Distribution Weather Today MKUJT cloudy today tad to- BED BANK ;i8,775 Partly ebndy temom*. Kgfc both dayi to Hi. Low to- aljht In 5ta. See weather, page J. Dial SH I -00 tO mud dtlly. llmiir throujii rtliiy. itetai Claw POTUW VOL. 84, NO. 98 PlM II Kid But UK at AldiUooal M»llin« Ottico. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Purge Is Seen Katanga Secession For Molotov Ask UN Action U.S. Man-in-Orbit Former Foreign Minister In Congo Issue UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) 1 Express hope for an end to Demands that the United Na- Katanga's secession by negotia Program Set Back Returns From Vienna tions use force to end the se- tion. cession of Katanga province were 4. Call again for the ouster o MOSCOW (AP)—Former Foreign Minister V. M. expected today with renewal of foreign mercenaries from Ka Molotov disappeared into the secret depths of Soviet Security Council debate on the :anga. goeiety yesterday.as if he had been dropped into a well. tongo. 5. Declare im. ..o -rms should Trouble Ethiopian chief delegate Tes go to the Congo except through Gray and aged, he came from Vienna by train with [aye Gebre-Egzy and Foreign the UN. his gray and aging wife, to face a purge by which the Minister Justin Bomboko of the 6. Make some reference to Act Minister Justin Bomboko of the ing Secretary-General U Thant Develops Communist Party hopes to Central Congo government were hat would have the effect of wipe out a little more of listed as the, first two speakers ransferring to him the Congo the memory and a few more before the 11-nation council. mandates given the late Dag Bomboko said privately last Hammarskjold. In Craft of the sins of the Stalin week he wanted the council to regime. order the UN force in the Congo CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. He came clearly without re- to help the Leopoldville govern- (AP) — Spacecraft trouble ment's army end Katanga's 16- straint. Not a public official came has delayed an attempt to to greet him at the train. If he month-old defiance of the centra Council's orbit a chimpanzee and vir- had chosen freedom, he could lovernment. have remained abroad. Western sources said the tually wiped out TJnited United States and Britain feel New Code Stales hopes of orbiting a 'Nyef Is Reply Katanga must be broughr back A few plainclothes policemen into the fold by peaceful means man this year. showed up at the station, but they only. They also reportedly be- In Effect Project Mercury officials called kept well back of the crowd of lieve this view is shared by most off tomorrow's scheduled chimp Western correspondents who council members and most coun- LONG BRANCH - The Cit; launching afler a test yesterday came to question Molotov. But tries with troops in the UN force Council v"i meet tonight for th< disclosed a gas leak in the space the questions were met by the Council Meeting first time under power and au- capsule's in-flight control system. same final ''nyet" with which Emperor Haile Selassie of thority of the new city Adminis- This necessitated removing the he had beaten back approaches Ethiopia cabled UN headquarters trative Code. Iwo-lon craft from atop the At- to East-West agreements after Nov. 1 that the council must act Adopted last month, the code las booster rocket, which is on World War II. decisively "to ensure the integra- became effective Saturday with the launching pad. Inspection, re- "Let's change the subject," V. M. Molotov tion of Katanga into the Congo- completion of the waiting period pair and replacement will take said Stalin's longtime associate lese nation." Two days later Eth- required by law on adoption of at least a week, perhaps as much when asked about his reported iopia, Sudan and Nigeria asked ordinances. as two weeks. expulsion from the party and for a council meeting to consider The code governs the basic op- Authoritative sources reported Premier Khrushchev's denuncia- the situation "caused by the law- erating procedure of the council :he spacecraft trouble was a leak Officials tion of him at the recent Soviet and defines duties, powers, priv- less acts of mercenaries" officer- in the hydrogen peroxide gas Communist Party Congress. ing the Katanga army and Air ileges, and limitations affecting system which controls the posi- "We had a fine trip," said his Force. ity Council, the city manager, tion of the vehicle in flight. The ToDiscusswife, Paulina. "Many of the Western sources said the and other officials. gas is highly corrosive and could passengers came to our compart- United States and Britain had Councilman Edgar L. Dinkel have damaged electrical or oth- ment to say 'goodbye and good spiel was expected to use tonight's 1 been talking with other delega r systems. luck. tions about a council resolution meeting to reply to criticism Four Weeks Needed ParkPlan Except for the foreign news- that would: leveled at him last week by May- Successful completion of Ihe men, only the couple's daughter, 1. Affirm the territorial unit of or Thomas L. McClintock regard- chimpanzee shot this week was TRENTON —Officials of Mon- Svetlana, and her husband were the Congo including Katanga. ing a proposed traffic light a almost a must if the National Joline Ave. and Liberty St. mouth County and the State High- on hand to greet them. But Mo- 2. Welcome the establishment Aaeronautics and Space Admin- way Department will meet here lotov, now 71, showed no out- last Aug. 2 of Premier Cyrille Council several weeks ago took istration was to have a chance Wednesday to discuss traffic ward concern at the question Adoula's Central Coalition gov- up the fight, started by the formei of rocketing a human astronaut .problems in connection with the (See MOLOTOV, Page 3) jernment; Board of Commissioners — ol into orbit in 1961. proposed opening of B state park which Mr. Dinkelspiel was FLAG RAISING — This was a favorite of crowds at annual Middletown Township A minimum of four weeks is on Sandy Hook next summer. member—to obtain approval for a Veterans Day Parade yesterday. Manning the float, which depicted flag railing at required between Mercury-Albs Assemblyman Alfred N. Bead- light from the state Motor Vehid 1 leston (R-Mon.) of Shrewsbury, Division. Iwo Jima, were, members of the Mariner Scouti of Belford. Parade was sponsored launching* to completely qualify Nearing Peaks all systems. Such a schedule can has urged the state to delay open- Mr. McClintock announced las jointly by Veterans of Forsign Wars and Amarican Legion, Ing up 460 acres of land to be Week several members of counci be met only If all checkouts are leased from the Department of Lung Cancer and Heart Deaths had interviewed state officials and perfect, something not yet Defense until Rt. 36. is dualized found that most of 11 recom Democrats Wondering achieved In preparations for to handle the expected increase in DETROIT (AP)' — Dead men The records for the Seattl mendations made by the state Mercury firings. traffic. do tell tales. area tola the story of changing 1960 to improve safety at the in Eight weeks have passed since Sees No Delay Deaths mark the greqt epidem- times through the changing way. tersection had been ignored by •n Atlas successfully hurled «n H. Mat Adams, commissioner of ics and changing ways of the in which men met their.death the city. unmanned capsule Into orbit in Discuss Political Patronage September. Several minor prob- the state Department of Conser- living—and now they may indi he said. He added: The mayor accused Mr. Dinkei lems with the complex missile vation and Economic Develop- cate that heart disease and lung "There is a wonderful history spiel of withholding this informa- TRENTON - While Gov.-elect Several Monmouth County came apparent Gov, Robert B ment, in reply to Mr. Beadleston's cancer are nearing the peak of contained in old death records tion from the council when it un- Richard J. Hughes and his wile names are being discussed. Meyner would not promote him and capsule stretched out the request, said, "I see no necessity their deadlines!, a scientist said a mute eloquence of earlier days dertook to press for the light, vacationed with friends aboard . Former Monmouth County to the Superior Court because, planned four-week checkout pe- to delay opening the park at this today. (See DEATHS, Page 2) The mayor said that had the the Santa Rosa in the Caribbean Judge John C. Giordano of West at 94, he could not fill out a riod for the chimpanzee shot. time, nor any reason why the One project source reported: Dr. Reimert T. Ravenholt was recommendations been put into yesterday, speculation picked up Long Branch, was Mr. Hughes' full seven-year terra. opening would create any havoc." a featured speaker at the open- effect no light would be neces- about possible political patronage statewide campaign manager, Mr. Giordano was embittered. "We were down to the point In addition to dualizing Rt. 36 ing session of the annual meet- sary, and that City Manager Rich- to stem from his upset victory Mr. Giordano retired from the But In the Hughes campaign he (See ORBIT, Page 2) from Keyport to Highlands, Mr. Man Hurt ard J. Bowen was taking steps to ing of the American Public last Tuesday. bench last spring' when it be- filled an important role. The Beadleston also urged the state effect the proposals.
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