption. She UOLOS Free Trial. FOR GOVERNOR old Confederate soldiers of Davie Davie county in the war of the took Dr. King’s New Discovery af­ Surest and Quickest Cure for all They are going to have some bargains fol everybody CHARLES J. HARRIS, county met in the court house, on States. It was urged that this ter everything else had failed. Im­ THBOAX and LTJNQ TBOtJB- o f Jackson C ounty, IiES, or HONEY BACK. the IOth of May at 11 o’clock a. m •ork be promptly and .vigoriously provement came at once and four f o r l i e u t e n a n t g o v e r n o r bottles entirely cured her. Guar­ ISAAC M. MEEKIN 8 . Officers were present as follows: prosecuted, ere oblivion Shall have anteed by C. C. Sanford. Price 50c NOTICE! f o r s e c r e t a r y o p s t a t e : Col.W. H. Hobson Commander, swallowed up much that is valua­ •Shoes, Hats, Dresspoods &cjj J. J. JENKINS. and $1.00. Trial bottles free. C. A. Gufty First Lient., T. S, ble aud interesting. Having qualified as administrator f o r s t a t e t r e a s u r e r : de bonis non of Mathew Markland 0. G. BAILEY. Butler Quartermaster, J. H. Coley It was ordered by the Camp that deceased, all persons holding claims Cheap j FOR STATE AUDITOR: Commissary. Rev. W. R. Ketchie Mr. T. B. Bailey, whose qualities against said estate are hereby noti­ F, A. LINNEY RemarlaUe fied to present them for payment to READY MADE SUITS—at $2.75 and up;j» $15.00 'for men Chaplin. Besides there were pre­ of head and heart so • emminently the undersigned on or before 19, day F0R STATE SUPT. OP PUBLIC INSTR­ IY Suits 75c to $3.00 - - -Ij Come to see i sent soldieis from 4th. 5th, 7th, 8 th of MAy 1905 or th is notiotw ill be plead UCTION: fit him for so responsible and so in bar of their recovery. AU persons CYRUS P. FRAIZER, 13th, 21st, 34th, 35th, 38tli, 42th, delicate a task, be requested to PROGRESS owing said estate are required to FOK ATTORNEY GENERAL: 44nd, 45th, 52nd, and 63rd, North take these various contributions of make immediate payment. This May WILLIAMSffANDERSON \\\ II. YARBROUGH. company historians a n d breathe 19th 1904. T. C. SHEETS Admr. d. Carolina Regiments, as well b. n. of Mathew Markland deceased, )o q q 3SOOsoo o o o cx }o o o o o o o o 9 jo o o q q o 9 ooqooooooooo 9 S o o o o o o fo r commissioner o p l a b o r a n d upon the whole the spirit o f am ity, p r i n t i n g : as members of the IOth Ta, AGompany Only 120 E. L,. GAITHER Attorney. J. Y. HAMRICK. to the ,end th a t a connected and C alvary. HHi railroad commissioner: complete history of Drvie county’s days Old. K U It-FA—CITE. I)K, D. H. ABBOTT, TheAdjuant, C. F. Bahnson, contingent in th e w a r may be safiy Operating two mills and concen­ For hardwood Floors and Furni­ ELECTORS AT LARGE: being absent on motion T S. Butler preserved to posterity! trating P lan ts G rinding Out- G old. ture, It’s easy to make hardwood SCHOULER’S DEPARTMMT STORE. It was ordered that the commit­ J. J. BRITT, was elected Adjutant pro tern. Ou With 10 MinningCiaimstoExtract floors with “ Kur-fa-cite” the su­ R. Z. LINNEY. tee, appointed to conferr with the the ore from, and now. perior floor and furniture finish. the completion of the roll of the AIasonic picnic Authorities, shall, DONTREADfHIS I OR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES: ANEW DISCOVERY. It shines like glass, Made iu ten ‘old soldiers” present, the Com­ iu case our wishes are acceded to JUDGJO M ONTGOM ERY, A group of mines located in sight beautiful colors. Apply for color mander, Col. IV. II. Hobson, ad­ secure a popular speaker for the For this week we mention a few articles tlgit you will do well to JU D G E DOUGLAS. of our Sunset Milt. card and let me tell von about it. hour, and otherwise arrange for ask for as they are going fast. dressed the Camp at considerable The Dirt Pans Free Gold —Thous­ J. L. KURFEES. establishing a chapter of tho IT IS AN IM POSITION. length, speaking chiefly to objects ands of tons in sight! A conglom­ “Daughters of the Confederacy.” erate Vein or deposit which if sav- The demand on the part of the of the Association. At the conclu­ It was resolved that the Camp able will boom our shares beyond 3375 10.000 yards of Remnants of Line Toweliiig value 15c for 5c. Democrats in Congress to m ake a sion of Col. Hobson’s address, the come together again on the day of expectations aud enrich us all. o , : 20.000 Fine Japanese fans value 10 to 25c;j for 5c and IOcJ thorough investigation o f th e pos­ camp adjourned for dinner. the Masonic picnic, and that all 1000 Childrens staw hats value SOcoiir price 25c. Weareassyingand testing and —LEADINGG JJEWELER— tal stealing is in line with the de- old soldiers of Dnvie county and Promptly at 2 o’clock the Camp will run from 50 to 100 tons at once 1000 Qun Umbrellas and parasols, valne Vjl.25, our price 55 to $1 nres of all tax payers. It is an aw­ of other counties, are urgently re: 10.000 Dozen 200 yd spool cotton, all cols.jainl white per spool Ic reassembled. After some remarks on our mill. ful thing to let a cro .vd of bad m en quested to meet at thd court house, V* 100 dozen Liucn towels, size 17x30 only ii)e. remain in charge of any department by various members of the camp, promptly at 9 o’clock on that day m 1000 sets good steel kinves and forks per'set 35c, of the government. Itisaaim po- Mr.E. H. Moiriswhohad been an for organization, FIRST CAR LOAD OF ORE SHP. W e have completed our pre 50 Sets Roges Silver Plated knives and forks, o-ily $2.00. Mtion on those who pay to support attentive listener to the proceed­ On motion, Camp broke, From our “Governor” Routt” parations for the Holidays. This is at least 1.00 undee price, W e desire to especially em­ the government.—Lexington Dis­ ings and who was too young to T.S.BUTLEB, W. H. HOBSON, Mine ran $25 per ton, crude ore Adjutant Pro tom. C om m ander. phasize the fact that we recog- patch. and concentrates $23.50 per ton. have been a Confederate Soldier, I nize but one quality, the best ’Special-Just IVhy certainly. modestly asked that he might be al­ Bevolation Imminent. OUR “ RUBY rilNES.” ' and that our prices for the best IVhy don’t yon ta lk th at w ay lowed to present a proposition to A sure sign of approaching re­ Tunnel iu 40b feet, on ore all the are absolutely the lowest. 200 yards 36 inch Black Peau-de-cygne iilk, $1,50 quality for only $1.15. qbout the Atlantic <s North Caro- the old soldiers. This granted, volt and serious trouble in your way, producing gold daily, Mail Orders Promptly Filled system is nervousness, sleeplessness liuii Itailroad shown and proven to Mr. Moiris, in a stirring speech BUY YOUR SHARES at 4 CENTS, or stomach upsets. Electric Bit­ be badly mismanaged. Even a in which he was roundly applaud­ ters will quiek'ly dismembei the June the 1st will positively ad­ 396^ shortage of over tw en ty five thou­ ed, proposed a mounument to the troublesome causes.
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