Catholic ReviewMARCH 2017 Inspiring the Archdiocese of Baltimore ‘Light of hope’ Cardinal Keeler, basilica restorer, interfaith leader, dies at 86 BY GEORGE P. MATYSEK JR. He was was named vice chancellor and [email protected] then vicar general and auxiliary bishop of the Harrisburg Diocese. St. John Paul II ALL PHOTOS CR FILE appointed him bishop of Harrisburg Nov. 10, 1983, and archbishop of Baltimore ardinal William H. Keeler, 14th April 11, 1989. The pope elevated Cardi- archbishop of Baltimore, an inter- nal Keeler to the College of Cardinals in Cnational leader in Catholic-Jewish 1994. His episcopal motto was, “Do the relations and the driving force behind the work of an evangelist.” restoration of America’s first cathedral, Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. In 1997, died March 23 at his residence at St. Mar- Putting Baltimore on the map he launched a major capital campaign tin’s Home for the Aged in Catonsville. He Father Michael White, pastor of the known as Heritage of Hope that raised was 86. Church of the Nativity in Timonium and more than $137 million from more than Cardinal Keeler served as the spiritual his first priest-secretary in Baltimore, 39,000 gifts and pledges. shepherd of the Baltimore Archdiocese said Cardinal Keeler “put Baltimore on The cardinal also established the Part- from 1989 until his retirement in 2007. the map in the Catholic Church.” ners in Excellence program, which pro- Archbishop William E. Lori, one of Father White noted that in addition vides tuition scholarships for children Cardinal Keeler’s two successors, said to the papal visit, Cardinal Keeler hosted in inner-city Catholic schools. Since its one of the great blessings of his life was spiritual gatherings in Baltimore in the inception in 1996, Partners in Excellence coming to know Cardinal Keeler, whom late 1990s with St. Teresa of Kolkata and has provided more than $26 million in he met when the cardinal was bishop of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of tuition assistance. the Diocese of Harrisburg, Pa., and Arch- Constantinople. Leaders within the Cath- bishop Lori was priest-secretary to Wash- olic Church and from other faith tradi- Basilica restoration ington Cardinal James Hickey. tions regularly visited him in Baltimore. One of the cardinal’s major efforts was Among the cardinal’s accomplishments, “Not a day went by” when bishops from the $32 million campaign to restore the the archbishop highlighted “the wonderful other parts of the country didn’t call for Basilica of the National Shrine of the visit of Pope St. John Paul II to Baltimore the cardinal’s advice, Father White said. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1995, the restoration of the Basilica “Pope John Paul loved Cardinal Kee- in Baltimore. and the creation of Partners in Excellence ler,” Father White remembered. “He used After more than two years of construc- which has helped thousands of young peo- to call the cardinal ‘Baltimore.’ ” tion, the building was rededicated on ple from disadvantaged neighborhoods to The 1995 papal visit to Baltimore – at Nov. 4, 2006 – 200 years after the basili- receive a sound Catholic education.” the invitation of Cardinal Keeler – was ca’s cornerstone was laid. More than 240 one of the cardinal’s proudest moments. bishops from across the nation gathered Pennsylvania roots The pope celebrated Mass at Oriole Park in Baltimore for the celebration. Born in San Antonio, Texas, and raised at Camden Yards, visited the Cathedral of Cardinal Keeler, who once said there in Lebanon, Pa., Cardinal Keeler was Mary Our Queen and the Basilica of the is “no place on earth like the basilica,” ordained a priest in Rome July 17, 1955. He National Shrine of the Assumption of the received the personal blessing of St. John served as an assistant pastor before taking Blessed Virgin Mary, shared a meal at Our Paul II for the restoration. on other assignments as secretary to Har- Daily Bread and encouraged seminarians A few years after the basilica was risburg Bishop George L. Leech and as a at St. Mary’s Seminary in Roland Park. rededicated, the Pope John Paul II Prayer “peritus,” or special advisor, during Second A prodigious fundraiser, Cardinal Kee- Garden was established. Vatican Council meetings in Rome. ler established what is now known as the For fresh Catholic news everyday, visit ©2017 The Catholic Review. Reprinted with permission. Abuse crisis pro-life, education and social justice, Car- ARRANGEMENTS Just as he worked to rebuild historic struc- dinal Keeler was active in the legislative tures and respect among people of differ- process, serving as chairman of the Mary- MONDAY, MARCH 27 ent faiths, Cardinal Keeler also worked land Catholic Conference, the Annapo- 1 p.m.: Reception of body at Basilica of to rebuild trust in the wake of the clergy lis-based legislative lobbying arm of the the National Shrine of the Assumption of child abuse crisis that broke in 2001. state’s bishops. He worked to advance ini- the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore He strengthened archdiocesan poli- tiatives such as funding for non-religious cies related to child and youth protec- textbooks and technology in the state’s 1-7 p.m.: Public viewing tion, requiring all employees and volun- nonpublic schools. 7 p.m.: Vespers – Office for the Dead teers who work with children to undergo Cardinal Keeler met and prayed with safe-environment training through a new convicted murderer Wesley Eugene Bak- TUESDAY, MARCH 28 program called “STAND.” Fingerprint- er on death row in 2005, using the dra- 9 a.m.: Reception of body at Cathedral of ing of employees became mandatory, and matic visit to call on then-Gov. Robert L. Mary Our Queen in Homeland background checks were also required for Ehrlich Jr. to spare Baker’s life. The plea 9 a.m.-1 p.m.: Public viewing both employees and volunteers. was ignored and Baker was executed one 2 p.m.: Mass of Christian Burial at Cathedral In September 2002, Cardinal Keeler week after the cardinal prayed with him. became one of only a handful of bish- Cardinal Keeler was elected president 4:30 p.m.: Rite of Committal in crypt of ops in the nation to release the names of of what is today known as the U.S. Con- Basilica clergy – living and dead – who had been ference of Catholic Bishops Nov. 17, 1992, “credibly accused” of the sexual abuse of after serving three years as vice president. children. Fifty-seven names were pub- Cardinal Keeler gave his blessing to served as chairman of the eighth World lished in the Catholic Review. several innovative educational programs Youth Day, held in Denver in 1993. In Cardinal Keeler became the first cardi- within the Baltimore archdiocese, includ- Baltimore, he started and participated nal in the nation to take the witness stand ing one for children with special needs in the youth and young adult pilgrimage, in a criminal trial related to the clergy – PRIDE (Pupils Receiving Inclusive an annual event held the day before Palm sex abuse scandal when he testified for Diversified Education.) Sunday. A former Eagle Scout, the cardi- the defense in the attempted murder of During his tenure, several Catholic nal was also a supporter of Scouting. Maurice J. Blackwell, a defrocked priest schools closed. Several others opened, Cardinal Keeler, a champion of inter- accused of sexually abusing Dontee D. including St. Ignatius Loyola Academy, faith and ecumenical understanding, was Stokes. Stokes shot and wounded Black- Mother Seton Academy, Sisters Academy, named a member of the Pontifical Coun- well, but a Baltimore City Circuit Court Cristo Rey Jesuit High School and School cil for Promoting Christian Unity in 1994. jury found Stokes not guilty in 2003. of the Incarnation in Gambrills. He also served as episcopal moderator of Cardinal Keeler had first suspended the United States Conference of Catholic Blackwell from ministry in 1993 when Diverse church Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical and Stokes accused him of sexual abuse, but The cardinal reached out to African- Interreligious Affairs from 1984 to 1987. later reinstated Blackwell as pastor of American Catholics, Hispanics and young “He knew how to listen,” said Rabbi St. Edward in Baltimore despite a rec- people. Therese Wilson Favors, former Joel Zaiman, rabbi emeritus of Chizuk ommendation to the contrary from a lay archdiocesan director of the Office of Amuno Congregation, Baltimore. “He review board. African American Catholic Ministries, heard. He understood, and he responded On the witness stand, the cardinal noted that the cardinal established the genuinely and generously.” said he regretted his action in reinstating office as the primary focus of evangeliza- Blackwell. tion and leadership development within Later years In 2004, the cardinal led a “day of the community. He supported efforts such Cardinal Keeler underwent knee replace- atonement,” asking forgiveness for sins as Operation Faith Lift, an evangelization ment surgery in 2005, and brain surgery the church had committed against vic- effort in black parishes; and Harambee, a in 2006 following a car accident in Ita- tims of clerical sex abuse. youth program. He established the Office ly that resulted in the death of a friend, With a keen interest in promoting of Hispanic Ministry and made efforts Father Bernard Quinn of Harrisburg. to bring more Many of his family, friends and reli- Spanish-speaking gious leaders from around the world priests to the arch- gathered in Baltimore in 2011 to celebrate diocese. the cardinal’s 80th birthday. Through Cardi- “You have been and continue to be a nal Keeler’s leader- star,” Archbishop Pietro Sambi, former ship, the Archdio- apostolic nuncio to the United States, cese of Baltimore told Cardinal Keeler during the birthday established a sister celebration, “a light of hope, not only for diocese relation- the church, but also for the community ship with the Dio- at large.” ● cese of Gonaives, Cardinal Keeler embraces St.
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