SEN. TH,S P.PBR - I homT] —. CAMP HANCOCK [ ONE CENT POSTAGE | andyC I 04 W TR E N C Hv AMP Jli HfisSjD JACia'l I THE SOLDIERS’ NEWSPAPER OF CAMP HANCOCK, THE | MACHINE GUN TRAINING CENTER | —•*"- ’¦•'JR? |j/ Rjff i Qg-JS< VOL. 2. OCTOBER 16, 1918. No. 2. What President Wilson Thinks of Our American Soldier Executive’s Eye Easily Machine Gunners Graduate With “Click" Caught by Newspaper American Heroes In Line For Decorations AUGUSTA OOMS "CLICK" OFFICERS Story ot Sacrifices MIMES ANO ANO TRAINED MEN For the Nation MW SMOKES JOIN DIVISIONS Daily Correspondence From White House Repeatedly Punc- tuated With Simple Notes Showing How President’s City Proves Its Reputation For One Hundred and Fifty Second Heart Beats For Families That Give and Grieve Generosity and Hospitality. Lieutenants Graduate. Many Gives Tobacco. Books and Officers Commissioned in In- By JOSEPH P. TUMULTY Candy Abundantly. Patrioti- fantry and Cavalry Complete Secretary to the President cally Furnishes Flags Machine Gun Course. Enlisted Splendid dn » Men Receive Train- * SOLDIERS APPRECIATE Especially for Trench and Camp » wCTk iLI Vfcf. THE ing. All Thoroughly Equipped Written KINDNESS America's new divisions are going t<* • graduates Gun . .W have of the Machine 4411 T HEN I look at you, I feel as if I also Welfare Organizations Com- Training Center behind the Brownings we IHaff that will play a staccato accompani- Yl and all were enlisted men. Not bined Under Direction of Au- ment to the swan song of the Hun. Of- <9 ficers and men. the machine gunners enlisted in your particular branch of AT'iEneiOxbr nsr x-ikte- for xsecoitxattcots', r gusta Committee Perform who will help boost the Boche back to service, but <£> rmvrej-s, Berlin will have on them the unmistak- the enlisted to serve the Excellent Service. Render Aid stamp of the “click!* that is a byword in the ranks of the men who received country, no matter what may come, even Nine men and two officers of American infantry regiments lined up for decoration. to right: to Relatives training Brigadier Harry L<'ft Lieutenant of Soldiers. their under General Yagle; Second Lieutenant M. M. Komcorouski; Private Harry Shell y. Sergeant Prank S. Koyanok, Ser- Oliver Edwards at the Augusta camp. though we may sacrifice our lives in the ardu- geant James Shavinger, K. Krum, Corporal O. C. Corporal Whitson, Private K. Wovedo, Private Wilkins', Priv- Camp and City United in Close Nearly one hundred and fifty sec- ate W. I '. Lucky and Private C. W. Keane. (Readers of this newspaper wh 0 wish a photographic copy of pic- ond lieutenants, graduates of the Cen- ous ture mayl by sending this endeavor.” obtain it ten cents to the Division of Pictures, Comm ittee on Public Information Washing- Friendship tral Machine Gun Training Schoo!, ton, D. C. Enclose this clipping.) where they received a thorough train- ‘luest *on These words, spoken by the President a -TI},®},® raised regarding the hos- ing both infantry -nd gun pitality1 and generosity the in machine Augusta ot people of tactics, were the latest to leave this towards the soldiers at Caron few months before the beginning of the war, Hancock camp to go to new divisions. They has hern settled Snallv They Machine Gun Officers and Men, ,hat the5 ’ •*>««“ «n have been assigned to twelve different express ready willingness ever- as well as anything he has since said to and camps, (and form part of aid to the cheer comfort will the W. limit of their ad eve?y CIS. SUPPLIES eitent personnel his attitude toward the men in khaki. His con- opportunity offered. 1 commissioned of the machine Don’t Let Life Lapse gun units in these camps. Insurance Show ine nf a‘ri P loy- alt, , , °tlsm and A large ception of the duty which every American has been displayed than during the number of field officers re- W When in *n"u«-nza cently left this camp to take command Kencjaenev whichb the eme?! the Policies Taken Life whi now exists, soldiers were of machine gun battalions in the new owes nation is thoroughly known, but there Out in Civil SOLDIER NEEDS kePt supplied with smokes, magazines, divisions, after the n< eS and completing course DO NOT oks !t has beenestimated of study Sam CANCEL YOUR hv th - . at the machine gun school, was special significance and very deep sincer- Protected By Uncle If 0 b^ in charge of --<uiing the s-e- a onr/Jlr of these appreciated gifts that which is also part of the machine gun ity in thought of himself and other mem- Application more than 1.>0,000 cigarettes training center These officers, who this You Make to secured, have been WAR RISK INSURANCE not counting the pipe and cig- originally were commissioned in the COMMUNITY arette IN tobacco the cigars. and infantry bers of the Government as the companions of Camp Insurance a Z1 Books and and nlar> were sent here to Officer ?eS have been so generously - I^o? * v con take the training which would fit them in tributed that it is safe to state that ev- the soldiers the ranks. Organization in n lhe Machine to command machine gun organiza- Reports have been current that Augusta Has Training ‘.enter 2 Gur. PAY OVERDUE PREMIUMS h<« aby«danr? of tions. His private writings and his public utter- ' many enlisted men wt, dropping reading matter on hand to supply each Successful Year. Emblem the soldier with every Enlist eo men to form nuclei for the YEAR AFTER WAR ENDS ’ their War Risk Insurance, be- conceivable sort of machine gun units in new divisions left convey ’ literature. ances continually this idea of closest cause their beneficiaries have this camp some weeks ago, and with ' Red Circle. Valuable Addition In addition to their giving freely failed to receive insurance cer- these of departure of comforts, a noble, as well as pa- the the second lieutenants partnership between the men who are actually Will Remain in tificates, and they arc therefore week, Insurance ¦ triotic deed was performed when the who left this the units will be impression they to Welfare Work Under Com- voluntary under the that contribution of flags to drape sufficiently officered to be rapidly fighting for their country and those, for- are the of less Force Even If You Can’t 1 paying for protection which on Training Camp caskets the unfortunate soldier whipped into shape during the latter they are not receiving. mission victims of influenza was secured the civilians, from part of their training. All the offi- tunate, in this country who can only back up Keep Up Payments This is entirely erroneous. who promptly answered the Your Activities. Many of call for flags. Nothing fitting cers and men who left this camp, in- I Government insurance is effec- I Phases more or pa- the Americans in France who are carrying this triotic was ever undertaken bv civilians cluding non-commissioned officers, Now, But You Must Fill Out tive from the day the soldier fills I in any city. had completed the courses of instruc- out the application, if he has the Work These country’s flag to the banks of the I i acts have opened the hearts of tion in machine gun work, and are Rhine. Blank to Get This Protection i paid the premium. the soldiers to the extent appreciat- equipped to give possible ing that of the best ac- There are very few days during which the The Bureau of War Risk In- CLUB the people of Augusta are awake count of guns President SOLDIERS’ FILLS and ready to aid themselves and their surance is sending out as rapidly and comfort in any when they get over there. does not give his personal attention to matters of government you carry I circumstance when called upon. Did life Insurance in civil as possible all certificates, but was life? Keep it—the government, wiil help POPULAR DEMAND It the people of Augusta took The officers transferred this week detail that directly affect the welfare of the men in the owing to the unprecedented upon who you to do The same reasons which I rush themselves the organized direction are: Army. so. ! of business, delay has been of the matter giving duty And there is no day that finds him too busy to turn made the insurance a good investment in In Augusta, the service was organized of attention to rela- For with the ninth tives of men who are division* civil life make it a good investment to- [ caused. in November and December last year by sick at Camp Camp Sheridan, Ala: from affairs of State to make an exhaustive study of evi- day. Sound judgment caused Soldiers who drop their Hancock, or relatives of men business insur- Frank Wood and experienced play- there. who died Second Lieuts, Edward J. MacFarlan, dence in the case of a private soldier a you to take out your policy. The same [ ance are assuming a risk for ground and recreation worker, who has Holt, who has come under These relatives are met at the E. R. Thomas T. Fiorille. Wilfred sound judgment counsels you to keep it their families and themselves, continued to serve as executive secretary union court martial sentence. The newspapers in force. committee com- station and taken to the Soldiers Club. Harris, T. C. Kyle, Albert F. Meinken. record innumer- cause of to the present time. A From that point Joseph Supposing you gave up a good income which will the loss such men and women was vehicles are at hand to B.
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