E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2016 No. 54 Senate The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was advance the FAA Reauthorization Act RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY called to order by the President pro and then to strengthen it further with LEADER tempore (Mr. HATCH). the most comprehensive airline secu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mi- f rity reforms in years. nority leader is recognized. PRAYER We appreciate Senator THUNE’s work f with the Aviation Subcommittee chair, The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS Senator AYOTTE, as well as Senators fered the following prayer: NELSON and CANTWELL, to move an Mr. REID. Mr. President, later today Let us pray. the Senate will confirm Waverly Cren- Savior of all, make us patient and amendment designed to keep pas- sengers safer and to help deter ter- shaw to serve as a district judge for the kind. Help us to not do to others what Middle District of Tennessee. we wouldn’t want done to us. rorism in airports on U.S. soil. The amendment will help shore up security Mr. Crenshaw is a superb nominee Lord, fill the hearts of our Senators with impeccable credentials and a with Your overflowing love. Enable measures for international flights com- ing into the United States as well as sharp legal mind. He works at a pres- them to love their neighbors as You tigious law firm in Nashville, where he have commanded them to do. Plant improve vetting and inspections of air- port employees. became the first ever African-Amer- within our lawmakers a sure con- ican partner. fidence in Your prevailing providence. I would also like to recognize Sen- Mr. Crenshaw is well liked by Demo- Renew and refresh them for the chal- ator HEINRICH for his work to include crats and well liked by Republicans. lenges of this day. Keep them congenial provisions that will increase security His nomination is supported by the Re- with their colleagues, ever eager to ex- measures in prescreening airport zones publican Senators from Tennessee, and plore common ground. and expand preparation for active the Judiciary Committee reported his We pray in Your great Name. Amen. shooter events. nomination unanimously. f This FAA reauthorization legislation Waverly Crenshaw’s confirmation is PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE will do more for security than any desperately needed. The vacancy he other in years. It will do more for pas- will fill in the Middle District of Ten- The President pro tempore led the sengers than any other in years as well. nessee is a judicial emergency, mean- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ing there are more cases than the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Don’t take my word for it. A con- sumer columnist for the Washington judges in that district can administer. United States of America, and to the Repub- While I am pleased the Senate will lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Post labeled it ‘‘one of the most pas- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. senger-friendly Federal Aviation Ad- confirm Mr. Crenshaw later today, I wonder why this eminently qualified f ministration reauthorization bills in a generation.’’ It includes a number of nominee wasn’t confirmed a long time RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY consumer-friendly provisions, like fee ago. It has been more than a year since LEADER disclosures and refunds for lost bags or President Obama nominated him. The The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. services paid for but not received, and Judiciary Committee reported his LANKFORD). The majority leader is rec- does so without imposing choice-lim- nomination unanimously more than 9 ognized. iting regulations or fees and taxes on months ago. f airline passengers. That a consensus nominee like Wa- verly Crenshaw had to wait so long to FAA REAUTHORIZATION BILL This is a good bill and a good exam- be confirmed is another example—and Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, the ple of what can get accomplished with not a good one—of Senate Republicans’ chairman of the Commerce Committee, a Senate that is back to work. It would concerted effort to undermine the Senator THUNE, says that keeping help keep Americans safe, both in our American judiciary system. The Re- Americans safe from future attacks is airports and in the skies. It has en- publican leader and the chairman of a top priority. He is right, of course. joyed support from both sides of the the Senate Judiciary Committee are From Brussels to Egypt, events around aisle. leading an all-out assault on our Na- the world underscore the need for If Members have additional ideas tion’s courts by depriving them of stronger security measures for our Na- they think might strengthen the bill qualified judges. tion’s air traffic. further, I would again encourage them Americans know of Republicans’ un- That is why I was glad when large bi- to work with the bill managers so we precedented obstruction of President partisan majorities voted last week to can continue moving forward. Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1841 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:29 Apr 12, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11AP6.000 S11APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S1842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 11, 2016 Merrick Garland. Republican gridlock support of both of his home State Re- ObamaCare is working for the Amer- is precluding Judge Garland from a publican Senators. The committee re- ican people. hearing and a vote. But that same grid- ported his nomination in October. Mr. President, I see no one on the lock is extending to important lower And there are two nominees to the floor. I ask the Chair to announce the court nominees also. Western District of Pennsylvania, business for the remainder of the day. Republicans’ slow-walking and ob- Susan Paradise Baxter and Marilyn f struction of circuit and district court Jean Horan, who were recommended by RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME nominees is so pronounced that it is Senators CASEY and TOOMEY. But even actually making history, and I am not though it was recommended by a Re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under sure it is good history. publican Senator, the committee re- the previous order, the leadership time To date, this Republican-controlled ported the nominations in January but is reserved. Senate has confirmed only 16 judicial hasn’t done anything since. f nominations. Today will be the 17th. There are many other nominees MORNING BUSINESS According to the nonpartisan Congres- whom the Judiciary Committee is ig- sional Research Service, that is good noring altogether—not even holding The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under enough to make this Republican Sen- hearings. the previous order, the Senate will be ate the worst at confirming circuit So why aren’t Republican Senators in a period of morning business until 4 court and district court judges. pressing the Republican leader to do p.m., with Senators permitted to speak Chairman GRASSLEY is running the his job and schedule votes on these therein for up to 10 minutes each. least productive Judiciary Committee stalled nominations? Why isn’t the Ju- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest since World War II, measured in both diciary Committee doing their part to the absence of a quorum. judges reported out of committee and get these judges confirmed? Why isn’t The PRESIDING OFFICER. The judges confirmed. Because of the Re- the chairman of the committee doing clerk will call the roll. publicans’ sloth, judiciary emergencies his part? The legislative clerk proceeded to have nearly tripled, leaving our courts This is the same Senator GRASSLEY call the roll. overworked and Americans without who in 2008 said this: Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I ask prompt access to their judiciary sys- unanimous consent that the order for tem. Republicans are refusing to do We should get our job done and confirm these nominees because that is what it takes the quorum call be rescinded. their job, and the American people are for the judicial branch to get their work The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without suffering as a result. Republican efforts done. The judiciary needs to have the per- objection, it is so ordered. to cripple our judiciary will rever- sonnel to get their job done. f berate for decades, preventing Ameri- So let’s do what Senator GRASSLEY FAA REAUTHORIZATION BILL cans from obtaining justice. said a few years ago. Let’s get the job It is time for the Republican leader done. Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I rise and the senior Senator from Iowa to From the Supreme Court down to the today to discuss a number of my put an end to this obstruction. It is district courts, let’s get the job done amendments to the FAA reauthoriza- time they discontinue using the Senate for our Nation’s judiciary. tion bill. Judiciary Committee as a political arm f I filed Markey amendment No. 3467 to of the Republican leader’s office and protect consumers from ridiculously start doing their job. This should begin AFFORDABLE CARE ACT high airline fees. In recent years, fees by doing their constitutional duty to Mr. REID. Mr. President, last Thurs- have gone up despite the fact that gas provide advice and consent on Presi- day a Gallup and Healthways survey prices and airline choices have gone dent Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.
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