6 COLFAX GAZETTE. COLFAX, WASHINGTON, JULY 14, 1905. Squibb, R X, lodging and meals for Wade, G. W., labor 52 50 milt*Creek, about ouo mile below the indiganta 2 oo Walters, J. W. & Co., labor, $7; Pitt school house. Rose JewelryjStore Sturdivan, J M, labor on court house allowed 3 00 ; LETTERS M. A. COMMISSIONERS MIT grounds TWO OPEN 12 Oo Walters, J. W. A Co., repairs.. 275 \ The auditor was instructed to ad- KSTABLISHKI> IN IHH« Town of Colton, supplies for indigenta 550 Wateon, Virgil, labor 12 00 j vert iae for bids for the repairing of True, M C, expense as assessor 6 25 E. F., labor 10 00 IMfORTAHT TO MARRIED WOMEN . Pass on Bills and Claims and Trans- Wats. J C, labor on atone wall West, the following bridges: Codd bridge supplies West, J. H., labor 12 50 act Uthor Business Wheeler-Motter Co, for over the South Palouse river on Main Mary ofWashington tella county farm 12 16 Williams, Nate, supplies, $7.35; Mr*. Dlmmlck Weinburg, E W, wrvice as special allowed 5 35 street in Colfax, Wash. ; brewery How Lydla K. Pinknam's V»»«t»bl« ehentf $27.91, allowed. 21 oo Wright, W. F., labor 20 25 bridge over the north fork of the Compound Mftd*H«r Well. Official Proceeding of the Board of West, J H, arrest and expense for Yatee, Marcue, labor 33 00 6 Palouse river at the north end of County Commissioners of \V hu- sheriff 10 DISTRICT NO. 2 we publish Webster, J C, service as Bth grade Main street in Colfax, Wash. ; the El- Itis with great pleasure man County, Washington Anderson, J. W., supervisor 89 00 the following1 letters, as they convinc- examiner 29 57 bertou bridge over the Palouse river so many Wheeler, H H. Btainpa and expense Andereon, J. H., labor 109 00 ingly prove the claim we have for auditar's office 24 5o Bader, Ira, labor. 23 00 on Luther Kerns road. times made in our columns that Mrs* Wiseley & Madison, supp'iea for Crawfor.i, J. 8., labor 52 00 The auditor was instructed to no- Pursuant to adjournment the Hoard county farm 1 oo j Coeton, Ctias. A., repairs 4 85 tify the sheriff that no future claims ol County CommixHionerH of WhitmaD White, M B, labor on court house Davie, J. labor 24 00 grounds . • 4 oo 8., will be paid to special deputy sheriffs county, Wanhington met the sth day of Woody, T, salary expense m Day, Chas.J., labor 60 00 J and labor unless appointment has been ap- July A. I) , 1906, all members being horticultural inspector 59 85 Darling. Frank, 16 00 the Drinkwater, A. 8., repairs 32 65 proved by the board before the ser- present. Cost BillsAllowed ' Dunn, David A., labor 18 00 vice has been rendered. The following claims were examined Costs in the case of State vs F G Foster, H. G., labor 48 00 expanse Barlow $5 30 The board approved the appoint- and allowed on the current Costs in the caae of State vs Win Ganow, A. J., labor 35 00 fund: Gibson, Ira, labor 8 00 ment of D. W. Lipscomb and E. W. Watches, Clocks, Chiistenßeu 3 35 Baylor, JW, supplies forcounty farm $2 ol Costs in the case of State vs James Hatley, N. 8., labor 46 00 Weiuberg as special deputy sheriffs. Bramwell Bros, supplies for treasurer 21 oo Coagrove 5 55 Hatley, Sherman, labor 2* 70 board received notice from the Bros, supplies for 1 oo I in case of State vs Henry The Brainwull clerk.... Costs the Hickman. S. W., labor 260 50 board the St. Ig- Bramwell Bros, supplies for judsje Doget 3 25 Hodges, F. A., labor 10 40 state of health that Jewelry supreme court 2 oo Costs in the case of State vs Henry labor natius hospital of Colfax had made Atty 10 5o 4 65 Hubbard, Ralph, 5 00 Bramwell Bros, supplies forPros Doget Hubbard, J. D., labor 28 00 report to the state board of health ac- lit am well Bros, supplies for sheriff. .. 6 5o ' Costs in the case of State vs Mike Our Stock is Large ami Bramwell Bros, su.iplieH for assessor 500 Glen 3 35 Hubbard, J. M., labor 46 00 cording to law by which they claim I 45 J. C, labor 35 00 Complete Barroll &. Mohney, supplier forsheriff 6 Costs in the case of State va James Hunsncker, exemption from taxes. Beck, F YV, livery for sheriff 14 oo McAtfery. 4 8o Hughes, H. 1., labor 62 50 mick Beck, F W, livery for proa atty 4 oo Coats in the case of State vs Prentice Hunt, N. S., labor 9 00 Tax Matters. %JMrs Mary Dim J Brickner Joe, livery for pros atty .. 500 Roberta : 3 65 Kautz, A. F., labor 2 00 The application of James Campbell 3V3C. -i3l. FLOSEI Booth, Wm T, supplies for court Coats in the case of State vs Philip Kincaid, Albeit, labor 9 00 Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., is fullyquail* stenographer 12 oo Sullivan 4 8o for the cancellation of the tax on the Jeweler. Kitzmiller, E. D., labor 32 00 ! fled to give helpful advice tosick womeni Brown, Myron, service as constable Coats in the case of State vs Philip E XE 4 of 24-15-38 for the year Opposite Great Eastern 65 Kissinger, J. E., labor 43 50 % Read Mrs. Dimmicks letters. $13 15, allowed 8 Sullivan 3 25 1903, was granted on account of the Bushong & Co, supplies for en clerk 3 7o Coats in the case of State vs G W Kincaid, \V. H., labor 75 75 Her first letter: Burchard, W H, supplies for inquest. 2 5o Steward ; 325 Kuhn Hardware Co., supplies.. 250 same being government land. Dear Mrs- Pinkham:— Burlin^ame, Amos, juror in superior Coats in the case ofState vs George E Madison Lumber Co., lumber... 2 35 The application of the Church of 441 have been a sufferer for the past eight Call 011 2 2o 3 25 a trouble which first originated court Tayjor. Morgan. Frank, labor 27 00 Christ the cancellation of taxes years with Clarke & Eaton, supplies for county Coata in the inquest on body of A J Morgan, Otis, labor 28 00 for from painful menstruation—the pains were farm. 3 45 Mallett 29 Oo J. labor 00 ou land in Pullman, was granted on excruciating, with inflammation and ulcera- of McDonald, A., 37 womb. The doctor says I must Canfield, H W, member of board Rejected. Udell, Virgil, same tion of the LACEY'S education 21 oo Claims labor 15 00 account of the being church have an operation or Icannot live. Ido not Casserly, J, on oo The following claims were examined Pullman Hardware Co., supplies 495 property. want to submit to an operation it Ican possi- T labor road 12 ma,"—Mrs. Mary •••••\u25a0or •• ••• Caaaerly, Thomas, labor on court and rejected by the board: Raweon, Arthur, labor 27 20 The application of R. Gh Elder for bly avoid it. Please help house ground 36 oo () D Kenworthy, service as deputy Reisenauer, George, labor 4 00 Dunmick, Washington, D. O. Canutt, Joseph, expense boarding constable 9 740 Reisenauer, ML, labor 21 50 the refund of city taxes on 34 acres Her second letter; Chase & Sanborn's prisoners 119 25 S A Kelly, service as deputy con- Reisenauer, Joeepu, labor 14 00 in NE l4 of 4-17-45 for the year Dear Mra. Pinkham :— B, expense aa dept aheriff 24 lo stable 5 oo my when I Coffee Carter, G Reisenauer, Anton, labor 16 00 1904, was granted on account of the " You willremember condition Canutt, Joaeph, expenae aa sheriff... 9 86 Road and Bridge Claims labor 51 00 last wrote you, and that the doctor said I Clizer, A R, service as dept constable 2 25 Richardeon,Thomas, laud being outside of the city limits. an or I could not live. Flour The following claims were examined Richardson, C. E., labor 18 00 must have operation Preferred Stock City of Colfax, water rent forcourt bridge Road Matters. Ireceived yourkind letter and followed your house 43 oo and allowed on the road and Riley, George, labor 62 00 advice very carefully and am now entirely They are a strong combination and Cox, R A, expense as county farm... 24 97 fund: Roberts, Elmer, labor 2 00 Upou petitions being filed for cer- well. Ah my case was so serious it saems a can't dp equaled in Colfax Commoner, Ptg Co, aupplies for Aegertnr, John, labor on road $ 150 Robertson, W. W., labor 125 40 tain proposed county roads the sur- miracle that lam cured. Iknow that Iowe connty 7 oo ray health but my life to Lydia B. clerk Beall & Co, supplies for rock crusher 35 86 Spaulding, F. If., repairs 3 00 veyor was instructed to make an ex- not only Commoner Ptg Co, supplies for supt Beall & Co, supplies for rock crusher 138 74 Salb,J. S., labor 20 00 I'inkham's Vegetable Compound and to your of schools 22 oo H, labor 33 oo amination and survey of the following advice. Ican walk miles without an aobe or Bilsland, C Stewart-Clure Hardware Co. sup- suffering woman Commoner Ptg Co, supplies for aud- Bryson, 0 V, fuel for county 51 25 proposed county roads: A. P. Cour- a pain, and I wish every Hiram Mitchell 40 s«> 00 plies 3 00 would read this letter and realise what you itor Bodine, S A, labor 27 Sinimins, Jim, labor 00 Mary Commoner Ptg Co, supplies for Bupt Brower, E M, labor 74 2> 26 ter road, EL A.
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