..i' -V W-* or ' i* V V J.' ^ *w ■ •if y . y PAGE TWENTY-FOUR — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., March 20, 1975 Ellis Will Be Guest Of Art Association r HtEr SuEutitg Me rali John Just Ellis of Farmington many), has received a bachelor of fine arts degree from Hart­ will be guest speaker at the MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1975 - VOL. XCIV, No. 145 Manchester—A . City of Village Charm Manchester Art Association ford Art School, a B.S. degree TWENTY-TWO PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS meeting Friday at 7,:30 p.m. at from Southern Connecticut the First Federal Savings Bank, State College, New Haven, and 334 W. Middle Tpke. The event a master’s degree in education is open to the public. from the University of Hart­ Ellis, who has a studio at the ford. Besides conducting SUPERMARKETS Weiss Cuts $118,400 Farmington Valley Art Center, classes at his studio, he alM will conduct a critique for the teaches at Hartford Public club. Members are asked to High School and at Southern Panel Okays Connecticut State College. FROZEN From School Budget bring a painting for construc­ tive criticism and two pictures By SOL R. COHEN for judging. Ribbons will be # FOOD 1975-'76. Failure to meet the May 7 awarded for this and also for a Town Manager Robert Weiss is deadline will make Weiss’ recommended student exhibit, which will be WELDON RETIREMENT recommending a $13,202,508 school budgets and tax rates the legal ones. judged by Ellis. NASHVILLE (UPI) - Dr. ^ SALE! budget for Manchester in 1975-76. It As permitted by the town charter, A Judgeship Mrs. Viola Sobel will serve as Wilson 0. Weldon, editor of the \ All This Week represents a $118,400 cut from the Thomas has requested a second meeting hostess for Friday’s event. devotional magazine “The Up­ at Finast $13,320,903 budget submitted by the beween the Board of Directors and the Refreshments will be served. per Room” which is circulate Board of Education. Board of Education (the first was held throughout the world, has an­ March 6) to discuss the school budget. The guest speaker, who has The $13,202,508 recommended by Weiss It has been scheduled for Monday at 7 studied at the American nounced he wiU retire in the is still $1,102,503 above the current school University of Berlin (Ger­ spring of 197a p.m. in the Municipal Building Hearing For Meskill appropriation and represents a potential Room. CHtqggi5? y 3 CHK 3.75-mill increase in the General Fund budget. In his letter to Thomas, Weiss said it was with real reluctance that he cut the WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Senate In a letter to Allan Thomas, school T^^'Shouider $118,400 the school board recommended Judiciary Ckimmittee voted 8-6 today Pork Loin Sale! board chairman, Weiss explained that the for improvements. $118,400 he cut from the school budget is in favor of the confirmation of former Sirloin Roast “In preparing the (General Fund) Blade Roast the same $118,400 proposed for new Connecticut Gov. Thomas J. Meskill Roasts budget for this year,” wrote Weiss, “I am programs or for improving programs. The as a federal judge. submitting a budget that will generally Bone Bone school board had placed the $118,400 under Meskill was nominated to the Second maintain the present level, or a reduced In its category, “Items with Discretion.” U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals by former In Finast Pot Pies level, of services in those operations under 2 XOU RE G President Richard M. Nixon as one of his Weiss has to the middle of next week to my control. submit to the Board of Directors his last official acts. Blade Sirloin “I feel that the Board of Directors will proposed budgets for all town Meskill’s nomination was approved by Half Half Beef, Chicken $ want to give more than normal considera­ ..*i departments and services. ’The board will the committee when Chairman James 0. 78V lb or Turkey tion to level of services in all operations, lb 88<»> pkgs ^ have to April 7 to conduct a public hearing Eastland, D-Miss., and Sen. John L. PLAYTEX 4 in order to make the tough policy decisions Pork Loin Center Cut Chops lb 1.28 on Weiss’ tentative budgets and to May 7 McClellan, D-Ark., joined the six incumbent upon them in arriving at a final Republican members of the committee in to adopt its own budgets and tax rates for budget.” Assorted FreshChicken French Fries supporting the former governor. Pork Loin Chops Bone In Six of the nine Democrats on the panel Beef Rib Roast Small End 9 to 12 Ribs lb 1.48 voted against confirmation. Sen. Robert Extra Trim Quarters C. Byrd, D-W.Va., was not present for the Richmond Mixed Future Seen vote. Under committee rules, Byrd could Beef Rib Roast erir. Breast Q C vote later but it would make no difference Large End 6 to 8 Ribs Bone In or Leg w-. in the final result. In Nation’s Economy Eastland said after the meeting that it Extra Boii N’Bag Meats would be at least a week after the Senate Beef Rib Steak Trim returns from its Easter recess before it Roasting ,arge f i i S O Beef Chuck Shoulder or Cubed can vote on the nomination. Finast United Press International —Commerce said retail sales declined 3 Chickens .bs' W W » per cent last week, confirming recent Sen. John V. Tunney, D-Calif., one of the Beef, Turkey 5o z $ 4 The nation’s economy is showing Democrats who voted against confirma­ Weaver Batter Dipped Fried Chicken 4 reports that consumers still are reluctant Boneiess Steaks Meat Loaf pkgs ■ mixed signs of future recovery and tion, said an FBI report on Meskill’s possi­ worse difficulty. to spend despite displaying more op­ Naturally Aged for Tenderness & Flavor Legs & Thighs ...... Tg 2.59 timism about the future of the economy. ... ble connection with a state leasing scandal In a series of economic reports and He’s Late Or Early had been “inconclusive.” Breasts.................. — "pVg'2.49 -j-Investors on the New York Stock Beef Loin In-Store Bake Shop developments: Hey, Santa, it’s tough sleddin’ with no snow at 326 Center St. Are you waving Bone In Exchange were encouraged by an an­ Tunney said there was no way to tell Save up to $2.00 on Sirioin Steaks Party Pak Wings pkg 2.29 —’The Labor Department said the infla­ a fond farewell to winter or welcoming spring, which officially arrived this tion rate held at 0.6 per cent in February, nouncement from RCA that it has who had been telling the truth about the Tail-less Porterhouse or T-Bone steak lb 1.89 Seafood Favorite Italian Bread 4 V/ developed a tiny computer for morning at 1:27, they tell us. Whatever, it’s a good thing you are anchored to real estate scandal. as food costs rose only 0.1 per cent but or T-Bone Steaks automobiles that could save up to 40 per that roof, or those blustery March winds might pitch you into the next \these great Playtex sfyles!\ Rainbow Trout Boned ■ ■ > ■ ib 1.19 other goods and services increased 0.8 per Meskill has denied any wrongdoing in Beef Loin Bone In Assorted Babkas......... ea1.09 cent on gasoline consumption. But other THOMAS MESKILL Porterhouse cent. The 0.6 per cent increase matched season. (Herald photo by Pinto) connection with the affair. Available m Stores with In-Store Bake Shops adverse economic news and doubts the January rise and^translates into an an­ SAVE $1.50 WHEN YOU BUY TWO expressed by automakers eventually sent nual adjusted rate of about 9 per cent, CROSS YOUR HEART BRAS. Treat Your Family to Mr. Dell compared with 12 per cent last year. stock prices back down. Sunrise Fresh Dairy Features! Favorites and Save the Finast Way! —The purchasing power of a typical —The Federal Reserve said the nation’s ON SALE FOR THE HRST TIME EVER 8*el Chunk* worker declined last month 0.5 per cent money supply — deposits in checking ac­ Spring Has Sprung^ But Has It? Richmond „ Si Meal, from January and 5 per cent from a year counts and cash in circulation —rose 0.7 SOFT SIDER' Tricot Bftis. k»-Produ(f per cent this week to $288.1 billion. ... d o g s ago. Boiied Ham Economists say the money supply needs to By United Press International weather later — and more snow,” the 76- The swallows, except for a few few families from the most threatened ^*^966 — Regular Cup —The Commerce-Department said cor­ year-old southern Illinois naturalist said. stragglers, have returned to San Juan areas near the James. Businessmen in the Orange porate profits dropped 14 per cent in the grow faster to help fight the recession. Reg. $4.95* each Domestic Tlie Fed also said loan demand rose a The swallows were nesting in Smith operates the American Museum Capistrano, Calif., right on schedule and city’s low-lying east end spent most of the Freshly Sliced last three months of 1974 to an annual rate Capistrano, dogwood trees and in Murphysboro, 111., and has been predic­ have taken up residency, as usual, in the day boarding up their shops and loading Now 2 for $8.40* To Order mqdest $19 million compared with $486 of $81.9 billion after taxes. It was the jonquils were in bloom, and geese ting the weather for 60 years through towers of the 2(X)-year-old mission.
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