Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1932 Campus Comment, April 1932 (Senior Issue) Bridgewater State Teachers College Volume 5 Number 7 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Teachers College. (1932). Campus Comment, April 1932 (Senior Issue). 5(7). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/25 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. "l\Iuch Ado Yearbook Dance About Nothing" Saturday, Next Friday CAMPUS CO NT May 14 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE., BRIDGEWATER. ~lASS. Vol. V SENIOR ISSUE No.7 Dramatic Club to Present Gradu.atioll Dates Normal School Principal June 10-Senior Prom. June 19-Graduation Vespers, 4 P. M. ~~Much Ado About Nothing" June 20-Class Day, 10.30 o'clock. June 20":'-'Graduation, 2.00 o'clock. Becolnes College President .-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------e -\0 MISS ADELAIDE MOFFITT Dr. Brotherstoll DR. ARTHUR C. BOYDEN IS COACH DESERVES DISTINCTION Clllture Speak.er Rose Tinsley William B. Carey On Friday evening, May 13, at 7.45 Next- Wednesday Dr. Arthur C. Boyden thinks that p. m. "Much Ado About Nothing" by changing the name to Teacher Col­ William Shakespeare ,,,ill be pre- KATHERINE OSBORNE, JUNE 3 lege is another step forward in the sented by the Dramatic Club in the life history of Bridgewater. Horace ~Iann Auditorium. The stu- I K. M. B. In answer to the question, "What dents, each year, look forv..~ard to the I "What Is Philosophy Good For" is are your reactions to being· the last Shakespearean play which the club to be the subject of Dr. Bruce Brother­ Principal of Bridgewater Normal 'presents under the skillfull direction ston, the next Culture Fund speaker School and the first Presideht·· of of Miss Moffitt. on Wednesday, May 18, at 2.30 o'clock Bridgewater Teachers College?" Pl'. ""Much Ado About Nothing" is the in the Horace Mann Auditorium. All Boyden said: play of this year, that witty, hum- classes will be omitted to give all "First, I feel an appreciation of the orous, sparking, lively, yet romantic ~tudents this unusual opportunity to point which we have reached. We bit of comedy from the master's hear a man ,veIl qualified to discuss have arrived at a collegiate grade of hand. the real value of philosophy. We are ,vork with an appropriate degree. We In "case you haven't heard-Ruth particularly fortunate in being able to have worked out our place as a col­ PetIuck as Hero v.'ill no ~oubt sur- g2t" a philosopher of his reputation to lege. Second, I feel the responsibility prise you, for you perhaps never come here. of living up to our reputation more ·thought of Ruth as a realI'y grownup Ee holds the degree of Doctor of than before. We shall have to live up young woman, as she is here. She is Philosophy from Harvard. Formerly to that reputation. We are a teacher­ in love with Claudio, played b~r Betty P'ro:i;essor of Philosophy at St. Lau­ training institution with a profes­ Giles. !tis a case of love at first reirceUnivel"sit:r in Canton, New York, sional purpose unlike a liberal arts "sight, but pOOl' Claudio soon learns he nmv holds a Chair of Philosophy in cillJege which stresses only a cultural that true love never runs smoot11ly. Tufts CoIl€ge, Recently he' delivered education. -VVe must keep, en grow­ He experiences the deepest despair a a parer before a national association ing." }:::..,.e1' can experience "'hen he learns d philosophers in New York, and the "Unlike most of the normal schools, 'that Hero is unfaithful. You shouldn't N"e,\' York papers cfl,rried many very BJ'id&!,'8water already has a four-year ·rniss seeing Betty portray a lover's funJl'able press notices. C:"urse dating back as fal' as 1870. In moods from highest ecstasy to darkest On Friday, June 3, at 1.30 o'clock, 1£121 the State granted the right to 'despondency. Eventually it is proved the bst of the Culture Fund speakers issue the degree of bachelor of sci­ that this is all an evil plot perpetrated will comE:' to us with a very illtel'est­ ence in education to four-year gradu­ in the scheming brain of DOll John ing subject: "The Romance of Fab­ at(,~~, This was anothel' fulfillment of (Rose Tinsley), who seeks l'evenge riC's". .Katherine Osborne, who is to the dL'eams and ifieaR of Horace Mann, because Claudio is receiving the favor tell this fascinating story, has a wide :-lieholas Tilliug:hast, and the other of his brothel', Don Pedro (Bui"lJara experience and is recognized as an au­ leaders in the normal c.. ehool moV(~- -Randlett), which the former has lost. thoi'iry on fabrics, art, and allied sub- There is ;:mother pair of lovers who As a tJ-avellcJ' 1\11 01 snould be :fOU); the where ' ,.. ,. .' ....•. ...•..• .., .... Hixon. They, are vetry deceiving F~REa$t years and . should include a large lovers, for from the battles of wit in tunities wereiound'" to . ,'~!J"'J', .. ':~'~i.':;' I . amount of advanced knowledge in ad­ ~hich they engage, one would suppose hand the manners, customs, and the N orlU.al',e:Jffe:E'lll.g',q UnllSl;lill'Program ditio~ to the regular subjects.' " When asked if he thought the them professed enemies. You see, ;~!c::.the most interesting people and ··11~Jormal they both have an exptessed scorn Dal1.ce . For Class Day standards would be raised Dr. Boyden :and contempt of love; therefore it The committee-student representa­ stated that we must keep raising the takes some time before they so lower standards for admission and gradua­ tives; Franklyn White, chairman, Vir­ The Normal Offering staff is plan­ MURALS TO BE SHOWN their pride to declare their iove and ginia Lord, Barbara Randlett, Mildl'ed ning to hold its annual informal dance tion. Graduates are more responsible than before for a collegiate type then mostly through deception prac­ MacD6nald, Alfred Wood, Sally Sut­ in the Albert Gardner Boyden gym­ of K. M. B. work. ~iced by othel's who feel, they are til, Emily Schaffner. Faculty repre­ nasium on May 14 at 8.00 o'clock. An unusual program is to be given No new subjects will be intrOduced ideally suited, to one another. But sentatives: Miss Smith, Miss Nye, The committee in charge of this on the moming of June 20, at 10.30 for the present but the present cur­ (Continued on page 3) Miss Hill. event includes: General chairman, by the members of the graduating ricula will' be enriched with emphasis P. Francis Carroll; hospitality, DOl'is classes as part of the Class Day ac­ being placed on majoring in speeific E. Southwick; program and tickets, tivities. The beautiful murals in the lines. Plans are now under way for Alfred Wood; refreshments, Hugh Graduating Class Plans Horace Mann Auditorium depicting strengthening the major fields next Heney; decoration, Barbara Pray; stages in the history of education are year. At present ther.e are too many music, Clifford Johnson; publicity, to be reproduced by living models ac­ miscellaneous selections. Juniors and Frank Desmond. Gala Seniol~ Activities companied by appropriate music and seniors next year will undoubtedly be Music will be furnished by a popu­ dances. required to elect three major subjects lar orchestra and refreshments will be This is a departure from the usual or two major and two minor subjects. served. Alfred Wood, chairman of FIELDSTON TRIP ON MAY 26 mittee. In the morning a series of custom of having on Class Day the (Continued on page 3) games will be provided. These will the ticket committee is making out formal exercises which included such K. M. Bozoian include bowling, rifle shooting, arch­ a plan whereby commuters and, dormi­ things as the prophecy, will, key ora­ One of the big times of the year for ery, golf, shuffle board, and swim­ tory students will have' an equal op­ tion, etc. Last year's class which Glee Club Presents the graduating class :is the gala an­ ming events. In addition use of the portunity to sign for the dance. initiated this movement presented for nual outing to be held on Thursday, baseball field has been secured for The patrons and patronesses will its particular phase in the history of Delightful Concert May 26, at Fieldston. This year two hours. The dance l1all will be include Miss Pope, Miss Decker, Miss education that of the Roman and about one hundred and :fifty of the open until 6.30. Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. John Gl'eek period. K. M. B. class are expected to attend the holi­ Kelly. The committee has been able to On the stage in the auditorium The Glee Club; under the direction day festivities. This group is to in­ secure a general reduction in all there will be a frame the exact size of Miss Rand, and assisted by John clude a large number from the gradu­ prices making them approximately shallow and will be great for the chil­ of the actual mural. Special lighting Percival, baritone, and William T. ating B's. one third the regular prices. This dren of the class. Baseball enthusi­ features are being planned in· order Cameron, harpist, presented a delight­ The school authorities have given has been made possible through the asts will be given the opportunity to that the correct effect may" be secured. ful concert in the Horace Mann Audi­ their consent; and an excellent com­ kindness of Mr.
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