The Eagle 1879 (Michaelmas)

The Eagle 1879 (Michaelmas)

492 Our ChromCle. THE THESPIDS. IN spite of all the various Clubs which are in such a THE EAGLE. c.. flourishing condition in the Oollege, room has yet been found .for another. We refer to "The Thespids," a Olub which, under due sanction, came into existence a little more than a year ago, for the purpose of holding Dramatic Recitations only. In a short notice like the present it would be out of place A MAGAZINE SUPPORTED BY MEMBERS OF to enter into details; let it suffice to say that the writer has been present at four very first class recitals, at all of which ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. the Members have managed to adapt themselves to the dis­ advantages of performing in a small room with astonishing pains, seconded by a most careful study of their parts; and it seems likely that if the new Members continue, as their' pre­ decessors have begun, the Club cannot fail to be a success, and tlritrltD fat �ulrs.crilrm JJnIll. that its perfomances will be eagerly looked forward to by their guests. �Onftlltz : PAOR END. OF VOL. XI. " Rolling In" I A Legend of Llullberis II Percy Bysshe Shelley (I792-I822) I5 Bedfordshire BaJlad, 1I.-" One Glass of. Beer" 22 LOI·cJei 26, 27 The Legend of the Lurlei 28 An Die Rosen 33 The Reaconslield Alphabet 34 The Gladstone AJphabet 35 Modem Athens 36 Mmie 4l,43 Arithmetic Paper from Skakespeare 44 The Death of Herakles 46 Obituary; A. H. Gurrod 49 lronicle 52 n;umlrriDn£ : PRINTED BY W. IIBTCA.LFB AND SON, TRINITY STRKIlT, CAMIJRIDOI, W. METCALFE AND SON, TRINITY STREET. ,!)t> 1879. �� I � e.-l '1\<_ ��5=' �2� f!�.�" � LIST OF SUB S 0 RIB E RS. FellolDs of the College alld Masters of Arts (continued) : (-) Denotes the Members of tile Oomm,;'tieo. (+) Late Mombers of ths Committs6. Wilson, Rev. W. L., M.A. THE REV. THE MASTER, D.D. ,Vacc, H., n.A. Watson, Rev. Frederic, M.A. M.A. W. S., M.A. THE REVEREND JOHN SPICEn \VOOD, D.D., P.resident. 1'\\'II(;e, F. C., ?ol.A., LL.M. Watson, Frank, Wilson, II.A. 'Viseman, Hev. H. J., M.A. Fel101"S of tll. Coltpge and .Nlasters of A,·ts: '\'alton. Rev.T. 1., M.A. \Vebb, R. R., W. S., 11.A. M.A., I.A. J. D.A. tWhitaker,Rev. G. H.,M.A. Wood, Rev. tAbbott, Rev. E. A., Francis. Rev. John •• lIiol'shead, R., AI.A. [F.R R. ,,'al'd, '1'., 1,£.A. M.A. Whitehurst, Rev. J., M.A. \Vood, Rev. H. '1'., D.D. Freeman, Rev. A., M.A., M.A. "'atkins. Rev. J., Mosley, E. R., M.A. C., M.A. M.A., F.Il.A.B. ev. '\T. R., Whitworth, Rev.W.A.,lol.A. tYeld, Rev. Adnms, Prof. 'V. G., tNioss, Hev. H. \V., M.A. ,Varcing. H. F.R.S. ' , M.A. tWilkins, A. S., )I.A. Freese, H .• B.A. [ r.L.M. M.A. \\ nt80n, H.ev. A. W. J. :-';ou1ton. J. F., M.A. Al.A. ' s \V. I.., M.A. tWiJeon, J. M., Adams, Rev. T., Friedlandel·. Hev. e. :'1., ti\'lullins, \V. E., M.A. \\ il on, Itev. ll.A. Adamson, Hev C. E., Fynes-Clinton, E., M.A. Newton, Rev. H., ALA. Bachelors alld Undergraduates: M.A. .• M.A. D.A. Anstice, Rev. J. B., Garnett, \V Newton, T. H. G., AI.A. C09.tes, J\.. E., B.A. Hanson, J. C., M.A. J\.braham, W. tBarlow, Rev. W. H., Garrod, A. H., M.A. M.A. ,B.A. F. 'V., B.A. Noon, J., C \\T., B.A. Coates, W. C Harper, Rev. n C M.A. Adam, . 13abi gton, Professor C. ., Genese, R. 'vV., NOl'1'is, L. C. C. R., M.A. B.A. Cobbold, F. A., B.A. Harper, C. H. M.A., J\.dams, Rev A., F.R.B. GOT8t, ,T. E., rtl.A" "1.P. Ob bard, Hev. A. N., M.A. B.A. Coleby, Rev. F., 13.A. Hal'l'ison, R. J. 11.A. J\.gnew, G. 'V., Bakewell, J. W., . M.A. B.A. tlhaves, Rev. C. E . Page, T. E., M.A. B A. ColenBo, F. E., D.A. tHaslam, A. B., �!.A. J\.J1en, G. C., Barnacle, Rev. H., .• M.A. Green, Hev. E. K Parkinson, Rev. S., D.D., B.A. Collinson. G. F. H. Haslam, Rev. C. E., B.A. M.A. J\.J1en, F. J., Barnacle, Rev. .• M.A. J., Oreenhill, A. G F.lI.A.S .. F.R.S. Colson, F' tHaslam, F. W. C., B.A. AJlin, W. J. H. Bateman, Rev. J. F., M.A. Crriffith, Rev. W., A1.A. tPalmer, Pro!'. E. H.,M.A., Coombcs, G. F., D.A. Haslam, S., D.A. Baynrd, M.A. Andrews, \V. F. C., Gurney, �LA. • T. T., M.A. Pate, H. \V , J. Marling Cooper, Rev. C. E., 11 ..1.. Haviland, G. D. Daylis, M.A. Apperly, . P., Gwatkin, Rev. T., M.A. tPearson, Rev. J. B., LL.D. N., B.A. Haviland, R. C., D.A. Ba sha\�, T. W. Cope, Rev. A. Baynes, T. H., M.A. Hallam, A.A. 9 B.A. G. H., I Peckover, Rev. E. G., )I.A. , n.A. Cope, F. H., Hawkins, A. Besnnt, II.,M.A.,F.R.8. Bames, I 'V. Hartley, J., LL.D. Pendlebury, R., M.A. n.A. Cop pock, T. Heather, W. M. J. Baldwin, J. M., Blunn, J. H., LL.M. tHaskins, C. E , M.A. M:A. D.A. Henderson, '1.'.,B.A. Pennant, P. P., Banks, A. R., B.A. Cordeaux, \V., Body, Hev. C. \Y. R, D.A. Haslam, J. B., M.A Pierpoint, Rev. R. D., M.A. Cort, J. P. Hen80n, J. R. Bonnett, Bansall, \V. H. .T., )1.A. Haslam, W. A., M.A. B.D. 1I,A. D.A. Heywood, J., 11.A. Pieters, Rev. J. \V., :Barluw, \V. \V., Cummings, Rev. C. E., Bompas, H. M., 11..1.. Haviland, J., �I.A. D.A. Hibbert, J. A. N. Pinder, Hev. H. F., Barnett, A. T. Cunynghame, H. H. S., D.A. Bonney, Rev. T. G., B.D., Hawes, Hev. Robt., D.D. H. C., B.A. B.A. I1.A. Hickman, H. Pinsent, Barrett, Rev. 'V. F., Curry, E. L., F .A. E., AI.A. F.G.s., B , F.I" •. Heitland, \Y. �I.A. B.A. B.A. Highton, A. H. Powell, F. S., Barton, Rev. H. C. M., Davies, Hev. J. P., Bonney, Rev. A., M.A. Hereford, Right Rev. the R, M.A. Hill, F. C., B.A. Pryke, Rev. W. Batchelor, A., D.A. Davison, R. E. Bonsey, Rev \Y., Lord Bishop of, D.D. M.A. M.A. Pulliblank, Rev. J., Bayard, R. V. C. Davy, F. C. Hitchman, A. W. Rourne, C. 'V., 1.1..1.. Hey, Rev. R., M.A. M.A. Quirk, J. N., tBell, E. H., B.A. DavYB, A. 'V. O. Holcroft, E. tBowling, Rev. R'vV., 14•• M.A. II.A. B.A. Hibbert, If., \. Radclifi'e, H., Bel1llett, H. B.A. Deakin, J. E., Hopkin, Rev. J., M.A. It., :Bros, Rev. A. F. Q., M.A. Hicks, W. M., Head, H. N., M.A. De Wend, vrv. F., B.A. Hopper, Rev. RC., B.A. I Bennett, T. J. F. Browne, Rev. �l.A. tHiem, \V. P., A.A. M.A. M.A. J., D.A. W. H., Reed, Rev. 'V., Barnett, A. T. Dixon, J., n.A. Homer, F. Buckler, Rev. J. F., 1.I.A. Higgs, Rev. A. C., M.A. F., D.D. Horny, F. W., B.A. Reyner, Rev. G. Benson, H .., 11 • .1.. Done, H. H. �I.A. B,A. Bulmer, Rev. G. F .• hl.A. H ill, Rev. E. �l.A. Houghton, F. T. S., tRichardson, Rev. G., tBc\'an, Hev. H. E. J., B.A. Du liosc, J. F. tBushell. Rev. 'V. M.A. HilJeary, F. E., �I.A. M.A. Howell, H. J., D.A. D., Robson, Rev. F., Bevan, J. A. Duncan, \V. H. Butler, Rev. A., M.A. Boare, C., M.A. M.A. Hunt, Rev. A. L., D.A. Roby, H. J., BilIinghurst, IT. G., B.A. Dunn, H. E. Butterton, Hev. D.D. Hoare, H., ALA. D.A. Hutchinson, H. N. G. A., Rounthwaite, Rev.J.F.,M.A. BiJlinghul'st, W. B. Dunn, Hev. J. C., Carpmael, E • M.A. Hockin, C., M.A. M.A. Hutchinson, T. W., B.A. Routh, Rev. W., Black�tt, H.ev. H. F., B.A. East, A. H. Carpmael, C., M.A. Home, B. \V., ALA. IILA. D.A. Hutton, H. R., B.A. Roughton, A. H., Bond, W. A., n.A. Edmunds, 'Y., Catton, A. H., )I.A. Howlett, M.A. M.A. B.A. Rev. H., Rowe, Rev. T. B., Bonsey. 11. D., B.A. Fawkes, Lieut. W. H. Inman, J. S., Charnlcy. \V., M.A. tHudson, \V. H. H., M.A., M.A. D.A. Innes, J. 'V. Brodie, B.A. RowselJ, Rev. H., Boote, D. P .• n.A. Fawkes, A. 'V., Clark, !{ev. J. H . 1.1.A. LL.M. �I.A. n.A. Ireland, A. Rudd, Rev. E. J .. S., Bowers, J. P. A., B.A. Field, Hev. A. T., Clark, \\T. M.A. Jackson, Rev. A., �I.A. Jafi'ray, D.A. J., Rushbrooke, W. G., 1.l.L. B yce \V., .A. Finch, F. C. W., M.A. o , n Clifton, Prot R. B., 1.I.A., Jeudwint', G., RusselJ, Rev.

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