DOCUMENT RESUME ED 115 628 95 SP 009 698 TITLE New Perspectives in Intergroup Education. Volume 1. INSTITUTION Maryland State Dept. of Educations, Baltimore. Office of Curriculum Development. SPONS AGENCY. Office of Education (DHEW), Washingtoh, D.C. PUB DATE Sep 75 NOTE 362p.; For related document, see SP 009 699 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$18.40 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Curriculum Guides; Elementary Education; *Intergroup Education; Intergroup Relations; Teaching Guides IDENTIFIERS *Multicultural Education ABSTRACT Sections 1and 2 pro-vide the background for classroom implementation of intergroup education and include a statement of beliefs, the State position on intergroup education, delineation of practical implementation, and required supportive services for this program. Sections 3-5 are intended for the guidance of the classroom teacher and include the overall guide objectives for the teacher and the studeht, the recurring themes in intergroup education, andan explanation of how the objectives and themes can be implemented. Sections 6 and 7 contain the teaching units for kindergarten and elementary grades, additional learning activities, and selected bibliographies for the instructional levels. Section 8 containsa selected bibliography for teacher reference. Each teaching unit contains learning objectives and activities and a list of materials and resources. Assessment tasks are listed for each instructional objective. Additional supportive activities are included for sections 6 and 7. (BL) **************4(******************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. **************************************************1c******************** i wu.Ezw...c,=.a.wcfo-,_,-cf-6';'Ill'A NEW PERSPECTIVESIN avoI.-ww cf,0Em>zwz0,;'__i INTERGROUP EDUCATION . 0..0.u...4w,..i-- .Zot.,,L,Wg-,7-1M,,,,..dtccL40 VoitAhve I w;Ei.zo_Jn.1,z1,,z4.0,;(- - g4..u...ozo_Jo5a1 ',- idou...-0x';(26z1a c'r,cxoz!-70.8 2 - zY .7,g 921. .,MDM..1113 L7,,,, CI wOW.; 04Z. u D Baltimore-WashingtonMaryland State Department International of Education Airport bivision of Instruction Baltimore, Maryland 21240 Divisionand Supplementary of Compensatory, Programs Urban, of theThis National projectOffice Defense ofhas Curriculum been Education partially Development Act supportedof 1958. by funds fromTitle IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title III R79S1103 September 1975 862.6P00/S MARYLAND STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION J.MembersPresident Jerome of Framptom, the Board Jr. Federalsburg Year Term1978 Ends WilliamRichardVice PresidentM.Schifter Goldsborough OaklandBethesda 19791979 EllenLawrence 0. MoyerMiller AnnapolisBaltimore 1977 WilliamMrs. William G. Sykes F. Robie BaltimoreLaPlata 19761975 QuentinDeputyJamesSecretary-Treasurer A. StateL. Sensenbaugh Earhart Superintendent of the Boardof Schools and State Superintendent of Schools PercyAssistantTheophil V. Williams K.State Muellen Superintendent, Division of InstructionCompensatory, Urban, and Supplementary Programs ii FOREWORD that welcomedThe immigrants.history books Emmaof the Lazarus first saidhalf itof forour allcentury of us pictured in 1903 Americawhen she as composed the great the meltingfamous linespot andfor a thecountry base of the Statue of Liberty: TheYourGive wretched huddledme your refusemassestired, ofyouryearning your poor, teeming to breathe shore. free, Lately, we have not been SendIso lift sure. these, my.lamp Onethe besideethnichomeless, thegroup goldenthe after tempest-tost door! another, tosome me, more loudly than others, assert the uniquenessawareness ofof thetheir richness own cultures of these and cultures their reluctance and the need to beto "melted."preservethem.At theAnd same with time that the we majority have come has to come recognize to a new theirthe need ancient forBut understanding culturesto say that is toweone bowdlerizeneed another. a program our recentof intergroup history educationand to misstate simply thebecause importance ethnicminoritiesof this program refuse to tothe abandon public schools.sides. NowWe passion need intergroup needs instruction education basedbecause on deepreason. resentment ofMaryland's long injustice, public hasschools bred nowsuspicion have the and vital contempt task onof all helpingto the developmentourThat students is where of to the understandour United public States andschools appreciate of enterAmerica. thethe pictur3.nation's ethnic groupsand the contributions that they have made iii The Maryland public schools support the principlePREFACEthat the school experience should develop responsible educationalsocietycitizenship. founded opportunityMaryland upon democratic educators regardless principles. support of the positionEssential thatto this education p.:,opositionshould isprepare the necessity students ofto providinglive ina equalpluralistic promote intergroupSince the education. Supreme CourtHowever, Decisionrace, we haveof sex, 1954, not religion, beenBrown overly versus ethnic successful ijoard background, of Education,in or social programs class identification.have been designedto andprejudicial justice foractions all towarda continuing minority effortgroups. by Eventhe schoolsthough weof haveMaryland laws tothat implement seekeliminating to fulfillintergroup overtthe educationAmerican and covert isCreed moreforms -- essential ofliberty workshopstoday than inAccordingly, ever 1969, before. 1970, the and Maryland 1971. State Department of Education,Division of Instruction, conducted threesummer for MarylandSince educators the attitudes in a guide of childrenentitled,The workshop andIntergroup adolescents in the Education summerare stillof in. 1969 inMaryland. producedthe formative the basisstage, for the an schools instructional can assume program whichbea rolecommitted pupils of critical needto the to importance eliminationlive in for of developingprejudice. positiveThe school attitudes. curriculumFrom must this be point altered of view,to develop the schools the broad of Marylandunderstandings should into the totalAs a curriculum.result of the reportour changing of the society.State AdvisoryThis guideCommittee is an oninitial Cultural step and toward Ethnic integrating Minorities, intergroup the Marylandeducation teachingState Board of ethnicof Education and cultural adopted minorities. Bylaw 325, whichThe bylawcalls states: for instructionaliv programs in the schools that emphasizethe Allforas apublicdeveloping part ofschools current understanding shall curricular include and offerings...appropriateinappreciation their programs of Ethnic of studies... andinstruction Cultural to develop Duringinstructional theMinorities. summers activities of 1970, that 1971, stress and the1972, contributions three groups of of ethnic teachers and fromcultural localminoritieseducational to agenciesour pluralistic worked society.early childhoodThe activities through 'secondary presented education.in New Perspectives in Intergroup Education are inter-disciplinaryand range from Caroline, DuringDorchester, the 1971-1972 Frederick, school Prince year George's,the instructional and St. Mary's activities counties. wereOn piloted the basis in theof classroomschoolsrecommended of usage, Baltimore, bythe the teachersinstructional participatingTwo summermaterials workshops in were the rewrittenpilot in 1973 programs. andin the1974 summer enabled of teachers1972 and tothe enhance bibliographies the program enlargedstill as further by developing individualsunits at four and levels ethnic from groups K-12 andaround addresses four recurring the problems themes. of prejudiceThis leadership and discrimination programthe program stresses in thatAmerican the defines equal society. culturalworth ofThe pluralismfour recurring in Maryland themes andwhichFoundation the form nation thefor are:basisEquality: of theEqual philosophical Worth of Everyfoundation Person for ActionAllianceBarriers for forto Equality: Equality:Equality:IdealsPrejudiceEqual and Worth Realitiesand of Discrimination Every Ethnic Group effective, dynamic programs oftensions ethnic andWestudies believeto lay in thethatthe foundation ongoingthese materials curricula for real will of equality theserve schools asand viable equalin Maryland. guidelinesopportunityTheir for for developinguse every willindividual. help to reduce intergroup ACKNOWLEDGMENTS DepartmentEducation.Many ofNevertheless, individualsEducation under andthe agenciesBylawresponsibility 325. contributed for the time inception andtalent and towardcompletion the development of this program of New hasPerspectives been the Maryland In Intergroup State CurriculumandSpecialist appreciation Designin Curriculum, toand the Writing following were Workshop the personsProject Participants and JamesCoordinators. groups: A. Addy,(1969, ConsultantThe1970, Maryland 1971, in 1972,StateSocial 1973,Department Studies, 1974) andof EducationMrs.Louella extends H. Woodward, itsthanks HartcrrdWilliam D.County Alexander BaltimorePatricia DorseyTeachersCounty AnneMrs. ArundelNancy Horsefield County Mrs.HarfordLaura
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