t f i s s CORNELIA LAMBERTSON R 0 1 MATAWAN NATIONAL ID1T0R1AL ASSOCIATION >19 3 0 - ’A ' -MEMBER- Member Monmouth County Press Club 68th YEAR — 17th WEEK Founded In 1869 M ATAW AN , N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1936 10 Pages — 2 Sections Five Cents Single Copy Muehlhausen Gives Verbal Clashes At MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS VIE FOR THE Muehlhausen Steals New Sullivan Witness Another Robbery Is Theodore Renda, 583 Charles Statement As To Tuesday’s Meeting; I INTEREST OF VOTERS AS DAY NEARS Spotlite At Meeting Street, Perth Amboy, was picked Reported Last Nite up yesterday in Perth Amboy by the State police toward evening Boro Policy Stand Is Exciting Session Matawan, Keyport Issue Hold Attention Of Electorate Of Boro Democrats and taken to the barracks for In Series Of Thefts As Politicians Battle For Control; Sunday Sale Of questioning. About 11 o’clock last Requests Support On His Currie And Muehlhausen Liquor Will Be Decided In Marlboro Township Makes Appeal For Votes nite he was brot before Justice New Outbreaks Bring The Thomas L. Smith in Keyport, who Enlistment To Aid Men Past Record; Claims All Conflict Over Several The election of a president ft if i here for many years. Observers be- When Leaders Ignore bound him over to the grand jury Credit For Reducing Points As Breach Is course holding the main interest §f iieve that the boro results hinge on His Presence; Still In as a material witness in the Of Regular Force In Mata wan Tax Rate Further Widened voters, nevertheless boro and ifwfc the ability of Bowne and Croes to The Party He Says tragedy last Sept.' 20 at Martini’s Keyport Boro Hunt ship political leaders are eaSerij I muster the full support of the reg- newly opened tavern on the Key- port-Cliffwood Road when Robert VITAL MISTAKES MADE TRAIN STOP ISSUE balloting on local offices. To date all candidates have conduct- ERA WASTE SCORED J. (“Farmer”) Sullivan was killed. questionT uspects In this immediate area Kean-|)iiik | ed a quiet campaign with plenty of Renda furnished a cash bond of $500. the only community in whicif.U* work apparently being done under Rumor Man Being Held At Says Administration Was Action Sought On Having I voters will not be asked ti ----- tpofc | cover. Tibbetts and Massey, the Condition Of H. S. Field All parties found on the prem­ In Error; Favors “Pay Express Stop Here; Get local candidates, there being Democrats, have been campaigning Example Of Republican ises the nite of the shooting have Keansburg Implicated As You Go Plan” In Twp. Fee On Freneau posts due to be filled. Mar actively but with little fan-fare Controlled Spending been held as material witnesses. Proves False; Enter Township is the only munteip while Croes ahd Bowne, equally ac­ The last arrest makes about fif­ Running Of Affairs Annexation Cost in Monmouth County in Whl< > tive under-cover, are seemingly con­ Mayor Currie Says teen so held. 2 Cliffwood Places j public question will be submlttu tent, depending on local G. O. P. Itte , <0 Mrs. Bronson Butler’s home, Di­ Councilman August Muehlhausen, I ballot. There the voters will e a ked leaders to deliver the organization The highlite of the Democratic n A I , r r C1IATC I I 4 I T Jr., running for re-election for coun­ featured < to decide, “Shall Sunday liquor : lies support on Tuesday. meeting held in the American Le- j rULlLt Jill) lb HAL1 vision Street, Keyport, was broken cilman on the Democratic ticket, re­ by the predicted show-down battle U* permitted in the township.” _______ | ............. gion Hall Tuesday nite came when ! Cl U riM /-1 CAD DDIUUD into last nite and ransacked. Four CHARLES E. HUNT One surprising development in the gold pieces were taken. At attempt leased today the following state­ between Mayor Edward W. Currie, in Keyport, Acting Mayor C. I< roy present local situation is the appar- Councilman August Muehlhausen, rLfcfclNll LAK DKIVtK ment: and his former Democratic col-1 - - - . - i. ............... seeking re-election, after being ig­ to break into another Keyport home j Bowne, former Democrat, is rum :ng|ent harmony now existing between' on Walling Terrace was foiled when “To the Voters of the Boro of league, Councilman Muchl- on the Republii d I the Democratic faction formerly nored by boro leaders all nite, gained ! _r . | — -------- ° -------- - -------------- the floor and appealed for the sup- I ' MMrs. e J.T Schuigle, the occupant,vi f Time’ Matawan: STATEMENT ISSUED BY hausen, Jr., who have si the be- by Walter P. Everdell, for y- supporting Dr. O. C. Bogardus, re- Matawan Officer Unhurt “The sample ballots for the gen­ ginning of the year c< to the oralty post. The contest wo j signed mayor, and the followers of port of Democrats present. ! In Fall From Machine; ! awakened when a stone crashed thru eral election have been issued to all HUNT ON CANDIDACY political parting of the ways. “Friends I am here to ask for your |„ ... i t her bedroom window. Last nite’s council offices finds Georgi j Edward Smith, former county pur- 1 hiet Is Captured i jobs bring to six the number of en- the registered voters of this, our The first skirmish came after the ger and Frederick Cro< Le- ! chasing agent. To all appearances support,” he stated. “I am still your | municipality. You voters have un­ Pledges Co-operati6n In minutes had been read and Mayor councilman and I feel I will be your j -------- | tries consummated in the immediate lublican incumbe oppa j former differences evolving out of Five shots were fired and a Mata- district Since last Thursday, doubtedly observed on this sample councilman after Nov. 3. If you Matawan Gover/rment; Currie said he thot they should have ' Frederick M. Tibbetts and j the Quinn-Donahay fued of several wan patrolman narrowly escaped j n intensive drive to apprehend ballot tjiat I am a candidate of the a lnvesti- ish to send me back to the council j Denys Promise Made W. Massey, Democrats. Like Br [years ago have been ironed out and table for your benefit I will be elect- I injury early Sunday morn- lhe thieves, Keyport officials this Democratic Party for re-election to estaurant j croes, a former Democrat, 1 j both leaders and their supporters ed. I am still a Democrat ’’ Muehl- lng before members of the Matawan | week called upon members of the the position of your Councilman. Charles E. Hunt, Republican can­ charges individually. Councilhian j ■d at the primary for tire D< \k- ; will go down tire Democratic ticket “I ask for the support and votes of Merritt J. Warwick objected, stating cratjc nomination, hausen concluded. ! P°lice force succeeded in stopping fire patrol to serve as special patrol- didate for the Matawan Boro Coun­ I for’ all its candidates, The nlea followed a sneech bv - Norman J- Lynch, 22. an army pri- men Twelve uniformed marshals Democratic, Republican, and Inde­ he would not have voted for the Three men in Keyport are set cil, today released a statement con­ j Matawan Democrats At War Mayor Edward W. Currie who de- 1 ™te stationed at Fort Monmouth, i are working under the direction of pendent voters on my past record. taining a pledge to co-operate in resolution if he had not understood | two justice of the peace vacai [ In Matawan open warfare has I was elected in 1933 upon my prom­ Councilman Muehlhausen was dele- j They are Harry Bolte, Jr., Rt fended his administrative record and ! The car Ly” ch was I Police Chief Asbury Mount, details civic affairs for the better interest out within Democratic ranks rhareed that if anv defense of WPA was allegedly stolen from Leighton 0f the reserves working in shifts ise to endeavor to reduce the munici­ of the boro. Mr. Hunt's statement, gated to look into^the matter. | pcan present recorder, An 3W over the local situation and the work-in X f b L Z f f l Z Z l » ’» P“l f' i ‘»™“l *» -*<« pal budget, not by bookkeeping the first he has made in the cam­ The two main opponents went at j Buelinsky and W. Frank Me ell, voters are awaiting the showdown work in the boro was needed against Lynch,^ a signal wcorp private, gave : without pay, under a system similar I ^ e^ay. Two boro council positions i ^eP^bIlcan a tt^ fc. the h^h ^ h (»l j Ws home address ^ ^ iul6UC1Ui manipulations or by obtaining credit paign, also disclaims the making of the verbal battle Tuesday nite virtu- j Democrats JJ “ Springfield, 1 to that employed in Matawan, where to pay current bills, but by reducing any “promises" to any person or ally from the opening gong. The. Keyport Campaign Quiet | i are sought by three men. August j under the “Renublican con ! Mass- He was charged with drunken a regularly organized police reserve the expenditures of the Boro to the group and a general denial of an in­ bout started when Muehlhausen de- j The Keyport local campaign f . Muehlhausen. J r . Democratic in- , ™W°T. ™ der. ^ould ^ r. e tt " driving! and was held to await works ta co-operation with the paid minimum. tent to make any. manded to know if the mayor had i ^ one cf t)ie quietest to be Jd 1 (Continued on page two) , troPed ERA- would serve the pur‘ I grand jury charges of larceny of an ; department. “You tax payers will remember received his, Muehlhausen's, letter. ____ _____________ __________^ The G.O.P.
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