www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association! I I rainian ї Vol.L No. 52 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1982 Patriarch's Christmas pastoralProvidenc e president announces pjjnderscores unity through lovemediatio n efforts in UCCA rift ROME - In their Christmas pastoral leads through love. Without love there PHILADELPHIA - Msgr. Stephen letter released here, Patriarch Josyf is no unity in family life, or community, Chomko, supreme president of the Slipyj and the hierarchs of the "Po- national, or even church life. Without Providence Association of Ukrainian misna" (particular) Ukrainian Catholic deep Christian love, which is the fruit of Catholics, a fraternal organization Church stressed the need for unity the Holy Spirit, all church life limits based in Philadelphia, has announced through love. itself to exterior religious practices, the that he has begun and will continue The patriarch begins his letter by keeping of written rituals, cults. In mediation efforts to resolve the current saying thai- Ukrainians greet the new­ church centers where there is only split within the U.S. Ukrainian commu­ born infant with adoration by singing exterior religious life and no love of nity that occurred at the 13th Congress koliady Which remind us that in be­ God and fellow men, there is no God, of the Ukrainian Congress Committee coming тяп the Christ Child turned because God is love — according to the of America in October 1980. unhappiness into happiness. words of St. John," the letter stresses. Msgr. Chomko made the announce­ The patriarch writes: "The source of This Christmas, as we get approach ment in a statement published in the Christian happiness and joy is the love the celebration of the millennium of December 22 issue of America, the of God and one another - toye which Christianity in Ukraine, the patriarch official publication of the Providence Christ brought down to earth. As stresses that we should renounce self- Association. Msgr. Chomko's state­ without fire there is no warmth, so love and strive for the fruit of the spirit ment was datelined Hartford, Conn., without love a person does not have real which is "love, joy, peace, long-suffer­ December 20, and headlined "Announce­ happiness, mirth, contentment. Jesus ing, gentleness, goodness, faith, meek­ ment about steps toward mediation by the supreme president of the Providence himself says that with. His birth as a ness, temperance" (Galatiahs 5:22)1- Msgr. Stephen Chomko human, he brought to Earth the divine The patriarch also recalls the year Association." fire of love, and He only wishes that it 1933, the year that marked 1,900 years In the statement, Msgr. Chomko National Women's League of America would be kindled." since Christ died for our sins. He recalls noted that he plans to call a meeting of - the founding member-organizations "St? John, the Evangelist is also youth rallies in Lviv that year; "Ukrai­ representatives of the UCCA. the Com­ of the UCCA - and a representative of quoted iu the pastoral letter. He, as a nian Youth for Christ," was their motto, mittee for Law and Order in the UCCA the professionals, in order to more beloved student of Jesus Christ, the he notes. Now it is time once again for and.other organizations, and, if this precisely define the positions of those apostle of Christian love, talked about youth to be the hope of the future, he meeting shows that there is a founda­ parties that could participate in any the need for love of God and one's says. tion for settling the current dispute, he mediation activity. This meeting was fellow man. "Our older generation looks into its will propose the creation of an arbitra­ held Monday, December 20, at the The patriarch goes on to say that "in past, relives it, gets caught up in it and tion board to prepare a plan for action UNA building in Jersey City, N. J., and, today's world of progress, technology, often even locks itself in the past." Now for resolving dispute within our com­ at the meeting, a general plan for further prosperity, luxury and lost love, self- SO years later the young generation sees munity. mediation attempts was formulated. love has been created. With the loss of an open road in front of itself, and The full text of the announcement (in In the very near future I plan to invite love, today's man has lost happiness, wants to be the creator of something English translation prepared by The representatives of the UCCA executive mirth, satisfaction — the fruits of love." new, something big, wants to be the Weekly staff), follows. board, the Committee for Law and In these times of need, modern-day creator of a happy life for itself and for Order in the UCCA and leaders of other apostles of Christian love have emerged, future generations, he writes. The organizations to special meetings, and, he writes, and these include Pope John patriarch goes on to say that youth if these meetings demonstrate that there XXIII, Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul I should search for God in its own During the past two months 1 have is a basis for understanding, I plan to and Pope John Paul II. Church. met with various key persons in attempt­ propose the establishment of an arbitra­ In the following two sections of the There is also strength in numbers, ing to ascertain if there is a basis for tion committee that would be charged letter, Patriarch Josyf speaks of love Patriarch Josyf says in a section de­ expanding my attempts at mediation with preparing a concrete plan of action as the foundation for achieving unity. voted to group prayer. As he points out aimed at preventing a permanent rift for the settlement of the misunderstand­ "Besides individual happiness, mirth from the Gospel of Matthew (18:20): within the Ukrainian community in the ings within our community. and a healthy satisfaction from life, love "For where there are two or three United States. These discussions, in my While informing the membership of gives us the wish for general unity and gathered together in my name, there am opinion, were useful and constructive, the Providence Association of Ukrai­ brotherhood which the Ukrainian com­ I in the midst of them." In the Church, and, therefore, I decided to convene a nian Catholics and all our community munity desperately needs. We constant­ Jesus Christ Himself unites us with His meeting of representatives of the Ukrai­ members about the above, I ask for ly plead: 'God grant us unity.' But let us love, and unity in Christ will help us nian National Association, Ukrainian^ further support of my mediation at­ remember that the only road to unity overcome all our difficulties because He Fraternal Association, the Ukrainian tempts. will be our strength, says the letter. The last section of the letter is devoted to the patriarch's pastoral INSIDE: greeting to the Synod which will take Madrid Conference recesses until February place in early 1983. He asks for guidance MADRID - The two-year-old on delegates to conclude their meeting in the Synod through prayer. Madrid Conference on European secu­ by spring. ' Special pull-out section, Patriarch Josyf ends his letter by rity and human rights adjourned on Edouard Brunner, the Swiss delegate, "1982: a look back" - pages saying: "On the occasion of Christmas December 17 amid warnings that it was told reporters he demanded a March 25 5-12. and the New Year, 1983, we extend to headed for crisis unless an East-West deadline at a closed-door session as all of you priests, monks, all faithful of deadlock was broken during the recess, delegates prepared for another seven- the 'Pomisna' Ukrainian Catholic reported Reuters. week break in the meeting, which has c Dissident profile: Yuriy Church in Ukraine and the diaspora, "Should we fail to agree on a balanced lasted 25 months and made little tan­ and in exile and in prisons, our heart­ gible progress. Shukhevych - page 2. and substantive document in February felt greetings and we ask the Child bom or March, a serious crisis must be The 35-state conference has been in Bethlehem and his Virgin Mother to envisaged," said Franz Ceska, the chief reviewing the 1975 Helsinki Accords. о Adaptation of women's confe­ grant us all love, unity, peace and joy of Austrian delegate. The meeting has been deadlocked rence keynote address by Dr. Christmas. 'Peace be to the brethren and He was speaking at the conclusion of because of major differences between Marta Bohachevsky Chomiak - love with faith from God the Father and the final full session of the current the West and Soviet-bloc countries on page 4. the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all round of the conference, which is human rights and the format of a post- who love our Lord Jesus Christ in scheduled to resume on February 8. Madrid European disarmament confe­ sincerity' " (Ephesians 6:23-4). On December 15, Switzerland called rence. І THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1982 No. 52 Dissident profile. Fedorchuk. named MVD chief, Chebrikov fills KGB post Yuriy Shukhevych: MOSCOW - Vitaly Fedorchuk, 1966, but was not a member of the who headed the KGB in his native Politburo. the eternal prisoner Ukraine for 12 years before being The KGB post will be filled by Viktor named to succeed Yuri Andropov as all- Chebrikov, 59, a deputy chief during union head of the KGB last May, has much of Mr. Andropov's KGB tenure. Mr. Shukhevych in exchange for been chosen to head the Ministry of Mr.
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