The United States Army Space & Vol. 8, Number 9 EagleMissile Defense Command December 2001 SeasonsHappy HolidaysGreetings 2 The Eagle December 2001 Command Editorials Celebrate the holidays Be safe and happy December is perhaps the Specifically, within our SMDC greatest holiday month of the year. family, we can also feel good about It includes Christmas, Ramadan, all the outstanding achievements Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, and signals weve made in the last year that are the end of the old year, as well as at this very moment helping America the beginning of a new one. purge the deadly menace of terror- So even as we continue to conduct ism both at home and abroad. the deadly serious business of de- That said, we should all be careful feating worldwide terrorism, many of during this holiday season to take us will take some well-deserved time the necessary precautions to ensure away from our jobs to be with family the safety of our friends, family and and friends, and renew our physical, ourselves. That includes avoiding mental and spiritual selves. drinking and driving, and over indulg- I have a feeling that the events of ing in general. Also, make sure you Sept. 11th have given most Americans get enough rest in this often hectic a greater perspective on the impor- season. tant things in life, which these holi- By following these guidelines, Im days help us celebrate. As such, they sure you will enjoy a great holiday cause us to better appreciate living in season. Lt. Gen. a country that is as free and great as Happy holidays and thanks for all Joseph M. Cosumano, Jr. the world has ever known. you do for SMDC and your country! What We Think The Eagle asks: Given the number of holidays celebrated in December (Christmas, Ramadan, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa) and the turmoil in the world today, what can you suggest as practical ways individuals can bring peace and harmony to their own communities? They can celebrate their particular holiday in I believe that tolerance and peace begin at Keep our faith. Dont be afraid to do things accordance with their religious, social and home. And it should be practiced all year and that you have planned to do. Cherish each cultural views, re- not just focused upon and every moment you gardless of recent during these holidays. have with friends and events, ...without fear If we all practiced the family. We are all one and criticism ...they golden rule all the time Tomlin Photo community. Together can extend a hand to and demonstrated coming to we will overcome this. other people of through actions, and Huntsville on different views, so not words, to our kids Thursday that we all may gain a this golden rule, wed better understanding all be closer to peace. ... and appreciation Sgt. Jerry Mister for one another. Ronald Parks Sgt. 1st Class Phil Tomlin Colorado Springs Colorado Springs G-4 Arlington Personnel 1st SATCOM Bn Log, Readiness Div. I think the way to best help bring peace and During the holiday season people tend to get My suggestion is to put God first in our lives; harmony to our community is to get out, pushy, anxious, and sometimes pretty self- ...everyone would be of the same accord and participate, and ish. If every one would would be able to see volunteer to do things take an extra moment the same perspec- that would promote each day to think of the tives on life.... I just Christoff peace and harmony. less fortunate, to offer believe that all indi- Arlington a helping hand, or just Huntsville viduals having that in- be nice to someone, #1 stilled in their hearts ... then maybe, with [would] be able to glow enough people doing and project that that, there will be more through others.... I peace and harmony in think our communities Stew Stout not just our communi- Libbie Hicks can in turn grow Jennifer Campbell, Colorado Springs ties, but in our nation. Huntsville Tech Center through this. Arlington Contracts Battle Lab Sensors Directorate The Eagle ... is an authorized unofficial newspaper published for military and civilian members of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command published under the authority of AR 360-1. The editorial style applies the industry standard Associated Press Stylebook. Contents of The Eagle are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, or U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC). This monthly newspaper uses offset reproduction and has a circulation of 3,600. Reader input is solicited and welcomed; however, no payment will be made for such contributions. Please direct letters and comments to: U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command Volume 8, Number 9 ATTN: Editor, The Eagle, P.O. Box 1500, Publisher............................Lt. Gen. Joseph M. Cosumano, Jr. Huntsville, AL 35807-3801 Chief, Public Affairs....................................William M. Congo Phone (256)955-1641 (DSN 645-1641) FAX: 645-1214 Editor........................................................Jonathan W. Pierce e-mail: Eagle [email protected] December 2001 The Eagle 3 this cultural holiday. The holiday grew out of the 1960s as December -- A month of African-Americans struggled for freedom and self-identity. Kwanzaa, according to the KIC, is a time for celebrating the sea- son without shame or fear of embracing Af- holidays and observances rican history, culture, or identity. by Jonathan Pierce new star that led them to Bethlehem where Kwanzaa reinforces a way of life Huntsville the babe was born. These wise men brought through its celebration. A living social gifts for a baby they believed would be a practice, Kwanzaa is a week of remember- Two years ago, in mid-December, my new kind of king. ing, reassessing, recommitting, reward- friends and family gathered in our church The gifts of the wise men became a tra- ing, and rejoicing. cultural hall to celebrate Christmas. We dition of gift giving among relatives and The seven social and spiritual prin- gathered to commemorate the birth of friends as a means of commemorating the ciples of Kwanzaa are: unity, self-deter- Jesus Christ, whom we accept as our Lord Saviors birth. mination, collective work and responsi- and Savior. It was a time of thanksgiving In time, commercialism and secular bility, cooperative economics, purpose, for his birth, his life, his teachings, and the traditions (such as Santa Claus, Christmas creativity, and faith. personal peace we have in our lives based trees, and caroling) became a part of the on following his gospel. season. Most Christians, however, try to We were surprised that evening with remember the first Christmas, and try to an unusual presentation on the program. renew their desire to give of their hearts In the midst of celebrating this singular and love as Jesus taught. event of Christianity, and before enjoy- Ramadan ing the more secular parts of the holiday season with Santa Claus, our program Ramadan may be a more familiar holi- chairman had the insight to invite one day to many of us this year because of the of her friends to come and share her cel- Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. The ebration of Kwanzaa which also occurs attackers, and their leaders, associate in December. themselves with Islam, claiming to be in- I thought then, and I believe it more struments of Allahs will in their attacks. now, that wisdom dictates that we should Many Islamists have said that the at- Hanukkah tackers are extremists who have bent the Koran to their own purposes. The Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanuk- Perhaps one way to try to understand kah, is actually a minor celebration of a Islam is to study what Ramadan, their time when the Jews overcame foreign tyr- most holy month, is about. anny to recover their spiritual identity. I went to Yahoo on the Internet and According to several Internet sites, a searched for Ramadan and found a num- Syrian king ordered the Jewish people in ber of entries. According to Ramadan on the Judea to reject their god, religion, cus- Net, Muslims observe a fast throughout the toms, and beliefs; to worship the Greek ninth month of the Muslim calendar. The gods nearly 2,300 years ago. fast is observed during the daylight hours One of the men who refused was Judah which are followed by small meals in the Maccabee. The army which he led fought evening and visits with friends and family. for three years to drive the Syrians out of The month is a time of worship and con- Israel. templation; a time to strengthen family and The Maccabees reclaimed the Temple community relationships. which the Syrians had defiled with idols Ramadan came about because it is be- and animals Judaism considers unclean. lieved that the Prophet, Muhammad, re- The Maccabees completed their cleansing ceived the Koran, or Quran, during this of the Temple and the time came for its re- month. dedication. Their religious practice dic- When the fast ends it is celebrated for tated that a candelabrum called a three days by the exchange of gifts, family menorah should be lit and burn every prayers, congregational prayers, and with night throughout the night. large meals. Tradition holds that only enough sa- cred oil remained to burn for one day, yet miraculously, it burned for eight days--the endeavor to understand the diverse cul- time needed to prepare a fresh supply of tural and religious practices of the great oil. The Festival of Lights commemorates melting pot that is America. the miracle. This page is an effort to introduce the Central to the festival is the nine key concepts related to Christmas, candle menorah.
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