THE DUNHAM GENEALOGY Related Families:- BILLINGS POWELL. HICE ••.•.•. GRAY •.•.•. ROOT •••.•. ANDRUS •.• Chester Forrester Dunham, Ph.D. Author of Christianity in a World of Science, The Northern Preachers and the Civil War. Toledo, Ohio, 1') 56. CONTENTS Sections Pages 1. The Meaning, Significance, and Sources of Ancestral Names 1-3 2. The Elder Wm. Brewster and Mr. Richard Warren Families 4-7 3. Pastor John Robinson and the American Mayflower Pilgrims 7-10 4. The History and Gazetteer of the United States of America 11-14 5. The Dunham Family: Tradition,Genealogy,Citations,and Family Residences: England, Holland, Massachusetts, Vermont, Illinois, and Ohio. 15-47 6. The Dunham Affiliated Families: Morton, Whiston, Rickard, Tilson, Hatherly, Conant, and Fay. 48-55 7. The Billings Family and Affiliates:Kenney,Belding,MacMillan, Chapman,Stebbins,Citations,and Residence:Onawa,Iowa. 56-69 8. The Dunham Family Affiliates: Yates, Robson, Layne, Brown, Powers, Cosgray, and Citations. 70-78 9. The Powell Family and Affiliates: Morgan, McManus, Fee, Ketchum, Barbour, and Citations. 79-86 10. The Hice {Hise) Family and Affiliates: Fowler ,Gibson, Miller, and Citations. 87-98 11. The Gray Family: Tradition,Gene..1logy,Citations,and Residences: Scotland, North Ireland, Mass.,N. Y .and Ohio. 99-117 12. The Gray Famil Affiliates: Root, Hart, Russell, Andrus, 5=1oes (Close , Wertz, Holliday, Fox, and Welly. 118-136 13. The Appendix: Familv Ancestral States (U.S.A.),Overseas Resi­ dences of C.G.Dunham, and American urban Residences of R.M.Dunham,Citations,and Special Data. 137-152. 14. The Index of Family Names: Dunham, Powell, Gray, and Andrus. 153-160 Pre Lice This genealor~ical rese;irch of the Dun!1,.m, Billings, Powell, Hice, Gray, Andrus, and rel:tted Ltrnilies, is interesting,enlightening,and vital; revealing the life of an ancestor, a L11nily, a community, a state, a nation, and a world: new and old. The biogr.1phy of an Individu;d is a basic foundation of the story of a Family; and the F,llnily narr:dive is ;1 fundamental phase in the lite of a Community; .ind the Community narr:1tion is ;1 vital influence in the history of a State, a N:ttion, and the World. A year portrays pe rson:11, soc i:d, economic, politic,d, cultural, spiritual, national, ,ind inte1nation:il lifr: 1492, 1620, 1776, 1861, ,rnd 1956. A n:ttional section: reve.ils distinctive ch:ir;icteristics, quite varied t rom other regions: l'\o rtl1. South. New E:ngLrnd, Deep South, Middle We st, ,,nd F:1 r West. This research is not definitive or final,until all the data is discovered. It is ever revisable when-ever new facts .tre unearthed.and new rnaterial provided, Tradition, :tnd Le ;~end-Mythology must :1 lw.i ys be proved ultimately by "vital" sLttistics. If you.the reader, ,l reLttive, ;i friend, or <1n :11n;1teur :~ene,ilogist can provide ;i n<:>w version, gre,1t or sm:1ll, it \vill be happily received .t nd inc orpo r;ltcd in the 1~e nca logy. We appreciate the collcbor.itive f~enealogic:il rese:irch of:­ Florence l. R:1rcLiy, of Whitrnan,Mass. Arn. Boer,the Buri~enwcster of Zevenhuizcn,HolLind. Dr. H;1ns Breyman,of West Berlin,Gerrn~ny. Vera Creswell,the Postrnaster of Sc-rooby,EngLtnd, Thelma Powe 11 r'ee, of C;inonsbur g, P.1. Edna Fowler.of Penn Run,Pa. Clayton J. Fullt·r,of Montgornery,Vermont. Frances Stron;~ Hclm;in,of lndiana,Penn;i. Sutton Hice.of York,Nebrask.1. Ruby D~m Hurlbut,of Enosburg F;dls, Vermont, Frank £. Le.ich,Postmaster of Dunham-on-Trent.England. Edna Lehrn.in,Librarian of Ebensburg,Penn;1, Mrs. J. Lloyd Lewis. Posl1n.ister o! Lbnbrynm:1ir,Wales. Misses l·:lL·.abeth Lucile ,rnd Louise M:irie MacMillan,of On.1w:i,lowa, Lucile F.Pierson,of Holly Hill,l<'Jorida. Thomas Parry,Libr:iri;1n of the N;it'l Library of Aberystwyth.Wales. William Galbraith Smith.of W.ishington,D.C. Elsie C. Wells.of Bakersfield,Vermont. (Loan books frorn the New EngLind Historic Gene:dogic.tl Society.Boston) THI-: MEANING AND SIGNIFICANC.I:: OF ANCESTRAL NAMES Humanity has been endowed with one name,then two names,later three names;and sometimes four names. Royalty and nobility are bestowed with a host l')f names. The name of the primitive,savage,barbarian was a secret:a magical treasure. He was not known by his private name,but by a convenient ''public'' name that signified a relations hip,a c haracte riza tion,or even a "nickname." The name l')f the Biblical Hebrew is a branch of the Family Tree,or descriptive of the infant's birth,or commemorative of family history.or the pl')rtrayal of spiritual ideals to suggest a noble way of life. The triple-names l')f the Roman were: 1. The personal name of the individual (praenomen). 2. The clan name "f the household (nomen). 3. The family name of the clan branch revealing ancient lineage (cognomen). The Roman military Cl')nquerl')r at times was accorded a fourth line to glorify his victory,and the Roman statesman tn accord appreciation of his civic achievements. One's Name should uniquely distinguish the Individual. One should be proud of the Family or Surname (last name);of the Baptismal or Christening Given Name (first name);and of the Middle or Secondary Name. I.This tri-fold name,or three names;are descriptive of one:s heredity: the Genealogy nr History of one's Family.the record of ones Ancestors:or a branch of the Family-Tree. 2. These names also reveal one: s environment: locality ,occupation, geograph­ ical setting,relatives and friends. 3. Also these names portray personality:physical characteristics,mental traits,and ideals of character;suggestive of the hopes of parents to be achieved in the life of the child. One!s Name or three-fold Name may answer one or more or all of the following queries: 1. What is his original home or pre side nt residence? 2. What is his life-work? 3.Who is his father? His relatives and friends? 4. What is his most prominent personality trait? 5. What is his distinctive:: peculiarity? BIBLICAL NAMES OF OUR AMERICAN ANCESTORS Abia & Abiah:Jehnvah is. Father. Abijah:My Father is Jehovah. Abraham: father 0 f a multitude .. Almnn: hidden;hiding place. Andrew: manly. As;i: healing,physician. Benaiah: built by Jehovah; Jehovah is intelligent. Benjamin: son of the right hand; son 0 f my right hand,pnrtending com fort and consolation. Caleb: (dog) bold,im­ petunus. Cnnsider: diligently. Daniel: God is Judge;God is my Judge. David:be­ lnved;favnurite. Ebenezer: stone nf help;God's help;God:s helper;God is Helper. 1 Elias: (The Greek form of Elijah) My God is Jehovah. Elijah: Jehovah is God; God Himself. Elisha: God is Saviour. Enos: mortalrman;especially as mortal, decaying. Ephraim: fruitful,doubly fruitful. Erastus: beloved. Gideon:hill­ breaker;tree-feller;great warrior or destroyer. Hezekiah: Jehovah is strength; strengthened of Jehovah;hc1rden. Increase: increase,produce. Ira: watchful, watcher,citizen,watchful. Isaac:laughter,mockery,he will laugh:--r;-;ael: The prince that prevails witp God; ruling with God;a prince with God;a contender with God;a soldier of God. Jabez: height;a high place;who causes sorrow. James: (Jacob) heel-catcher,supplanter. Jeremiah: exalted of Jehovah;Jehovah will rise. Jesse: root, root of God and ancestor of the Messiah;firm. John: Jehovah favored. Jonathan: Jehovah is given;God-given. Joseph: addition;inc reaser;adding. Joshua: Jehovah saves. Josiah: Jehovah supports;founded by Jehovah. Matthias: g_ift of Jehovah. Micaiah: who is like Jehovah. Moses: to draw;drawn out;drawn out of water. Nathaniel (Nathanaelt gift of God;given of God. Noah: rest;quiet. Peter: a rock,a stone. Silas: (a contraction of Silvanus,Sylvanus):wooded. Salmon: clothed or clnthing. Samuel: heard of God;asked of God. Solomon: peace Stephen: crown. Sylvanus: {Silvanus):wooded. Theophilus: beloved of God;friend of God;loved by God. Thomas: turn. Timothy: honoured of God,honoring God. Zurishaddai: The Almighty is a Rnck;My Rnck is the Almighty. Abigail: snurce nr ca use of de light;ex ulta tion. Anna: grace. Bathsheba: daughter of an na th. Ba thshua: daughter of prosperity. Deborah: bee, wasp. Elisabeth:the nath 0f God;God is a Swearer. Esther:Star;the planet of Venus. Eunice:thankful,to thank.to praise,good victory. Hannah:grace,graciousness,favor. Humility: gentleness.lowliness of mind.affliction. Joanna: a gracious gift of God. Judith: Jewess. Lydia (Lidia): {A country and people of North Africa;a devout woman nf Thyatira;a seller nr purple). Martha: lady. Mary: exalted;bi.tter;re­ bellion. Mercy: kindness;loving kindness. Myrtle: tree. Phoebe (Phebe) :radiant. Rachel (Rachael):ewe;a lamb. Rebecc;1 (Rebekkah) :fhttcring. Sarah: my princess. Susanna: (Susannah) lily. THI·~ Mt:ANING OF NAMES OF P!;:NNSYLVANIA ANCESTORS Heinrich: (Heinerich,Henrich,HENRY,Henricus) a courageous man;a spirited man;a spirited he ro;manly courage ,vigor. Georg: (George) a farmer ,one who tills the soil ;a husbandman,an ag ric ulturis t. Wilhelm: (William) a defender;a potential shield;a strong protector. Johannes: (Jnhann,Johan,Han,Hans,Jan) the mercy of the Lord;the grace of the Lord Rei. nhard: (Richard) richly hnnored; rich;honored. Christopher: .1 bearer of Christ.Matthias: (Mathias) the gift of God. Sebastian: a ugus t;exa l te<t,e leva ted. Dietrich:(Derrick) a patriot nr friend to the people. -V ,dentin: (V ,:dentine) strong ,powerful ,a rnan of valor. Peter: (Petrus) a rnck nr stnne;nrze that is imn1ovable nr firm.
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