1947 - 2017 StagShilo WE WILL MATCH... ADVERTISED PRICES ON ELECTRONICS, CAMERAS, COMPUTERS & MAJOR APPLIANCES. DETAILS ARE Your source for Army news in Manitoba AVAILABLE INSTORE OR ONLINE AT WWW.CANEX.CA Volume 57 Issue 13 Serving Shilo, Sprucewoods & Douglas since 1947 June 28, 2018 INSIDE Afghan This Issue Memorial cairn dedicated Jules Xavier Shilo Stag RCA Museum me- chanic Rob Love’s hand- iwork on the LAV III now on display at Canoe 1RCHA welcome new CO River Park did not go un- noticed by BComd LCol with CoC ceremony. Page 2 David MacIntyre. “I pass on my thanks to the team from the mu- seum who had the vision and tenacity to take what was a vehicle bereft of its normal accompaniment of equipment, and turn it into the symbol that you see today,” he told an attentive audience gath- ered across from CANEX for the June 26 Afghan Memorial dedication ceremony. “We are fortunate to have a LAV III monu- RCA reunion pullout for ment, and it is the only one on a military base in visitors to Base. Page 7 Western Canada. Its loca- tion in Canoe River Park is prominent within our community, refl ecting CFB Shilo’s prominent role in Afghanistan, and will serve as a reminder to all who reside here or visit us in the future.” Framed by a guard of soldiers from the Base, 1RCHA and 2PPCLI, LCol MacIntyre was asked to speak on behalf of the Base, its lodger units and combined Last Post is performed by Padre Capt Troy Dennis during the Afghan Memorial dedication ceremony team, to highlight the importance of more than Muddy moments for held at Canoe River Park. The cairn was built by Justin Borody for the Shilo and Region Service Club, and contains a 50th anniversary time capsule. The LAV III was refurbished as part of the monument by 14 years of operations in MFRC event. Page 15 RCA Museum chief mechanic Rob Love. It was put in place the day before the ceremony. Afghanistan. Photo Jules Xavier See AFGHAN page 1 2 2 Shilo Stag June 28, 2018 Unit readiness objective of 1RCHA’s new CO Jules Xavier tenure as CO. The second piece of advice was ‘en- Shilo Stag joy your command’ because it goes by fast.” SS: What is your approach when it comes to leading soldiers under your command? LCol Ryan Stimpson is no stranger to 1RCHA RS: “I don’t have a laundry list of principles — he was Z Bty BC from 2012 to 2014 — thanks to and tenets. Be ‘ready,’ take personal ownership of honing his artillery skills here as a junior officer. your physical, emotional and mental fitness and The Base will be his home for the next two years focus on the mission. The needs of the mission will following his CoC ceremony June 23, with outgo- guide your actions in training. I encourage ‘truth ing CO LCol Stephen Haire handing over com- to power.’ I only know what I know. I will reach mand under sunny summer skies. out when I can by communicating and interact- Born in Ottawa, but raised in Regina, SK, he ing with them regularly, but they need to tell me joined the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in 2001 if something is wrong or if something does not as a Direct Entry Officer after attending the Uni- work. I will be frank in saying there are things I versity of Regina. Following the completion of his have no ability to change or affect, but there are training, in 2003 Lt Stimpson was posted to CFB many things I can influence in the unit.” Shilo for the first time, where he served in numer- SS: Describe your personality when it comes to ous capacities including Gun Position Officer, For- soldiering, and when you are away from the job? ward Observation Officer, Operations Officer and RS: “To be a soldier you need to be able to adapt Battery Commander. and be ready. I try to be the best I can be with what He has also served with 1 Canadian Mecha- I have to work with. There are going to be some nized Brigade Group (1CMBG) HQ as G3 Plans unglamorous times in your career. To me, soldier- and 5 Canadian Division (5 Div) HQ as the G1. ing is taking the good with the bad, put forth your Operationally, LCol Stimpson has deployed to best effort always, perfection is unrealistic. Don’t Afghanistan on three occasions — in 2006 as a For- try to prepare for every inevitability as it is impos- ward Observation Officer (FOO) with the 1 Royal sible to say what or when something will befall Canadian Regiment Battle Group as a part of Task LCol Ryan Stimpson salutes during the playing of God Save you. It is important to remain physically and men- Force 3-06; in 2009, as G5 Plans with HQ 5-09 as a the Queen. Photos Jules Xavier tally fit so you are able to tackle the unknown. If part of Task Force Kandahar; and in 2013 with the you are starting from a strong base, there are no Canadian Contribution Training Mission as the J3 2001, I walked down to the CFRC Regina and signed problems or challenges that cannot be overcome. The to HQ. up as a Direct Entry Artillery Officer.” details can be worked out in execution.” He is a graduate of the Joint Command and Staff SS: What were your influences in choosing the Program (JCSP), and holds a Master’s Degree in De- army? fence Studies from Royal Military College of Canada RS: “My friends were in the Army Primary Reserve (RMCC). He was awarded the Chief of Defence Staff in Regina, SK. They were fit, intelligent and doing Commendation in 2010, and a second in 2014 for his what they loved. They were taking interesting courses tours in Afghanistan. and seeing the world. This is what I wanted. I have A sports enthusiast, LCol Stimpson has been mar- family members that have served in both wars. My ried for four years to Carmen, with the couple raising grandfather served with the PPCLI during the Second three-year-old daughter Simone. World War. I never met him, but am certainly hon- Arriving here from 5 Div HQ in Halifax, NS, LCol oured to perpetuate the family tradition and the hon- participated in a Q&A with the Shilo Stag prior to his our of serving.” handover with LCol Haire. SS: What were your thoughts when you were in- Shilo Stag (SS): Why did you pursue a career with formed you’d be taking command of 1RCHA? the CAF? RS: “I grew up here in this Regiment. The Regi- Ryan Stimpson (RS): “After I completed my Busi- ment and its soldiers have been good to me, some of ness Admin degree at the University of Regina I my best memories are of serving with this Regiment, needed to make a decision about where I wanted to [so] this kind of feels like coming back home again. It go and what I wanted to do next. My degree required was an honour to be offered the CO appointment to me to take numerous accounting and finance courses; 1RCHA. I have always been honoured to be amongst I knew after a year that a career in these fields did not such fine and distinguished soldiers, and being CO of interest me. I worked a number of office jobs with pri- my first unit will be a humbling experience.” vate firms and the federal government to see what I SS: What did you know about CFB Shilo, and the liked. The idea of working in an office for the rest of history of 1RCHA before arriving here? my life was not appealing. What I wanted was to be RS: “I first arrived here in 2003 as a junior officer. challenged not only mentally, but physically as well. I have gone through my career formative years here. The CAF appeared to afford such an opportunity. In This will be my third posting to Shilo. This will be the first time that my family and I will be living on a military base. I always knew that CFB Shilo was a friendly place, but we are amazed at what a wonderful and friendly community exists here on Base. We could not have made a better decision; the programs, facilities and support for families LCol Ryan Stimpson prepares to lead the Regiment are outstanding here in Shilo.” on a march past for the first time. SS: What advice did the outgo- ing Commanding Officer (CO) LCol Stephen Haire leave you? SS: What makes a good commander when it comes RS: “The piece of advice that to dealing with the day-to-day 1RCHA operations? resonated with me was ‘don’t RS: “Don’t try to control the future, be ready, flex- try to control everything as CO.’ ible and organized. A strong base built on healthy What he was getting at was … physical and mental fitness will give yourself the best there are over 500 soldiers in chance to solve any and all problems that come your the unit, you can’t keep tabs on way. I will convey my philosophy and vision early everyone and everything all the and define boundaries. Within intent and limitation time. Things are going to happen. parameters, leadership should be able to make deci- Pass your intent to the soldiers sions and modify the plan based on the problem sets and leadership of the unit and let we encounter.
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