CENSUS 1981 PARTS XIII-A & B TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE SERIES-5 PRIMARY CENSUS GUJARAT ABSTRACT BHAVNAGAR DISTRICT DISTRICT' CENSUS HANDBOOK R. S. CHHAYA of the Indian Administrative Servico Director of Census Operations Gujara,t CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications Census of India, 1981 Series 5-Gujarat is being published in the following parts Part Subject Covered Number :I-A Administration Report-Enumeration I-B Administration Report-Tabulation II-A General PopUlation Tables ·II-B General Population Tables - Primary Census Abstract III-A General Economic Tables - B-Series (Tables B-1 to B-lO) III-B General Economic Tables - B-Series (Tables B-11 to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables - C-Series (Tables C-l to C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables - C-Series (Tables C-7 to C-IO) V-A Migration Tables - D-Series (Tables D-l to D-4) V-B Migration Tables - D-Series (Tables D-5 to D-13) VI-A Fertility Tables - F-Series (Tables F-I to F-19) VI-B Fertility Tables - F-Series (Tables F-20 to F-28) ·VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population VIII-A Household Tables (Tables HH-l to HH-16) VUI-B Household Tables (Tables HH-17) VIII-C 'Report on Households IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes X-A Town Directory X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns X-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages XI Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe! XII Census Atlas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOKS XIII-A Village and Town Directory XIII-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract * Published t Under Print Note: (I) All the maps included in this publication are based upon Surveyo.· f India map with the permission of the Surveyor. r. (2) The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. (3) (©) Government of India Copy right 1984, The Palitana Town in Bhavnagar district is at the foot of the famous ShatrunJaya Hills. The sacred hill rises in a crescendo of magnificent temples 863-in all-that soar in marble Splendowr to the top of the hill. Only Gods live in this holy hill top city for, priest after sundown, none may stay here, not even the puats who went their way down to hill and leave the respledent pinnacle to Gods. The temples were built over an impressive span of 900 years This devotion has been expressed in the most exquisite and inspiring forms. The superbly caved marble sprises gli sten like the ivory towers of a fairly tale city in the sun and the craftmanship and the beauty of the sculpture compare with finest anywhere in the world, Rishabhdev the first Jain Tirthankar also known as Adinath, is the principal diety of worship here ERRATA B H A V NAG A R DISTRICT ---~-- ta .. Particulars Col. For Read Pale Particulars Col. For Read , (0. No. No. No. " :z J .. 5 II 3 4 S " r Analytical Notes 109 L.C.No.3' - Panchvada 18 164. 7 164.17 L.C.No.40 - Piparala 16 WB ( 0.00) WE (20.00) lInd Hall- 1st Paca - The data The data L.C.No.42 - Mahadevpar. 16 T (3 ,00) T (32.00) - llC line rev!!al in- reveal an L.C.No.44 - llhrupka 16 W ( 0.00) W (20.CO) ere.sin, increasing L.C.No-49 - Kan.d 16 W ( 94.00) W (194.00) 1ft Half ., I.t Para - 7th line - district i. district L.C.No.SO - Kaj.vadar 16 W ( 1,00) W (61.00) lOS wer.IOS 120 L.C. No.27 - Parwala 3 1,64 .38 1,646.311 dv ht Half - 3ed Para - and the please 129 L.C.No.S - Hamapar 18 6 .00 61.00 La.t two lines Regional dolete 135 L.C.No.74 - Vikaliya 19 31.57 131.S7 _Bombay these lines 141 L.C.Na.10 - Babarkot 16 WE (39.00) W (39.00) 2nd Half • !cd Para- - receipt in receipt and 142 L.C.No.22 - Ranlpar 4 (223) (224) 2nd line the cxpendj- ture in the ISO L.C.No.S - Patana 3 3,695. 9 3,695.89 Table 8 - Col. Heading 3-5 Receipt ,Receipt L.e.No.6 - Uja!vav 3 809,31 909,31 (RI.) 172 'Range- o-S - Below 6-11 Expendi- Expend- L.C.No.24 2 55 25 ture itur,·(Rs.) vii lit Half - 2fld Para -1st line Appendix Appondil[ Primary Census Abstract liven to Town 4 4.Bbavnagar District - T 8 969,695 959,695 in .... Directory giVen in •. 23 XXI Bhavnalar UA 16 5,856 5.876 lIod Half - 4th Para-tat line - population Popul- 24 Ward No.IX 5 10,78 10,781 areas, num- atiop, 42 L.C.No.26 2 Usalvan Ugalvan ber of ...~ nurr,b.r of (Samadhiyala N •• 2) XJ:v Table 24 - Heading - New townsl New town. L.C.No.27 2 ShantiDagar ShaDt in.gar towns addOd/ (Samadhiyal. towns No.2) VlUage Directory 44 L.C."lo,48 2 M ta Asrana Mota AlranB L.C.No.49 - Kinkaria S 315 351 L.e.No.S7 - Malpala Mota 5 Not cleat 101 S L.C.No.16 - Ukharala 3 1.175.19 1,;7~.89 L,C.No.85 - Boda 3 515.53 51S.35 ~ L.C.No.5 - Lakbaoka 17 240.40 240.00 11 1118 183 L.C.No.S - Ma!par \8 6583 65.88 41 L.C.No.t04 - Vadli L.C.No.9 - Mamsa 16 WE (40.00) W (40.00) 48 (ii) Mahuva (OG) 3 Blank N.A. L.C.No.12 - Khantadi 19 32.26 33.26 6 2,241 2,447 3 Blank N.A. !1 L.C.No.27 - Hoidad 19 20.07 27.07 Ward No.OO 6 2,247 2,447 )5 L.C.No.l - Gadhula 12 Songadh-S Songadh-IS 23 Not clear 1,30! L.C.No.2 - Panch Talavada 16 T (5.00) T (6s.o0) 49 Ward No.V 16 WB (6.00) WE (26.00) 56 Savarkundla (UA) 3 8.00 Km2 N.A. L.C No.3 - Vavdi (Gajabhai) 16 W (14.00) W (114.00) 4!VI (i) Savarkundla (M) 3 N.A. B.OO Km2 L.e.No.S - Vav 16 W ( 00) W (3.00) 91 L.C.No.52 - Gbogba L.C,No.1 S - Pip&liYa 16 T (1 1.00) T (111.00) Samdl 24 91 L.C.No.24 - Sarklldiya P (Sollgadb) 16 W (105.00) WB (lOS.OO) 96 Botad Village 3 ... 5,680.54 • ;,680.58 L.C.l\'o.25 - Padapan 16 WE (97.00) W (97.00) 112 4/II1 Ghogha 2 Total Ward Total Ward .. } 8 L.C. "'10.53 - Devgana 4 (5 4) (534) 119 4/XIV Botad - Ward IX 5 6 5 CONTENTS Pagel FOREWORD (vHvi) 2 PREFACE (vii)-(ix) 3 Map of District Frontispiece 4 Important Statistics (xi)-(xii) S Analytical Notes and Tables i-xxxv ( i) Census concept of rural and urban areas and other terms (ii) Brief history of district and District Census Handbook iv (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town DirectorY and Primary Census Abstract v (iv) Physical aspects highlights of the changes in the jurisdiction of the district during the decade vi ( v) Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economic resources vii (vi) Brief discription of places of religion, historical or archaeological importance and places of tourist interest in Villages and Towns xiii (vii) Brief analysis of Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract xviii PART XIU-A VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY ,EeTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY 1-155 1-190 List of Abbreviations used in the Village Directory 2 1 Bhavnagar Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing page 3 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages S (iii) Village Directory d-U 2. 6ht>gha M ahal ( i) Taluka Map. f~fViug tl~ge 15 (it) Alphab'mc 'List . of Vil1ages~ 17 (iii) Village Dir.ctory 18-23 3 raloja Taluka ( i) Taluka Map . Facing page 25 (ii) Alphabetic Lilt of VIllages 27 (iii) Village Directory 28-43 4 M ahuv(J. T aluka ( i) Taluka Map . fadng. page 45 \ (ii) Alphabetic List of VIllages 41 (iii) Village Directory 48-61 S Kundla T aluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing page 63 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villaps 65 (iii) Village Directory 86 ....... 75 , Gariadhar Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing page 77 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 79 (iii) Village Dir.ctory 80~85 (i) Pages 7 Palitana Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing pag~ 87 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 89 (iii) Village Directory 90-99 a Sihor Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing page 101 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 103 (iii) Village Directory 104-113 9 Umrala Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing page 115 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 117 (iii) Village Directory 118-123 10 Gadhada Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing page 125 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 127 (iii) Village Directory 128-135 11 Botad Taluka ( i ) Taluka Map Facing page 137 ( ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 139 (iii) Village Directory 140 -145 12 Vallabhipur Mahal (i) Taluka Map Facing page 147 ( ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 149 (iii) Village Directory 150-155 Appendix I Talukawise Abstract of Educational, Medcial and other Amenities 158-161 Appendix II Land Utilisation Data in Respect of Non.Muuicipal Towns (Census Towns) 162 Appendix III Talukawise'List of Villages where no Amenities, viz; Education, Medical, Post and Telegraph, Market/Hat, Communication and Power Supply are available 162 Appendix IV List of Villages accordiBg to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to Total Population by Ranges 163-173 SECTION II-TOWN DIRECTORY 175-190 Statement I Status and Growth History 176-177 Statement II Physical Aspects and Locations of Towns, 1979 178-179 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1979 180-181 Statement IV Civic and other Amenities in Notified Slums, 1979 182-183 Statement IV-A Civic and other Amenities in Notified Slums.
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